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幽默∶政治课教学活力的『糖衣』●张爱群●一、运用幽默艺术是改革政治课教学的需要十几年来,我尝试以幽默艺术之石激荡思想政治课教学浪花,收到了较好的效果。1.幽默的特点与政治课教学的目的具有一致性首先,幽默艺术要求视野开阔、思维敏捷,与政治课教学要求的“...  相似文献   

教学幽默艺术思想政治课教学艺术再论(五)●胡兴松教学幽默是教学艺术的一种特殊表现形式和基本范畴。对于教学艺术的创造者来说,必须娴熟掌握教学幽默艺术。一、教学幽默的主要功能“幽默”一词是舶来品,英文为humour,意为有趣或可笑而意味深长。对于幽默,目...  相似文献   

王振起 《新疆教育》2012,(13):62-62
教学幽默是教学艺术的一种特殊表现形式和基本范畴。对于教学艺术的创造者来说,必须娴熟掌握教学幽默艺术。 1 教学幽默的主要功能 教学幽默是教师在课堂教学中体现出来的幽默感,是教师运用富有情趣、意味深长的表现手段进行教学的富有艺术性的行为方式,思想政治课教学离不开幽默。教学幽默在教学领域大有用武之地,且具有以下几方面的教学功能。  相似文献   

论思想政治课教学的幽默艺术浙江省嵊州市教委教研室金华兴幽默源出于拉丁文Humor(原意是动植物里起润滑剂作用的液汁),今引申为语言交谈的润滑剂。思想政治课教学中的幽默艺术,主要是指用可笑的形式表现真理和智慧,用谐趣的手段来揭示事物的矛盾和本质,使语言...  相似文献   

刘世平 《师道》2005,(6):59-59
教学幽默是教学艺术的一种特殊表现形式和基本范畴。思想政治课教学离不开幽默。教学幽默在教学领域大有用武之地,且具有激发学习兴趣、消除教学疲劳、活跃课堂气氛、深化知识理解、和谐师生关系、发展学生能力、优化学生个性等多方面的教学功能。  相似文献   

崔银环 《山东教育》2011,(29):40-41
思想政治课教学中的幽默艺术,主要是指用可笑的形式表现真理和智慧,用谐趣的手段来揭示事物的矛盾和本质,使语言信息的传递与转换过程得到优化,直接创造出课堂教学的良好效果。思想政治课教师,除了具备坚定的信仰、渊博的知识、熟练的教学技能,还必须努力提高自己的幽默教学艺术,成为教学语言的幽默大师。下面,仅就笔者的教学实际,谈谈幽默性语言艺术的主要技巧。  相似文献   

教学幽默是一种教学艺术,是教师个性和智慧的结晶,既有经验的积累,又有课堂教学中灵感的火花。本文阐述思想政治课教学中幽默教学的作用,并对教学幽默运用时要把握质、量、度三个方面进行了反思。  相似文献   

思想政治课教学过程比较呆板、枯燥,易导致学生失去学习兴趣。在思想政治课堂教学中使用必要的幽默艺术,将对提高政治课堂教学效率有着不可忽略的作用。教学幽默是一种教学艺术,是教师个性和智慧的结晶,既有经验的积累,又有课堂教学中灵感的火花。因此教师在思想政治教学中运用幽默艺术,并讲究幽默性语言的教育性、美感性、愉悦性、含蓄性、适度性,拉近师生距离,学生也因幽默而亲其师、信其道,达到智育与德育双重教育的目的。  相似文献   

思想政治教学内容大多具有理论性、严肃性、抽象性和深刻性的特点,很容易使课堂变得枯燥无味,平淡无奇,使学生在课堂上很容易产生疲劳、厌倦感,甚至昏昏欲睡。思想政治课教学不但可以而且必须运用教学幽默艺术,只有运用教学幽默艺术,  相似文献   

本文从思想品德学科教育者的传授方式和传授技巧方面综合考虑,在思想政治课教学中讲求幽默艺术并将其运用到教学的各个环节中,对思想品德课教学任务的完成能起到极大的作用。  相似文献   

We all know that they do it, but what do students laugh about when learning science together? Although research has shown that students do use humor when they learn science, the role of humor in science education has received little attention. In this study, undergraduate students’ laughter during collaborative work in physics has been investigated. In order to do this, a framework inspired by conversation analysis has been used. Empirical data was drawn from two video-recorded sessions in which first-year engineering students solved physics problems together. The analysis revealed that the students’ use of humor was almost exclusively related to physics. Five themes identified summarize the role of humor in the group discussions: Something is obvious, Something is difficult, Something said might be wrong, Something is absurd, and Something said is not within informal norms.This study shows that humor may contribute not only to a good working atmosphere and thereby to the students’ learning but also how humor interrelates with both disciplinary culture of physics and its epistemology. The students do not only create and re-create humor that facilitates their social interactions, but through humor they constitute local norms of science and engage with the disciplinary discourse.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the use of humor in college classrooms. We examined how students perceived professors' uses of various types of humor during class and the types of humor that students and faculty recommend for use in class. We also correlated the way professors incorporated humor into their class lectures with their perceived competence and effectiveness, and we investigated whether students felt their learning experience improved when their teachers used humor. We also discussed topics such as ''scarcasm,'' professor gender, student and faculty support of humor, and humor in classrooms, tests, and the rest of life. Humor appropriately used has the potential to humanize, illustrate, defuse, encourage, reduce anxiety, and keep people thinking.  相似文献   

介绍了概念整合理论,认为其作为认知语言学的核心理论之一,能较深刻地揭示言语幽默的意义生成机制及其背后的心理认知过程。它为汉英辞格幽默互译提供理据,对二语的教与学亦有所启示,并帮助提高具有社会属性的人在交际中运用幽默的能力。探讨了运用修辞格的一类言语幽默,即通过语言要素的变异衍生效果的一类幽默。  相似文献   

元明水浒戏在审美趣向上大不相同:人物形象上,元代水浒戏以俗为美,而明代水浒戏则富于伦理美;剧场氛围上,元代水浒戏幽默风趣,喜剧色彩突出,而明代水浒戏庄严肃穆更倾向于崇高之美;语言上,元代水浒戏本色当行,而明代水浒戏因文人参与而富于绮丽之美。这种审美趣向的差别折射了时代变迁。  相似文献   

教学语言的艺术性,至少可以用六个字来概括,即“清晰、有情、幽默”。本文试着从三个方面来谈语文课堂中语言的幽默艺术:第一,语文课堂语言的幽默艺术的重要性;第二,创造课堂幽默艺术的几种方法;第三,课堂语言幽默艺术所产生的三点美感效应。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,西方黑色幽默出现于中国当代小说中,进而扩展到中国的电影领域。虽然中国电影尚未形成特定的流派,但黑色幽默已然成为当代中国电影中的一个重要元素。黑色幽默在影像表达中有其独特的视听语言,其寓言化的镜像语言、"戏仿"、"拼贴"的娴熟手段、"挪用"、"误置"的台词等,丰富和发展了当代中国电影的艺术表现形式。与西方影片中的黑色幽默相比,大陆电影中的黑色幽默已经具备一定本土化的特征。  相似文献   

The potential usefulness of assessing both positive and negative humor styles in communication was considered by comparing 2 instruments designed to assess stable individual differences in uses of humor. One instrument assesses humor style as a single dimension, and the other distinguishes between and separately assesses the positive and negative humor styles assumed to be theoretically important. The results indicate that the multidimensional measure does capture the variety of uses of humor that have been empirically and theoretically described, and that the additional differences identified have important implications for how people's uses of humor are perceived and how humor styles may affect social relationships.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(1):177-180
Abstract. Several studies have examined the pedagogical implications and cautions concerning the use of humor in teaching. Humor has been associated with a host of positive physiological and psychological effects. Researchers have identified that educators who use humor in their instruction are more positively rated by their peers and their students; others have suggested that humor may enhance learning. Although much of this evidence has been anecdotal, the present study assesses the impact of curriculum-specific humor on retention and recall, as well as student evaluations of the course and the instructor. The appropriate use of humor in a classroom setting is discussed and cautions against tendentious humor are addressed.  相似文献   

美国教育中的幽默   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在美国,幽默被认定为教师"最强有力的教学策略"之一,并认为它对教育具有多方面的作用,美国许多教师在教学中频繁地使用幽默.本文介绍了美国教育中幽默应用的状况,重点在于展示美国在幽默对教育的作用方面所进行的相关研究,以期对我国的快乐教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   

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