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Previous research concerning teacher practical knowledge has revealed its epistemological foundations, content structure and research methodology, but little research examines its ethical dimension. Based on a four-year project in China, this study probes the ethical dimension of an experienced teacher’s practical knowledge, explicated in a dilemmatic but teachable moment. Narrative inquiry is used as both a research method and a representational form to reveal the teacher’s ethical decisions and actions in the nested macro–meso–micro dilemmatic spaces. It is found that the teacher’s practical knowledge is embedded in a complicated web of meanings, and tapestried by her compromise to the national policies, her negotiation with the school governance and her caring for her students with diverse backgrounds. The ethical dimension of her practical knowledge provides her a vital power to carry out her educational practice. It is advocated that an ‘ethical turn’ for research and practice in teacher professional development is needed, so as to authorize teachers’ professionality reflected in their roles as humanity cultivators and transformative intellectuals. Moreover, under the global educational reform context since late 1990s, this article can be seen not only as a case from China, but also has implications for other countries in the world.  相似文献   

研究中国美学的若干方法论问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国现当代美学,大体上说,是“西方美学在中国”,其时代大背景是“西方文化在中国”。这里的“西方美学”主要是指西方的传统认识论美学,而不是由康德道德形上学(神学)所突破的道德美学本体论。后者正是架接中国心性哲学美学,即道德形上学哲学美学的直接参照系。美学学科应有两种不同形态:哲学体系型美学与诗性智慧型美学。当务之急,是引入康德的美学智慧(美是道德的象征),去梳理、建构中国道德美学本体论;诗性智慧型美学是中国美学的特长,我们已洞开大门。我们面临着一体两面的难题:一方面要建构道德形上美学(外),另一方面又要相应地转换思维方式(内),“合内外之道”,这才是我们的目标。  相似文献   

黑格尔的《精神现象学》以伦理世界为绝对前提的道德世界和解模式,是对现代伦理世界的现象学考察.现代性道德世界观的和谐是预定的,因而道德意识是以背反式存在的;道德意识这种“颠倒”的存在,即是伦理精神的“对象性表象”存在——伪善.在道德自我的统一中,通过道德语言的中项作用,个体道德的罪过得以宽恕,伦理普遍意识得以现实存在,伦理普遍意识与个体道德行为得到相互承认,达到和解.伦理精神以“理性直观”的形式保存于道德世界之中.  相似文献   

优良道德:现代教学道德价值的必然追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学是一项富有道德理想和伦理使命的善的活动.追求优良道德,是现代教学价值的内在要求与价值引领的应有之义,更是当前教学改革实践的必要规约.让教学回归善的本性,使其成为实践优良道德的事业,是现代教学道德价值的必然追求.  相似文献   

中国当代外交伦理思想探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国外交伦理思想始终贯穿于国家的外交实践,涵盖中国对外交往的各个领域。随着时代的进步和外交实践的发展,中国外交伦理思想越来越鲜明,内容也越来越系统、全面。主要包括:韬光养晦的道德素养;确立维护世界和平,促进共同发展的伦理目标;坚持和平共处五项原则的伦理准则;塑造和谐世界的国际伦理秩序,遵守平等、正义、民主的道德规范,树立负责任大国伦理形象。中国外交伦理思想的推行,虽受到多方面因素的影响或制约,但能够提升中国软力量,有助于引领国际社会构建和谐的世界秩序。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to call for the inclusion of culture as a central component in the field of consultation. For consultation to remain maximally effective, current with counseling and psychological frameworks, and compliant with ethical standards, it is imperative that all consultation theory, research, practice, and training be examined and understood in the context of culture (Duncan, 1995; Gibbs, 1985; Hansen, Himes, & Meier, 1990; Henning-Stout, 1994a; Ingraham & Tarver Behring, 1996; Jackson & Hayes, 1993).  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to address the grand sustainability challenges of our time, and to explore new and more responsible ways of operating, researching, and innovating that enable society to respond to these challenges. The emergent Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) policy agenda can act as a catalyst towards the development of new and more responsible research and innovation efforts. Inevitably, higher education needs to be closely attuned to this need and agenda, by preparing students to engage in RRI efforts. This paper makes a first step towards guiding the embedding of RRI within higher education. It does so by bringing together academic knowledge with phronesis or practical knowledge about what should be done in an ethical, political, and practical sense. It draws on a literature review and on the reflective practices of partners in the European Commission funded project EnRRICH (Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education), as well as on interviews and case studies gathered as part of the project. The paper suggests elements, especially design principles and a competence framework, for (re)designing curricula and pedagogies to equip higher education students to be and to become responsible actors, researchers, and innovators in a complex world, and to address grand sustainability challenges. In addition, this paper proposes that contemporary higher education teaching and learning policies and strategies, especially those promoting neoliberal agendas and marketized practices, need to adopt a more responsible and responsive ethos to foster the renewal of higher education in times of systemic dysfunction.  相似文献   

行政伦理视野中的行政自由裁量权   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
行政自由裁量权作为行政伦理学的一个核心概念,在本质上是一种伦理性裁量权;行政自由裁量权的伦理本质为行政自由裁量权行使的伦理向度提供了理论依据;行政伦理问题的研究真正受到重视是基于对行政自由裁量权的确认与考察;行政伦理在行政自由裁量权的行使中发挥着极为重要的作用,因此行政自由裁量权的正当行使必须遵循一定的伦理规则.  相似文献   

准确把握伦理学批评需要防止一种伦理现象——即伦理形而上学化的出现,该现象的存在妨碍了伦理生活的和谐化。因为和谐的伦理生活既使共同体生活充满活力,同时又使生活于其中的个体心情愉悦,但伦理形而上学化或导致过于强调团体利益而忽视、践踏个体利益,或执着于个体利益而罔顾集体利益,而从本质上讲二者都是伦理暴力化的表现。  相似文献   

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the world have found themselves faced with new challenges on issues of ethics. Much of this has been centred on issues of assessment: plagiarism, buying essays, sharing/lending of previously passed work and the stealing of marked/returned work of others. Institutions still treat academic misconduct as largely a behavioural difficulty rather than an issue of ethics (or education), suggesting that academia places a far greater emphasis on combating new forms of dishonesty than it does on encouraging ethical habits and a healthy ethical environment. To date, the majority of research in this area has examined these forms of academic misconduct from the point of view of the student and/or the university, with the perspective of academics receiving very limited attention. Our hypothesis is that academics are perhaps best placed to provide the education needed to create and sustain an ethical environment, and we argue that being ‘ethically aware’ is a critical factor in the development of academic competence for all parties. This study adds to existing research in three ways: firstly, by highlighting the importance of an overall framework for an ethical environment within HEIs; secondly, by suggesting an ecological model of key parties (the university, students and academics) with responsibility for this environment in assessment; and thirdly, by including new evidence (generated by a survey of academics) to extend our understanding of their views on these issues.  相似文献   

马克思主义国际关系理论具有与西方主流理论不同的逻辑体系和哲学内涵,在世界政治的主题、世界政治的发展动力、研究国际问题的基本范式及理论自身的哲学和历史本质方面,马克思主义与西方理论既有相似和相近的一面,同时更有自己的独特视角.如何以更加开放和科学的态度来看待马克思主义的国际关系理论,并将其理论精义运用于社会主义国家的对外实践和国际关系的学术研究,是今天中国国际关系学界所必须面对的问题.  相似文献   

The development of ethical standards by professional associations, boards, councils and colleges of teachers, responds in part to a moral imperative that teachers and school leaders be accountable to the wider community, and in part to a desire to enhance the overall professionalism of educators' behaviour. This article explores the conceptual and practical complexities inherent in defining ethical standards for the teaching profession with a particular focus on their questionable capacity for implementation. In combining empirical evidence from previously reported research studies with newly fabricated first person narrative responses to the evidence, the article seeks to illustrate the difficulty, if not the impossibility, of applying ethical standards to actual situations in any professionally and ethically satisfying way. It argues further that moral dilemmas facing teachers are potentially resolvable only by communities of educators internalizing and applying principles of ethics, not formalized codes or standards.  相似文献   

计算机伦理学中的理性、相对性与责任   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计算机伦理学是伦理学研究和应用的特殊领域。计算机伦理学的特殊之处就在于它会碰到不断产生的大量的情况,对这些情况难以清楚地概念化并找到合理的伦理政策。人类共享一些基本价值,这些核心价值为我们提供评价我们行为和政策是否合理的标准。这些核心价值赋予我们采取某些行动,不去做其他行动的理由。采用伦理的观点,人们必须尊重他人以及他们的核心价值观。核心价值观为分析计算机伦理学提供了一个框架。通过使用核心价值框架,可以判断有些运用计算机技术的政策比其他的政策好。如果我们能够避免那些对他人造成严重伤害的政策,那将是朝向负责任的伦理行为的良好开端。责任要求我们对计算机不断改进的技术采纳伦理的观点,进行不间断的概念分析、形成政策及证明其正确性。  相似文献   

所有人类行为都具有伦理含义,而且在所有时代与地点,都会提出有关道德行为与道德原则的问题,并尝试解答它们。对道德进行系统反思的伦理理论,可以为实施道德教育的"思想道德教育与法律基础"课教学提供理论基础。如何将伦理理论对道德的理性反思融入到"思想道德教育与法律基础"课的教学中成为摆在每一位任课教师面前的一个迫切需要解决的现实问题。  相似文献   

传统本体论追求凌驾于人的世界之上的最高真理,拒斥一切变化不定,排斥现实的生活。因此,传统本体论并不能揭示属人世界内在的逻各斯,有着无法克服的伦理难题。马克思的实践概念是指人自由自觉的活动,是人的根本存在方式。马克思哲学以实践为基础,回归现实的生活世界。人在实践活动中创造对象世界,并确证自我,人的全部关系在实践中得以重新梳理。在这个全新的属人的世界中有着全新的伦理关系。实践使人在全部关系的合理化中向着合乎自己本性的存在复归。  相似文献   

Pedagogy Against the State   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Science as profession is generally defined narrowly as research. Science education as preparation for a profession in research is usually perceived as course work and laboratory training, even though the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a research career are more extensive and diverse and are learned in one-on-one interaction with mentors. A complete education of science professionals includes the values, ethical standards and conventions of the discipline since they are fundamental to the profession. Mentoring and education in the responsible conduct and reporting of research and in the ethical dimensions of science are among the professional responsibilities of scientists and need to be discussed as part of science education. Moreover, science as an enterprise is much more than research and includes a number of other components, including science teaching, science journalism, and science policy. Each of these contributes to the nature of science and its role in society.  相似文献   

Participants in educational technology research regularly share personal data which carries with it risks. Informing participants of these data sharing risks is often only done so through text contained within a consent form. However, conceptualizations of data sharing risks and knowledge of responsible data management practices among teachers and learners may be impoverished—limiting the effectiveness of a consent form in communicating such risks in a manner that adequately supports participants in making informed decisions about sharing their data. At two high schools participating in an educational research project involving the use of technology in the classroom, we investigate teacher and student conceptions of data sharing risks and knowledge of responsible data management practices; and introduce a communication approach that attempts to better inform educational technology research participants of such risks. Results of this study suggest that most teachers have not received formal training related to responsibly managing data; and both teachers and students see the need for such training as they come to realize that their understanding of responsible data management is underdeveloped. Thus, efforts beyond solely explaining data sharing risks in an informed consent form may be needed in educational technology research to facilitate ethical self-determination.  相似文献   

Dominant constructions of professionalism in early childhood education can diminish early childhood teachers’ and educators’ undertaking of advocacy at the systems or political level. In this paper, we propose an ethically grounded construction of professionalism that provides space for professional practice to move beyond the classroom and into the political sphere. Findings from interviews with four early childhood teachers from Australia who undertake systems advocacy as part of their professional practice show that this work is driven by ethical influences that extend beyond the rule-based imperative, in ethical codes, that teachers should undertake systems advocacy. Findings highlight the value of considering systems advocacy as practice that emerges from an interplay of three theoretical foundations of ethics: deontology, utilitarianism and virtue ethics. Implications for teacher professionalism and the building of a teacher disposition that incorporates systems advocacy are considered.  相似文献   

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