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In this paper we tackle the issue of an eventual stability of teachers’ activity in the classroom. First we explain what kind of stability is searched and how we look for the chosen characteristics: we analyse the mathematical activity the teacher organises for students during classroom sessions and the way he manages the relationship between students and mathematical tasks. We analyse three one-hour sessions for different groups of 11 year old students on the same content and with the same teacher, and two other sessions for 14 year old and 15 year old students, on analogous contents, with the same teacher (another one). Actually it appears in these two examples that the main stabilities are tied with the precise management of the tasks, at a scale of some minutes, and with some subtle characteristic touches of the teacher’s discourse. We present then a discussion and suggest some inferences of these results.
J. RogalskiEmail:


Can school increase its productivity? Which is the attitude of teachers to this issue? INRP and University of Paris 5 made conducted survey on the issue, by questionnaire. Among more than 2000 answers to the questionnaire, a sample of 988 has been extracted to accurately represent the heterogeneous spectrum of French secondary school teachers. Individual qualities are considered essential spectrum among the conditions for success. The majority of teachers does not expect school to be able to counterbalance individual differences. Implications of these attitudes for teacher training are then discussed.  相似文献   

This report presents some initiatives taken at the Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) to improve the standard of engineering education. Some particular efforts are described: the entrance examination and the related problems, the definition of the curricula, the collaboration between teachers teams, integrated collective projects, ‘;Study years’ Committees, teachers evaluation, tutor-students, international exchanges, industrial contacts, thesis projects, continuing education.

RÉSUMÉ Cet exposé presente succinctement quelques initiatives prises à l'Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) dans le but d'améliorer la formation de ses ingénieurs. Parmi celles-ci on détaille quelque peu: l'examen d'admission et sa problématique, le dosage des programmes de cours, les cotitulatures entre professeurs de sciences et professeurs ingénieurs, les exercices intégrés (projets entrepris par les étudiants dès le début des Etudes), les comités d'années et leur rôle, 1'évaluation des enseignements, les étudiants-moniteurs, les stages, les échanges internationaux, les Journées de l'lndustrie, les travaux de fin d'études. On mentionne aussi les initiatives en matiere de formation continue.  相似文献   

This article addresses first of all the question why nowadays evaluation is so intensively promoted. It then goes on to analyse the reasons why there is currently a resistance to evaluation among teachers. It refers especially to the situation in Greece, where evaluation has been absent since 1981, whereas before that date it was applied in an oppressive manner, more resembling discipline and punishment than the personal development of the teachers. The authors refer particularly to the work of Michel Foucault but also to that of J. F. Lyotard. They point out that it is the teachers' fear of evaluation of their personal identity rather than their professional competence that lies behind the resistance to evaluation. Emphasis is placed on the necessity to support teachers in their personal and professional development. The use of action research, termed "critical active research" in Greek, is advocated as a basic strategy for the development of the teacher as well as of the curriculum and of society in general.  相似文献   

This article addresses first of all the question why nowadays evaluation is so intensively promoted. It then goes on to analyse the reasons why there is currently a resistance to evaluation among teachers. It refers especially to the situation in Greece, where evaluation has been absent since 1981, whereas before that date it was applied in an oppressive manner, more resembling discipline and punishment than the personal development of the teachers. The authors refer particularly to the work of Michel Foucault but also to that of J. F. Lyotard. They point out that it is the teachers' fear of evaluation of their personal identity rather than their professional competence that lies behind the resistance to evaluation. Emphasis is placed on the necessity to support teachers in their personal and professional development. The use of action research, termed "critical active research" in Greek, is advocated as a basic strategy for the development of the teacher as well as of the curriculum and of society in general.  相似文献   

The author analyses two experiments with alternative forms of training of teachers of modem languages, carried out in Greece in 1982 to 1985. Examining first the ideology of training, she first calls in question some basic assumptions concerning teacher models and the processes of training, which risk perpetuating traditional, teacher‐taught, attitudes. The concept of training is set against that of teacher autonomy; the rigidity suggested by ‘training’, it is suggested, can be counter‐productive. The approach adopted in the experiments described has been that of maximising autonomy.

The first experiment extended over three years, commencing 1982. It aimed at reestablishing the theory‐practice link, in the hope of bringing into being a ‘teacher‐researcher’. The strategies adopted are described, with an emphasis on the multiplier effect of the first group on return to their schools, and with a subsequent extension to initial training as well as in‐service. Despite difficulties, positive results were achieved.

The second experiment commenced in 1983 and drew upon the existing project. It aimed at the production of new curricula and evaluation methods, and upon new curriculum materials. Teachers were actively involved in the process, their involvement being essential in the eyes of the project team. The experience was highly innovatory, leading to a complete restructuring of class activities and to the emergence of new pupil‐teacher relationships, and of a new learning transaction.  相似文献   

De prime abord, il faut souligner que le circuit fermé de télévision n'est qu'un des moyens audio-visuels utilisés dans les facultés des sciences. Le nombre et l'employ de ces circuits fermés de télévision restent encore limités, c'est le cinéma qui continue d'être le moyen vedette. Cette situation est directement liée au fait que si l'on considère le rapport: travail/efficacité/prix, le circuit fermé de télévision est le plus cher des moyens audio-visuels. Néamnions la loupe collective ou épiscope électronique, échappe à cette critique.  相似文献   

On aura donc à résoudre, par divers moyens, cette difficulté centrale qui consiste à parler d’une discipline qui n’existe pas encore, mais qui va exister, et pour laquelle il faut bien qu’il y ait, dans les temps de sa genèse, des éléments qui soient en train d’en préparer le surgissement. (Pierre Favre, Naissances de la science politique en France, 1870–1914 (Paris, 1989), p. 14)  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to give some results about research done from 1989 to 1993 concerning a written assessment situation in math class (les devoirs surveillés) with high school students (16–17 years old) who are following a science oriented curriculum. In particular, we would like to determine if and how the students are sure of the answers they give and if they verify them.Our research methodology consisted of collecting both test papers and scratch pads from all the students in one class, then of interviewing some of them using the explicatory interviewing technique developed by P. Vermersch.In order to study this specific assessment situation, we use a theoretical framework developed by Y. Chevallard concerning an anthropological approach. Then, we introduce the notions of students' private work, meant to remain unseen and during which the verifications (if any) are done, and of a public trace (the test paper) meant to be shown to the teacher and to be evaluated. From a cognitive and didactic point of view, we want to show the importance of taking into account these two components for the analysis of the students' work in problem solving.  相似文献   

We are interested in the teaching of geometry to primary school (children from 3 to 11) teachers. We define a priori a conceptual frame, which organises geometry upon three kinds of knowledge: intuition, experience and deduction. Drawing on Gonseth's works, we bring out three syntheses of elementary geometry: natural geometry (geometry I), natural axiomatic geometry (geometry II) and formalist axiomatic geometry (geometry III). Next we illustrate this conceptual frame with examples of teaching geometry. Last we bring out different conceptions of geometry in scholar system which could lead to cross purposes.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to present, some results of recent research into the competence of teachers in the field of educational use of information and communication technology in France.  相似文献   



The main stages of the evolution of biology teaching in Africa, after the independence of the countries, have been a better adaptation of the curriculum contents to the natural and socio‐cultural environment of each country, i.e. to go beyond a simple formal adaptation and to conceive curricula closer to the needs of African societies, in line with their specific values, and fitting with the cultural level of the pupils and with the preoccupations associated with a peculiar economic and social environment; an improvement of the teaching conditions, which remain difficult due to the lack of teaching aids of all kinds; a promotion of educational research, thanks to the creation and the development of administrative bodies responsible for the training of teachers and for the supervision of their activities. African countries have universities, faculties or schools of education and teacher‐training institutes, which are in charge of the training of biology teachers for secondary schools; they also have adapted their programmes to their needs; but such in‐depth adaptation must continue, so that biology teaching responds better to social evolution, to the new conditions of economic and social change and to new ethical situations.

There remains a lot to be done in the area of elaboration and evaluation of teaching methods and techniques, bearing in mind the great difficulties of the teachers who lack the necessary minimum educational aids, specially in rural areas.

The UNESCO pilot project for the improvement of biology teaching in Africa (1966‐1972) is part of a series of projects dealing with the improvement of school programmes and sponsored by UNESCO. The teaching aids produced for the English‐speaking countries of Africa were a handbook and a teacher's guide concerning an initiation course of biology for the junior level of high schools, as well as a series of loop films for the classroom. The aids produced for the French‐speaking countries of Africa were for the senior level and included booklets and colour slides, for the teachers’ use and not the pupils'; the topics involved African ecology, plants and soils, introduction to human biology, conservation and preservation of biological resources.

As a contribution to the national endeavours of educational reform, UNESCO published in 1974 and 1975 the English, French and Spanish versions, adapted to Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, of a Teacher's guide on the biology of human populations. This meant to emphasize the necessary adaptation of biology teaching to its social and cultural environment, while presenting the human populations and their relations with their environments. This is a contemporary subject, which also allows the examination of the role of biology and biology teachers’ in the general awareness of environmental problems; a subject which does not need sophisticated equipment or teaching aids, but, rather, appeals to the observation skills of teachers and pupils.

It is true that the African experience has, to some extent, followed a trend which European countries acknowledged several years ago. Adaptation of curriculum content is a long‐term task and is pursued in both kinds of countries. The African experience could certainly be beneficial to European curriculum designers. The production of all kinds of teaching aids, of various degree of complexity, in the national language, as well as the evaluation of relevant teaching methods and techniques, are areas of acute shortage, where bilateral as well as multilateral assistance could be most fruitful.  相似文献   

How girls and boys take decisions in the presence and absence of a teacher – This work is part of an innovative approach to physical and sports education in Tunisia, and team sports in particular. It uses language studies carried out within the framework of this teaching both to generate a reflective attitude on the part of students, and to identify the effect of gender as a variable in the ways in which they make decisions. Discourse analysis highlights the importance of language output by girls and boys in football teaching when a teacher is present or absent. The teacher is an institutional authority who imposes specific uses of language, and when he/she is absent, emotional tensions predominate and may reflect the repression of ideas that occurs when the teacher is present. Although girls appear to take part in the discussion, their utterances are fewer in number, and their analytical statements less effective than those of boys. Girls never gain the upper hand over boys. The study also suggests a redefinition of social role divisions on the basis of gender – masculinity and femininity.  相似文献   

A competency profile for teachers of Computer Science in Cameroonian secondary education – In 1998, the Cameroonian government decided to introduce Computer Science as a school subject. To implement this decision, it began to train teachers of Computer Science according to the same training model used for teachers of other disciplines. Despite the consensus that seems to be emerging from the scientific community regarding the need to give priority to a cross-disciplinary use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in primary and secondary education, some countries, such as Cameroon, have opted to teach Computer Science. While such a political choice might in principle appear to be inappropriate for the development of students’ ICT skills, the article shows that it nevertheless introduces teachers into the system who have a predisposition to act as catalysts for the pedagogical integration of ICT. Such a development could occur provided these teachers are trained in a range of additional skills – those proposed in the article – which would enable them to contribute effectively. If this approach were implemented, sub-Saharan countries such as Cameroon would, in their Computer Science teachers, have access to human resources capable of quickly generalising the cross-disciplinary use of ICT in the education system.  相似文献   

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