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英国南安普敦大学航空航天工程本科培养方案解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了南安普敦大学航空航天与空间系统工程本科生培养方案,包括其培养目标与培养要求、课程体系设置和核心课程的主要内容。结合CDIO理念分析,总结了其主要特色,即明确的工程教育目标、注重多种能力培养、紧密围绕专业设置课程模块、采用"积木"式教学方式、强调团队协作、重视工程管理等,对国内高校工科教育特别是航空航天类专业的教学改革具有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

1992年英国设立第一个工程博士项目,此后发展较为迅速,对行业、企业、大学和博士生都产生了正面的影响。英国工程博士项目不同于通常意义上的专业博士项目,具有自己的一些特征,为此英国工程博士协会不支持一些机构将工程博士项目归类为专业博士学位,并一直为其再定位而努力。英国工程博士项目的优点为:产学研合作共同培养博士生、严格的标准和项目的整合性。我们应学习和借鉴英国工程博士项目的成功经验,改革和完善工程博士项目。  相似文献   

Because of the crisis in the western European welfare state, government by itself can no longer provide the full range of social services that populations have come to take for granted. The shortfall must be complemented by an increasing variety of voluntary organizations. In order to be effective, however, such organizations as well as the more traditional service‐providing government organizations must have good leadership. As good leaders are as much trained to be good leaders as born, an efficient means must be developed for training leaders. Given the rapidity of social change, training must be provided on a permanent basis. The authors therefore propose the setting up of a European Master's Degree programme in leadership training. It would be modelled upon a distance Master's Degree programme in Educational Administration (Northern Interior Master's Programme ‐NIMB) that the University of Victoria in Canada offered in a large area of northwest Canada. Much of the course work for such a programme would be provided by distance means using new communication technologies. Universities in seven countries: England, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway, and Finland, that formed a consortium, would administer and offer this programme in which employed administrators could enroll.  相似文献   

Conceptualizing the Master's Degree The Evolution of the Master's Degree A Century of Reform Federal Aid and Quality Control Professionalizing Graduate Education The European Model of Professionalization The Changing Demographics of Master's Students Curricular Models of Master's Education Degree Diversity and Disciplinary Taxonomies Alternative Delivery Systems Reframing Master's Education Major Professional Programs Business Accounting Education Professionalizing Science and Engineering The Biosciences Degree Diversity: The Professional Science Master's and the Master of Bioscience Degrees The Geosciences The Chemical Sciences Physics Engineering S&E Degrees in Context Mixed Trends in the Humanities and Social Sciences Humanistic Studies Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Fields Redesigning Master's Degrees for the Marketplace Globalization and the Marketplace Convergence of Academic and Professional Fields Accountability Mandates and Quality Control Transformative Technological Advances Conclusions Notes References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

2005年美国工程教育协会的调查结果表明,美国大学根据学生的知、情、意、行四方面设计工程顶点课程,它不仅整合了学生过去学习的知识,还让学生把先前所学知识和技能应用于实践中,帮助学生理解理论和实践的相关性.围绕课程与项目的结合,美国大学工程顶点设计课程形成了自己独特的教学模式、教学方法、教学组织、教学评价目标和手段.美国大学工程顶点设计课程的成功离不开教师、资金、项目、设计流程的保障.美国大学工程顶点课程的设计经验对我国培养高质量工程人才具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

In September 1999, the Glasgow School of Art ‘Artists and Designers in Education’ programme was accepted as an important component of the GOALS project, an ACCESS initiative funded by the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council including students in schools as project leaders, tutors and mentors. This stable and long-term funding validates and ensures the future of an experimental key skills programme which has been carefully nurtured in Glasgow School of Art for the past ten years, often in the face of scepticism, voiced by those for whom higher education and especially higher art and design education is ‘only about engaging with, becoming expert in and in due course advancing the discipline itself’. [1]This paper suggests that key skills enhancement through supported and evaluated residencies in education is of demonstrable value to most emergent artists and designers regardless of their subsequent career trajectories.  相似文献   

关于工程硕士招生与办学思路的分析与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设立工程硕士专业学位是我国学位与研究生教育和发展的一项重大的改革举措,经过十余年的发展,我国工程硕士教育获得了巨大的进步。目前加快专业学位硕士教育发展步伐,优化研究生培养结构,是当前研究生教育的重大任务。如何做好工程硕士办学是以工为主的高校面临的一个普遍问题。本文通过总结燕山大学十余年来工程硕士的办学经验,对今后的工程硕士教育办学思路提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着经济社会发展,传统工科教育模式已难以满足新形势下的人才培养需求。文章分析了工科背景下的创新创业教育需具备的条件,给出了新工科背景下的创新创业教育新举措,将新工科背景下的创新创业教育模式应用于我校电子信息工程专业,取得了良好效果,这些实践经验将为高校新工科建设和创新创业教育提供参考。  相似文献   

The ‘Bologna process’ is promoting fundamental changes throughout European higher education. Education ministers appear determined to reach, by 2010, a significant convergence of the national educational systems. This implies the necessity of adapting curricula in terms of structures, contents, learning attributes, learning tools and assessment methods. The EC ‘Tuning’ project was set up in order to investigate the feasibility of this process on the basis of ‘available experience and recent developments in several of the Member states… particularly from previous and on-going European co-operation in the context of the Socrates programme’. The Tuning project, initially aimed at five areas only (mathematics, geology, business, history, educational sciences), was later extended to other areas, including engineering: synergy groups were formed for this purpose. This paper summarizes the final report of the Engineering Synergy Group, which examined the ‘tuning’ of engineering education (EE) into European higher education, taking advantage of the work of previous and current thematic networks, such as H3E, EUCEET and E4. A set of recommendations is presented in the final section of the paper.  相似文献   

在新工科建设背景下,土木工程专业亟待从学习目标、培养方案、教学模式等方面持续改进,加快培养出符合新工科要求和社会需要的专业人才。基于高校现有教学体系,针对高校开设的“土木工程材料”课程,本次教学改革将“土木工程材料”课程、化学工程与工艺专业理论知识进行融合教学,对该课程教学方法做出相应的探索和改进,进而提出将化学工程与工艺专业课程和土木工程材料课程进行融合教学的策略。改进后的教学方法,可为高校其他工科课程教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

‘Career Academics’ are principally research-led, entering academia with limited or no industrial or practical experience. UK Higher Education Institutions welcome them for their potential to attain research grant funding and publish world-leading journal papers, ultimately enhancing institutional reputation. This polemical paper problematises the Career Academic around three areas: their institutional appeal; their impact on the student experience, team dynamics and broader academic functions; and current strategic policy to employ them. We also argue that recent UK Government teaching-focused initiatives will not address needs to employ practical academics, or ‘Pracademics’ in predominantly vocational Construction and Engineering Education. We generate questions for policy-makers, institutions and those implementing strategy. We argue that research is key, but partial rebalancing will achieve a diverse academic skill base to achieve contextualised construction and engineering education. In wider European contexts, the paper resonates with issues of academic ‘drift’ and provides reflection for others on the UK context.  相似文献   

The Bologna Declaration will lead to fundamental changes of the architecture of European higher education. The paper analyses possible consequences for Engineering Education and describes some of the different ways in which European countries have implemented the Declaration. How the application-oriented shorter engineering education should fit into the Bologna scheme remains a major problem.  相似文献   

ELBEP (Eliminating Language Barriers in European Prisons Through Open and Distance Education Technology) is a multilateral project funded by the European Union (EU) Lifelong Learning, Grundtvig (Adult Education) Programme. It aims to overcome language/communication problems between prison staff and foreign inmates at European prisons via online language teaching programs for the staff. This paper discusses the rationale and application of the project with an eye to the related literature and theoretical background. The project outcomes and findings can serve as an example for similar research studies.  相似文献   

国家实施深化产教融合战略性举措及高等教育新工科建设要求,使得高等工程教育面临着新的机遇和挑战.初步探讨了如何在印刷工程专业中践行产出导向、产教融合的理念,提高人才培养质量;并从专业、课程、师资、资源共享及共建等方面阐释了一些有益的改革与探索.项目的实践有效推动了专业建设与产业转型升级相适应,有助于培养适应新经济要求、符...  相似文献   

新工科教育改革的核心问题之一是课程,课程改革的要点在于落实"以人才培养逻辑和人的发展逻辑取代学科本位逻辑,打破学科划界而治局面"的工程教育新模式。在深入研究MIT新工程教育转型及其"项目中心课程模式"基础上,电子科技大学软件工程学院创建了一门跨度1.5年的跨学科项目课程:进阶式挑战性跨学科项目Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ。课程以学生为中心、兴趣牵引、立足系统、打破了学科隔离,设计了一个逐级进阶的项目序列,学生最终完成一个软硬一体的跨学科项目。结合工程教育认证面向产出要求,采用逆向教学方法,对项目目标和学生能力进行了达成度评价,结果表明学生的相关能力和素质得到有效培养。在国内高校全面开展新工科改革背景下,期望本文面向新工科的课程改革探索对国内相关专业建设有一定的参考。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the prospects for research and development in the education and training fields offered by the European Communities. The position of the EC is explained in relation to the existing and forthcoming Framework Programmes of research and development. The 1987–91 Framework Programme has committed most of its funding to existing programmes. Only one, DELTA directly concerns R&D in the education and training technologies. This commenced in 1989 with only 20 million ECU and ends in Spring 1991. In the new Framework Programme, DELTA is expected to continue with funding of between 40 and 60 million ECU though this remains undecided at present. The earliest date for a new DELTA call for proposals in Spring 1991, meaning that work on the new four year programme will not commence until late autumn 1991 at the earliest. There will therefore be a considerable gap between the two. An outline of the likely structure and contents of a new DELTA programme is given, characterised by better liaison with other programmes and a more rational approach to the development of the advanced learning technologies. Other, non‐Framework Programmes concerned with aspects of education and training such as COMETT, LINGUA, EUROTECNET and TEMPUS are placed in context with this. The paper concludes with general advice and explanation of EC procedures for application, evaluation and approval of proposals for Framework R&D Proposals.  相似文献   

A Degree Apprenticeship model has recently been introduced into the United Kingdom (UK) Higher Education system as part of wider changes to vocational training. The system has experienced numerous rapid changes in regulation and funding, and it is now little understood by many stakeholders. Distinguishing different phases in UK Higher Education, and using a salience model as a lens for analysis, this article identifies and examines stakeholders with regards to their influence on the Higher Education curriculum. The new Degree Apprenticeship model is funded by an employer payroll levy and it requires Higher Education institutions to deliver training to specific standards. This research explores the implications of the model for the Higher Education curriculum, concluding that the direct involvement of employers in the design and delivery of vocational Higher Education introduces untried elements into UK Higher Education on the assumption that the funding requirement will lead to a change in employer behaviour. This, coupled with the opening of Higher Education provision to private providers, transfers power over the curriculum to those with potentially no commitment to wider public values, and may offer a threat to the international standing of UK Higher Education. This article contributes to research in understanding how Higher Education systems respond to, and actors cope with, imposed change.  相似文献   

Due to significant government cuts to Higher Education funding in Southern European systems, their already underfunded universities were forced to increasingly compete for students as sources of additional revenue. Concurrently, families and students that continued to afford participation in Higher Education became more selective when choosing a university, realising the riskier investment that Higher Education participation had become. Through a competing destinations model and relying on all Italian private and public universities, this study finds that the competition forces characterising universities’ attractiveness over the last decade have changed since the financial crisis of 2008. In a context of lower demand for Higher Education, the competition for students grew and universities in close proximity were better prepared to face the new challenges, leading to the growth of Higher Education clusters.  相似文献   

CDIO在中国(上)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CDIO工程教育模式是近年来国际工程教育改革的新成果,在世界各地多所大学进行了实施并取得很好的成效。自2005年汕头大学率先实施CDIO工程教育改革以来,在教育部高教司理工处的指导和支持下,全国几十所试点高校和许多非试点院校实施CDIO改革,取得了很好的效果。汕头大学等试点高校重新思考工程教育改革的模式与路径,对人才培养的各个方面与相应的管理机制进行了重新构建,在明确专业培养目标、制定专业培养标准、构建一体化课程计划、实施探究式教与学方法、建立保障与持续改进体系等方面进行了实践和创新。CDIO在中国的普及和实践,也为高质量实施"卓越工程师教育培养计划"打下了良好的基础,起到了积极的推进作用。本文对6年来CDIO在汕头大学及其它试点高校的实践和推广情况进行了回顾和总结,对中国工程教育面临的挑战和存在的问题给出了观察与思考,并对CDIO在中国作出展望。  相似文献   

ECTS, the European Community Course Credit Transfer System established under the ERASMUS Programme, is currently being tested in a pilot scheme involving 145 higher education institutions in all the European Union member states and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries. It is operating in five subject areas: Business Administration, Chemistry, History, Mechanical Engineering, and Medicine. The pilot project will run through 1994/1995.


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