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高等教育中的全球化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界,几乎每个国家的高等教育都有三个雄心,为了实现这三个雄心,各国高校都面临资源短缺的问题,而无论怎样,高等教育都不能放弃自己应有的社会使命。  相似文献   

To remain globally competitive and increase the number of young people completing two- and four-year college degrees, America needs to expand access to higher education and focus attention on the success of those who enroll. Expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) will be particularly important for maintaining a thriving economy and in developing innovative solutions to global challenges. However, only 6 percent of 24-year-olds in the United States hold first degrees in these fields, placing the country 20th in a comparison group of 24 industrialized countries. Many American students initially interested in STEM areas select other fields after they begin college: only 33 percent of white students, 42 percent of Asian American students, and about 20 percent of black, Latino, and Native American students who aspire to complete a STEM major succeed. This paper examines strategies developed at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and elsewhere that have created an atmosphere of inclusive excellence and are allowing more students of all backgrounds to succeed in STEM areas and other disciplines. Culture change at UMBC began 25 years ago with the development of the Meyerhoff Scholars Program for high-achieving minority students interested in STEM research careers. Lessons learned from that program have motivated University-wide changes as faculty, staff, and students have pursued broad initiatives to redesign courses, build community, and support and engage students.  相似文献   

创建世界一流大学必须要创建世界一流的实验室   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对实验室的地位、作用及如何发挥实验技术人员的骨干作用,如何以强烈的事业心和高度的责任感面对实验室工作,并发挥学生的聪明才智,参与实验室管理,以及一流实验室的建设与管理等问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

In this article I take as my starting point the economist, Jeremy Rifkin's, claims about the rise of what he calls the ‘collaborative commons’. For Rifkin, this is nothing less than the emergence of a new economic paradigm where traditional consumers exploit the possibilities of technology, and position themselves as ‘pro‐sumers’. This emphasises their role in production rather than consumption alone, and shows how they aim to bypass a range of capitalist markets, from publishing to the music industry. In asking how education is situated in relation to the collaborative commons, I consider the growth in technology‐driven, cost‐negative services as a response to the current market in higher education. This raises the issue of what we mean by ‘collaboration’ in the university, and how this might be different from, for example, cooperation or teamwork. In seeking to provide a richer conception of collaboration in higher education, I look to Martin Buber's concept of the relational act and the life of dialogue, and to some of the seminal work of Ronald Barnett on the philosophy and economics of higher education. The article suggests that these concepts afford a new perspective on collaboration that amount to a new economics for education. Such economics require a radical shift in how we perceive the role of responsibility, reciprocity and the educative possibilities of conversation.  相似文献   

The use of appropriate indicators of public and private expenditures, from which statistically significant differences in funding policies can be identified, constitutes a solid foundation in which the assessment of the role of governments in promoting higher education can be grounded. Based on a carefully selected set of Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development indicators, this paper explores the effects of education funding policies, along with research and development expenditures and tax levels, on the entry rate to higher education. The results from the statistical analysis of the data confirm the existence of two distinct approaches to higher education funding, the Scandinavian approach and Anglo–American approach, and help to define their characteristics.  相似文献   

Curriculum Mapping in Higher Education: A Vehicle for Collaboration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This qualitative study makes the case for the implementation of curriculum mapping, a procedure that creates a visual representation of curriculum based on real time information, as a way to increase collaboration and collegiality in higher education. Through the use of curriculum mapping, eleven faculty members in a western state university Teacher Licensure program aligned and revised the teacher education curriculum across a sequence of courses. An increase in collaboration and collegiality among faculty emerged as an unintended outcome as a result of participation in the project. Kay Pippin Uchiyama  is currently the Assessment Coordinator for the Poudre School District in Fort Collins, Colorado. During this study, she was an Assistant Professor of Teacher Education at Colorado State University and a co-primary investigator for the Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Data grant. She received her Ph.D. in Instruction and Curriculum in the Content Areas with an emphasis on Teacher Education and Learning to Teach from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Her interests include data driven instruction, assessment for learning, teacher education, professional development schools, and mathematics education. Her email is kuchiyam@psdschools.org. Jean L. Radin  is an adjunct professor at Colorado State University and a co-primary investigator for the Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Data grant. She received her Ph.D. from Colorado State University. Her interests are brain-based teaching and learning, data driven instructional practices, teacher education and professional development schools. Her email is jradin@cahs.colorado.edu.  相似文献   

本文描述一个可以用来审视和检验教育机构之间合作伙伴关系的理论模型,重点讨论该模型的不同组成成分以及它们之间的相互关系,分析合作伙伴关系建立过程中涉及的各个方面,描述合作伙伴关系的重要特征,特别是发展早期的特征,以及提出评估合作伙伴关系时应该考虑的一系列重要问题.#  相似文献   

本文以深职院软件专业与相关企业的产学研合作实施情况出发,研究不同的产学研合作模式,并试图解决校企合作长效机制和双赢模式,实现校企资源共享、优势互补,制定产学研合作人才培养模式,培养高素质、高技能、复合型人才。  相似文献   

张爽 《外国教育研究》2004,31(10):35-38
英国教育与技术部于2003年1月颁布了白皮书《高等教育的未来》,提出高等教育应与商业合作的理念。文章在简单介绍这一政策提出的时代背景的基础上,论述了白皮书中对于高等教育与商业合作的具体建议。高等教育与商业的合作将是未来国际范围内高等教育的发展趋势。  相似文献   

比较视野下的高等教育财政投入问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育财政拨款,主要包括中央政府财政和地方政府财政两个方面的经费。英国、美国、日本、澳大利亚多方面筹措教育经费。中国教育经费的来源主要依靠国家财政性拨款,但是财政预算内教育拨款和整个财政性教育经费,占全国总教育经费的比重有逐年下降的趋势,而非财政性教育经费占总教育经费的比重有逐年上涨的趋势,通过国际经验比较,拓宽了中国高等教育财政改革的思路,形成多元化的经费筹措渠道。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化中的区域院校联盟发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化进程中,各国正致力发展有兼容性、可比较性及竞争力的高等教育,以期让自己的高等院校在世界上更具吸引力,进而提高国家的竞争力.为此各国院校出现了注重竞争中强化合作的区域性联盟趋势.越来越多的院校机构,正努力通过各式跨国计划及合作组织,积极发展区域性院校联盟关系.本文主要分析了在教育国际化进程中区域性院校联盟的发展概况,探究了各国开展区域性院校联盟的基本动因,进而初步分析了区域院校联盟发展的趋向.  相似文献   

美国佩斯(Pace)大学护理学院助教授Ekstron DN博士和副研究员Sigurdsson HO博士在美国护理教育杂志(J.Nursing Education 2002,41(7):289-294)上著文,论述了该校实施国际交流项目的初步经验,该文根据批判性社会理论,指出了在项目实施过程中所遇到了障碍和限制,特别是政治和经济对沟通和理解互动的影响。  相似文献   

高等教育财政政策的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界各国高等教育发展都离不开公共财政政策的支持.本文通过对部分国家高等教育财政政策的梳理,总结其有益的经验,对比我国高等教育发展过程中的问题,提出了建立中介机构、试行绩效拨款、推行公式拨款、鼓励资金多元化等政策建议,以期从整体上提升我国公共高等教育经费的使用效率.  相似文献   

对“中华高等教育改革”国际学术研讨会内容进行了全面地综述。内容包括:中华传统文化与21世纪高等教育改革;高等教育的全球化、国际化与本土化;高等教育的大众化与市场化。  相似文献   

Partnerships and collaboration have become popular in higher education; and partnerships with community agencies, K-12 schools, and businesses are common. However, formal and sustained partnerships among institutions of higher education are not nearly as widespread. This article presents a model for collaboration in higher education focused on a partnership among teacher preparation programs at three institutions. The article provides an overview of theoretical underpinnings for collaboration, the process and practices used, and lessons learned by Valley Partnership, as well as the stages of partnership development, the governance model, and key elements related to sustaining the partnership.  相似文献   

International cooperation and collaborations played an important role in the economic and educational development of several countries. In the 1950s and 1960s external aid was an important modality to establish cooperation between countries, especially between developing and developed countries. Cross-border activities in higher education used to take place mostly through cooperation projects and academic exchange programmes. The political returns to aid declined during the post-cold war period. Therefore, incentives to extend aid declined and markets and trade became more accepted modes of cooperation and collaboration in all sectors including education. International collaborations of today are very often motivated by economic incentives and are mediated through markets. The franchising and twinning arrangements, establishment of branch campuses, and promotion of cross-border student mobility are examples of market-based collaborative efforts in higher education. This paper discusses Indian cooperation and collaborations with foreign institutions focusing also on such efforts among the BRICS countries. It argues that the collaboration efforts among the BRICS countries may be more influenced by government-to-government efforts than mediated by markets. The paper shows that the BRICS countries at present are more engaged in cooperation and collaborations in higher education with developed countries. Collaborations among the BRICS countries are rather limited and are still at the nascent stages. Therefore, government initiatives and public action are needed at this stage to promote cooperation and expand collaboration in higher education among BRICS countries.  相似文献   

高等教育政策的国际迁移是高等教育政策和模式在国与国之间传播、改造、并在新的环境中使用的过程,表现为直接的模仿、批判地吸收、启发与创新等不同的形式和结果。政策的国际迁移是现代高等教育决策的一项重要特征,其有效实现有赖于对输出国与输入国高等教育发展的背景差异和共同要素的全面考察,以及对国际政策迁移的本土化适应的把握。  相似文献   

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