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The last 3 years have seen extensive time and resources invested in quality assessment/quality improvement (QA/QI) within the Irish university sector. The introduction of a formalized QA/QI programme in the 1998/99 academic year at University College Dublin (UCD) of Ireland-Dublin, will mean that every department in College will have a direct and compulsory involvement in the quality assurance programme in the coming years. There is limited experience of formalized quality assessment in the higher education sector in Ireland, and several pilot projects have been running which represent a first step in establishing a methodology suited to conditions prevailing within the Irish context. The Universities Act 1997 in Ireland will drive the issue of quality assessment in the university sector and ensure that emphasis is placed on the attainment of the highest possible standards in teaching and research. The universities are responding to this new challenge by adopting a pro-active approach and implementing the QA/QI schemes as a matter of some urgency. This paper outlines details of key pilot projects undertaken in recent times.  相似文献   

凯里学院是一所新升本的地方院校,其前身为黔东南民族师范高等专科学校,专业以师范类为主。升本后,面临着办学模式由专科向本科的转型及高等教育大众化背景下生源质量有所下降的挑战。本文介绍了凯里学院近几年形成的教育质量保障体系,分析其特点及不足,提出以参加教育部普通高等学校本科教学工作合格评估为契机,改进和完善本校教育质量保障体系,推动本校教育质量的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

英国开放大学的办学特色和启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
英国开放大学是欧洲最大的远程开放大学,是全球远程教育的成功典范.开放大学高质量的课程体系和可靠的质量保证体系是他们的成功经验和办学特色,通过学习和研究,可为电大远程开放教育提供有益的借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

本文介绍并分析英国高等教育质量保证体系的历史沿革,对当前实行的QAA(The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)的主要职责、运行模式、框架设计和质量保证进行了分析和评述,对高等学校的内部质量监控做了介绍,并着重以约克大学为例介绍了高等学校的内部质量保障的制度、机构和措施,在此基础上分析了对我国高等教育质量保证的启示。  相似文献   

This paper provides a study of the quality assurance and accreditation in the Jordanian higher education sector and focuses mainly on engineering education. It presents engineering education, accreditation and quality assurance in Jordan and considers the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) for a case study. The study highlights the efforts undertaken by the faculty of engineering at JUST concerning quality assurance and accreditation. Three engineering departments were accorded substantial equivalency status by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology in 2009. Various measures of quality improvement, including curricula development, laboratories improvement, computer facilities, e-learning, and other supporting services are also discussed. Further assessment of the current situation is made through two surveys, targeting engineering instructors and students. Finally, the paper draws conclusions and proposes recommendations to enhance the quality of engineering education at JUST and other Jordanian educational institutions.  相似文献   

The higher education sector is increasingly reliant upon casual (‘sessional’) staff for teaching and marking purposes. While this practice has been little examined in the past, over the last few years increasing attention has been paid to the quality of marking, mainly because students and academic staff alike are becoming increasingly likely to question examples of poor practice. Hence, many universities in Australia are now attempting to introduce stricter procedures relating to marking. Despite current concerns, there is little published research on marking practices in Australian universities. This paper adds to the body of knowledge by reporting on two pieces of empirical research into the use of casual markers. A project at Charles Sturt University comprised focus groups of, respectively, students, lecturers and markers, and a survey of distance education students. Research at the University of South Australia focused on pedagogical issues relating to marking, comparing the approaches of permanent lecturing staff with those of sessional markers. The results of these projects provide a useful insight into areas of current concern to university staff and management.  相似文献   

The context of higher education across the world currently presents evidence of university failures. These failures are evident in areas such as governance, financial and risk management, conduct of senior leaders and quality assurance issues surrounding international education. Having this in mind, the present paper argues the need to add a new definition (to what is already known) of quality. The conceptual approach proposed by the authors takes into account ethics and morals as key virtues of the higher education sector. The literature shows that it is still difficult to find agreement on a single definition of the concept. University leaders and quality assurance professionals define quality in many different ways. However, despite the ethical challenges in the current higher education landscape, little has been discussed on the connection between quality, ethics and moral values. Therefore, the authors provide the unexplored relationship between these concepts.  相似文献   

开展高校内部教学质量评估的实践与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校内部教学质量评估工作是高校质量保障体系建设的基础,而高校内部教学质量评估体系的建设也已经成为高校改革和发展的重要内容。上海交通大学经过多年的探索和实践,逐步建立了比较完善的内部教学质量评估体系,对保证学校教学运行和提高教学质量起到了重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

Major issues of university education policy in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
University education is believed to be one of the most controversial public policies in Hong Kong. Numerous changes have also occurred in the university education sector since the 1990s when the rapid expansion of university places was put into force. The most notable changes may include the institutionalization of quality assurance mechanisms, the reform of university governance and staff remuneration systems, the adoption of role differentiation among the universities, the potential emergence of private universities and community colleges, and the trend of internationalizing university education. This article identifies major issues of university education policy and examines those factors that are affecting the development of university education, in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

In Europe, national quality assurance systems of higher education have begun to be established. In Finland, this development has had the consequence of forcing universities to take notice of assessment procedures. However, little is known about the procedures taking place in individual academic departments as a result of this pan‐European trend. This article describes how academics currently comprehend quality assessment, paying particular attention to self‐evaluations and quality assurance systems. Altogether, the paper casts light on how academics are responding to the increasing university assessment activities.  相似文献   

在对英国开放大学、美国凤凰城大学、印度英迪拉·甘地开放大学、加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学等四所典型远程教育高校对比研究的基础上,分析了国际远程教育质量保障的特色,提出了对中国特色开放大学建设的借鉴,即:加强开放大学的立法研究,做好开放大学的大学定位,落实开放大学的办学自主权以及建立第三方的质量保障体系等。  相似文献   

University education has been thrust into the limelight by policymakers in Hong Kong and Singapore in recent years. Reforming university education thus has become a norm for both city-states. This article reviews and compares some recent developments in the university reforms in both city-states. It argues university education, as a public policy area, is not immune from the profound influence of such concepts as accountability, performativity, quality assurance and market relevance, which prevail in a wider policy context of public sector reforms and governance changes. Hong Kong and Singapore's university reforms are similarly extensive, ranging from the admission mechanisms through to the governance and funding systems. This article has four main sections. The first sketches a paradigm shift in the policymaking process and the changing state-university relationships in the age of globalization. The second reviews and compares some recent developments of the university reforms in both city-states. The third turns to assess the impacts of the reforms on university stakeholders. The final section is the conclusion.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the controversies surrounding higher education reform in Estonia. The main stress is put on the mechanism of quality assessment and assurance built into the bill of the Law of Higher Education. Owing to a significant conflict of interests between the HE institutions and the inability of any national level body to draw system‐wide policy, the bill has been discussed for four years and the parliamentary vote postponed several times. This has severely limited the development of democratic decision‐making processes in Estonian higher education. By now the traditional Soviet style of extremely centralised quality assurance has been dissolved in both higher and secondary education. In the new bill the term ‘educational standard’ is used several times: however, the content and origin of such standards remains unclear. From the comments of leading Estonian educationists, it is possible to conclude that there is a hope to copy ready‐made standards from some of the Western European countries. For this author the value of that solution is debatable. The last issue to be discussed in the paper is the idea of using relegation to the vocational sector as a punishment for poor performance. The author sees the roots of this kind of approach in the traditional underestimation of any kind of vocational education by the university community.  相似文献   

宾夕法尼亚大学的教学质量内外保障机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宾夕法尼亚大学是美国著名的常青藤大学联盟成员之一 ,有悠久的办学历史世人瞩目的办学成绩。宾大的教学质量保障体系包括内部和外部两个部分 ,质量保障的外部机制包括接受美国高等学校认证和全美大学排名 ,内部质量保障机制包括秩序井然的人力资源管理机制、完善的教师管理和评价体系以及科学系统的内部教学评估制度。  相似文献   

高等教育质量评估体系有效性问题实质上是一个政策评估问题。从宏观层面看,高等教育质量评估体系主要指外部质量评估体系,它包括政府评估、质量认证和大学排名等。根据政府介入程度的不同,外部质量保障体系可分为认可型评估和认证型评估。从问责制的视角看,中国实施的第一轮本科教学评估实质上是一种政府对高校的问责制度安排,属于行政问责。第一轮本科教学评估的有效性被认为"一般",基本上被认可,但改进空间巨大。提高中国高等教育质量评估体系的有效性,必须建立社会问责机制。  相似文献   

Development of mechanical engineering curricula at the University of Minho   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The implementation of the Bologna protocol in the European Union has set new goals for the whole higher education system as: (a) a quality assessment for university courses; (b) a framework for the exchange of students and academics; and (c) an opportunity for changing the teaching/learning procedures and methodologies. Within the context, the mechanical engineering curricula at the University of Minho have been comprehensively formulated in order to meet these and future challenges and expectations. The whole process has been based upon various cornerstones: the legal framework for the higher education system; the introduction of new learning methodologies and an accurate survey and understanding of the existing strong and week points of the previous experience. For this purpose, a comprehensive evaluation has been carried out with former students and a detailed map has been formulated regarding their professional careers and experiences. Furthermore, a discussion has been carried out in order to define the mission of the graduate in mechanical engineering. In brief, such mission may be referred by his ability to participate in the wealth creation through technology based innovation. Within this context, the curriculum has been structured in order to meet such goals. In addition to strong foundations in physics and mathematics, new subjects are introduced into the curriculum. The whole education is based upon project development which stimulates the students' initiative, responsibility and their ability to integrate knowledge. Throughout the curriculum, students are enrolled into research projects developed in the department and it is expected that a few selected projects may be taken into a quasi industrial stage.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1998,11(4):357-367
The paper describes some historical characteristics of Slovenian higher education and the new endeavour to establish a higher education system that will be comparable with other European systems. Special attention is devoted to the care of quality in Slovenian higher education. A draft plan for introducing gradually a system of quality assurance was worked out drawing on foreign experience but adapted to national circumstances and particularities. Higher education in Slovenia comprises two universities, the University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor, and some free-standing higher education institutions. In such a small higher education system one must introduce flexible and relatively easily feasible quality assurance mechanisms. Evaluation will be reached by research and development from the beginning. It will include development of evaluation methodology, procedures and follow-up the institutional effects of quality assurance.  相似文献   

质量保证过程审核是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省对大学内部质量保证过程的外部审核性评估,旨在改进大学个性化的质量保证过程。以“过程”而非“质量”为评价对象,巧妙平衡了社会问责与学术自治的对立诉求,拉近了外部与内部对大学质量保证的观念认同。深入探析这一制度及其对不列颠哥伦比亚大学的过程审核,并凝练其可资借鉴的特点,可以为解决大学质量评估难以及标准化评估所带来的大学同质化、功利性和负担重等问题提供新视角。  相似文献   

Using a multisite case study approach, this study explores quality assessment and accountability in Dutch university education. It describes their national system of quality assurance and the various models that are being successfully employed to implement it. It summarizes the range of apparent effects and influences that quality assurance has had on Dutch higher education. Finally, it invites comparison with American higher education to promote speculation about implications for policy and professional practice.  相似文献   

科学设计与构建评估方案是实施评估的必要前提,也是评估运行、评估结论和信息运用以及价值增值的基本保障。设计并改进的"普通高等学校教学工作合格评估"方案吸收了先进的评估理念,反映了教育发展的趋势;借鉴并创新了评估的模式和方法,反映了教育的基本价值和大学的使命;同时,从制度建设和长效管理进行的评估情势出发,建立了高等教学质量保障体系,推动了评估工作的进一步开展。  相似文献   

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