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采用2015年四季的Landsat 8OLI遥感影像数据,利用ENVI,ArcGIS软件反演唐山市主城区地表温度并制图,结合NDVI(归一化植被指数)及地表覆盖类型,分析研究区热岛效应季节性特征。研究表明:唐山市夏季热岛效应明显,高温区面积最大,地表高温区域从城郊农用地域向中心建成区转移,自西向东、由南向北扩散,面积先增后减(按冬、春、夏、秋顺序)。其中南湖区域一直位于低温区,除此之外,春季与夏季、秋季与冬季对应的高、低温区分布情况几乎相反。密集建成区及其间交错的小规模绿地对地表温度升高贡献率最大,其后依次为农田、林地、水体。故南湖生态城的建设对于缓解城市热岛效应及调节气候平衡的作用明显,值得后期对南湖的生态效益开展研究。  相似文献   

戏剧在英国文学史上占有极其重要的地位。英国戏剧在莎士比亚、肖伯纳和贝克特的时代分别达到了三个巅峰。整体来说,莎士比亚之后的英国戏剧成就大不如前。戏剧的本质是反映人生、人性,而人性是复杂多变的;复杂变动的生活和人性要求有新的戏剧思想和戏剧形式。追寻英国戏剧衰落的根源,可以发现,作品本身美的流失、接受者的变化以及世俗生活的多样化是最主要的原因。  相似文献   

体验是人的智慧和品格发展的一种重要的方式,它使知识的学习不再限于认知、理性范畴,而扩展到情感、生理和人格等领域;使学习过程不仅是知识增长的过程,也是身心与人格健全与发展的过程。体验性学习直接指向个性的和谐发展。语文课程要全面提高学生的语文素养,体验性学习是必不可少的。  相似文献   

《十咏图》为张先 82岁即宋熙宁五年 (10 72 )集其父张维生前所咏自爱诗十首衍生创作而成的一幅绢画 ,取景湖州名胜之一的南园。这幅宋代古画珍品是国宝 ,也是地道的湖州文物。周密《齐东野语》有张先《十咏图》及藏于其家的记载 ,以后流出 ,后又为清宫珍藏 ,复又从宫中流出。 1995年才为故宫博物馆从拍卖会上买回而予收藏。此画可确证张维系张先之父 ,而张维一生未宦。知湖州的太守孙觉为之序 ,由此画而论述人生及文人在世的各种问题 ,提出个人观点。湖州人、学者陈振孙为此画所作之跋 ,进行多项考证 ,推崇张维、张先父子“皆耄期 ,流风雅韵” ,“可谓吾乡衣冠之盛事” ,称赞张维之诗“清丽闲雅” ,此《十咏图》价值如同珙璧。张维的《十咏诗》、张先的《十咏图》、孙觉序和陈振孙跋于后人尤其于湖州人 ,皆有史学、文学和地方文史研究的重要价值。  相似文献   

《呼吸》是作家孙甘露介入当下的一种尝试。本文试图从形式层面,探寻孙甘露小说审美特质是如何发生,怎样实现的。在此基础之上,进一步分析文学表现形式与经验世界的纠葛如何造成了小说在现实意义生成上的局促。本文认为,《呼吸》的问题在于孙甘露汲取历史和现实作为写作资源,而汲取的方式对资源的表现造成了限制。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to contribute to the understanding and use of the theory of communities of practice. In order to clarify terms, explore applications for education and reflect on various critiques of the theory in the literature, two educational researchers conducted a series of interviews with the theorist Etienne Wenger-Trayner. The interviews have been thematically organised around key concepts from the theory. By relating the concepts to their uses in research and to other social theories, Wenger-Trayner clarifies key ideas of the theory including what constitutes a ‘community of practice’. He explains how he conceptualises identity and participation in order to develop a social theory of learning in which power and boundaries are inherent. The interviewers draw on these conceptual discussions with Wenger-Trayner to consider how the theory of communities of practice resonates with key debates and issues in education. By unpacking some key concepts of the theory from an educational perspective, we provide researchers with conceptual tools to support the complex decision-making that is involved in selecting the best and most appropriate theory or theories to use in their research.  相似文献   

This article discusses the relation between experience and learning in the context of recognition of prior learning (RPL) and from an experiential constructivist perspective. The study is based on a case of in-service training, based on RPL, in the care sector for elderly people. The data consist of interviews with actors in this process, which have been analysed with a qualitative interpretative approach. The results show how prior learning plays a central role in the training process, both on an individual and a collective level. The participants’ prior learning is taken as the starting point, particularly in learning conversations where prior learning is made visible and used, and where participants learn from each other. Further, new learning is taking place as a consequence of the recognition process, and the study particularly highlights how prior experiences could be the basis of new learning in a process of reflection and discussion.  相似文献   

在普通儿童语言发展的早期阶段就具有将新异词语与所指事物进行“快速映射”的词语习得能力,但有明显语言发展障碍的自闭症谱系障碍儿童是否也存在这种“快速映射”能力呢?本文回顾并评析过去15年间国外关于自闭症谱系障碍儿童在基本映射条件下、社会性映射条件下和非社会性映射条件下词语习得能力的相关研究,发现自闭症谱系障碍儿童不能像普通儿童一样灵活自如地运用各种线索、技能或策略来学习词语.  相似文献   

立竿测影、日晷是追随“天极”、“二十八宿”的框架,来测定天地东西南北中这五个方位,并据此划分24节气、岁、月、日、时,这些内容是对地球全方位直面太阳运动的演示。  相似文献   

从“做中学”到建构主义——探究学习的理论轨迹   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从杜威的“做中学”到时下的建构主义,教学研究和实践到底走出了多远?杜威的“做中学”思想中可以提炼出两个原型:手工艺活动和科学研究活动。这两个原型都在后来的研究之中得到了新的发展:从实践活动场景到实践共同体;从实验室到科学共同体。它们在发展方向上殊途同归,都强调了“做”背后的社会文化属性。看清近百年教学思想的发展轨迹有利于我们避免教学改革中的左右摇摆和形式主义。  相似文献   

课本剧创作与表演活动符合语文学科教学的特点,符合时代的要求,符合研究型学习的课程理念,是语文学科与研究型学习进行整合的一种有效形式。开展课本剧创作与表演,应依循多样性、自主性、指导性及实践性等四条基本原则。  相似文献   



Inquiry-based learning has been widely adopted in educational practice especially in science education. Scaffolding plays an important role in fostering learning in sophisticated inquiry. Meanwhile, it is important not to undermine the open-endedness of inquiry activities and the nature of student-centred learning.  相似文献   

经典诠释是儒家核心价值得以传承的基本形式。《大学》是儒家重要经典,历代诠释者通过对《大学》文本的诠释,表达对社会与时代问题的思索。中国古代的《大学》诠释,存在《礼记》之《大学》与《四书》之《大学》两种路径,代表着不同的学术品格和价值取向。文本承载思想,不同的诠释路径背后是诠释者对经典思想意义体认的不同,表达了自身的看法,丰富了经典的文化意蕴。只有不断赋予经典新义,经典才有生命力,传统才得以传承。  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly integrating into our society. University education needs to maintain its relevance in an AI-mediated world, but the higher education sector is only beginning to engage deeply with the implications of AI within society. We define AI according to a relational epistemology, where, in the context of a particular interaction, a computational artefact provides a judgement about an optimal course of action and that this judgement cannot be traced. Therefore, by definition, AI must always act as a ‘black box’. Rather than seeking to explain ‘black boxes’, we argue that a pedagogy for an AI-mediated world involves learning to work with opaque, partial and ambiguous situations, which reflect the entangled relationships between people and technologies. Such a pedagogy asks learners locate AI as socially bounded, where AI is always understood within the contexts of its use. We outline two particular approaches to achieve this: (a) orienting students to quality standards that surround AIs, what might be called the tacit and explicit ‘rules of the game’; and (b) providing meaningful interactions with AI systems.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is conceptualised in many different ways but is rarely defined in the higher education literature.
  • Experts have outlined a range of graduate capabilities for working in a world of AI such as teamwork or ethical thinking.
  • The higher education literature outlines an imperative need to respond to AI, as underlined by recent commentary on ChatGPT.
What this paper adds
  • A definition of an AI that is relational: A particular interaction where a computational artefact provides a judgement about an optimal course of action, which cannot be easily traced.
  • Focusing on working with AI black boxes rather than trying to see inside the technology.
  • Describing a pedagogy for an AI-mediated world that promotes working in complex situations with partial and indeterminate information.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Focusing on quality standards helps learners understand the social regulating boundaries around AI.
  • Promoting learner interactions with AI as part of a sociotechnical ensemble helps build evaluative judgement in weighting AI's contribution to work.
  • Asking learners to work with AI systems prompts understanding of the evaluative, ethical and practical necessities of working with a black box.

孙培良教授的学术活动,早年遍及中外文、史、哲众多领域,后期致力于史学,尤其是中外关系史,晚年专注于伊朗史。他治学严谨,坚持用唯物史观和考据方法,对中外古籍和传世碑铭的文字记载、近代的考古发掘及近人的学术成果,进行精心研究。在比较中西历史、弘扬中华文明方面,他所论证的中国画法西渐引起了伊朗绘画革命、孟子学说西传被马兹达克用作革命斗争的思想武器。是前人未曾提及或未能断定的,是对国际学术界的一大贡献。  相似文献   

《论语.先进第十一.子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》生动地记载了孔子和他的学生有关理想的讨论,是一次成功的教育经验,从中可以看到孔子民主平等的教育思想,重视对人格的培养和引导,充分发挥学生的自主性、能动性、创造性和独立性的教学机智。这些教育思想和教学方法与现代的某些教育思想和教学方法如出一辙,可见二千五百年前的孔子出色的教学技艺对我们现代教育仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Comics are popular with adolescents because of their features of humor, narrative, and visual imagery. The purposes of this study were to examine the learning outcomes and emotional perceptions of reading a science comic book and a science text booklet for students of different levels of achievement, and to explore the main factors of the two media which attract high-school students to learn science. A mixed-method quasi-experimental design was adopted. The participants were 697 grade ten students from eight schools with different levels of academic achievement. Two similar classes in each of the eight schools were assigned as the comic group or the text group. The results indicated that the science comic book benefited medium achievers more than the science text booklet did, but the contrary result was found for the high achievers. In comparison, the two media benefited the low achievers equally, but both had only a limited effect due to the students’ lack of prior knowledge. We conclude four kinds of evidence, including perceived difficulty of comprehension, reasons for interest/disinterest, emotional perceptions of learning science, and learning time, to support the phenomenon of the learning benefit of media specific to certain achievers’ science learning.  相似文献   

新世纪新阶段, 高校学报面临着机遇与挑战。学报要与时俱进, 求生存求发展。未来高校学报改革创新的十大趋势是: 学报的地位与作用不断增强; 始终坚持正确的政治方向和学术导向; 办刊理念的改革和创新; 变封闭办刊模式为开放办刊模式; 以质量求生存, 以特色求发展; 追求质量与数量、社会效益与经济效益的统一; 启动名刊工程, 争创精品学报; 管理方式和运作机制的改革; 国家建立健全评估体系; 编辑手段的现代化等等。  相似文献   

Although research reveals that pre-service student teachers often regard their relationships with their significant others as an important element of their initial teaching practice experience, much remains unknown about the influence of significant others on non-native English as a Second Language (ESL) student teachers’ professional learning process during field experiences. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study of the professional learning experiences of 17 pre-service non-native ESL student teachers during an eight-week-long practicum. Grounded in a sociocultural view of teacher learning, the study explores how the ESL student teachers developed their understanding of professional learning in the light of their experiences of engaging with their supporting teachers, supervisors, other school staff members as well as peer student teachers during the practicum. Analysis of the data reveals that these people assumed the role of coach either directly or indirectly, having a positive influence on the student teachers’ role as a teacher. Analysis of the data also reveals negative interactions between student teachers and their significant others, which sociocultural theories have so far not taken sufficiently into account. While, findings of this study challenge past assumptions about where knowledge for teaching comes from and how it can be learned; this study also suggests an urgent need to consolidate university–school partnership to foster student teachers’ adaptation to the context of teaching practice and maximise their professional learning opportunities.  相似文献   

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