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通过结合父权社会强加于女性的天使或妖魔形象的传统,解读济慈的诗"La Belle Dame Sans Mercy"中的女性形象,从而发现这一形象成了折射男性思想,丧失了身份,缺失了话语的边缘化了的“他者”。这种特殊的,处于“他者”地位的女性形象进一步彰显了父权社会中的性别歧视。  相似文献   

Life transitions are sharp discontinuities with the previous life events. They have identifiable beginnings, turning points, and endings. Coping skills learned earlier are mobilized during the transition to help the person manage the transition process. A process conception of transitions includes a series of stages from entry through final resolution and growth. The primary dynamic is the process of letting go of the old value, relationship, or belief to taking hold of a new one. Coping skills consisting of support networking, cognitive restructuring, problem solving, and stress management are key mediating variables that determine the course and emotional intensity of the transition. Attitudes that influence the process are extent of perceived control of the event, perceptions of challenge, and commitment to change. perceiving the change event as a normal part of living helps to alleviate much of the distress of the transition. Transition theory offers a kind of map that helps counsellors and their clients to conceptualize what is happening to them during intensive life changes.  相似文献   

Unlike the transitions children make between settings, those they undertake between age groups within early childhood care and education (ECCE) settings are seldom studied. Accordingly, this exploratory study followed seven preschool children (three boys and four girls) as they moved to new rooms in five ECCE settings. Structured observations of children’s behaviour were collected along with semi-structured parent interviews and participatory child interviews. All boys and one girl demonstrated increased anxiety behaviours following transitions. This gender difference was mirrored in parental reports of negative affect and aggression in sons, but independence and assertiveness amongst daughters. Families also reported shifts in children’s identity from expert to novice and a sense of becoming ‘big’. Interviews highlighted the challenges and opportunities underlying transitions, and parents provided a rich overview of the factors they believed support and hinder transitions, emphasising the importance of strong home-centre connections. These exploratory findings suggest that internal ECCE transitions may be unique junctures in children’s ECCE experiences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of learning in work role transitions from specialist roles to managerial roles in a context of a large international technology organisation. Prior theorisation of learning in role transitions has been based on quantitative, psychologically-oriented studies prescribing different role and personal attributes related to work adjustment. Personal experiences have received only a superficial or instrumental part in most of the preceding studies. Therefore, this study draws upon a transformative learning theory to outline an interpretative framework and focuses on in-depth, narrative analysis of a small number of role transition experiences. As a result, the study reveals how first-time project managers and team leaders wonder about their abilities and actions; compare ‘self’ with role models; and become aware of the power aspect of managerial roles. Such reflection eventually leads to a perspective transformation regarding ‘self’ and new roles. However, it also involves adaptation to the prevailing organisational norms, values, and leadership ideals. The study will add to our understanding of learning in transitions and inform those working in the human resource development or otherwise involved in the organisational transfer processes. Moreover, it reminds that perspective transformations should not be taken innocently as examples of ‘empowerment’, but critically concern why transformative learning is encouraged at work nowadays and what purposes it serves.  相似文献   

Looking at ‘biographical learning’ as part of a work transition, the aim of this paper is to investigate how social relations enable and constrain such a learning process in outplacement clients. To examine the process, its character and social conditions, the study draws on interviews with workers who had been made redundant and were enrolled at an outplacement agency. The interviews were analysed using a comparative cross-case analysis. A distinction was made between ‘strong’ (long-term and intimate), ‘weak’ (short-term and non-intimate) and ‘formal’ (e.g., professional counsellors) relations. Findings showed that strong and formal relations were rather influential on people's engagement in biographical learning while weak relations were important to the straightforward career. Since transitions in late modern society has become not only a passage but also a learning option, the different sources and functions of social relations should be considered a vital part of outplacement counselling. Future research should examine more closely both parties in strong relationships and the (joint) process of career decision-making inherent in occupational transitions.  相似文献   

Srikanth Sastry 《Resonance》2016,21(10):875-898
Phase transitions, like the boiling of water upon increasing temperature, are a part of everyday experience and are yet, upon closer inspection, unusual phenomena, and reveal a host of fascinating features. Comprehending key aspects of phase transitions has lead to the uncovering of new ways of describing matter composed of large numbers of interacting elements, which form a dominant way of analysis in contemporary statistical mechanics and much else. An introductory discussion is presented here of the concepts of scaling, universality and renormalization, which forms the foundation of the study of continuous phase transitions, such as the spontaneous magnetization of ferromagnetic substances.  相似文献   

1 Introduction a The Czochralski (CZ) technique is the most common technique to grow single crystals. It has been pointed out by several researchers (e.g. Ref. [1]) that melt flow in the crucible plays an important role on the quality of the crystals in t…  相似文献   

Policy‐makers in the UK and Europe have become concerned with the successful management of transitions in learning as a means of increasing the competitiveness of their economies. Transitions relating to informal as well as formal learning have also been an important focus for the sociology of education. In this paper, I review alternative ways in which transitions are conceptualised as a process of change over time; but argue that the dimension of change has been overemphasised, while the dimension of time has been neglected. Much of the literature on transitions takes for granted a ‘common sense’ view of time as a ‘natural flow’ and assumes that learning can enable us to forge our own futures agentically from lessons of the past and goals in the present. Feminist research, however, challenges such a theory as androcentric, and reveals the many ways in which women’s time is used and experienced differently. Drawing on critical sociological thinking about time, these ideas are illustrated through a re‐interpretation of data from Mojab’s (2006 Mojab, S. 2006. “War and diaspora as lifelong learning contexts for immigrant women”. In Gender and lifelong learning: critical feminist engagements, Edited by: Leathwood, C. and Francis, B. London: RoutledgeFalmer.  [Google Scholar]) study of Kurdish women refugees in Sweden. This explores the ways in which time is engendered and enacted in social practices marked by gender, race and class, and the impact of these times upon the women’s learning. The potential of such an analysis points to the need for further study of these themes.  相似文献   

走上四重过渡立交的中国高等教育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
连续6年的扩招引发了毕业生就业、质量和公平三大热点问题,激化了中国高等教育众多深层次矛盾。引发这些深层次矛盾的源头在于中国高等教育进入了四重过渡,即性质上从精英教育向大众化教育过渡,服务对象从不发达的封闭的农业和产品经济向面向全球的外向型经济过渡,高等学校的地位从社会边缘逐步向社会中心过渡,其赖以生存的体制从中央集权的计划经济体制向适应开放多元的市场经济体制过渡。高等学校是过渡的主体,计划经济体制下形成的高等教育管理模式改革的严重滞后,是高等学校缺乏动力、活力、能力和潜力,在过渡中处于被动地位的根本原因。更新理念,深化体制改革,是走出和克服中国高等教育面临的众多深层次矛盾的途径。  相似文献   

In this paper two models are proposed for analysing transitions in education. Firstly, transitions are the processes that follow ruptures perceived by people. They include learning, identity change, and meaning making processes. Secondly, processes of change are observed through a semiotic prism, articulating self-other-object-sense of the object for self, and located in a specific social frame. Transitions are thus analysed as reconfigurations of such semiotic prism. The paper proposes to highlight the role of institutions as social frames likely to facilitate, or constrain, such reconfigurations. The role of institutions in transitions is discussed through three case studies: the transition to vocational training, the transition out of a religious school, and the transition to work at war-time.  相似文献   

Student success in higher education (HE) is dependent on the possession of a positive learner identity, the development of which is a complex longitudinal process of change. Exploring the growth of learner identity within the transition between school and university is therefore apposite, especially for learners from disadvantaged backgrounds who may not have sufficient cultural capital to make an easy intellectual transition from school pupil to university student. Learner identity is positively linked with both the academic and social context of learning as well as with concepts of engagement and a sense of belonging in HE. This article explores the findings of a Scottish study involving 30 students who took part in a unique widening participation model based on immersing learners in the university environment whilst still at school. Findings include evidence of the development of a transformative HE learner identity which is enabled by an immersive experience of university prior to entry. A model for HE learning identity formation is suggested. In the context of the current dialogue on fair access and widening participation to HE internationally, findings point policy makers to the benefits of long-term immersion in HE prior to entry for successful transition to university.  相似文献   

School reform and transitions in teacher professionalism and identity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper transitions in the operational definitions of professionalism over the last 20 years will be discussed. As a consequence of (imposed) changes in the control of curriculum and assessment and increased measures of public accountability, teachers in most countries now work within cultures in which their careers are ever more dependent upon external definitions of quality, progress and achievement for their success. Although many experienced teachers have maintained their identities, finding room to manoeuvre within a general reduction in their traditional classroom autonomy, the pressure on these and younger colleagues is to comply with competency based agendas. In such cultures, attention to teachers’ identities—arguably central to sustaining motivation, efficacy, commitment, job satisfaction and effectiveness—has been limited.  相似文献   

This paper offers an interpretation of the role of emotions in understanding the transitions that young people make to university. I draw on qualitative research with a group of non‐traditional students, entering elite universities, to argue that youth transitions are emotional as well instrumental affairs. I argue that choice‐making processes incorporate both trust in, and fear of, the transitions infrastructure, and that these emotions infuse more instrumental judgements about the economic benefits of higher education. I also demonstrate that emotional aspects of class – including feelings of entitlement to education and the rejection of normative student identities – constitute the experience of ‘being’ or ‘doing’ a student. A broader understanding of how young people become university students then depends not just on developing a new identity but on the complex interaction between emotion and infrastructure.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural communication has emerged as a major concern for the helping professions in our multicultural society. Much has been written about recognizing the cultural biases inherent in all problem-solving and development models as well as improving communication between cultural groups. There are some situations, however, where culture itself is the problem rather than simply a communication obstacle to be overcome between client and worker. Counsellors may encounter persons who have been uprooted and transplanted, victims of culture shock, casualties of intercultural mobility (Draguns, 1981, p. 11). This paper examines the unavoidable stress experienced when a person moving to a new culture finds that familiar cues from home are suddenly replaced with strange, ambiguous, and unpredictable cues in the new setting. A U-Curve pattern of adjustment is offered as a conceptual framework for understanding the stressful period of adjustment in a new culture, and several predictor variables are advanced which may influence the degree of culture shock and recovery reported by individuals. The paper concludes with an overview of strategies for wellness, suggestions for promoting adjustment and learning in a new culture.Faculty of Social Work, The University of Calgary, Edmonton Division  相似文献   

The 1994 federal School-to-Work Opportunities Act (STWOA) provided more than $1.5 billion over 5 years to support increased career preparation activities in the country's public schools. A new longitudinal data source with rich information on school-to-career (STC) programs—the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY97)—provides previously unparalleled opportunities to study the effectiveness of STC programs. This paper uses the NLSY97 to assess the effects of STC programs on transitions to employment and higher education among youths leaving high school, with a focus on attempting to estimate the causal effects of this participation given possible non-random selection of youths into STC programs.  相似文献   

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