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The present study was conducted in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main and the Landesmuseum Schloß Gottorf in Schleswig. 160 museum visitors were asked about their conceptions of learning in school and learning in a museum. These conceptions generate a persons’ individual concept of learning. It is formed by the influence of the subjectively different experiences each person makes in varying learning situations. Since every learning environment offers different opportunities and possibilities for learning, it can be assumed that there are location-specific concepts of learning. The results of this study show that concepts of learning in school can be differentiated from concepts in a museum; albeit reactive and constructive concepts of learning were found for schools as well as for museums. In addition it was found that different people’s concepts of learning depend on their places of learning.  相似文献   

Not just in Germany, but also in other countries of the western world, gender-specific educational success has changed within the last decades: Whereas boys showed higher educational achievements in the 1960s, today it is the girls who obtain higher educational certificates. A number of scholars have pointed to the absence of male role models in boys?? social environment (family and school) as a reason for their worsening school performance. In this article, we use data from the German Micro-census 2008 to analyze the following question: Does it make a difference for boys?? and girls?? transition to academic track secondary school (Gymnasium) whether they grow up in a nuclear family or with single-mothers or single-fathers? The results of the analyses yield no evidence for the claim that the absence of fathers in the family has a negative impact on boys?? performance at school.  相似文献   

Several studies show that university students in Germany still have problems in reasoning mathematically although this already should be fostered at high school since the implementation of standards for school mathematics. Mathematical argumentation is a core competence and highly important, especially in academic mathematics. To foster mathematical argumentation at the beginning of university studies, competence models are needed which give more detailed insights in the skills that are necessary for reasoning. As mathematical argumentation is a complex process, especially at the higher secondary level or at university, many little steps are needed to complete a competence model for argumentation at the secondary–tertiary transition gradually. A possible step can be to initially identify several aspects of mathematical argumentation competence that influence the reasoning quality. The empirical basis for identifying those aspects is a cross-sectional study with 439 engineering students who participate in a transition course in mathematics. We address the following questions: (1) how is the quality of student’s reasoning? (2) Which kind of arguments do students use? (3) What resources do students who reasoned correctly use for solving the problems? (4) Does the content of the tasks play an important role? The results show a great influence of the content on the reasoning quality, especially if the content is abstract or concrete. Argumentation quality of students decreases with an increasing level of abstraction of the content. Furthermore, the results reveal that students often use routines for solving the problems. That indicates that procedural approaches still play an important role in school mathematics. If procedures could be used for solving the tasks, students are more successful. Competence models for mathematical argumentation at the beginning of the tertiary level should, therefore, include these factors.  相似文献   

“Deutsche Schule”, the journal of the German Association of Teachers, was an important forum for the social education debate during the German empire. The author describes this discussion, which took place between 1897 and 1914, on the basis of essays published in the “Deutsche Schule”. Central is the relation between educational task and theory. Within the generally accepted educational task of strengthening the unity of the cultural nation, this early social education debate developed into a controversial discussion over the social and sociological elements of education policy and theory.  相似文献   

In the past decade, variant inspection procedures have been implemented in the German federal states, setting different priorities in terms of objectives. For example, while Bremen focused only on school improvement, Berlin and Brandenburg focused equally on school improvement and control. Considering the differences in the inspection procedures, we investigate whether the variant designs lead to differing attitudes among school principals and teachers (N = 1589) towards the inspection procedure as well as to different school improvement activities. The results show more positive attitudes towards the inspection in Bremen. In all three federal states, cooperation and participation of students and parents increased after inspection. In Berlin and Brandenburg, schools’ self-evaluations increased. In the same two federal states, school documents and curricula were updated before the inspection, while in Bremen this occurred after the inspection. Teachers’ attitudes towards the inspection are slightly more critical in comparison with school principals.  相似文献   

Der Beitrag diskutiert aus der Perspektive historischer Sozialisationsforschung gegenw?rtige Bilder vom Kind. Er skizziert die Grundzüge des romantischen Kindheitsmythos um 1800 und analysiert seine Kontinuit?ten in der P?dagogik um 1900 und an der Wende zum 21. Jahrhundert. Er zeigt, dass sowohl dem aktuellen Bestseller von Elschenbroich „Das Weltwissen der Siebenj?hrigen“ (2001), als auch Positionen der zeitgen?ssischen Kindheitsforschung durchaus romantische Elemente zugrunde liegen. Kritisch befragt werden in diesem Zusammenhang sowohl das Konzept der „Selbstsozialisation“, als auch die Annahme vom Verschwinden der Differenz zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen. Der Beitrag endet mit einem Fazit, in dem Gründe für die Attraktivit?t des Kindheitsmythos aufgeführt sowie Forschungsfragen und -probleme er?rtert werden.  相似文献   

Music, visual arts and design instruction has hardly been studied by the educational research community in Switzerland. Beyond a narrow group of specialists, there is little aware-ness of the basic pedagogical premises, subject matter expertise and the theoretical underpinnings of music visual art and design education although these areas of instruction are firmly anchored in the education goals for compulsory public schooling that have been outlined at national level in Switzerland and a generous amount of instructional time appears to be allocated to these subject areas in comparison with curriculum guidelines in other countries. This paper presents the findings of a trend analysis focused on music, visual arts and design instruction in Switzerland. It shows the importance accorded to aesthetic subjects within the scope of compulsory public education, explores differences in the amount of time resources allocated to these subject areas and describes the subject-specific and cross-functional goals and objectives. Teacher education programs are also examined as their current content and structure raise concerns about inadequate teacher qualifications that contradict the ambitious curricular goals. A review of previous research efforts, most of which have explored the transfer effects of creative, artistic subject areas, follows and desiderata with respect to the future development of research activities are presented.  相似文献   

The transition from school to apprenticeship marks a turning point in the life of teenagers because it can affect the course of their professional careers. Currently, this transition appears to be difficult for many older teenagers. Science deals with factors and conditions which contribute to the complication of this transition process. Teachers and their beliefs play an important role in this process but are largely neglected in the literature. Research has shown that there is a dialectic and dynamic interaction between knowledge and action (i.?e. knowledge is the basis for action). Thus, it is important to investigate the knowledge and beliefs of teachers about the transition from school to apprenticeship. It is documented that beliefs of professionals are underdeveloped in some areas in comparison to the epistemic truth status of scientific knowledge. A certain type of teacher develops an independent and creative professional-action strategy based on his/her beliefs.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the professional self-concept of school heads and the demands on their professional competencies using a standardized survey of 861 school leaders. The paper starts with a sketch of the theoretical basis of the investigation, which is a framework model for school leadership. The initial findings of the research project contradict the concept of a homogeneous group of professionals. Using cluster analysis it is possible to identify five leadership groups, which not only display divergent occupational concepts, but differ systematically in their satisfaction and their experience of stress.  相似文献   

While internet based surveys have gained importance in recent years, their use in adolescent related research is rare at best. The present paper offers an overview of advantages and disadvantages of online surveys and discusses their use in regard to the questioning of adolescents. In a comparison between two random samples of 13 to 17 year olds, we examine how differences between a telephone (N?= 1,784) and an online (N?= 1,652) survey materialize in regard to the coverage rate, discontinuation behavior, and item-non-response. The sampling is analyzed further with regard to sociodemographic differences. While there are no expected coverage problems for the adolescent target group, the results show that adolescents from educated families, as well as those with a migration background, took part more often in the online survey as opposed to the telephone survey. Also, a more intensive mobile use of the internet, as well as in part greater sports activity, is connected to a higher willingness to take part in the survey which suggests that the survey topic influences the willingness to participate.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, German federal states have increasingly emphasized and strengthened the subjects regarded as core domains of the Gymnasium (the academic school track), including German, mathematics, foreign languages and, to some extent, science subjects (biology, chemistry, physics) by reducing the number of course and examination options through specific educational reforms. The present study investigates consequences of the reform of upper secondary schooling in the federal state of Saxony on the learning time allocated to subjects and on achievement in the domains of mathematics, English and natural sciences. As expected, the mandatory course selection of science subjects introduced through the reform led to substantially higher achievement levels in physics and chemistry. Moreover, disparities in achievement in the subjects of chemistry and biology were reduced. The reform effects on average achievement levels were strongly associated with course level choices (basic course, advanced course, drop out). Achievement rates relating to course level were, however, largely independent of the amount of allocated learning time. No changes were observed with regard to achievement levels and disparities in mathematics and English.  相似文献   

The article looks into the pedagogical aspects of the Soviet zones and the early G.D.R.’s dependence on the U.S.S.R.. The analysis is primarily aimed at the personal, individual dimensions of this relation. Teachers and educationalists, having returned to the Soviet zone or G.D.R. after a long period of emigration in the U.S.S.R., are given particular attention. The article focuses on their situation of emigration and re‐emigration, and on their opportunities of participation, influence and action in educational policy and pedagogy. This eventually permits a more precise definition of the function and part those people had in the establishment of the Soviet influence and in the constitution of the educational system of the G.D.R..  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In einer Stichprobe von 2630 Jugendlichen achter Klassen aus Gymnasien, Real-, Gesamt-und Hauptschulen in Ost-und Westberlin wurde im Jahr 2001 die Akzeptanz von Geschlechterrollenorientierungen (traditionell vs. partnerschaftlich) erfasst und ihr Zusammenhang mit Ma?en der Ich-St?rke (positives Bild von sich selbst, psychische Stabilit?t, produktiver Umgang mit Erfolg und Misserfolg) untersucht. Dem partnerschaftlichen Konzept wurde in h?herem Ma?e zugestimmt als dem traditionellen. Dabei ergaben sich Geschlechts-, Ost/West-sowie Schulartunterschiede in der partnerschaftlichen sowie traditionellen Orientierung. Weibliche Jugendliche waren weniger traditionell eingestellt als m?nnliche. Ostberliner Schüler/innen waren weniger traditionell orientiert als Westberliner und Gymnasiast/inn/en hatten eine niedrigere traditionelle Orientierung als Gesamt-, Real-und Hauptschüler/innen. Je h?her der Bildungsstand (gemessen an der Schulform und dem Bildungsniveau der Mutter), desto h?her war die Akzeptanz der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter. Die Jugendlichen wurden nach dem Grad ihrer traditionellen Orientierung in drei Cluster eingeteilt und hinsichtlich der Auspr?gung von Ma?en der Ich-St?rke miteinander verglichen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass Jugendliche mit hoher traditioneller Orientierung ein niedrigeres Selbstwertgefühl, sowie eine h?here Leistungsangst, mehr Furcht vor Misserfolg und in h?herem Ma?e selbstwertmindernde Attributionen ?u?erten als Jugendliche mittlerer und niedriger traditioneller Orientierung. Jugendliche, die in h?herem Ausma? über die pers?nliche Ressource der Ich-St?rke verfügen, traten h?ufiger für die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter ein. Summary Sex-role-orientation and its Relationship to Egostrength in Adolescents from East and West Berlin A sample of 2630 adolescents from grade 8 attending different types of secondary school in East and West Berlin was assessed in 2001. The aim was twofold: to ascertain their acceptance of gender-role orientation (i.e. traditional norms vs. equality in gender relations) and to link it to degrees of ego-strength (high self-concept, psychological stability, ability to deal with success or failure in a constructive manner). The concept of equality in gender relations was found to be more prevalent among females, pupils in East Berlin and those pupils attending grammar schools. The higher the education level of the pupils (measured according to the school attended and the education level of their mothers), the greater the acceptance of gender equality. The adolescents were classified in three clusters according to the degree of traditional orientation and then compared. Results showed that adolescents with a high traditional orientation displayed lower self-concept, a higher level of test anxiety, greater fear of failure and higher attribution of failure to lack of ability than those adolescents with moderate and low traditional orientation. Those displaying a greater range of characteristics related to ego-strength supported gender equality more frequently.   相似文献   

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