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Individuation of Turkish immigrant youth – This study focuses on the relationship between interethnic friendships and individuation processes of Turkish immigrant youth. According to the individuation theory and additional information drawn from former research, interethnic friendships should influence the development of these adolescents’ autonomy. Data from 449 Turkish adolescents living in Germany (age 12 to 17) were used to test the theoretical model and give first insights into the relationship between Turkish-German friendships and individuation of immigrant youth. Results show that Turkish youth with German friends tend to develop different strives for autonomy. Yet, these conceptions of autonomy only effect family cohesion modestly.  相似文献   

The following article gives an overview on the research on teaching effectiveness and teaching quality. It starts with a glance back to the early programmatic demands formulated in the 1970s concerning teaching in higher education and sketches the development towards the current research strands. A special focus will be given to theoretical and methodological aspects of researching quality of teaching in higher education. We then will draw upon examples of state-of-the-art research in the respective construct. These examples can be clustered into (a) evaluation of teaching quality and measurement of key competency acquisition, (b) research on the efficacy of inquiry-based vs. lecture-based teaching and (c) action research into teaching and learning in higher education  相似文献   

The introduction of “all-day schools” (i.e. schools that provide extended education times and extracurricular activities) has been a major topic in educational debates in Germany in the last decade. One of the main goals for expanding the provision of all-day schooling in Germany was to support the development of academic skills and abilities of all students independent of their socio-economic-background. Based on empirical results of current studies and the data of the “study of the development of all day schools” educational effects of extracurricular activities are analyzed. Typically studies show that extracurricular participation supports social learning rather than academic achievement. Nonetheless, data provide first hints of compensatory effects. Thus all-day schools can weaken the link between socio-economic background and academic achievement.  相似文献   

Indicators of social background belong to the standard set of instruments for empirical research in education. Construction of valid ranking scales and category systems for social background depends on a differentiated surveying of the occupation and vocational activity of parents. Coding such details using standard procedures is a complex process. This contribution investigates the intercoder-reliability of occupational codes according to ISCO-88 and the indicators for socio-economic status (ISEI) based on these codes using a random sample of 300 graduates surveyed on the occupation of their father and mother. To this aim, we compared a double-coding by professional coders and a double-coding by the research team. The results show a match of around 50 percent between the two coding groups. The validity of the index of socio-economic status based on the data was, however, very good. The correlation between ISEI-values based on the coding from the different coders was very high. The predication of family background did not vary between the coding of the different coding groups.  相似文献   

Disparities in language competencies of children with and without immigrant background are well-documented through large scale assessments. This study investigates the potential of implicit language promotion, presented in written and combined auditory-written formats. Three experimental groups of 4th graders in elementary schools have been compared. Intervention group (IV) 1 (n?=?33) read the intervention texts two times in German, IV 2 (n?=?52) read texts in their heritage language Turkish and afterwards in German, and IV 3 (n?=?35) listened to texts in Turkish first and read them in German afterwards. All children learned new vocabulary, but analyses of variance showed that students from IV 2 achieved greater vocabulary gains than IV 3. Results also do not support advantages for the combined auditory-written form including the heritage language. Students’ text comprehension and reading competencies influence their incidental vocabulary acquisition. The results are discussed in the light of practical and research implications.  相似文献   

This intervention study examines the different effects that work on video- or text-based teaching cases has on improving feedback-related performance (dependent variable) for trainee PE teachers. Within a teaching-learning arrangement, one group (n?=?24) worked with video-based teaching cases while another group (n?=?9) worked with text-based ones. In addition, both groups completed a school practicum. Additionally, a control group (n?=?23) completed the practicum, without any teaching case intervention. The quality of the feedback-related performance of the trainee PE teachers was recorded using video vignettes both before and after the respective interventions and then evaluated on the basis of an external assessment (expert rating). The results show that the work on video- and text-based teaching cases was effective, but that the videobased procedure had more of an impact, with a high level of practical significance. The control group was unable to improve on the basis of the placement within a school. The results demonstrate their usefulness for future training and competence diagnostics.  相似文献   

Mit dem Urteil zu 1 Ob 142/07z best?tigte der OGH die Entscheidungen der Vorinstanzen, wonach die Klage eines Studierenden gegen eine Universit?t auf Feststellung, dass die beklagte Partei der klagenden Partei für s?mtliche aus der Unterlassung des Anbots von Parallellehrveranstaltungen zukünftig entstehenden Sch?den hafte, wegen fehlender Passivlegitimation abgewiesen wurde. Das H?chstgericht stellte eindeutig klar, dass "Universit?ten in Vollziehung der Studienvorschriften im Rahmen der Hoheitsverwaltung t?tig werden", weshalb ein zivilrechtlicher Anspruch gegen die Universit?t aufgrund eines zu geringen Angebots von Lehrveranstaltungen nicht in Betracht kommt und bekr?ftigte, dass die Haftung der Universit?t oder ihrer Organe für hoheitliches Handeln in Vollziehung der Studienvorschriften auch nach dem UG 2002 ausgeschlossen ist.  相似文献   

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