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Reviewing the massification of higher education in China in the last two decades, this article critically examines how the education markets have emerged and developed in China through engagements with three major minban HEIs for addressing different development needs of the country. More specifically, this article discusses 1) the rise of minban (people-run) higher education developed by different local social forces; 2) the invitation of overseas universities to co-develop transnational education programmes for meeting citizens’ pressing demands for higher education; 3) the engagements of leading institutions from overseas for research capacity advancement. Through the analysis of these different types of non-state-run HEIs, we would appreciate how the Chinese government has skilfully transformed its higher education systems through the tactical adoption of neoliberal practices for education market formation in the country. The present article also reflects upon the unique university governance model in China, clearly revealing how state-university relationship has been affected by the unique and strong historical, political, and institutional traditions of the country.  相似文献   

中外合作开办高等教育课程的政策与现状分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中外合作办学已经成为我国教育事业的一个组成部分。然而,我国高等教育领域中的中外合作办学现状如何呢?这是国内外教育机构都十分关注的话题。本首先介绍了我国中外合作办学的管理和条例,这些规定也适用于香港、澳门和台湾;进而以国内25所高校与境外147个教育机构的116项合作办学项目为例,概括了中外合作办学的五种形式:境外课程、境外资历;双方课程、境外资历;双方课程、双方资历;境外课程、境外资历、国内证明书;双方课程、国内资历、境外证明书,并对每一种形式的教学方式进行举例说明;最后,作综合讨论了三个相关主题:优质的境外远程教育学历课程进入内地市场的挑战;未来教育的新模式对中外合作办学形式的挑战;香港高校与内地合作办学的独特优势。  相似文献   

中外合作办学是指国内高校与国外大学进行合作的一种形式.看似繁荣的中外合作办学可能正面临着迫在眉睫的危机.然而,现有的研究仅停留在中国政府的政策或者政策变化以及机构层面上的操作等问题上.对于为什么这些跨境高等教育活动会发生在中国、它们是否带来了中国社会和高等教育发展所需要的东西以及它们如何才能为中国高等教育体制的完善作出贡献等问题则鲜有研究.换言之,已有研究似乎表明跨境高等教育的主导形式和实践都很好,因而研究的重点就是完善它.本文通过对中外合作办学活动的研究提出一个批判的文化主义视角,这一视角将以新自由主义、后殖民主义和文化主义的观点作为研究的潜在理论工具以填补某些研究的空白.  相似文献   


Chinese universities are actively pursuing cross-border collaborations in the form of transnational higher education programmes. Our study captures the experiences of Chinese students to illuminate how they navigate their learning journeys in a China-Australia articulation programme. To communicate the complexity of learning in modern transnational higher education programmes, we employed activity theory as the theoretical framework to explore cross-cultural contradictions shaping students’ experiences of learning. Assessment, programme rules, teaching strategies, and class and campus settings created contradictions that students had to negotiate as in-between learning spaces. We argue that cross-system contradictions play important roles in transnational higher education programmes. Therefore, instead of seeking to eliminate these contradictions or smooth cross-educational differences, these contradictions should be leveraged as learning opportunities to enrich transnational higher education programmes.  相似文献   


In the past few decades, the internationalisation of higher education has become an increasingly popular trend across different parts of the globe. The fierce global competition and the aggravating unemployment rate, coupled with low teaching and research quality revealed by universities in mainland China, have inevitably compelled a growing number of Chinese students, in particular the financially-able ones, to pursue higher education overseas or to enrol in transnational higher education offered in mainland China. Realising the severe problem of ‘brain drain’ and having a strong conviction to transform its higher education system to become more international for enhancing the global competitiveness of its higher education system, the Chinese government has made different attempts to enhance higher education quality by learning and incorporating new ideas and practices from overseas institutions, particularly encouraging the development of transnational higher education to change the higher education landscape. With particular reference to examining the way these students evaluate their future prospects in choosing different alternatives for further studies in higher education, this study sets out against the context briefly outlined above to critically analyse the motivation of students who choose to study abroad or enrol in Sino-foreign cooperation universities. This study also discusses the extent to which the internationalisation of higher education would affect the situations of ‘brain drain’ and graduate employment in China.  相似文献   

In response to the increasing literature on transnational higher education in host countries, this paper aims to identify prominent factors affecting the quality of transnational higher education in China, as perceived and reported by Chinese host universities. A qualitative data analysis was conducted on 122 self-appraisal reports on transnational higher education programmes submitted to China’s Ministry of Education in 2017 by 112 Chinese host universities. The analysis identified and examined relationships between four interrelated factors: low foreign language proficiency among students, shortage of a sustainable supply of highly qualified teachers, low quality of curriculum design and implementation and deficiencies in institutional regulations. The findings are discussed in the context of the literature, revealing two issues in transnational higher education in China: using local Chinese teachers to teach the imported foreign courses and outsourcing foreign language teaching. The paper concludes with some limitations of the study and implications for future research.  相似文献   

跨国高等教育监管体系的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,伴随着跨国高等教育的迅猛发展,如何对其进行有效监管,以保证跨国高等教育的健康有序发展,已经引起跨国高等教育输入国、输出国和国际组织机构层面的高度关注.本文拟就跨国高等教育监管体系构建的背景和动因、输入国、输出国以及国际组织和机构等多个层面对跨国高等教育的监管和指导基本情况作一介绍和分析,并提出对我国的启示与借鉴.  相似文献   

Scherto Gill 《Compare》2010,40(3):359-376
For over a decade, 50,000 Chinese students have come to study each year in the UK, and the majority of them have since returned and settled back in China. An understanding of their return journey and how relevant their overseas learning is to their home life and work environment is a key to the re‐visioning of the internationalisation of higher education in the UK. Using in‐depth qualitative and narrative interviews carried out in China with eight Chinese postgraduates, this research explores these individuals' overall experience of homecoming, including what motivated them to return, their readjustments to life in China, and their perceptions of the impact of learning from studying overseas on their current life and work in China. This article looks particularly at the change in the graduates' sense of identity. The idea of intercultural identity is developed to explain the phenomenon of these returnees' emerging sense of self, one that is expansive and embraces sources of influence beyond the conventional cultural roots of the individual.  相似文献   

唐艳  杜祥培 《辽宁高职学报》2012,14(11):26-27,76
我国自加入世贸组织以后,高等职业教育面临着教育全球化的挑战。而德国高等教育国际化的成功经验值得我们学习和借鉴。为此,我国高职教育要加强与国外高职教育的合作办学,加强高职教师自身的素质建设,加强对外汉语教学和双语教学,大力发展与完善高职教育的留学生服务体系,完善高职教育的国际化法律法规等,以促进我国高职教育的国际化发展。  相似文献   

德国高等教育国际化的最新进展:跨国高等教育的兴起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍德国高等教育国际化方面的政策和实践,重点探讨起步中的德国跨国教育以及对中国的启示。提出中国高等教育机构应加强和处于海外办学起始阶段的德国高校合作,提升其科技与工程教育水平。  相似文献   

政策视域下我国职业教育体系发展的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来我国职业教育取得了巨大的发展,职业教育体系在政策的引领下逐步形成,但也面临一定的挑战,如普职教之间发展不协调、中高职之间的沟通与衔接不畅,未能凸显中国特色等问题还比较突出。针对我国职业教育体系建设中存在的这些问题,提出普通教育与职业教育并行,中、高等职业教育要紧密衔接等来完善中国特色的职业教育体系。  相似文献   

晚清政府在军事和外交上的失利,洋务运动和变法维新的兴起,科举制度废除和新教育的开始,海外留学政策的演变等动因的交互作用,使中国近代留学教育得以肇始和发展,并相继产生了三次留学高潮,持续不断的留学教育为我国高等教育的发展作出了贡献,对中国高等教育的近代化产生了积极而深远的影响,从近代高等教育的人力和组织保障到高等教育理论体系的构建,从适合中国国情教育模式的探索到高等教育制度体系的建立,都无不与近代留学教育密切相关。  相似文献   

Against a backdrop of globalised higher education (HE) – one in which a number of British universities are setting up campuses overseas – China represents a vast and lucrative market. This paper presents data on the perceptions and experiences of 20 Chinese students who are currently studying at a British university's campus located in China. Drawing upon theoretical and empirical linkages between the expansion of British HE into overseas markets and neo-colonial (or imperialist) activities, this paper discovers that sociocultural perceptions and ideological constructs such as ‘creativity’ and ‘value’ form a vital basis for the exchange of knowledge in transnational HE.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代与国际组织开展合作起,我国高等教育政策及发展历程中就有了国际组织影响的痕迹.本文以世界银行和世界贸易组织与我国的合作为例,阐释了这两个国际组织在我国高等教育改革与发展中所发挥的影响,在分析合作所带来的机遇和挑战的同时,认为我国高等教育应继续积极参与国际合作,与国际组织建立更为密切的工作关系,从而扩大我国在全球经济和知识发展中的作用,并使我们更好地应对来自诸方面的挑战.  相似文献   

This paper explores ways to enhance overseas Chinese graduate employability by taking Finnish-educated Chinese students/graduates as an example. In so doing, it understands that graduate employability development is a joint effort of multiple stakeholders including students, graduates, academics, program coordinators, employers, and policymakers. Accordingly, it provides arguments and suggestions for how to enhance the employability of these graduates in terms of the labor market context, employers’ beliefs and actions, the responsibilities of higher education institutions, and student/graduate commitment. It also points out two major challenges faced by overseas Chinese graduates as well as their educational providers, which are linked respectively to gaps between what graduates acquire in higher education and what is required in the labor market, as well as gaps from the employers’ perspective: areas where employers need to understand more about universities and catch up with new ideas generated by them.  相似文献   

英国高校海外办学历史悠久,呈现融资模式多样化稳定化、治理模式标准化规范化、生源日益增多、办学规模不断扩大、师生管理高效科学、专业设置日臻完善、教学与学习效果日益显著等特点。英国在高等教育国际化和海外办学的过程中积累了相当丰富的成功经验。分析英国海外办学的背景,探究英国海外办学的发展阶段、管理方式和教学模式,对我国高等教育走向海外发展和进行海外办学具有非常宝贵的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

布鲁贝克《高等教育哲学》的诞生,既为中国高等教育哲学的发展提供了有益借鉴,也为中国高等教育哲学的独立自觉起到了有力的推动作用。中国高等教育哲学走向自觉,既是中国高等教育实践发展的客观必然,也是中国高等教育哲学自主发展的内在需要。中国高等教育哲学只有坚持本土化、实践化、人本化和多元化的发展要求,才能实现自觉自立。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the current approach to educational quality formation in transnational higher education promotes educational imperialism, and that guidelines and practices should be altered to embrace context-sensitive measures of quality. The claims are sustained by findings from a study that investigated how academics understood and pursued educational quality in an Australian university programme delivered in partnership with a Chinese university in China. A key finding was that a home programme functioned as the single reference point for quality in the programme delivered in China. Quality in the China programme was sought through the imposition of practices and philosophies associated with the home programme, which required the suppression of local educational traditions. The paper points out that reliance on a home programme as the single measure of quality is encouraged by governing UNESCO/OECD guidelines on quality in cross-border provision.  相似文献   

在人口大国转化为人力资源大国优势的基础上,进一步转化为人力资源强国,促进我国产业升级、经济发展,高职教育必将担当重任。本文从我国高职教育的兴起、现状着手,结合高职教育人才培养目标定位,借鉴国外成熟高职教育模式,对加快高职教育发展,构建中国特色高职教育模式进行了思考,并从自身建设和外部环境营造两方面提出了在此过程中应该注意和把握的问题。  相似文献   

在近代以来的中国社会发展历史上,留学教育在思想启蒙、文化传播、人才培养、社会变革等方面发挥了积极而重要的作用.本文根据我国留学教育的性质和特征,结合近现代史的分期,将近代以来的留学教育分为四个时期,分阶段进行历史回顾,评述各时期的历史贡献或经验教训,并在此基础上进行总结.  相似文献   

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