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The paper reviews developments in methods available for planning the link between education and employment. Eight techniques are described: manpower planning, rates of return, the basic arithmetic of youth employment, the ILO key informants system, local manpower planning, rapid rural appraisal, the use of existing information, educational planning. Areas for future development include a greater focus on the growth of rural work in relation to the criteria of social demand and equity; the creation of categories of economic activity which have local relevance; the integration of skill development arrangements as one of many factors contributing to economic activity; increased use of existing information; an improvement of networks for the sharing between ministries of education, employment and planning of data of mutual interest; an increase in the speed with which data collected at local level but collated and analysed at national level are redistributed to local level; the development of measures of educational quality.  相似文献   

This article is intended to discuss and clarify certain issues raised by Dr Carr-Hill in his article: ‘Education Planning for Scientific Socialism in Mozambique: a View from the Left’ (published in the International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1982). It is argued that Dr Carr-Hill has misinterpreted some aspects of educational policy and planning to Mozambique, and has confused some practical education difficulties with the overall aims of Frelimo policy.  相似文献   

In 1980, the Southern Africa Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) region was formed. Nine independent states comprise the SADCC region: Angola; Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Swaziland; Tanzania; Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is envisaged that Namibia will ultimately join SADCC. This paper examines the policy issues concerning the development of distance education in the region. The role of the Regional Training Council (RTC) of SADCC, with its responsibility for manpower development in the region, is discussed with particular reference to distance education at the upper secondary and tertiary levels. That there are encouraging opportunities to expand distance education in the region is apparent from the research studies recently undertaken. The problem appears to be how to implement cooperation and development in distance education both within and between the nine countries of the region.  相似文献   

I. The first thing that strikes the eye when one inquires into the premises, intentions, and results of French school reform is the importance of planning. Most recently, in addition to being systematically coordinated with manpower planning, this planning has been undergoing a development that, on the one hand, carries it beyond manpower planning — generally recognized to be insufficient — by introducing planning based on qualitative criteria; and, on the other, has grown through close cooperation between the Ministry of Education and the boards and committees dealing with matters of education and training, whose work is one component of the economic and social planning organized by the Planning Commission. This intensification of cooperation — which also signals a reduction in the gap between educational planning and educational policy — found concrete expression in the creation of twenty ministerial planning teams, whose findings were included in the deliberations of the Education Committee during preparation of the Sixth Plan for Education (1971-75) and were reflected in the content of its report.  相似文献   

Lifelong learning was nothing unusual in the Chinese tradition. There was no age limit for education in ancient China, although education in those days was mainly for examinations, which were the testing ground for officials. A system of adult education was established in the 1950s, but that was to complement the formal education system as an instrument to implement state manpower planning. Lifelong education as a modern notion was introduced to China only at the end of the 1970s immediately after the Cultural Revolution. The notion did not gain much ground when education was closely associated with state manpower plans, and individuals did not have much room for personal development. The break away from strict manpower planning in the early 1980s has given rise to individual aspirations for education. Such aspirations have integrated with the long tradition of self-motivation in learning and have given rise to spectacular expansion in all kinds of adult education. While the motives for such learning are still very much related to jobs and incomes, alternative objectives for learning are fast developing outside the formal sectors of education. This article analyses the recent development of lifelong education in China, and uses Shanghai, the most developed city, as an illustration.  相似文献   

In 1983, Mozambique started reviewing the education system that it had inherited from the Portuguese colonial administration. One of the innovations introduced into basic education is the time allocated to the local curriculum (LC) within the national curriculum (NC). The LC enables the communities, including the poorest and those furthest removed from the school environment, to identify themselves with the importance of schooling and allow children to find meaning in what they learn with respect to their life in their community. The good practice described below has been introduced in a community school, where it has successfully brought together the LC and NC to become an individual and collective asset for the community in which it has been implemented. It is a successful example worth studying in detail.
Albertina Moreno ChachuaioEmail:

Adelaide Dhorsan (Mozambique)   is a holder of a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in languages and general linguistics from the University Paul Valéry, Montpellier III, France, she is a pedagogical officer in the Department of Curriculum Planning and Development, Section of Bilingual Education, at the National Institute for Education Development (INDE). Previously, she was a lecturer in the Department of French at the University of Education, Maputo, and Head of the Department of Languages in Upper Secondary Education. Her research focuses on socio-linguistics and didactics, in particular, teaching methods for bilingual education (Portuguese and Mozambican languages). She coordinated the design of the project for curriculum reform and planning for general secondary education and is the author of numerous teaching manuals for basic education in Mozambique. Albertina Moreno Chachuaio (Mozambique)   is a holder of a master’s degree in linguistics from the University Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique, she is Head of the Department for Curriculum Planning and Development at the National Institute for Education Development, Ministry of Education and Culture of Mozambique. Previously she was a teacher of Portuguese in Upper Secondary Education and a research assistant in linguistics for the computerization of linguistic data at the University Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique. Her work and research interests focus on monitoring the curriculum for basic and secondary education and the assessment of teaching materials. She is the author of numerous teaching materials for basic education.  相似文献   

毛建青 《教育科学》2007,23(1):64-67
要实现人力需求预测在教育规划中的准确应用,最为关键的环节在于如何将对未来职业的需求转化为对各级各类教育水平的人才的需求。这是一个非常困难但是可以完成的任务。转换的方法可以包括趋势外推法、国际比较法以及雇主访谈法等。  相似文献   

The operation of any organization depends on the supply of its manpower, and forecasting manpower needs is an essential part of the future strategic planning. Higher education in no exception, and academic manpower requirements constitute a crucial sector of the human resources development in the country. Subsequently, a simple, reliable yet rigorous method for forecasting such academic, manpower requirements becomes a major element in any strategic planning effort. In this paper, the Stepwise Regression Analysis technique is suggested as a reasonable and reliable forecasting method for a small sized technical university. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) is used as an example for the application of the technique. The correlation established using the PC based Statgraphics software, was significant enough to justify confidence in the use of that technique. This method provides an attractive option for planners to develop reasonable forecasts for the decision makers. 1999 International Association of Universities. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Educational planning, the attempt to adapt the skill structure of the labor force to scientific and technical progress, has failed in Italy for two reasons. The poor political possibilities for implementing planning, including planning in education, have checked attempts to put ideas into practice. Instead, the uncontrolled demand for education has made possible the growth of institutions which planning regarded as being of less urgent importance. Second, the foundations of planning have proven to be unsound, because changes in the job structure have not generally been in the direction of higher qualification; rather, a dual tendency has existed with regard to the need for labor. The continued increase in the need for manpower without any prior specialized training, on the one hand, and the need for a higher level of specialization for a smaller, if increasing, segment of the labor force, on the other, have invalidated the assumption that a general rise in level of qualification would be necessary.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to describe the nature and scope of educational provision in Tanzania since 1967. It focusses on the implications of educational policy for the development of manpower which would be suited to the satisfaction of basic needs in rural areas.Tanzania since 1967 is reportedly attempting to implement what amounts to a basic needs strategy of development in line with the declared socialist objectives of the Government.This strategy is essentially a mixture of poverty and employment oriented strategies directed at satisfying essential human needs in areas such as health, education, safe water, housing and sanitation, and food supply as well as other requirements for a fully productive life.Although the provision of education is itself a basic need, it is also a vehicle for the production of trained manpower which is essential to the effective implementation of the basic needs strategy in the other sectors mentioned above. This paper presents preliminary and tentative impressions of the relevance of Tanzania's educational system to the Government's objective of meeting the basic needs of its people as soon as possible.The paper is divided into four sections: educational philosophy in Tanzania, educational growth and development, manpower implications and theoretical models explaining the development of educational resources in Tanzania since 1967.It concludes that, where planning has preceded political decisions, large measures of success have been achieved, but that, overall, political expediency and haste have created substantial divergences between policy and practice.  相似文献   

终身教育体系中,人要不断的学习。教育投资是人力资本形成的主要途径,人力资本在当今经济建设中发挥的作用越来越大。谁来为人力资本投资买单?市场经济遵循“谁投资,谁受益”的原则。但由于人力资本与物质资本不同的产权特性,使该原则不能保证投资的利益。因此建立完善的人力资本投资利益保障机制,是促进人力资本投资动力的前提条件:一是建立国家投资为主体的国民化初等教育体系;二是建立发达完善的人力资本市场;三是建立企业人力资本约束机制。  相似文献   

This article examines changing ideas about the relationship between the nation-state and the university in international higher education development discourse through a quantitative content analysis of over 700 academic articles, conference proceedings and research reports published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It finds that since the 1990s, emphasis on the private sector grows, the nation-state’s role shifts from one of manpower planning to strategic planning, and higher education is increasingly expected to promote standardized development goals and economic competitiveness in the global arena. However, it also finds that the role of the nation-state does not disappear—although no longer portrayed as the primary funder and provider of higher education, the nation-state is imbued with important regulatory functions.  相似文献   

China's recent dramatic economic growth has created an acute shortage of all grades of skilled labor. This article describes her human resource development strategies for overcoming these shortages. She is injecting market forces and incentives into the system and withdrawing from comprehensive manpower planning strategies. Her non-formal education system is probably the best and most comprehensive in the developing world.  相似文献   

大学学术职业后备人才的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培养大学学术职业后备人才,不仅有助于有志进入学术职业的人群顺利开展个人学术生涯,而且对推进大学教师专业化以及提升各类学术组织整体的教学和研究水平都具有现实意义。谁应来对大学学术职业后备人才的质量负责,学术职业后备人才教育缺失的问题以及构建怎样的教育模式是大学学术职业后备人才培养的重要问题。  相似文献   

新疆蒙古族学校双语教育模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆蒙古族双语教育应以素质教育为基点,构建出立体式框架模式。要以坚持保留传统语言和文化与融入现代化主流社会两个目标为根本,尽可能地利用现有的人力、物力资源,进行资源整合,进而完成基础教育、高等教育、教师职业技能教育以及全民教育,形成整体、连贯、协调、开放的个体素质构建和全民素质构建的综合体。  相似文献   

教育是人力资本投资的最主要形式。现代农村对教育进行的投资,其收益在很大程度上是甚微的,投资和收益出现了严重的错位。这种错位又进一步限制了农村经济的发展。只有建构农村的成人教育体系,培养出农村经济发展用得着、留得住的专门人才,才能加快农村人力资本的全面提升。  相似文献   

针对职业教育发展的生态环境保护问题,提出提高职教人员的心理素养,最大限度地调动和激发其主观能动性,激发其健康向上的进取和奉献精神,以构建最优化的职教人力资源软配置体系,更好地发挥职教人力资源的优势,形成积极、和谐的职业教育资源模型,并产生最优化的投资效果.  相似文献   

继续教育作为一种特殊的教育形式,既具有普通教育的特征和功能,又具有自身特有的特性和功能。继续教育对社会资源的整合是其最重要功能之一,包括对社会结构的整合、对教育资源的整合、对人生机缘的整合、对社会人力资源的整合。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of foreign educational assistance in the development of the University of Nairobi in Kenya. Attention is drawn to the implantation of forms of self governance and of a research culture characteristic of Western universities that made fulfilment of the University's national mission to satisfy high level manpower requirements difficult, and led to conflict between the University and the government. Kenya is establishing a second university and is planning further expansion of its system of higher education despite the discouragement it has received from foreign donors. It is suggested that expansion may create a serious drain on already limited instructional and financial resources and worsen the employment prospects of graduates, but it may also produce instructional structures and programs that are more responsive to the country's manpower needs and political circumstances.  相似文献   

21世纪前50年我国教育与人力资源开发的总体目标:建成总量充足、配置均衡、能力优先、体系现代的国民教育体系,构建全民终身学习型社会。如何抓住机遇,迅速发展教育和提升人力资源开发水平,把沉重的人口负担转变为人力资源优势和经济财富,是对实现全面小康目标的一个严峻考验。要实现社会、经济的可持续发展,实现资源与环境的合理保护和利用,需要在全体国民中树立可持续发展的意识和观念,需要有更高层次的全民受教育水平和全面提高社会、经济的可持续发展以及人与自然环境主动协调发展的能力。这些要求,都给教育的快速发展和高水平的人力资源开发提出了新的挑战。继续教育、终身教育、素质教育和创新教育理念的确立,对教育本身提出了一系列新的要求。远程开放教育已成为我国高等教育事业的重要组成部分,对于这种从教育观念、教学形式到教学手段的变化仅有认识是不够的,必须从根本上改变传统的以“教师为中心”的教学理念。必须认识到现代远程开放教育的教学活动乃是以知识的授受中介作为客体,倡导创新性的学习,通过学习提高学生的发现、吸收新知识、新信息和提出新问题的能力。掌握以信息技术为主的教学手段,从而使我们在师生间的双向交流中达到个体化自主学习的目的,文章就在知识经济形势下如何办好远  相似文献   

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