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Chinese people have appreciatedjade since remote antiquity.Jaderepresents the lofty spirit of humanityand carries Chinese people's expectationfor happy life.In ancient times whentools were primitive,carving a beautifuljade required extraordinary talent andperseverance.Chinese emperors andpoets wore beautiful jade wares assymbols for gentlemen.After emeraldwas introduced from Burma to China,itsbrilliant colors and crystal-clear qualityfit for Chinese people's taste for beautyand has created a…  相似文献   

On March 26, 15,920 contestants were running on Xiamen‘s Island Loop Road, dubbed as the world‘s most beautiful race lane. Along the 42.195kilometer lane, some 300 thousand spectators shouted and applauded for those runners. That was the Third Xiamen International Marathon Competition, which was called by local people ““““a big festival““““. There has been never a sport game that makes the city so enthusiastic.  相似文献   

Chinese modern drama is embracing its 100th anniversary. Since the founding of the first modern drama workshop in China in 1907, this artistic expression has demonstrated its extensive impacts and unparalleled appeals that can never be rivaled by any other art forms. Over the past century, modern drama has witnessed the Chinese people's persistent struggles for national independence and freedom as well as their endeavors for social development and prosperity. It has been employed as a significant means to unite and inspire the Chinese people when the nation is at a critical moment or to encourage them for reforms and innovations when the nation strives for modernization. Initially introduced as an imported art, modern drama has been successfully integrated with Chinese culture and now become one of the Chinese people's favorite artistic expressions.  相似文献   

It is true that design influences every facet of our life, Today, designis no longer a novelty for Chinese people. Maybe many of us cannot define what design means to our life, but it is having ubiquitous Impact on our ways of life and the environment are becoming the focus of people‘s  相似文献   

2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the victory of Chinese people's anti-Japanese war. Many events have been organized to commemorate this glorious war. Reviewing this part of history, Chinese dancing circle feels proud of a Chinese master dancer who danced for Chinese people and soldiers amidst the fire of war. Her name is Dai Ailian.  相似文献   

Over the past decade or so, the topic of world literature and Chinese literature has been frequently discussed and seminars on the topic held quite often. It would be impossible twenty years ago. After keeping closed and backward for quite a long time, China has adopted the policy to open its door to the outside world. As a result, Chinese economy has seen rapid growth and economic globalization has changed Chinese people's mindset and way of thinking, and Chinese literature as well.  相似文献   

The successful launch of China's first unmanned lunar orbiter, Chang'e Ⅰ witnessed the country's leading status in the space industry and fulfilled Chinese people's dream to explore the moon. In order to show respect for Chinese scientists who have made great contribution to the countrv's space exploration and express Chinese people's commitment to the peaceful utilization of space for the benefit of human kind,  相似文献   

Paper cut is a fork art enjoying great popularity among Chinese people. Thin line paper-cut, a distinctive genre of Chinese paper cut, originated from Yueqing, Zhejiang Province. According to local historical records, thin line paper-cut appeared and developed in the Southern Dynasty, thanks to the region‘s thriving economy and frequent exchanges with the outside world.  相似文献   

This beautiful story happened two thousand years ago. Lady Li, the beloved concubine of Emperor Wudi of the Hart Dyansty, died of illness and the emperor was so sorrowful that he didn‘t handle official affairs for months. The other day, Minister Li Shaoweng met on his way a child who played a cloth doll. The doll‘s vivid shadow on the earth triggered Li‘s inspiration. He cut Lady Li‘s image out of a piece of cotton cloth,  相似文献   

While English still remains the most widely used language for international communication in most countries around the Pacific Rim, Chinese is being taught in more and more schools in those countries. Chinese is playing an increasingly important role in daily lives and work of Asia-Pacific people. China’s dramatic rise to the world’s economic powerhouse and its rapidly growing international influence are driving the interest to learn its language. Chinese is becoming a new global language …  相似文献   

One century may occupy only a page in a history text book, but for the famous Chinese tea shop Wuyutai, that means several generations of contribution and pursuit. One hundred years ago, to Beijing local people, Wuyutai was only one of numerous tea shops run by immigrant businessmen from south China. Now, they say, ““Our Wuyutai has enjoyed a history of more than one hundred years.““ The past century has witnessed this tea brand name‘s integration with Old Beijing.  相似文献   

Lecture series on Chinese archeological discoveries took place in China Culture Center in Paris late November, 2006, as part of the center's lecture program aiming to respond to French people's growing interest in Chinese culture. Diverse subjects such as archeological discoveries, heritage conservation, Chinese history and civilization as well as traditional ways to enhance bodycare, all attracted the French audience to come. So far, this lecture program has made itself a brand name of the culture center as a primary means to spread Chinese culture and information and provide French people with training on the Chinese language.[第一段]  相似文献   

The Chinese embroidery art has a long history. Statistics show that 5500 years ago in the Liaoning area there appeared a beautiful embroidery type called "Wei Embroidery", which's stitched on fur apparels. And prior to the Shang Dynasty, about 16 to 11 B.C., Chinese embroidery artisans and versatile home ladies used their hands creating countless pieces of beautiful embroidery works on silk textures. Colorful Chu embroidery, solemn and unsophisticated Han embroidery, gorgeous and luxury Tang embroidery,  相似文献   

At a special sale on the collection of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge held in Paris on February 25, in spite of repeated negotiations from the Chinese Government and strong protests from the Chinese people, Christie's, a world-famous auction giant, auctioned the rat head and rabbit head which were looted from China's royal garden"Yuanmingyuan" in 1860 by the British and French Allied Forces. The two bronze heads were eventually sold for 14 million euro each. This shameful sale has again triggered out reflections on the restitution of cultural property looted or stolen from China.  相似文献   

Located 17 kilometers to the City of Ningbo, Dongqian Lake covers an area of 20 square kilometers, which is four only the biggest freshwater lake in Zhejiang Province but atso renowned for its gorgeous scenery. Recently, this beautiful lake once again caught people‘s eye because a large number of Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) gravestone statues were discovered among the mountains beside the lake area.  相似文献   

The year of 2005 marked the centennial anniversary of Chinese film.Over the past century,film has changed people's ways of life,influenced their ideas and concepts and expanded their sphere of imagination.As a celebrated American critic said.film is the most typical art form of the time which has an integrated feature in both technology and society.Therefore,it takes an important responsibility to develop,restore and upgrade people's ability to feel and experience. The year of 2005 has passed and to review Chinese movies in the past year will fring us a delightful memory.  相似文献   

Hetian jade is considered jade ofhighest grade for its fine quality,pure texture and color of mutton tallow. Jewelry tributes to Chinese emperors from Xinjiang were mostly made of hetian jade. Jade stones above the 5,000-meter snow line on the Kunlun Mountain are always mysterious attractions to travelers from the outside world.  相似文献   

Chinese nuo culture, consisting nuo operas, dances and rituals, has evolved from an ancient type of sacrifice and magical ritual held to ward off evils and drive away epidemics, with masks as its most distinctive feature. The nuo culture, popular among the Han people, contains rich information about history and society, reflects ancient Chinese people's value on the universe and enjoys great value for academic studies.  相似文献   

Tian’anmen Square is a landmark symbolizing the spirit of Chinese people and witnessing their pursuit of self-reliance and national independence. It carries the collective memory of Chinese people and records the history of the People’s Republic of China. In celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, the Capital Museum has recently launched the exhibition "100 Years of Tian’anmen Square: a  相似文献   

Last October, at the foot of beautiful Huangshan Mountain, the 6th China International Folk Arts Festival, coorganized by China Federation for the Literary and Art Circle and Huangshan Municipal Government, welcomed hundreds of folk artists from 21 countries, presenting a diverse artistic feast to local people.  相似文献   

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