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有源安装板是有源相控阵雷达的主承力结构,其性能和质量的优劣直接关系到整个雷达质量的好坏.为了提高雷达有源安装板的环境适应性,在设计过程中必须进行冲击试验.该试验重点针对某雷达有源安装板进行了50g半正弦冲击试验,得出了其z、Y、z向冲击试验前后特征级对比结果图,为有源安装板结构的设计制造和修正提供了参考.  相似文献   

详细介绍了大跨度预应力钢筋混凝土拱板空中制作、安装的施工方法。  相似文献   

从材料性能、施工工艺与经济性等方面,对新型建筑材料钢骨架轻型板与轻钢结构、传统钢筋混凝土结构材料作了对比分析,阐述了钢骨架轻型板的产品优势。在此基础上,结合某工程应用实例,从安装工艺、嵌缝施工、质量保证措施等方面,探讨了钢骨架轻型板施工的关键质量控制点。实践证明,钢骨架轻型板能满足现代建筑对轻质、节能、环保的要求,同时能缩短施工工期,节约工程造价,值得推广。  相似文献   

侯成钰 《电大理工》2011,(3):38+41-38,41
扶梯已经成为城市重要交通工具之一,其安全性受到普遍关注。除了急停、防链条断裂,防梯级逆转,防梳齿板挤压等主要保护开关应该特别重视外,围裙板保护开关也应该引起更多关注。不应该由于其开关很小,维护不是很方便,而忽视对它的安装和维护,从而成为扶梯运行中的安全隐患。  相似文献   

中国铁路无砟轨道具有轨道稳定性好、平顺性好、刚度均匀性好、结构耐久性强、维修工作量显著减少、旅客列车的安全性和舒适性显著提高等优点。CRTSⅡ型无砟轨道板作为无砟轨道系统的重要组成部分,具有结构稳定,利于工厂化生产,利于提高施工效率等特点。主要阐述轨道板制作过程的质量控制,分别从原材料、钢筋制作安装、模具安装、混凝土作业、轨道板存放、轨道板打磨六个方面具体说明。同时对常见质量问题进行原因分析,提出预防及解决办法。通过有助于高速铁路建设各方工程管理技术人员对CRTSⅡ型无砟轨道板制作进行有效控制,确保高速铁路工程建设质量。  相似文献   

以工程实例的形式介绍现浇空心板的平面布置及结构形式。结合空心模壳的抗浮验算、内模安装及抗浮措施,详细地论述了抗偏移的现浇空心板混凝土浇筑施工方案,并对现浇空心模壳局部节点处理提出了一些可行的施工措施。  相似文献   

介绍采用移动平台法进行斜煤仓维修及安装高分子板的施工工艺,阐述了该施工法的优点及应注意的问题,对斜煤仓类似施工有一定的指导意义,且选价低廉,有良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

正《八板》、《六板》和《虞舜薰风操》这三首不同曲名的乐曲,都是《八板》的异名同曲,所不同的是《八板》是68板、《六板》是60板、《虞舜薰风操》是48板。《八板》也称《老八板》(它与加花乐曲并用时才称它为《老八板》),乐曲的曲名是根据每一乐句都是八板(八拍)而得名,一乐句俗称"一大板"。《八板》全曲有八个大板,在第五大板后加四板。民间传说:(1)象征四方即:东、南、两、北:(2)象征四季即:春、夏、秋、冬。全曲  相似文献   

在多层斜板分离设备的斜板下方安装一系列与斜板垂直的翼板,构成了带翼斜板设备。把该设备用于石油污水的脱油自理研究发现,其具有较高的脱油效率和脱油深度。在进口含油浓度介于200 ̄600mg/L之间,停留时间27.6分,平均脱油效率可达93.8%,出口平均含油浓度为21.8mg/L,粒径大于40μm的油滴基本均可脱除。文中还对进口含油浓度在300 ̄400mg/L之间的出口含油浓度与表面负荷率的关系进行了  相似文献   

通过对挖斗支耳板结构和定位要求分析,设计了支耳板焊接专用工装,本套工装安装和拆卸焊接件简便,保证了焊接精度、提高了焊接质量和效率、方便了焊接作业.  相似文献   

In the interaction between the child and the adult, interest can be a significant motivational initiator of activities. Systematic monitoring and development of the interest in music activities enables the teachers to influence the preschool children in forming a positive attitude towards the art of music. The research involving preschool teachers, children at the age of five to six and their parents, was conducted in order to determine the interest of preschool teachers and children in music activities. We found that the teachers showed greatest interest in singing songs, playing instruments and listening to music. The children’s favourite activities in kindergarten were movement to music (dancing), singing songs and playing on instruments, namely activities where they could take active part in the educational process. The parents reported that at home the children preferred most to listen to music, to sing songs and move to the sounds of music, and less to play on instruments and to be creative in music. The development of the children’s interest in music depends on the teachers’ expression of interest in music activities, on the choice of music activities and music contents and on the experience in the music environment of the family.  相似文献   

The eight-year-long period from Japan’s initiation of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 to its unconditional surrender in 1945 forced Japan to invest its national economy and industrial and scientific technologies in the war. In addition, in the name of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japan initiated its assimilation and Kominka (Japanisation) policies (皇民化政策) in the colonies Korea and Taiwan. Japan used education as a tool to expand its influence over members of society, and attempted the frequent use of Japanese and Kominka (皇民化) in daily life to penetrate the awareness of people in the colonies. Japan also started to enforce various assimilation policies. A comparison of the implementation of Kominka policies (皇民化政策) in Taiwan and Korea shows that, in terms of school admission rates and frequency of use of Japanese, the proportion of school admission rates for frequent speakers of Japanese to primary education in Taiwan are significantly higher than those in Korea. Moreover, in terms of primary education, national schools were implemented in both Taiwan and Korea according to the “National School Order” promulgated in 1941. Japan made use of the term “education equality” to win people over. In fact, it aimed to strengthen the concept of Kominka (皇民化), the education of militarism, and to force the Taiwanese and Koreans to become “imperial citizens” loyal to the Emperor. Japan’s ultimate objective was to create an environment that met military needs for civilian and military resources.  相似文献   

Postmodern theory is used to consider literacy instruction with and without an electronic whiteboard to investigate what it means to move beyond using technology to replicate older models of classroom structure that may be historically situated but that also limit or at least, do not support engagement in ways that may be possible through use of new technologies. Using postmodern theory in this regard is a way in which to consider again the thoughts and practices that tend to construct identities and ideologies in ways that work against true engagement in literacy tasks, lead to subjection and demonstration of acquiescence in place of engagement that leads to participation and critical engagement. Critical engagement as opposed to gaining and maintaining student attention to task are considered in this paper. Thinking about use of the electronic whiteboard from a postmodern perspective cautions us about careful use of this technology to avoid sending messages to students about them and their role in literacy development, the classroom, and in society.  相似文献   

我国高等教育改革与发展的新形势要求地方高师院校重视和加快学科建设。地方高师院校学科建设的核心是搞好学科布局和凝炼学科方向;关键是抓好学科队伍建设;必须抓好学科基地建设;必须遵循有所为、有所不为的原则,贯彻分类指导、分层次建设、滚动式发展的方针;必须健全和完善学科建设的组织机构,探索并建立有效的学科建设运行机制。  相似文献   

本文对如何培养和提高师专中文专业生写作思维能力的问题进行了探讨,主张在写作教学中教师必须把握好四个环节:一是明确思维特点,讲授思维方法;二是抓住写作理论课堂,引导学生走上科学思维轨道;三是加大文章赏析力度,锻炼科学思维能力;四是抓好习作实践,提高学生写作思维能力。  相似文献   

谈师范院校美术教学中的审美教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要切实加强对高师学生的审美教育,让学生在欣赏优秀美术作品的过程中认识真善美,提高精神境界,受到潜移默化的思想教育;美术欣赏教学是对学生进行审美教育的主要内容,可以培养和提高学生的艺术素养和审美能力;欣赏教学应贯穿于整个美术教学过程中,要与绘画、设计等其它实践教学相互渗透、相互融和;要通过审美教育激活学生的形象思维能力,培养学生健康向上的审美情趣和鲜明独立的创造个性,促使学生成为全面发展的优秀人才。  相似文献   

辛亥精神是指在辛亥革命过程中,以孙中山为代表的革命派为了推翻满清统治、建立资产阶级共和国而彰显的一种敢为天下先的不怕牺牲、勇往直前、追求民主与进步的优秀品质。它开启了20世纪中国人民精神的新风貌,是激励中国人民救国救民和推动中国社会进步的强大动力,这种精神对我们今天仍有积极的意义。  相似文献   

魏晋时期,隐逸之风盛行于一时。隐逸精神及其隐逸方式都发生了较大发展与转变:隐逸精神由东汉末年的避祸之隐转向了正始时的现实抗争之隐、西晋时的世俗生活点缀之隐及东晋时的心灵精神脱俗之隐。隐逸方式也由纯粹的山林之隐转向了融通仕隐的“朝隐”,之后走向了山水自然之隐。魏晋隐逸精神及其方式,都对后世影响甚巨。  相似文献   

As a result of reported failings in the care of people in the health and social care sector in the UK, HE providers who produce professionals to work in these areas are being challenged to address caring values in the student body. As values are subjective and affective, this requires the learning environment to not only promote critical thinking and the development of professional competencies, but to facilitate personal growth and change within students at cognitive, emotional and spiritual levels. As the latter dimensions are frequently ignored in education, this is very challenging: it requires a curriculum that supports students to understand, reflect on and, if necessary, restructure their own caring values in order to develop a transcendent lens i.e. the ability to put others before their own self interests and that of the organisation in which they work. It also requires students to develop the skills to challenge others in situations where caring values are not achieved or sustained. This can only be accomplished as a co-produced phenomenon, as it requires students who are prepared to engage in the process and educators, in both HE and practice settings, who are able and willing to role model appropriate skills and facilitate a learning relationship in which students can grow. However, if the true wisdom of caring values is to be realised in everyday practice, then this kind of transformational learning has to be supported at wider structural levels, and this just may be its Achilles heel.  相似文献   

高等学校科技档案日益丰富,但是科技档案工作普遍存在价值低估、管理制度缺位、专业化引导缺乏、科技泄密和知识产权争议等问题。为此,需要建设专兼结合的高素质档案管理队伍,提高科技档案的利用率;完善管理机制,增强科技资料归档制度的执行力;加大宣传力度,提升科技人员和档案管理人员的保密意识和能力;加强信息平台建设,提高科技档案管理信息化水平;开阔视野,构建高校科技档案资源共享系统。  相似文献   

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