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The purpose of the Kazakh publication citation indicator that has been developed in Kazakhstan since 2005 is to carry out scientometric analysis of scientific publications to determine their citation rate. At present, the bibliographic database (BDB) on citation includes information on the publication activities and citation index of approximately 30000 Kazakh scientists and specialists. They had over 18000 scientific papers published in over 500 domestic and foreign journals. The total quantity of references to papers by Kazakh scientists was more than 28000. The Kazakh analogue of the science citation index determination system is an efficient tool for analytical work with the BDB of scientific publications, which makes it possible to calculate publication activities and citation parameters, which are used to define the value and demand for the results of scientific work in various fields of domestic science.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the evaluation of scientific activity with the help of some scientometric indices, in particular, a citation index. The information massif of the bibliographic database of citations to domestic publications of Kazakh authors is statistically described.  相似文献   

The results from analyzing the scientific output of scientists from the Novosibirsk oblast’ are given based on works published in 2005–2009. The analysis was carried out using the data and potential of the Web of Science (WoS) and, in particular, information about domestic and foreign science foundations that supported particular studies, Journal Citation Reports, HistCite software, and certain additional data that included official statistics from Rosstat and involved indicators derived from the journal impact factor and the aggregate impact factor of the WoS knowledge category. The publications by the scientists from the oblast’ were distributed according to 133 WoS knowledge categories. Research in certain trends in 48 WoS knowledge categories carried out in the oblast’ is in no way inferior to and very often is even better than the global science standards. More than 50% of the publications were sponsored by domestic and foreign science foundations: the scientific quality of these works was considerably higher than that of the unsponsored studies. The coauthors of the articles published by scientists of the oblast’ in the period were their colleagues from 83 countries. R & D costs in the Novosibirsk oblast’ are used quite efficiently: in 2009 the publications by the scientists of the oblast’ accounted for more than 9% of the entire amount of works published all over Russia, while internal research and development expenses were only 2.5% of such expenses nationwide.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a bibliometric study of the scientific publications that are affiliated with Russia and included in multidisciplinary databases, such as Science Citation Index and Scopus, as well as in the specialized Chemical Abstracts database, in the period from 2005 to 2009. Major bibliometric indicators, including citation indexes, are explored. It is shown that the Scopus database contains most of the Russian publications in the period from 2005 to 2009. While a gradual decrease in the number of peer-reviewed Russian-language journals constitutes a general trend for all three databases, the Chemical Abstracts database leads in terms of the coverage of these journals. It is found that despite the large number of translated versions of journals, Russian publications are still significantly late in their coverage by foreign databases, which has a significant impact on their citation levels.  相似文献   

The scientific impact of a publication can be determined not only based on the number of times it is cited but also based on the citation speed with which its content is noted by the scientific community. Here we present the citation speed index as a meaningful complement to the h index: whereas for the calculation of the h index the impact of publications is based on number of citations, for the calculation of the speed index it is the number of months that have elapsed since the first citation, the citation speed with which the results of publications find reception in the scientific community. The speed index is defined as follows: a group of papers has the index s if for s of its Np papers the first citation was at least s months ago, and for the other (Np ? s) papers the first citation was ≤s months ago.  相似文献   

评价某一学科领域的科学共同体的信息需求,是图书情报部门的一项重要工作。本文运用引文分析法研究了我国1999-2009年图书馆学专业博士生学位论文所利用的文献,旨在确定该科学共同体引用的出版物的数量、语种构成、文献类型、出版年代及高频引用的中外文期刊,以便为图书情报部门有针对性地满足图书馆学研究人员的信息需求及建立有效用的馆藏提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The role of Kazakhstan and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the global scientific landscape in 1996–2006 is analyzed on the basis of statistical data obtained from the Scopus database. The analysis of bibliometric indicators, publication activity, and citation per country and per field of study is presented in absolute terms and per population of a given country.  相似文献   

The citation counts are increasingly used to assess the impact on the scientific community of publications produced by a researcher, an institution or a country. There are many institutions that use bibliometric indicators to steer research policy and for hiring or promotion decisions. Given the importance that counting citations has today, the aim of the work presented here is to show how citations are distributed within a scientific area and determine the dependence of the citation count on the article features. All articles referenced in the Web of Science in 2004 for Biology & Biochemistry, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics were considered.We show that the distribution of citations is well represented by a double exponential-Poisson law. There is a dependence of the mean citation rate on the number of co-authors, the number of addresses and the number of references, although this dependence is a little far from the linear behaviour. For the relation between the mean impact and the number of pages the dependence obtained was very low. For Biology & Biochemistry and Chemistry we found a linear behaviour between the mean citation per article and impact factor and for Mathematics and Physics the results obtained are near to the linear behaviour.  相似文献   

A comprehensive methodology for selecting the world’s scientific periodicals that are necessary to carry out research on specific natural science and technical directions is given based on the use of citation analysis taking into account both citation indexes of selected publications in specialized journals and their citation of specialized journals. A list of world journals and other publications is obtained based on which it is suggested to create the corresponding scientific and information environment.  相似文献   

科学研究的目的在于创造知识,并应用理论成果解决我国社会、经济、文化等发展中的实际问题。将论文发表在国际期刊上可以让更多的国际同行了解我国最新的科研成果,为我国获得更多的国际影响力,所以在过去二十多年里SCI论文成为我国科研考核的一个重要指标。在这种科研评价导向下,我国学者发表的国际论文数量已居世界第一位,而大量来自国内同行的引用使得我国国际论文的被引量排名世界第二。本文提取1990至2015年Web of Science论文及其引文的数据,分析不同国家、不同学科在国家层次的自引情况,并在不同国家、不同学科之间进行比较。研究发现,在排除国内同行的自引后,我国国际论文的真实国际影响力仍然有限,除了临床医学和物理等少数学科外,其他学科仍然低于全球平均水平。  相似文献   

Although many governmental and intergovernmental organizations publish vast quantities of grey literature, the importance of the diffusion and impact of this literature are rarely studied. Evidence from an investigation of the grey literature output of GESAMP, the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (sponsored by the UN and several of the UN-family of organizations), indicated that the literature reached scientific readers and was cited. To determine whether that evidence was representative of international intergovernmental bodies, another intergovernmental organization devoted to marine environmental issues, namely, the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment (GOMC) was studied. GOMC, an American–Canadian partnership, has been working since 1989 to maintain and enhance environmental quality in the Gulf of Maine. Through its own publications and others resulting from studies conducted under contract or in cooperation with other organizations, GOMC provides a complex publishing history for investigation. Over 300 publications were identified and over 500 citations were located after extensive searching using several citation tools. Citation patterns for GOMC publications mirror the findings of the study of GESAMP; grey literature is cited over lengthy periods, but grey literature tends to be cited primarily by other grey literature. Although digital alerting and access tools are increasing in number and coverage, a reliance on grey literature as the primary means of publication continues to pose hurdles for influencing scientific research, public policy, and public opinion. While grey literature is common to organizations such as GOMC and GESAMP, the impact of this literature can be muted because of the limitations of its dissemination and perceptions of its quality.
Bertrum H. MacDonaldEmail: URL: www.management.dal.ca

The rise of software as a research object is mirrored by increasing interests in quantitative studies of scientific software. However, inconsistent citation practices have led most existing studies of this type to base their analysis of software impact on software name mentions, as identified in full-text publications. Despite its limitations, citation data exists in much greater quantities and covers a broader array of scientific fields than full-text data, and thus can support investigations with much wider scope. This paper aims to analyze the extent to which citation data can be used to reconstruct the impact of software. Specifically, we identify the variety of citable objects related to the lme4 R package and examine how the package’s impact is dispersed across these objects. Our results shed light on a little-discussed challenge of using citation data to measure software impact: even within the category of formal citation, the same software object might be cited in different forms. We consider the implications of this challenge and propose a method to reconstruct the impact of lme4 through its citations nonetheless.  相似文献   

The existing approaches to the definition of the scientific contributions made by researchers are analyzed. A bibliometric database is developed on the basis of the quantitative analysis of publication activities monitored by the most representative global citation systems, such as the Web of Science (Thomson Reuters, USA), Scopus (Elsevier, the Netherlands), and the Russian Science Citation Index (Scientific Electronic Library, the Russian Federation). The system allows teachers and researchers to consult their scientific publications (contained in Scopus, the WoS, and the RSCI),check citation levels and the h-index, filter data by the date of publication, and access the profiles of other researchers.  相似文献   

闵超  张帅  孙建军 《情报学报》2020,(3):259-273
科学知识借助引用关系发生动态扩散,客观记录科学发展与演化的轨迹。由于知识之间存在千丝万缕的联系,以孤立的观点看待科学知识的影响与价值往往得到的是片面的感观。本文从联系的视角观察科学知识产出,尝试通过被引、引用、文献耦合与共被引等文献关系为单篇论著构建引文扩散网络,探讨"文献嵌入网络"的概念、测度方式及其在引文扩散过程中起到的特殊作用。案例分析显示,科学知识的形成相伴于科学知识网络的发展,同时也受到这个网络的影响:科学知识向科学领域的扩散,遵循从核心领域向周边领域的扩散模式;施引文献可以揭示目标文献中没有显式呈现的信息;四种文献关系之间可能存在相当程度的重合,引文扩散过程显示出知识的"黏滞性"与非常明显的"小世界"特征。对科学产出的扩散网络进行量化有助于为全面评价其价值提供更多客观依据。  相似文献   

Constructing academic networks to explore intellectual structure realize academic community detection, which can promote scientific research innovation and discipline progress, constitutes an important research topic. In this study, tripartite citation is fused with co-citation and coupling relations as a way of weighting the strength of direct citations, and all-author tripartite citation networks were constructed due to the contributions of all authors to the resulting publications. For purpose of exploring the potential of the all-author exclusive and inclusive tripartite citation networks, gene editing is taken as a case study. The extensive experimental comparisons are conducted with the traditional author single-citation networks and first-author tripartite citation network in terms of network structure characteristics, identifying core scholars, and exploring intellectual structures. The following conclusions can be drawn as follows: our all-author tripartite citation networks are able to help identify the most influential scholars in the field of gene editing, and the intellectual structures from exclusive tripartite citation networks are optimal.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the thematic scope of publications in the literature focusing on graphene in the period between 2010 and the first half of 2011 is conducted. The development patterns for physics of graphene are highlighted. Hotspots and emerging trends are outlined in this area, based on the analysis of publications in volumes 1–12 of the 2010 edition and volumes 1–6 of the 2011 edition of the peer-reviewed journal The Physics of Nanoobjects and Nanotechnologies published by the All Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VINITI RAS).  相似文献   

苏芳荔 《图书情报工作》2011,55(10):144-148
以图情类影响力最大的4种期刊在2000-2009年的载文量与被引频次为样本,采用符号检验与相关分析的方法,从合作模式与合作频率两个方面分析科研合作对期刊论文被引频次的影响。研究发现:①合作发表论文的影响力明显高于独立(无合作)发表的论文;②在获得被引频次方面,国际合作并不优于国内合作,高校并不优于研究所;③研究机构的合作次数与被引频次呈正线性相关关系,但机构的合作频率与篇均被引次数没有显著相关。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of a range of key publications in the area of nanoenergy, which, among other journals, were reflected in the Physics of Nanoobjects and Nanotechnology issue of the peer-reviewed journal that was published by the All-Russia Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VINITI RAS) in the 2000–2012 period, key areas of research in this field are analyzed from the perspective of physics. The citation indexes of the key publications, the geographic origins of their authors, and the demand for nanoenergy products are presented. The areas of growth are specified, and the scientific interest in the related problems in different countries is analyzed.  相似文献   

The complex web of information ranges from pure science to applied techniques to management policies. All are important, yet have varying levels of accessibility and authority. Often the apex of the peer-reviewed journal article is considered the most important level discouraging scientists and managers, especially those in developing countries, from populating the other layers of the web that may be considered grey. We are particularly interested in how information produced in developing countries fits into this information web. To do so, we focused on one topic, mangroves, using it as a means to exemplify the complexity of the web of information and reveal publication patterns. Using search tools, we identified 2000–2005 mangrove-related publications regarding Africa and India, analyzed them by author’s location and affiliation, publication format, and availability. Our preliminary analysis suggests that grey literature remains difficult to discover, the peer-reviewed journal is the most popular means of scientific communication, and open archives are just starting to have an impact on scholarly communication. The web of information would be strengthened by improving the discovery of the grey literature through greater visibility and accessibility.  相似文献   

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