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一、解构式阅读的特点解构式阅读是后现代主义提出的一种阅读方式。所谓解构,就是一种“双重写作”和“双重阅读”,也就是在作者作品的基础上,读者再进行一次创作活动。在活动中,读者根据文本进行阅读。由于读者本身所具有的知识背景不同,不同读者对于文本的阅读是不同的,所谓“有一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特”,读者所领会到的文本意义具有不同性。因此,解构式阅读的方法,重新赋予文本新意义,使阅读成为写作延伸的一种阅读方式。解构式阅读是与传统阅读方式不同的一种阅读模式,具有本身独有的特点,表现为:1.地位的平等。在解构式阅读中,强…  相似文献   

解构式阅读是一种反传统、反权威的阅读方式,它强调了读者在阅读中的地位,要求读者读出文本的多级意义而不是终极意义。解构阅读的主要特征是延异性、互文性、多元性和思创性。文章通过课堂上的个案研究来说明解构式阅读模式的可行性。  相似文献   

通过批判性阅读可培养批判性思维能力,这一实践需要破除传统阅读观念的影响,包括结构主义及二元论的羁绊。本文研究解构主义理论为批判性阅读提供的理论支持和操作方法。论证解构主义理论从文本意义的本质属性的视角肯定读者主体地位的重大意义,论述运用解构式双重阅读观来设计批判性阅读教学活动的理论依据、可行性和操作方法。  相似文献   

本文结合译林版《英语》教材中Story Time板块的教学课例,提出了在阅读前、阅读中、阅读后三个环节利用提问实施深层阅读教学的具体策略,即在阅读前利用提问激活学生的阅读期待,激发学生对文本内容进行主动预测,自主建构文本;在阅读中利用提问促进学生深度思考,引导学生对文本进行探究,深度解构文本;在阅读后利用提问驱动学习任务,帮助学生重构和完善新的知识结构,再构文本。  相似文献   

马莹 《文教资料》2005,(36):88-89
解构式阅读是一种创造性的、自由的阅读;是一种与虚无主义划清界限的、开放式的阅读;是具有包容性、完整性和方向性的双重阅读。对解构主义阅读观的分析;对解构批评的重新思考; 对“解构式阅读”的教学设计,都进一步证实了解构主义与大学英语阅读教学相结合具有其有效性与可行性。解构式阅读为大学英语阅读提供了新的教学思路。  相似文献   

从经典案例中提炼“多阅读策略教学”的特征:有多个阅读策略参与,在单个阅读策略基础上滚雪球式发展,每个阅读策略通过学生的阅读行为和结果得以表现,凸显同伴学习的价值,指明阅读方向。据此梳理出单篇文本和单元的“多阅读策略教学”要领:“梳理并运用多个阅读策略,落实多阅读策略责任及时转移,组织协同学习,渗透解释性讨论”;“带着策略意识观照整个单元,寻找单元内各篇文本多阅读策略的着力点,强化单元内容之间的前伸后延”。  相似文献   

文章首先阐述了初中语文阅读教学中文本细读的重要性,然后提出了初中语文阅读教学中文本细读的有效策略,分别是运用体会式阅读,感受文本情感;加强对于文本词句细节的理解;加强文本内容之间的联系;注重不同视角的文本解读。  相似文献   

教学创意:在研读文本的过程中,为了避免对美文的肢解性欣赏,避免鸡零狗碎式的东剁西砍,需要对这篇经典散文的“美的要素”进行解构,然后建构重组,形成阅读欣赏的活动方案,即通过不同层次的比较分析。引领学生逐步走进文本深处。  相似文献   

批注式阅读是一种重要的阅读方法,主要是对文本内容、结构与思想内涵等进行批注,根据主要内容与心得感悟写出文字,以及画上相应的线条和特殊符号等.高中历史知识内容丰富、形式多样,教师应该重视运用批注式阅读,构建主要的运用策略,提高高中历史教学效果.  相似文献   

阅读支架是学生走进文本的桥梁,能让学生朝着学习目标一步步自主攀登。在课堂教学中,教师可为学生提供核心问题支架、对比性阅读支架、延展性阅读支架和图表性支架等,使学生借助阅读支架理解文本的核心内容,领悟文本的语言运用规律,解构文本的结构层次,从而获得阅读能力、思维能力的全面发展。  相似文献   

Key Stage 2 Pupils learn to change the way they speak and write to suit different situations,purposes and audiences.They read a range of texts and respond to different layers of meaning in them.They explore the use of language in literary and nonliterary texts and learn how language works.  相似文献   

德里达利用写作中"在"的缺席残酷地戳穿了人类思想活动对中心、终极意义的追寻的虚幻性,然而也给人类带来了卸掉重负的快感。解构主义影响了当代人的生存状态和艺术面貌。  相似文献   

女性主义文学批评是在当代西方文学理论与实践过程中,充满解构精神的一种批评方法,是关于阅读和写作的批评理论。在这种批评思潮的影响下,80年代的中国曾涌现出一大批女性作家,她们自觉或不自觉地借鉴、吸收并创作了大量具有女性意识,反菲勒斯文化中心传统的女性作品。王安忆无疑是其中一个极具代表性的作家。她的“三恋”、《我爱比尔》、《岗上的世纪》、《弟兄们》等等,都是很好的女性主义文学批评文本。  相似文献   

通过对《兔子,跑吧》中形成的出走/归来、情人/妻子、理想/现实这三对二元对立体的解构式解析,本文探讨了作者厄普代克对待人类乐园追寻的情怀,即生活在别处的解构式情怀。  相似文献   

This paper explores how educators might intervene in canonized texts of the human subject on which a particular and exclusive kind of humanism rests. In imagining possible interventions educators might make, I turn to and trace Jacques Derrida's on‐going deconstruction of the philosophical texts of subjectivity. In his body of work, Derrida destabilizes fixed notions of the human subject and the institutions it founds (like philosophy and education). From Derrida's points of destabilization and through a differing but similar deconstructive stance, I also consider Gayatri Spivak's suggestive question ‘Who is not the subject of humanism?’ to provide another possible trajectory for intervention that educators might take. Departing from knowledge‐based conceptions of human subjectivity, Spivak urges educators to respond to their students in meaningful encounter with the ‘Other’ while Derrida suggests human beings might begin the difficult and complex task of re‐envisioning an altered humanism, a humanism founded on the call of the Other in institutional sites like education. By an engaged rereading of the texts of human subjectivity upon which human beings are written and by turning to respond to the face of the human beings in and outside their classrooms as a means of encountering the Other's humanity, I suggest that educators be the catalyst for changing what it means to be human and education the means by which we approach a humanism yet to be.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of dominant educational discourses through textual critique and argues that such an approach enables education studies to preserve an important distinction from teacher training. The texts deconstructed here are specific to English education, but the discourses at work have international relevance as the rhetorics of accountability, performance and measurement (which we call cells of discourse) have global reach. Ward described a national picture in England whereby the great majority, if not all, of education studies undergraduate courses appear to be taught alongside, or within (through shared modules) teacher training programmes. But from a sociological position, these are two increasingly conflicting arenas—the study of education and the training of teachers. In response, Ward called for the subject to radicalize teacher education. The implications of this are significant if education studies is to retain a status as agent of critique. In this paper we return to the theme of education studies as a discrete practice from teacher training and suggest that any acceptance of a proximal relation to teacher education is counter‐productive. In so doing we offer three contemporary examples of the subject at deconstructive work, scrutinizing the published standards for teacher training in England, employer discourse and the Tomlinson report (commissioned by the English government to offer proposals for the reworking of vocational education) and the new curriculum for adult literacy in England. Particular attention is given to analysing the ways in which such texts speak the currently powerful discourse of standards.  相似文献   

The media play a major role in the construction of popular cultural “texts,” such as films and television programs. These media forms are conceptualized as “public pedagogies”—i.e., as texts that have great potential to teach the public about a wide range of educational issues. This article focuses attention on the representation of teachers and principals in the popular television series Boston Public. Specifically, the authors provide two complimentary accounts of how the representations of teachers and principals can be engaged through critical analyses or “readings.” One account develops a deconstructive reading of how Boston Public treats teacher preparation, teacher competence, and principal leadership. The second account examines how preservice teachers were engaged in multiple readings of the program. The article concludes by suggesting that analyzing popular representations of teachers and educational leaders in film and television can become one important strategy, among others, for developing critically reflective educational leaders and teachers.  相似文献   

In this article Daniel Brodén explores the ambivalence in teaching about art and aesthetics in the humanities. By comparing and contrasting Gert J. J. Biesta's educational theory and Jacques Rancière's writing on aesthetics, he hopes to bring some of the particularities of aesthetic experiences into focus and to discuss a tension in educational situations that concern students' interpretation of aesthetic texts: how the teacher, on the one hand, will serve as a representative for a formal system of education — or what Rancière calls a system of inequality — and, on the other hand, should respect the autonomy of the aesthetic experience. Brodén argues, however, that more interesting than the ambivalence itself is the question of how we can acknowledge this tension in productive ways. Thus, his aim here is to show how the teacher can contribute to the verification of an interpretive approach to art, with Rancière's axiom of equality in mind. Drawing on Biesta's writings, Brodén also highlights how the teacher can provide students with possibilities to pursue a subject-ness and how the risks involved call for a deconstructive approach to the enactment of teacher power. The article concludes by suggesting that we would do better not to view the ambivalence in focus as a problem, but instead to see it as something that calls for continuous engagement and critical reflection.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine televised media portrayals of Tiger Woods from a cultural studies perspective that is sensitive to historical patterns of minority participation in golf. A deconstructive strategy was undertaken to analyze the type, style, and kind of media images of Tiger Woods' life history and golf accomplishments. The underlying meanings of these images were analyzed in an effort to expose how popular culture reflects and promotes hegemonic practices in golf. The results revealed that the meanings and images of Tiger Woods articulated within the media were inconsistent and in direct contradiction to common sense views that minorities have made advances in the golf subculture. In fact, a closer examination of the media texts showed that the underlying media messages actually reinrorce historical practices and common stereotypes of the golf community. In this paper we argued that media portrayals of Tiger Woods were characterized by an underlying racist, sexist, and classist ideology masked by cummon sense images and views of sport.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a growing recognition that presenting principally western perspectives in science texts is a form of ethnocentrism, racism or cultural imperialism. In order to address this problem, a number of science texts have appeared which attempt to incorporate greater diversity of knowledge types. This paper employs discourse analysis techniques to examine the approach taken to minority group knowledges in two recently published sets of junior secondary science texts, one used in Australia and the other in Canada, with a specific focus on the incorporation of indigenous knowledges into the texts. An evaluation is provided on the kinds of indigenous knowledges incorporated in the texts and the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches used.  相似文献   

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