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《废都》的文本话语与两性话语、道德话语、文学审美话语、政治话语都产生了不同程度的背离与冲突。以男权为中心的文人士大夫自恋心态导致对女性话语权力的践踏,对两性关系的主观病态扭曲;同时,作家艺术真实尺度把握不当,是对文学审美话语的挑战;“废都人”自私自利、见利忘义、虚伪做作的言行举止和两性关系的扭曲、变态,是对中国传统优质道德话语的颠覆;作品中以宣泄基调反映出来的社会各阶层间差距加大、利益分配不公等问题,是对主流政治话语的讽刺;作家历史理性的深度匮乏使《废都》难以承担指引读者对真、善、美的追求这一使命:作家艺术技巧的牵强降低了作品的艺术价值;作家“审丑”尺度不当,忘记了对丑的批判。  相似文献   

关于作家、读者及批评家之间的关系问题一直是文学创作中言说不尽的话题,而批评家作为作家与读者之间的一座桥梁似乎更加备受关注,批评家通过对作家创作作品的评价为读者的阅读活动打开了一扇轻便之门,对读者进一步理解文本起到一定的引导作用。同时批评家的批评也为作家的创作活动起到一定的引导作用。  相似文献   

前景化是作家创作文本实现自己交际意图的一种有效手段。理解前景化现象对理解文本有着重要作用。常规关系作为话语中所表达的各种关系的本源,是理解话语含义的基点之一。读者利用常规关系,对变异的话语进行填补和阐释,探究前景化现象背后的隐含意义,把握文本主旨和作者的交际意图。  相似文献   

关于作家、读者及批评家之间的关系问题一直是文学创作中言说不尽的话题,而批评家作为作家与读者之间的一座桥梁似乎更加备受关注,批评家通过对作家创作作品的评价为读者的阅读活动打开了一扇轻便之门,对读者进一步理解文本起到一定的引导作用.同时批评家的批评也为作家的创作活动起到一定的引导作用.  相似文献   

土耳其作家奥尔罕·帕慕克因其力作《我的名字叫红》获得2006年度诺贝尔文学奖。该小说高超的叙事技巧、文化的多样性以及民族性特质的完美结合令东西方世界的读者折服。在"与读者成为同谋"的第一人称叙事中,有三个话语叙事系统:一是死者与凶手的话语叙事系统;二是动物与无生命物质的话语叙事系统;三是恋人间的话语叙事系统。这三种话语叙事系统,组成了完美的复调交响曲,真实呈现了后现代社会语境下土耳其人对民族传统与现代化进程的存在之思。  相似文献   

常规关系是一种认知思维方式,是人类认知和把握世界的一种工具.它不仅可以帮助人们理解话语含义,还能使人们理解和把握各个事体之间的相互关系,对人类行为或事物的运作规律进行预测和判断,从而做出相应的反馈.小说的理解和欣赏也是一种认知活动.以《警察与赞美诗》为例,读者对小说的解读基于常规关系.读者除了借助背景知识中的固有常规关系理解小说之外,随着读者与作家、作品的不断互动,读者还会建立临时常规关系来解读作品.这部小说结尾违反了固有常规关系却遵循了临时常规关系,便产生“既出人意料又合乎情理”效果,这就是“欧·亨利式的结尾”认知机制.  相似文献   

受历史文化背景的影响,不同时代的读者对同一作家评价不一。沈从文"文体作家"的称谓在不同时期内涵不同,褒贬不一。这充分说明了文学活动在读者接受并作出反应后才告结束。但文学毕竟是一项独立的艺术活动,对之最终的评价标准是符合艺术规律的。  相似文献   

以伊瑟尔"空白理论"与司空图"韵味说"为代表的中西空白理论都将读者引入了文学研究的领域,都涉及到在文学接受或鉴赏过程中读者与文本及文本意义的关系,同时,由于二者立足于中西不同的本体论,分属于不同的话语体系,其对于参与文本意义生成的读者的话语立场又有着不同的规定与要求。  相似文献   

自Harris提出元话语以来,不同理论背景的研究者大量论述了元话语,原因在于元话语在语篇中占有重要地位,是组织语篇结构,构建作者与读者之间关系的重要手段。对BBC新闻中的元话语进行分析,解读其元话语的分布,能提高阅读此类报道的质量,同时也能为元话语的深入研究开辟新的路径。  相似文献   

本章主要论述《到灯塔去》与《私人生活》两部作品中的母女关系,指出不同国度、不同时代的作家对于这个主题的不同注解,探讨母女关系在不同时空中的异同以及形成的原因,指出在男权话语下母女关系所表现出的复杂性。  相似文献   

Two studies examined whether children (5- and 6-year-olds; 8- and 9-year-olds, n = 214) and adults (n = 72) consider social relationship when evaluating unhelpful or helpful actions. Participants learned about a person-in-need who was (or was not) helped by someone they knew (a friend) and someone they did not know (a stranger). Older children and adults judged an unhelpful friend as meaner than an unhelpful stranger, and judged a helpful stranger as nicer than a helpful friend. Younger children did not judge an unhelpful friend as any meaner than an unhelpful stranger, and they judged a helpful friend as nicer than a helpful stranger. These findings suggest that a mature appreciation of how social relationship matters for evaluation emerges relatively late in development.  相似文献   

对高校部分辅导员和大学生的调查显示,在学生的评价中,与辅导员关系“十分好”的为2.5%(他评)-7%(自评),“较好的”的为21.69/6(自评)-35.1%(他评),“一般好”的为60%(他评)-68.7%(自评)。是否为党员或学生干部对与辅导员的关系和评价有显著影响。随年级变化,辅导员与学生关系类型大体有:主导型、师生型、朋友型、引导型、互敬互助型。其中一年级新生与辅导员的关系以引导型为主,高年级则以朋友型为主。  相似文献   

良师 益友 人梯——师生关系视角下高校教师的角色定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师对自己在教育教学工作中的角色认同,将直接影响育人的质量。师生关系可分为三个维度:师生间的教育关系、人际关系和学缘关系,对应于这三个维度高校教师的角色定位应分别是良师、益友和人梯。为实现教师对期望角色的认同,在提升教师素质、加强师德建设的同时,需要为教师营造一个能够潜心于教学科研的环境与氛围。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对356名中职生的自我和谐与社会支持状况进行了调查。结果表明:中职生自我和谐状况总体上处于中上水平;自我和谐在性别、是否独生子女及城乡来源等人口学变量上不存在显著差异;朋友支持与其他支持是自我和谐总分及自我与经验不和谐的有效预测变量,朋友支持与家庭支持是自我的灵活性与刻板性的有效预测变量。其中,朋友支持是中职生自我和谐最重要的预测变量。最后,文章探讨了中职校心理健康教育中自我和谐的促进措施。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of peer collaboration and social context on children's use of literate language. Literate language is defined as a specific oral language register. It was hypothesised that friend, compared to non-friend dyads would evidence more literate language in the form of talk about cognitive and linguistic processes. Same gender dyads of 7- and 8-year-old children were observed during collaborative writing tasks in friend or non-friend groups, and measures of oral language were collected. The findings suggested that different peer relationships differentially effect children's oral language in the areas of conflicts, social regulation, and metacognitive and literate language. The data support the proposition that different sorts of peer relationships and instructional settings affect children's interactions and early literacy development. The results are discussed in terms of the role of social regulation in the context of peer collaboration.  相似文献   

The role of friendship in mediating children's learning is poorly understood, and conflicting claims exist about the manner in which friendship may influence both the process and outcome of learning. Evidence from studies on peer tutoring suggests that children acting as tutors have difficulty co‐ordinating the physical, informational and social demands of a tutoring task, due to their limited cognitive resources. Eight‐ to nine‐year‐old boys and girls were allocated to friend or non‐friend pairs in one‐to‐one tutoring dyads for the purposes of examining the impact of friendship on the process and outcome of tutoring. Although tutoring dyads of friends might be expected to focus their resources on informational components of the task, because their pre‐established relationship would minimise the burden of managing the social demands of the task, the opposite was found. Child tutors who were friends allocated additional resources to the social management aspect of the task, including monitoring tutee progress, but allocated no additional resources to imparting information about the task necessary for improving learning. Far from reducing task demands upon the tutor, friendship appears to impose greater burdens on children's limited resources, consequential upon the need to re‐negotiate their new social relationship arising from unfamiliar and unequal roles into which tutoring has thrust them.  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional study examined the perceptions of social support reported by middle‐school students with multiple learning disabilities (LD) (reading + math) in inclusive settings. Comparison groups included youths with a learning disability in reading only (RD), mathematics only (MD), and no LD (i.e., normally achieving) (NA). One hundred twenty middle‐school students, 15 boys and 15 girls in each group, were included in the current study. Participants were surveyed using an established measure of perceived social support. Effect size differences and MANOVA were used in the data analyses. Learning disability type explained 21% ( p < .001) of the variance in perceptions of parent, classmate, and friend support. Students with multiple LD (RD + MD) reported the lowest perceived social support on these dependent variables. Follow‐up analyses revealed that eighth‐grade boys reported the lowest perceived parent support and that boys in general reported lower perceived friend support than girls. Sixth‐grade students with multiple LD reported the lowest perceived friend support, and sixth‐grade males reported the lowest perceived teacher support. Implications for practicing school psychologists and recommendations for future research are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 197–209, 2006.  相似文献   

研究生与导师关系类型的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以某综合型重点高校为例,对研究生与导师关系进行问卷调研,分析了四种关系类型,并对不同培养层次和学科大类的研究生作了相关性比较,从导师、研究生和管理者等不同角度对建设"亦师亦友型"师生关系提出了建议。  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of friends in class on academic performance in college using unique data on dining card swipes at a medium-sized public university. We define friendships by academic quarter as repeated meetings among students in the same dining hall. To identify the impact of having a friend in class, we employ models with student- and class-level fixed effects and find having a friend in class has large and positive effects on grades. Our analysis of heterogeneous friend effects reveals that the positive friend effect exists across all types of friend characteristics, suggesting the unconditional importance of social connections.  相似文献   

"朋友"是中西方共有的"泛人类"经验与文化,但在中西方特定的文化背景下,对其概念与内涵的理解却具有很大差别。中西方"朋友"观的文化差异主要表现在三个方面:一是关系亲疏;二是时间长短;三是相处之道。差异产生的文化根源在于以下几方面:首先,中西方不同的文化特点与社会组织方式决定了他们不同的"朋友"观和交往习惯。其次,中西方不同的生活方式和习惯是形成不同"朋友"观的外部原因。再次,中西方不同的历史经历与民族性格是形成不同"朋友"行为的基本原因。最后,中西方不同的思维方式是决定他们对"朋友"观念的不同理解的根本原因。  相似文献   

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