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目的:运用Actigraph GT3X传感器测量青少年体力活动能量消耗水平,探讨Actigraph GT3X传感器在青少年体力活动测试中的应用。方法:以10~17岁在校学生为研究对象,在超声骨龄片和青春期发育量表问卷筛查青春发育分期(青春前期、青春中期、青春后期3个组)基础上,基于随机分层抽样的原则,每组抽取男、女生各50人,共计300人,受试者佩带Actigraph GT3X传感器。结果:青春前、中、后期受试者每天体力活动能量消耗无明显差异,中、大强度体力活动随着年龄的增长呈下降的趋势,男生的体力活动较女生活跃。结论:除青春前期受试者中、大强度体力活动时间接近国际推荐标准外,中期和后期受试者均低于国际推荐标准。建议采取措施增加青少年中等强度和大强度的体力活动,以增强其体质。  相似文献   

大学生体质与体力活动的相关分析和研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
采用《学生体质健康标准》和体力活动概念研究大学生体质、体力活动现状及相互关系。从南京大学、南京理工大学等11所院校共抽取研究对象2 614人,其中男生1 313人,女生1 301人。体质测试采用《学生体质健康标准》,体力活动调查采用国际体力活动问卷。结果显示:大学生体质总体良好,男生体质综合得分、体质健康达标优秀率均优于女生;男生超重或肥胖发生率为9.5%,女生低体重发生率为24.5%,身体成分不合理对体质健康构成负面影响;大学生大中强度体力活动主要来源于体育课,课余时间体力活动偏少,女生活动比男生少,大学生每天静坐时间较长;每周有规律地参加大中强度体力活动,尤其是大强度活动可以有效提高大学生体质健康水平。  相似文献   

目的调查湘西地区大学生群体的体力活动量及静态生活方式现状对提高大学生的体质健康水平具有重要的现实意义。方法采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、和数理统计法,分层整群随机抽取湘西地区张家界学院、吉首大学和怀化学院的大一至大四非体育专业的1 019名本科学生进行体力活动的抽样调查。结果湘西地区大学生体力活动活跃度达到适宜及活跃水平的活跃率最高(75.6%);男生体力活动活跃度达到适宜及活跃水平的活跃率为80.6%,女生为70.9%,男女生差异显著(p<0.01);80%以上的调查对象缺少不同强度职业性体力活动时间,其职业性和交通性体力活动方式主要是步行;并且女生的各强度职业性和交通性体力活动代谢当量均值高于男生,男女生差异显著。结论湘西地区大学生体力活动不足状况较严重;每天平均静坐的时间超过4h,长时间的静坐方式对湘西地区大学生日常体力活动的影响较大。建议完善职业性体力活动;丰富大学生休闲时间及日常生活的活动方式;引导大学生进行适量的运动锻炼,减少静坐时间;均衡体力活动时间及活动强度。  相似文献   

目的以客观测量的体力活动水平为基础,分析不同持续时间活动的频率及其占总活动时间的比例,从而掌握学龄前儿童体力活动簇集特征。方法根据知情、自愿原则,在上海市杨浦和宝山2个区共招募306名学龄前儿童为受试者,通过连续7 d佩戴加速度传感器ActiGraph GT3X+测量其日常体力活动水平,在此基础上将每次体力活动按强度和持续时间进行分类,并统计不同持续时间的活动平均每天出现的频率及其占总累积活动的比例。结果共有146名受试者[男85名,女61名;平均月龄为(57.7±5.0)月]7 d测量数据均有效,被纳入最终统计分析。发现采样间隔为1 s时,学龄前儿童平均每次体力活动持续时间≤4 s,且70%以上的中等强度和大强度体力活动持续时间为2~3 s。结论学龄前儿童体力活动以持续时间较短的零星活动为主。为准确测量学龄前儿童体力活动,特别是中到大强度体力活动水平,宜采用较短的加速度传感器采样间隔(如3 s或更短时间)。  相似文献   

为调查上海市青少年休闲体力活动的参与情况及性别和校别差异,采用仪器测量法对上海市青少年的休闲体力活动进行调查。结果显示上海市青少年平均每天的休闲体力活动时间明显不足。男女生休闲体力活动时间存在显著性差异,男生休闲体力活动时间明显高于女生;中小学休闲体力活动时间存在显著性差异,小学生的休闲体力活动时间比中学生长;不同等级家庭社会经济地位的青少年休闲体力活动的时间没有显著性差异。青少年休闲体力活动促进需要学校和家庭的共同参与,学校要适当减轻学生的课业负担,父母亲也不要给孩子额外的学习压力。  相似文献   

选取保山市10~18周岁的学生284人作为调查对象,对学生的活动时间进行调查,并对体能进行测试,得出保山市青少年日常体力活动行为模式.包括小学至高中的青少年.青春期前期:男生50人,女生49人;青春期中期:男生45人,女生47人;青春期后期:男生46人,女生47人.  相似文献   

体力活动是提高人体健康水平的基本手段之一,对体力活动评估一直是运动健康领域的研究热点.目的:以职业分类角度,探讨环卫工人一日体力活动及能量消耗特征.方法:采用型号为LivePod imate R3的三维人体运动能量消耗监测仪,对男、女环卫工人各20名进行连续7天的体力活动监测.结果:环卫工人体力活动每日动作数工作日男性每天平均为27 066.0次,女性每天为22 789.4次.在工作日的工作时间体力活动动作数则是女性高于男性.在能量消耗方面,工作日男性、女性每天平均分别为635.8kcal、546.7Kcal,二者不存在显著性差异.结论:环卫工人工作日体力活动动作数较高,并且男性每日动作数高于女性.但在工作时间内则是女性动作数高于男性.工作日每日能量消耗男、女差异的不显著,提示环卫工作是一项性别差异不明显的工作.环卫工人每日较高的动作数并没有伴随较高的能量消耗,提示该类人群需进行适当强度的健身锻炼提高身体机能.  相似文献   

目的调查轻度智障儿童基本运动技能(FMS)与体力活动水平,探讨二者之间的关系,为该群体运动参与能力的提升及其健康促进提供指导思路。方法选取上海市65名轻度智障儿童作为调查对象,运用TGMD-2和ActiGraph GT3X+三轴加速度传感器分别对其FMS及体力活动水平进行测量和评价,对相关数据进行统计分析。结果轻度智障儿童FMS平均总得分为(67.82±7.31)分,其中位移技能得分显著高于物理控制技能(P<0.01),男生位移技能得分显著高于女生(P<0.05),但物体控制技能无显著性别差异(P>0.05)。15.6%的轻度智障儿童能满足每天60 min中高强度体力活动(MVPA)推荐量,男生平均每天MVPA时间显著高于女生(P<0.01),周末日体力活动时间显著高于上学日(P<0.01)。总体上轻度智障儿童的低强度体力活动(LPA)、MVPA和总体力活动(TPA)时间与FMS得分均呈正相关(r=0.351~0.547,P<0.05)。FMS得分对轻度智障儿童平均每天MVPA时间、TPA时间具有解释意义(R^2=0.381,P<0.01;R^2=0.409,P<0.01)。位移技能是解释每天MVPA时间的唯一变量(β=0.490,P<0.01)。结论轻度智障儿童的FMS发展与体力活动水平整体呈正相关关系,基于该群体技能发展层面的体力活动促进是该领域相关研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

目的:通过佩戴GPS定位器和体力活动加速度计对儿童青少年进行四周体力活动追踪,分析儿童青少年日常体力活动空间半径,为适宜步行缓冲区尺寸大小提供建议,验证当前普遍采用的儿童青少年一周体力活动数据的采集是否能够全面地反映其日常活动空间特征。方法:选取上海市杨浦片区小学四年级到高二共121名受试者(9-17岁)参与测试,佩戴GPS定位器和体力活动加速度计四周,检测样本人群体力活动发生场所位置的经纬度以及体力活动强度的大小,并将中高强度体力活动数据和GPS定位器数据匹配,确定中高强度体力活动场所的位置。从而分析中高强度体力活动发生场所的空间特征,并且通过经纬度坐标算出中到大强度体力活动发生场所距离家和学校的距离。结果:根据GPS与加速度计数据筛选原则,有效样本共52名(男生,27名;女生,25名)。上学日受试者中高强度体力活动多集中在学校、通勤路径,而周末则集中在运动场所/锻炼设施、沿街道的出行活动轨迹和小区。距离小区和学校600米范围内集中了受试者人群多数的体力活动定位点,一周的追踪测试结果和四周追踪测试结果无显著差异。结论:建议今后有关儿童青少年体力活动干预多围绕小区及周边进行,针对儿童青少年公共服务设施的配置标准以及环境评估建议以600米作为缓冲距离,类似的研究建议可采用一周的测试。  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童体力活动水平与健康体适能之间的相关性。方法:对大连市3所小学7~9岁儿童,运用ActiGraph GT9X Link型三轴加速度计进行体力活动水平测量,选取平均每天中等及以上运动强度的时间和平均每天消耗的卡路里2项指标,并完成相应的健康体适能指标测试,包括身体成分、柔韧性、心肺耐力、肌力和肌耐力。结果:平均每天中等及以上运动强度的时间越长,身体成分中体重指数越低,肌耐力测试中卷腹的次数越多,心肺耐力测试中20m折返跑往返的次数越多。结论:增加儿童平均每天中等及以上运动强度的时间,有助于提高儿童健康体适能水平,但是儿童平均每天消耗的卡路里与健康体适能水平之间没有显著的相关性。  相似文献   


A comparative evaluation of the ability of activity monitors to predict energy expenditure (EE) is necessary to aid in the investigation of the effect of EE on health. The purpose of this study was to validate and compare the RT3, the SWA and the IDEEA at measuring EE in adults and children. Twenty-six adults and 22 children completed a resting metabolic rate (RMR) test and performed four treadmill activities at 3 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1 at a 10% incline, 9 km.h?1. EE was assessed throughout the protocol by the RT3, the SWA and the IDEEA. Indirect calorimetry (IC) was used as a criterion measure of EE against which each monitor was compared. Mean bias was assessed by subtracting EE from IC from EE from each monitor for each activity. Limit of agreement plots were used to assess the agreement between each monitor and IC. Limits of agreement for resting EE were narrowest for the RT3 for adults and children. Although the IDEEA displayed the smallest mean bias between measures at 3 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1 and 9 km.h?1 in adults and children, the SWA agreed closest with IC at 6 km.h?1, 6 km.h?1 at a 10% incline and 9 km.h?1. Limits of agreement were closest for the SWA at 9 km.h?1 in adults representing 42% of the overall mean EE. Although the RT3 provided the best estimate of resting EE in adults and children, the SWA provided the most accurate estimate of EE across a range of physical activity intensities.  相似文献   

Sedentary behaviour (SB) has emerged as a modifiable risk factor, but little is known about measurement errors of SB. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of 24-h Physical Activity Recall (24PAR) relative to SenseWear Armband (SWA) for assessing SB. Each participant (n = 1485) undertook a series of data collection procedures on two randomly selected days: wearing a SWA for full 24-h, and then completing the telephone-administered 24PAR the following day to recall the past 24-h activities. Estimates of total sedentary time (TST) were computed without the inclusion of reported or recorded sleep time. Equivalence testing was used to compare estimates of TST. Analyses from equivalence testing showed no significant equivalence of 24PAR for TST (90% CI: 443.0 and 457.6 min · day–1) relative to SWA (equivalence zone: 580.7 and 709.8 min · day–1). Bland–Altman plots indicated individuals that were extremely or minimally sedentary provided relatively comparable sedentary time between 24PAR and SWA. Overweight/obese and/or older individuals were more likely to under-estimate sedentary time than normal weight and/or younger individuals. Measurement errors of 24PAR varied by the level of sedentary time and demographic indicators. This evidence informs future work to develop measurement error models to correct for errors of self-reports.  相似文献   

Children's Activity Rating Scale (CARS): description and calibration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A five-level Children's Activity Rating Scale (CARS) was designed to categorize the intensity of physical activities and discriminate between levels of energy expenditure in young children. The CARS was used by trained observers over a 12-month period to assess physical activities of 3-4 year-old children during field observations. Agreement among observers using the CARS was 84.1% for 389 paired observation periods. The energy expenditure for each level was assessed by measuring VO2s and heart rates of 5-6 year-old children (12 boys, 13 girls) while they performed eight activities representing the CARS levels. Mean VO2s for the eight activities in Levels 1-5 ranged from 7.1 to 37.5 ml.kg BW-1.min-1 (1 to 5.42 METS; 14.5% to 80.6% of VO2max). Mean heart rates ranged from 89 to 183 b.min-1 for activities in Levels 1-5. VO2s and heart rates at each level were significantly different from all other levels. These data demonstrate that the CARS encompasses a wide range of energy expenditures, discriminates between levels of energy expenditure, and can be used by trained observers to reliably evaluate physical activity and estimate energy expenditure of young children.  相似文献   


A five-level Children's Activity Rating Scale (CARS) was designed to categorize the intensity of physical activities and discriminate between levels of energy expenditure in young children. The CARS was used by trained observers over a 12-month period to assess physical activities of 3-4 year-old children during field observations. Agreement among observers using the CARS was 84.1% for 389 paired observation periods. The energy expenditure for each level was assessed by measuring VO2s and heart rates of 5-6 year-old children (12 boys, 13 girls) while they performed eight activities representing the CARS levels. Mean VO2s for the eight activities in Levels 1-5 ranged from 7.1 to 37.5 ml kg BW?1 min?1 (1 to 5.42 METS; 145% to 80.6% of VO2max). Mean heart rates ranged from 89 to 183 b min?1 for activities in Levels 1-5. VO2s and heart rates at each level were significantly different from all other levels. These data demonstrate that the CARS encompasses a wide range of energy expenditures, discriminates between levels of energy expenditure, and can be used by trained observers to reliably evaluate physical activity and estimate energy expenditure of young children.  相似文献   

PurposeEducating adolescents about energy balance (EB) is essential for effective weight control. This study utilized the Sensewear (SWA) armband and a diet journal to promote adolescents' EB knowledge and motivation.MethodsNinety sixth graders were randomly assigned into the experimental group (n = 46) who utilized SWA and diet journal for 7 consecutive days or the control group (n = 44) who did not. Both groups were pre- and post-measured on EB knowledge, situational interest, and weight. The experimental group was tracked on motivation effort, energy expenditure (EE), and energy intake (EI).ResultsEB knowledge significantly increased and situational interest remained stable (except for total interest and enjoyment) over time, but these changes did not favor the experimental group. Situational interest and motivation effort were correlated with EE, EI, and/or EB.ConclusionTracking EB using the SWA and diet journal is motivating but has limited efficacy in promoting adolescents' EB knowledge. Using these two tools as educational technology in conjunction with a focused, systematic, and educational approach has the potential to leverage adolescents' EB knowledge, motivation, as well as behaviors for living an energy-balanced lifestyle.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查法等研究方法,对武汉市城镇中年居民的生活方式与身体健康之间的关系进行了研究。结果显示:武汉市中年城镇居民日常生活中的体力活动存在着过轻和过重的现象,对人体健康造成了一定的危害;生活方式不健康因素较多,如饮食结构不合理、吸烟、酗酒、睡眠不规律等现象;通过因子排序发现影响武汉市城镇居民健康的因素依次为体育锻炼、日常生活规律和体力活动。  相似文献   

Sport and physical activity are attributed with a positive influence on stress induced complaints due to their overall positive effect on health. The buffering effect on stress has not yet been clearly shown and the findings are inhomogeneous. The following article examines the buffering effect of sport and physical activity on different types of psychological and physical complaints. Therefore, a study was conducted questioning 453 people (M?=?53.56 years; SD?=?11.31) about chronic stress (Perceived Stress Scale), physical complaints (Gießener Beschwerdebogen) and their subjective physical activities (Energy consumption through physical activity – e.g. Soccer or Jogging) and energy consumption – daily bike and walking activity). A buffering effect on nearly all types of complaints could be shown through physical activity, but not through lifestyle activities. Physical activity acts complaint reducing on people suffering from increased stress. A more differentiated examination of the physical activity behaviour, the stress perception and the type of complaints might contribute to clearer findings.  相似文献   

在体育活动中目标设置是指根据学生的体育能力和技能水平,确定在一定时间期限内所要达到的体育学习和身体锻炼的目标,以及达到目标所采用的步骤、策略和时间的安排。既定的目标决定了学生参与体育活动的努力程度,指引并规范学生参与体育活动的行为,影响着学生参加体育活动的效果。合理的目标设置能够将学生的注意和行为指向体育活动任务,激发学生的努力和动员其能量,促进学生为完成目标而主动执行和设计最合适的策略和手段等;不恰当的目标设置会降低学生的自信水平,增加认知焦虑,减少学生参与体育活动的努力程度,也影响了学生参与体育活动的效果。本文通过实验在游泳教学中应用目标设置理论,以期来改进游泳教学,提高教学效率和质量。  相似文献   

颜意娜 《西安体育学院学报》2007,24(6):127-130,F0003
基于目前国内体育活动与心理素质教育结合的思想,采用多元方差和回归设计,对300名在校大学生进行了包括心理适应能力、人际关系综合能力、自信心3份问卷和体育活动参与情况的调查。结果表明:经常参加艺术体育类活动的大学生在自信心方面表现出了相对较高的水平;经常参加体育活动的大学生比不经常参加体育活动的大学生在心理素质方面表现出了较高的水平;每周参加2次及以上体育活动的大学生比只参加1次的大学生在人际关系方面表现出了较高的水平。每周参加3次或以上体育活动的大学生在心理适应方面表现出了较高的水平;每次参加体育活动的时间与大学生的自信心存在高相关,预测模式显示每次参加体育活动时间越长的大学生,自信心表现越强。  相似文献   

我国的篮球储备资源需要加强,而青少年的篮球运动员是主要的储备力量,运动员需要提高自身的体能和身体素质,这就需要教练对运动员进行针对性的体能训练,科学的体能训练可以帮助篮球运动员获得更充沛的体力,在比赛的最后关头仍然可以发挥出良好的竞技水平从而取得更理想的成绩。青少年篮球运动员处于发育时期,体能往往存在着不足,因此体能训练是运动员练习篮球的基础课程,众所周知,一场篮球赛的身体对抗强度大,对运动员速度、力量、耐力都有很高的要求,身体素质过硬才能掌管一场比赛。在日常的体能训练中,教练应结合每一个篮球运动员自身的特点,制定适合运动员的体能训练计划,要全面考虑多方面因素。  相似文献   

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