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王维的许多诗作,特别是他晚年所创作的山水田园诗,极富禅理禅趣。从这些作品中我们可以看出佛学禅宗对王维诗歌创作的深刻影响,王维往往能把宗教体验转化为一种审美体验,从而创造出出神入化而又饱含禅宗神韵的千古佳句。王维之所以能把宗教体验转化为审美体验,一是得益于其艺术家兼佛教徒的特殊身分,二是与其对解脱方式的认识有一定关系。  相似文献   

科学需要体验 ,甚至也需要审美体验。审美体验与科学体验既有相同点又有区别。审美体验与科学体验可以相互渗透。当代社会 ,由于科学的负面效应对大自然和人类所造成的危害越来越严重 ,阐述并提倡科学与审美的统一、科学体验与审美体验相互渗透显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

审美体验对文学创作来说具有极为重要的意义。审美体验使生活转化为作家审美体验的对象即文学创作的客体。审美体验使客体显露出生命意义和存在的价值。审美体验使文学作品的意蕴深化,获得读者认同。  相似文献   

审美体验是美感的深化,与美感既有联系又有区别。触类旁通,不即不离是审美体验的重要特性,它还具有超实感性与类似性。对这种微妙的心理过程需要通过“亲证”加以体察,它可以意会而难以言传。在写作抒情性作品时只有借助审美体验才能准确表达内在的复杂感情,在抒情性作品的阅读鉴赏中,也只有通过审美体验“披入情”,才能体察作品情感发展变化的动态流程。传达审美体验是抒情性作品的重要表现手段。  相似文献   

体验是西方“感性史”的一个核心概念,体验概念的出现及其发展,是对西方理性主义的一次反击,对凸现西方感性历史的发展具有重要意义;体验和生命具有密切联系,体验是对生命的体验,把体验作为生存范畴来理解有利于进一步明确体验的本质;审美体验与艺术密不可分,研究审美体验对揭示艺术的本质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

艺术与宗教是人类基本的两种文化形态,两者之间总是互相渗透.从审美体验心理学和宗教心理学角度,可以通过研究审美体验与宗教体验二者相通、相同之处,以及二者的差别,进而深入研讨艺术与宗教相互关系问题.  相似文献   

体验是西方“感性史”的一个核心概念,体验概念的出现及其发展,是对西方理性主义的一次反击,对凸现西方感性历史的发展其有重要意义;体验和生命具有密切联系,体验是对生命的体验,把体验作为生存范畴来理解有利于进一步明确体验的本质:审美体验与艺术密不可分,研究审美体验对揭示艺术的本质其有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文从生命本体论角度出发认为:传统审美体验是生命体验的逐层升华和不断生成;生命体验在共时性与历时性两种心理结构中逻辑展开;生命体验的整体性的一元构架和心物互动的和谐化的二元展开,构成了传统审美体验的范畴特征;传统审美体验的言说结构和方式蕴含着对生命本体的感性直观体验。这些表明传统审美体验与总体性生命体验有内在的一致性  相似文献   

高峰体验既是审美的极致体验,也是美育的重要内容之一。在美育教学中,学习者的高峰体验需要多元呈现,既各有侧重,又形成系统。各有侧重是强调高峰体验过程中不同的审美聚焦点及效果:以审美关注唤醒高峰体验;以审美洞察力澄明高峰体验;以综合性整体承载高峰体验;以复杂性强化高峰体验;以形式与实质的统一完善高峰体验;以审美情趣导引高峰体验。形成系统是强调在高峰体验实现的过程中,不同的聚焦点形成一个链接性整体,彼此呼应和促进,系统性提升学习者高峰体验的层次与水平。  相似文献   

音乐审美体验是指对音乐美的品味的体验,不仅要求审美主体充分感受音乐的音响形态,正确体验其中的丰富内涵,还要能够真正体会这形式与内涵完美结合与高度统一中所产生的美的品味,并由此产生出一种特殊的审美喜悦,即通常所说的美感。  相似文献   

This paper explores possibilities for more democratic approaches to researching learning in and through everyday workplace practices. This links with a concern with who is able to speak in representations of learning at work, what is able to be spoken about and how knowing, learning and experience are inscribed in theories of workplace learning. I propose that Rancière’s notion of ‘the distribution of the sensible’, which draws attention to an aesthetic dimension of experience, knowledge and politics, provides a useful way of exploring learning in and through everyday workplace practices. The approach points to the possibility of knowledge without hierarchies and a shift from a knowledge – ignorance binary. An understanding of experience as aesthetic enables accounts of learning which counter the story of destiny in literature on learning in and through everyday practice. It also points to a very different way of doing academic research. The presupposition of equality is the point of departure in this approach and the purpose of research is the verification of equality (rather than the verification of oppression). The paper makes a significant contribution to literature on learning in and through everyday workplace practices by disrupting a prevailing view that knowledge is necessarily tied to identity.  相似文献   

Aesthetics has been regarded as a fundamental personal value. Most of the previous studies regarding aesthetic experience (AE) have focused on fine arts, rather than the everyday arts that are closely related to our everyday life. This study analysed the relationships among aesthetic life experience, expertise and different types of AE outcomes (aesthetic judgement and emotion) inspired by everyday designed products. The participants in this study were 115 college students, and an E‐prime program that included 120 pictures of designed products were employed to measure aesthetic judgement (beautiful, ordinary, or ugly) and aesthetic emotion (fearful, disgusting, neutral, or pleasure). The results revealed three major phenomena. (1) Two major types of AE outcomes are perceiving beauty with positive emotion and perceiving ugliness with negative emotion. (2) Although there are similar patterns for how aesthetic life experience and expertise influence personal tastes regarding beauty and aesthetic emotion, abundant expertise in designed products contributes more in differentiating emotion when viewing the beautiful designed products. (3) The consensus of the evaluation of ugliness is stronger than when evaluating beauty. In addition, a model of AE with regard to everyday designed products was proposed. The findings of this study shed light on the cultivation of aesthetic abilities and product design that could be utilised in education.  相似文献   


This paper investigates what it may mean to re-imagine learning through aesthetic experience with reference to John Dewey’s Art as Experience (1934). The discussion asks what learning might look like when aesthetic experience takes centre stage in the learning process. It investigates what Dewey meant by art as experience and aesthetic experience. Working with Dewey as a philosopher of reconstruction of experience, the discussion examines responses to poetic writings and communication in learning situations. In seeking to discover what poetic writing (as art) does within the experience of a reader and writer it considers three specific learning situations. Firstly there is an examination of a five-year old child’s experience of shared communication through the story of Horton the Elephant. Secondly there is an account of the responses of an 11-year-old child to poetry in a 1950s classroom setting, and later reconstructions of those experiences by the child as adult. Thirdly, the paper extends to intensive writing with 12 to 13-year-old children. The focus is on the process of learning via acts of expression as aesthetic experiences. Through art as experience the child develops perceptions that recover a coherence and continuity of aesthetic experience in art as in everyday life.  相似文献   

本雅明抛开传统史学所关注的重大历史事件研究,从事微观的"拱廊计划"及日常生活研究,显示出本雅明研究视野的独特魅力。他运用"超现实主义"和"蒙太奇"等手法重现现代城市生活的本原,形成一种理解日常生活的诗学。本雅明在历史的"废弃物"和"垃圾"中表达一种日常生活理念及其现代性的批判,在传统历史经验贫困的现实生活中表达审美经验的现代性转变,凸显出其理论的诗学价值和意义。本雅明的日常生活诗学为当代研究日常生活理论及城市日常生活审美化提供了理论视野,并引发了人们对当代文艺审美空间的理论研究。  相似文献   

我国文艺理论深受康德以来的浪漫主义美学的影响,这不利于文论的建设与发展。在形而下转向的背景下兴起的审美人类学,以日常生活的审美经验为基础,研究广大民众的审美需要,注重理论与现实的联系,从而有可能超越浪漫主义美学。  相似文献   

审美体验的效用是多方面、多层次的。审美体验是开放性的体验。效用和需要相互作用、相互影响。审美体验产生何种效用取决于人的精神需求。随着人的精神需要的增长和变更 ,审美体验的效用也会增长和变更。审美体验是人的生存和发展的需要 ,是人的解放和自由的需要 ,是人超越生命的需要。  相似文献   


This study describes early childhood teachers’ own beliefs and concepts of aesthetic experience in young children. The teachers involved in this study were directly engaged in preschools for 4 and 5 year‐olds where arts and aesthetic education are a primary consideration of their integrated curriculum. These teachers identified a variety of features of aesthetic experience in three dimensions, which develop in a dynamic, non‐linear cycle. This study suggests that early childhood teacher's awareness and knowledge of aesthetic experience is critical to support the high quality of young children's learning through the arts. It concludes with implications for both teacher education programs and early childhood teacher educators. © 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc.  相似文献   

作为转变经济发展方式重要着力点的文化产业,要不断满足消费者的情感需要和审美体验。日常生活审美化带来美的理念、美的产品,这对于推动佛山文化产业大发展大繁荣具有积极意义。重视审美体验、增加文化产品美学因素、大力培养新文化媒介人,能进一步激活佛山文化产业的创新活力,提高文化产业核心层比例,从而推动社会生产力发展和提升城市整体竞争力。  相似文献   

中学语文体验教学的缺失与复归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体验教学是中学语文教学的一种新的教学理念,新课标多处强调体验教学是中学语文教学的重要教学方式。过去,由于体验教学的一度缺失,造成学生学习兴趣降低,师生关系对立冲突,知识掌握效度有限,精神世界贫乏等诸多弊端。而采取“重视现有积累,使日常体验上升为审美体验”、“科学设置教学情景,激发学生的主动体验”、“开展丰富的想象活动,直接表达和展示生命体验”等策略,是复归体验教学的有效途径。  相似文献   

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