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当代影视作品中,始终活跃着古典诗词的身影,表现出对古典诗词的当代接受,以新的形式演绎古典诗词的文学价值,这是一个值得研究的文化现象。文章主要从当代影视对古典诗词的接受方式、接受特点和接受效果三个方面来阐述当代影视创作对古典诗词的接受。  相似文献   

赵树理小说最本质的特点,就是通俗化和大众化。他继承民间文艺的传统,把源于民间、流传于民间,又被民众所能轻松而愉快接受的民间文艺和民间传统,运用到新的时代和生活的小说创作之中。赵树理的创作通俗化和接受大众化,主要表现在三个方面:语言运用上的通俗化、口语化;结构安排上的情节完整、趣味性强;人物塑造上的注重人物言行刻画。  相似文献   

文章以接受美学理论为依据,针对外语学习焦虑对英美文学课堂的影响进行了初步探讨,并提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

本研究的目的在于探讨与翻译相关的两个方面的问题:(1)外语阅读能力与目标语(指英语)译为源语(指汉语)的关系;(2)外语写作能力与源语译为目标语的关系。为此,研究选取了目标语和源语中的一些段落作为翻译材料,以及托福考试中的阅读和写作部分,在山西某大学英语专业四年级96名学生中进行了测试。对测试结果进行的t值检测、相关性分析和因子分析表明:外语阅读能力与目标语译为源语能力关系密切;外语写作能力与源语译为目标语能力关系密切。  相似文献   

经济全球化使国际间经济贸易往来增多,社会对复合型外语人才的需求越来越迫切。资料显示,人才市场出现了"过剩与稀缺"的供需悖论。复合型外语人才短缺成了经济贸易发展的最大障碍。提升复合型外语人才质量将在应对供应悖论、解决人才稀缺及促进经济贸易发展等方面起着积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

作为中国现代文学史上一位风格奇特的作家,许地山的小说表现出了一种意味深长的悖论色彩。在思想文化倾向方面,许地山因其个人的宗教因缘而形成了杂糅的宗教哲学观,佛、耶、道精神的冲突,使其小说显示出了强大的张力与悖论的意味。受此影响,"出世"与"入世"成为了许地山小说创作的一个重大命题,这在其笔下的女性人物形象身上,既表现为"生本不乐"与积极进取两种矛盾的人生态度,又表现为同时具有的"圣女"和"贞女"的悖论品格。总的说来,许地山的小说创作有着宗教的世俗化和世俗的宗教化双重意味。探析其小说创作的悖论色彩,可以使我们加深对现代小说丰富性的体认。  相似文献   

作为通俗文学,侦探文学一直游离在主流文学之外,但是自从诞生以来,它的传播速度之快,影响之大,不能不引起人们对它的关注。作为一个独特的文学类别,它给人们带来的不仅仅是娱乐消遣,随着侦探文学自身的发展,它的严谨性、知识性、科学性,以及后现代主义时期它和纯文学之间的创作界限的模糊性,它所呈现出来的时代面貌特征等,都在提醒人们,应该重新审视侦探文学,给它一个新的定义,并且重新考量它在文学史上的位置。本文以《谋杀的解析》为例,从创作与接受角度探讨了作为文学艺术的侦探小说的社会意义、审美价值和文学性,意在使读者在赏析该作品的同时,对这类文学样式有一个较深入全面的了解。  相似文献   

作为说谎者悖论的推广,n-跳跃说谎者悖论是这样一种悖论,其中的语句在关系框架中每隔n个点真值都发生改变。利用布尔悖论的语义封闭性等特性,证明当n大于1时,n-跳跃说谎者悖论不可能通过布尔悖论来进行表达。同时,对任意的n,给出构造一类布尔悖论的方法,使得它们在比n-跳跃说谎者悖论规定稍弱的意义下,满足所谓的弱n-跳跃说谎者悖论的规定。这部分地解决了n-跳跃说谎者悖论的可定义性问题。  相似文献   

《祝福》中有许多悖论.这给阅读分析造成了困难。这种困难有时看起来好像是难以解决的。如,当老师讲祥林嫂死于封建礼教的压迫时,就有学生提出,如果按照封建礼教压迫来解释,祥林嫂倒不会死,因为按照封建礼教的要求,祥林嫂应该从一而终.而她的婆婆应该  相似文献   

对话是人类思想与真理诞生的原初样式和本真状态,体现一种平等互动精神,具有构建功效和自主创新活力;对话是"正在"和"未在"之间的不断转换,具有内在的未完成性与自由开放性;在对话异中求同、同中求异的双向运动过程中,通过对照和引发,可以产生出更深邃、更新颖、更富有启发性和创造性的对话,同时不断实现视界的融合,从而促成新的意义创造。  相似文献   

对话是体现人的主体性的重要方式,教学的本质是对话性实践,教学对话是进行教学的重要方式,而要使师生对话成为有效教学的途径,教师必须实现知识观、教学观、师生观的转变。平等、民主、和谐师生关系的建立,营造良好的物理和心理环境是师生对话的重要保障。  相似文献   

绿原是七月派的著名诗人.在半个多世纪的文学生涯中,他创作了多部诗集.翻译多种多部外国文学名著。在20世纪的中国文学史上,像绿原这样懂得多种外国语言、严肃而富于创作性的从事翻译工作的作家是少有的;他不断地从外国文学中吸取养料,使他的诗作同他的译作一样闪耀着炫目的光彩。绿原和他的诗之“桶”始终在坎坷和坦途、诗的创作和诗的翻译、中西文化之间、古今诗人之间不断地“滚动着”……  相似文献   

Underlying much twentieth century rhetorical theorizing has been the intuition that functionally and instrumentally, rhetoric requires a complement, for instance, dialectic or “dialogic.” While the work of Maurice Natanson, Richard Weaver, and recent rhetoricians of inquiry provides a dialectical complement to instrumental rhetoric, another tradition in rhetoric represented by the work of Wayne Brockriede and Allen Clark explores dialogue as a complement to instrumental rhetoric. This essay postulates that the philosophy of dialogue developed by Martin Buber provides a coherent grounding for a dialogical/ontological rhetoric. It contrasts, respectively, instrumental and dialogical conceptions of the rhetorical situation and instrumental and dialogical characterizations of the rhetor, the rhetor's purposes and modes of influence. It concludes with a discussion of research issues confronting those interested in further development of a dialogic rhetoric.  相似文献   

80年代末以前提出的具有"听说读写译"基本技能的工具型外语人才以及80年代末提出的既懂外语又懂某一专业知识的"复合型外语人才"已不能满足一些岗位的更高要求。知识经济时代需要有一批更为尖端的外语专业人才,即创新型人才,他们能在国际交流中独当一面,能够创新性地开展工作。本文首先指出知识经济环境下我国大学教育面临的普遍问题,在此基础上提出培养创新型外语人才的必要性,并对其培养模式作出有益的探讨。  相似文献   

The mediation by teachers of the many activity systems that constitute any given class has traditionally been an ignored aspect of teaching. In this paper we argue that the teacher's responsibility for this mediation exists and must therefore be accounted for in the praxis of teaching. In addition we argue for the cogenerative dialogue as one viable solution for teachers to mediate in an ethically responsive manner. We construct these arguments because teachers must be better prepared to understand their complex role in the classroom along with their ethical responsibility to the students for the effective negotiation of the systems they navigate each day.  相似文献   

黄莹 《教育教学论坛》2019,(26):175-176
学习者合作对话研究从传统二语习得研究视角下的互动研究发展到以社会文化理论为指导的语言相关片段研究。这一领域的主要研究内容有学习者合作对话组织形式、学习者合作对话的内容取向、学习者的语言熟练程度对语言相关片段数量和质量的影响和学习任务类型对合作对话的影响。研究还存在诸多局限,有待进一步深化和拓展。  相似文献   

This study examined learning in the domain of sentence parsing and syntax treediagram construction. The aim of the study was to assess whether subjects could learn vicariously from recordings of interactions between a previous student and a tutor.Four intervention conditions and a control condition were compared. Subjects in a dialogue group (DL) read printed tutorial notes and subsequently vicariously viewed dynamic (animated) recordings of tree diagrams being constructed by a previous student in the presence of a tutor.The discourse (DI) condition was similar except that subjects viewed recordings of tree diagrams being constructed by a tutor who concurrently verbalised instructional discourse.In a third condition (DO), subjects viewed tree-diagram construction animation clips which were not annotated with either dialogue or discourse. In a linear text (LT) condition, subjects were given only printed tutorial notes. A control (CO) condition involved pre and post testing without any intervention.Results indicated that the dialogue condition was as effective as the discourse condition. This provides support for contention that re-usable dialogue is a useful resource for the vicarious learner. Another finding was that un-annotated animated diagrams were surprisingly effective. Several reasons for their effectiveness are suggested from the literature on instructional animations.  相似文献   

Recognizing that empirical research into classroom dialogue has been conducted for about 40?years, a review is reported of 225 studies published between 1972 and 2011. The studies were identified through systematic search of electronic databases and scrutiny of publication reference lists. They focus on classroom dialogue in primary and secondary classrooms, covering the full age range of compulsory schooling. The methods of data collection and analysis used in the studies are described and discussed, with changes and continuities over time highlighted. Study results are then summarized and integrated to present a succinct picture of what is currently known and where future research might profitably be directed. One key message is that much more is known about how classroom dialogue is organized than about whether certain modes of organization are more beneficial than others. Moreover, epistemological and methodological change may be required if the situation is to be remedied.  相似文献   

旨在把二语习得理论运用于我国的外语教学中,并试图探索一条解决我国外语教学中“费时低效”问题的有效途径:在课堂内和课堂外创造外语语言习得环境。  相似文献   

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