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A Joke     
W orking at the post office,Im used to dealing with a m oody public.So w hen one irate custom er storm ed m y desk,I responded in m y calm estvoice,“W hats the trouble?”“I w ent out this m orning,”she began,“and when I cam e hom e Ifound a card saying the m ailm an tried to deliver a package but no onewas hom e.M y husband was in allm orning.H e never heard a thing!”A fter apologizing,I gother parcel.“O h,good,”she gushed.“W e ve been w aiting for this for ages.”“W hat is it?”…  相似文献   

在英语中,seem是一个常用的单词,现将其用法归纳并举例说明如下,以供同学们学习时参考。seem常用作不及物动词或连系动词,意思相当于“好像、似乎”,常用来表示说话人的某种不太肯定、不太确定的判断或评价。其常用结构如下:1.seem+形容词。例如:H e seem s quite happy.他似乎很快乐。oolrdenThe young girl seem s m uch better this m orning.今天早上那个小姑娘看上去好多了。2.seem+名词。例如:H e seem ed an honestm an.他看上去像个老实人。Itseem s a good idea.那似乎是个好主意。[注]有时seem之后可以跟“to be+形容词或名词”…  相似文献   

This story happened about five hundred years ago in asm all village.O ne day there was an earthquake.N othingw as destroyed and no one was hurt.B ut a huge rock fellfrom a nearby m ountain and stopped in the m iddle of theroad.W hen the earthquake stopped,m any people cam e tothe road and saw the rock.Som e of the strongest m entried to lift the rock out of the road.B ut theycouldn’t m ove it.They tried to push it butfailed.They tried to pull it with ropes but noth-ing worked.“W ell,”they…  相似文献   

beyond是中学英语中一个较为活跃的单词。现将其用法归纳如下:一、beyond用作介词时,有下列含义和用法。1.表示位置,意为“远于;在/向……那一边”。例如:There is a villagebeyondthe hill.山的那边有个村庄。She cam e frombeyondthe sea.她从海外来。2.表示时间、年龄、数量  相似文献   

Som e classm ates ofhers willcom e here tom orrow.她的几个同学明天将到这儿来。Two friends ofm y sisters cam e to see her yesterday.我妹妹的两位朋友昨天来看过她。上面两句中的som e classm ates ofhers和two friends ofm y sisters都是名词的双重所有格。下面简单谈谈这种结构的构成方法和含义。一、名词双重所有格的含义:这种结构中,of前面是一部分,of后面是一个整体。例如:She is a friend ofm y m others.(=She is one ofm y m others friends.)二、名词双重所有格的构成方法:1.of前面的名词前面通常有一个含泛指意义的限…  相似文献   

M rs Brow n s old grandfather lived1her and her husband.E verym orning he went2a walk in the park and cam e hom e3half pasttwelve for his lunch.But one day a police car4outside M rs Brown s house at tw elveo clock,5two policem en helped the old m an to get out.O ne of them6to M rs Brown,“The poor old gentlem an lost his way in the park andtelephoned to us for help,7we sent a car to bring him hom e.”M rsBrow n was very8,but she thanked the policem en and they left.“But,G randfather,”she…  相似文献   

U nit8一、单项选择1.There a ruler and two pencils on the desk.A.are B.is C.have D.has2.—H e cam e early this m orning,didn the?—Y es,he did.H e often to school early.A.was com e B.com es C.cam e D.is com e3.—E xcuse m e,look atthe sign:N O SM O K IN G!—Sorry,I it.A.don t see B.didn tseeC.wasn tsee D.am notsee4.W hen you go out,please rem em ber the door.A.closing B.close C.w illclose D.to close5.—W e are going to have a party tom orrow evening.—A.H appy birthday to you!B.Th…  相似文献   

替代词one/ones常常用来代替上文提到过的名词,以避免重复。例如:I don5t like this book.Show me a more interesting one.There are good films as well as bad ones.但在具体使用的过程中,同学们常常会出一些错。下面拟通过一些实例分析,以说明替代词one/ones的用法。1.忌用one/ones替代不可数名词。遇到不可数名词往往采用“重复使用”或“省略”的方法。例如:误:I prefer white coffee to black one.正:I prefer white coffee to black/black coffee.2.忌把one与不定冠词a直接连用,但前面有形容词修饰时,其前方可加a/an。例如:误:Ca…  相似文献   

定语是用来说明名词(代词)的品质与特征的词或词组。可用作定语的有形容词、名词、代词、数词、动词不定式(短语)、分词(短语)、介词短语、从句等。本文拟谈谈名词作定语时的一些用法。先看下面这道题:Three fam ous actors,w ith two actresses,cam e to ourshop.A.child;shoe  相似文献   

How would you like an easy way to earn $2,500?All you have to do is to sit around and wait for your meals. There’s a catch however. You have to stay in a chicken cage with a stranger for a whole week. There are no books or television or radio for am usem ent.You can’t leave until the week is up. And a cam era will be recording your every m ove. Two people actually took the job. The idea cam e from Rob Thom pson, a video artist.H e wanted to m ake a film about the way anim als are treated. H is goal was to r...  相似文献   

介词in,on,at都可表示时间,但表示的时间范围不一样,用法也各有区别。1.in用来表示时间段。如上午、下午、傍晚、周、月份、季节、年等。如:in1998,in the m orning(afternoon,evening),in N ovem ber,in winter等。2.on用在具体的日期、星期几或一个特定的上午、下午、晚上前面。如:on her birthday,on O ctober1st,on Sunday,on a M onday evening,on Thursday afternoon,on the m orning ofjuly12th,2002.注:若m orning,evening,afternoon前面有early或者late修饰时,介词要变化为in。如:in the early m orning ofSeptem ber1st,in the…  相似文献   

在2006年高考英语安徽卷中出现了这样一道题:It’s quite m e w hy such thingshave been allow ed to happen.(2006安徽)为什么让这样的事发生,我百思不得其解。A.for B.behindC.against D.beyondbeyond作为介词,意思是“难以理解或无法想像”。若考生没有掌握beyond的用法,这一题很可能丢分,因为对beyond一词的理解和翻译都不容易,常使学生困惑。下面就beyond的几个重要用法作一小结:一、用作介词1.表示空间位置,意为“在……的那一边;在……之外;在更远处”。例如:They cam e from beyond the sea.他们来自海外。I am curious to know…  相似文献   

一、主语与谓语在人称和数上的一致性1.语法上主语和谓语之间的一致性。例如:Pierre is the only one of the persons who has been invited to the ballin the palace.Pierre is one of the persons w ho have been invited to the ball in thepalace.Itis I w ho am going to the beautifulplace.2.语义上主语和谓语之间的一致性。例如:Y our fam ily is a big one.Y our fam ily are waiting for you athom e.Ten m inutes is enough,I think.3.谓语动词和与其就近的主语之间的一致性。例如:There is a table and som e chairs in th…  相似文献   

m ore than意为“超过……”、“不止……”、“……以上”,在中学英语课本中多次出现,现将其用法归纳如下,供大家学习时参考。1.“m ore than+名词”表示超出名词本身的分量或含义,意为“不止于……”、“不仅仅……”。例如:China D aily is m ore than a newspaper,ithelps us to learn English《中国日报》不仅仅是一份报纸,它还能帮我们学习英语。H e is m ore than our teacher,he is our close friend.他不仅是我们的老师,还是我们亲密的朋友。2.“m ore than+数词”意为“多于”、“超过”,相当于over。例如:There are m ore than…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.preference【用法】用作名词,意为“偏爱;喜好”,常与介词for或to连用。例如:A teacher should not show preferencefor any one of his pupils.老师不应偏爱任何一个学生。They’ve always had a preference fortaking their vacations abroad.他们一向特别喜欢  相似文献   

because of ,thanks to,owing to和due to这四个词组都有“由于;因为”的意思,都不能引导从句。但它们的用法各异,现归纳如下: 一、because of是复合介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词、构成介词短语,作状语。例如:  相似文献   

Our School     
阅读在线读短文,回答问题。 O ur School This is our school.It's a nice big school.Thereare tw enty -five classes.W e are students of G radesix. W e go to school at seven thirty in the m orning.Classes begin at eight.W e have six lessons everyday.After classes w e clean our classroom .W e gohom e at four tw enty. W e like our school. ⒈Is your school big and nice芽 ⒉H ow m any classes are there in your school芽 ⒊W hat grade are you in 芽 ⒋W hat tim e do you go to schoo芽 ⒌D o you li…  相似文献   

综观2004年和2005年的高考英语试题,引导定语从句的“介词+关系代词”成为全国及多个省、市试题的考查热点。本文就如何做好此类题目谈些看法。一、“介词+关系代词”的形式1.介词+whom当先行词指人时用“介词+whom”。例如:The person with whom Iwas working had to go hom e fora m onth.2.介词+which当先行词指物时用“介词+which”。例如:The film of which Im speaking is to be shown at the PeoplesCinem a nextweek.3.介词+whosewhose是who的所有格,在定语从句中作定语修饰其后的名词。例如:The boss in whose departm entM r …  相似文献   

A farmer had ten em ployees on his farm,and none of them w as asenergetic as the farm er thought he should be. He hitupon a plan whichhe believed would cure them of their lazy habits.“Men,”he said one m orning,“I have a nice,easy job for the lazi-estm an on the farm .W ill the laziestm an step forward?”Instantly nine ofthe m en stepped forward.“Why don'tyou step to the frontw ith the rest?”the farm er inquiredofthe rem aining one.“Too m uch trouble,”cam e the reply.The Laziest Man o…  相似文献   

Go West!     
邢新 《初中生》2004,(35):36-37
Mary:Excuse me, I am a stranger ([streind(зе)(r)]陌生人, 门外汉)here, I want to buy a map of this city. Can you tell me where I couldget one?  相似文献   

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