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北京理工大学杨东平教授在博客中的言论打倒万恶的奥数教育引起了社会各界的广泛讨论,央视的《实话实说》栏目还就这个问题专门策划播出了一期节目。看过之后,感  相似文献   

美国天才儿童受教育权利保障的经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京理工大学杨东平教授在博客中的言论“打倒万恶的奥数教育”引起了社会各界的广泛讨论,央视的《实话实说》栏目还就这个问题专门策划播出了一期节目。看过之后,感想颇多。从智力超常儿童所占的比例(如韦氏量表智商130以上的儿童理论上占儿童总数的1~3%)来看,让90%乃至更多的中小学生学习奥数确实是不可取的。  相似文献   

This study, conducted in Israel, examined the social and emotional difficulties of gifted children, in comparison with nongifted children. The gifted children were further compared in two educational settings: segregated classes and pull-out programs. The 974 participants were from the fifth to twelfth grades. The dependent variables included loneliness, social competence, empathy, and self-concept. The results indicated that gifted children score higher on need fulfillment, empathy, academic self-concept, and lack of emotional anxiety and lower on self-disclosure and physical self-concept. Few differences were found between the two settings for gifted children. The conclusion is that gifted children differ from nongifted children only on some of the social–emotional variables examined, mainly for the better.  相似文献   

Considering the benefits that accrue in countries having low levels of social inequality and the harm that accompanies wide disparities in income, it is important to examine any practices or traditions that contribute to inequality. Under some circumstances, gifted education does confer advantages that are not available to all students, particularly when its identification procedures fail to recognize potential in students not in the dominant group or when services improve the educational opportunities only for those who are identified even though all students could benefit. The elimination of age grading, a practice that inhibits the development of potential for many children, including gifted children, is recommended as a solution to the inequality engendered by current practice.  相似文献   

Blogs have become a go-to information resource for members of online communities. In this qualitative study we applied uses and gratifications theory (U&GT) to analyze the experiences and perceptions of four mothers of gifted children who maintain blogs about their homeschooling experiences. Data suggest that this novel context and population did not yield different categories of gratification; however, not all prior categories were represented among this relatively narrow sample. Results support findings from prior research in other contexts suggesting that bloggers find gratification from self-expression, social interaction, information exchange, maintaining community, and recording life events.  相似文献   

美国国家英才研究中心(NRC)是美国目前最大、最有影响力的英才教育研究机构。本文通过美国国家英才研究中心及其近年最具代表性研究成果的介绍与考察,旨在使读者对美国目前英才教育及研究现状有一个总体的了解,并为我国的教育工作者提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

职业启蒙教育起源于美国,指的是发现并有意识地引导儿童职业倾向的教育活动。美国已经通过法律法规、课程设置、特殊节假日和心理分析等方法在小学、初中和高中完善职业启蒙教育。他山之石,可以攻玉,美国儿童职业启蒙教育对我国中小学的职业启蒙教育有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在最近 10年关于超常儿童的研究 ,已经把研究的重点从什么是超常儿童转移到了超常儿童如何进行思维 ,尤其是关于儿童早期阶段思维方面的研究。文章从认知发展的角度 ,对超常儿童在认知速度、背景知识、元认知、问题解决和策略能力等四个方面进行了综述 ,并指出了以后研究超常儿童的方向。  相似文献   

弱势儿童的社会保护:社会政策的视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在市场经济条件下,社会政策在弱势儿童的社会保护中发挥着不可替代的独特作用。我国在相关社会政策建设方面取得的成就应当肯定,但就现实而言,此类社会政策尚存在体系不健全、城乡差别大、执行主体缺乏协调、与其他社会政策不配套等等缺陷。今后在相关社会政策的建设中,应当采取切实措施克服上述缺陷;同时探索建立政策实施中的统一协调(整合)机制与适合国情的实施模式,以强化相关社会政策的实施效果。  相似文献   

在美国儿童社会领域教育中,融入历史学科知识的价值在于帮助儿童了解事物的发展性、变化性和联系性;选择历史内容的准则是以儿童的兴趣爱好为基础,并加以强化;实施历史教育的策略是考虑儿童的知识经验,挖掘家庭和社区资源,开展多种形式的活动.  相似文献   

弱势群体一般处于社会底层,经济贫困和权利贫困是弱势群体的特征,经济贫困是权利贫困的折射和反映,权利贫困是经济贫困的原因和根源。社会权利是人权的一项重要内容,其本质是维护公民最基本的生存和发展。无论是基于人权保护、人道主义原则,还是基于社会公正追求、社会和谐建设,弱势群体同其他社会成员一样享有保障个人生存和发展所必需的社会权利。  相似文献   

当今美国移民儿童的学校教育在受教育机会的平等性、移民儿童的学校适应性、学校的教育质量等方面存在一些问题,这既与移民的文化适应模式及受教育程度有关,也与社会环境外部因素有直接关系。  相似文献   

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