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基于项目的协作学习(CPBL)的使用技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Internet的高速发展推动了教育技术巨大的革新 ,基于项目的协作学习 (CPBL)就是一种非常适合在Internet上开展的学习方法。本文首先研究CPBL的含义和特点 ,然后研究和分析了CPBL项目结构设计的一种使用技术———Esther模型 (Esther.1999) ,这种模型有利于帮助项目设计者分析、规划、设计、交流和实现协作学习项目。该模型能够很好地表现项目结构以及活动间的变迁 ,但是不能很好地表现活动内部的结构。本文提出针对这一问题 ,在原模型中引入了活动内部结构关系 ,扩充了Esther模型。最后本文举例说明如何运用该扩充模型  相似文献   

移动协作学习作为一种新型学习方式,它是时代发展的必然产物,主要表现为移动工具支持下的协作学习。然而在当前,由于移动协作学习的特性没有很好地融入到具体活动中,导致移动协作学习活动的具体设计方面存在缺失。因此,如何设计有效的移动协作学习活动,用来完善活动流程的设计,借以辅助学习,将成为本研究的设计重点。本文依据活动的层次性理论,分别从三个层面四大类型详细阐述设计移动协作学习活动过程的设计,即活动过程阶段主要依据活动的层级模型(操作、行为、活动三级),同时根据归纳出适合开展移动协作学习活动的四种类型,即概念学习类、问题解决类、作品设计类和移动技术应用类进行具体活动步骤设计,并在"远程教育专题"课程中开展移动协作学习活动,进一步验证该活动过程设计的有效性以及实施的效果。  相似文献   

协作学习活动设计的核心和关键即是对其基本要素的分析和配置。厘清协作学习活动的基本要素,是分析和设计协作学习活动的基础。以活动理论为视角,论述了协作学习活动的要素,并在此基础上建构了协作学习的结构模型,确立了资源、角色、任务和时序四个基本要素。最后,以此四要素为基本框架,比较和分析了四个协作脚本。  相似文献   

网络校际协作学习环境是该学习活动展开过程中赖以持续学习的资源总称,包括连接校际成员的计算机和网络技术工具资源、作为协作同伴的人际网络资源、维系同伴关系和整合技术工具的学习活动及任务情境的内容资源。网络校际协作学习环境设计是对这些资源的系统化设计,设计原则是多样性原则,包括共同性、差异性、共建性或创造性原则;设计内容包括组织层面的设计、活动层面的设计及工具层面的设计;活动层面的设计包括设计学习过程的六步骤和设计"基于差异学习策略"。根据一些学者的预测,未来的网络校际协作学习注重组织层面的设计,即作为学习资源的人际网络的设计,目标是在连接我们的网络世界里的共同学习。  相似文献   

网络校际协作学习环境是该学习活动展开过程中赖以持续学习的资源总称,包括连接校际成员的计算机和网络技术工具资源、作为协作同伴的人际网络资源、维系同伴关系和整合技术工具的学习活动及任务情境的内容资源。网络校际协作学习环境设计是对这些资源的系统化设计,设计原则是多样性原则,包括共同性、差异性、共建性或创造性原则;设计内容包括组织层面的设计、活动层面的设计及工具层面的设计;活动层面的设计包括设计学习过程的六步骤和设计"基于差异学习策略"。根据一些学者的预测,未来的网络校际协作学习注重组织层面的设计,即作为学习资源的人际网络的设计,目标是在连接我们的网络世界里的共同学习。  相似文献   

基于Web的协作学习系统模型   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
本文提出了一种基于Web的协作学习 Web-based Cooperative Learning 简称WebCL 系统模型。WebCL系统模型包含协作学习过程、资源设计过程和协作评价过程等三个子系统。协作学习过程子系统涉及学习者特征测量、小组形成、组准备、组进程和测试等几个步骤。资源设计子系统涉及需求分析、学习者分析、情境创设、资源设计、协作策略设计和协作进程设计等六个步骤。协作评价子系统涉及成绩评定、参数修正和协作评价等三个步骤。  相似文献   

虚拟教室作为一种网络协作学习环境,促进了学习者之间的协作,为学习者提供了更加广阔自由的协作学习空间。本文阐述了虚拟教室的特点和发展,并在分析虚拟教室环境下开展协作学习优势的基础上,结合协作学习理念,提出基于虚拟教室的协作学习活动的设计,以期有效指导基于虚拟教室协作学习活动的开展。  相似文献   

虚拟教室作为一种网络协作学习环境,促进了学习者之间的协作,为学习者提供了更加广阔自由的协作学习空间。本文阐述了虚拟教室的特点和发展,并在分析虚拟教室环境下开展协作学习优势的基础上,结合协作学习理念,提出基于虚拟教室的协作学习活动的设计,以期有效指导基于虚拟教室协作学习活动的开展。  相似文献   

Groove作为一种协作工具,在网络协作学习中起到了举足轻重的作用。文章在分析Groove功能和特点的基础上,结合协作学习和网络协作学习的概念与要素,提出Groove支持下网络协作学习活动设计方式及设计出学习活动案例,以有效指导基于Groove的网络协作学习活动的开展。  相似文献   

校际协作学习被认为是提升教育质量和推进教育均衡发展的重要途径之一.校际协作学习活动设计是校际协作学习开展的核心,目前校际协作学习活动设计缺乏系统深入的理论指导.校际协作环境下的资源共享增加了学习者认知的广度,但在认知深度方面作用不力.因此,文章从促进深度学习视角出发,运用文献研究、质性分析等多种研究方法,采用“现状分析→理论建构→区域检验→反馈完善”的技术路线,在前期研究基础上,构建了促进深度学习的校际协作学习活动设计理论框架,并介绍了省城内高校间协作的研究个案.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an escape box as a means to introduce the escape room concept into classrooms. Recreational escape rooms have inspired teachers all over the world to adapt the popular entertainment activity for education. Escape rooms are problem-based and time-constrained, requiring active and collaborative participants, a setting that teachers want to achieve in their classroom to promote learning. This paper explores the adaptation of the escape room concept into educational escape game boxes. These technology-enhanced escape boxes have become hybrid learning spaces, merging individual and collaborative learning, as well as physical and digital spaces. The design of the box with assignments on each side puts users face to face with each other and requires them to collaborate in the physical world, instead of being individually absorbed in a digital world. The developed box is a unique concept in the field of escape rooms; the content is adaptable. This paper describes the process leading to the design criteria, the design process, test results and evaluation, and provides recommendations for designing educational escape rooms.  相似文献   

本文论述了觉知的相关概念以及协作学习中的觉知问题,认为实现有效的计算机支持的协作学习可以通过在协作学习过程中促进学习者对自身以及同伴的感知来实现;同时,本文以具体的CSCL活动策略和协作平台组件设计为案例,从内容对比分析的角度验证促进协作学习活动觉知过程设计的有效性.  相似文献   

随着协作知识建构的兴起,其在虚拟学习社区中得到了愈来愈广泛的应用,但是协作知识建构活动在虚拟学习社区中的运用还没有具体的框架可寻。文中以协作知识建构的基本过程为基础,结合中加"全球气候变化"("Global ClimateChange")项目,尝试探讨了虚拟学习社区中协作知识建构活动设计的基本框架。  相似文献   

随着计算机和网络技术的发展,基于WEB的协作学习已经成为CSCL的研究热点。本文通过对协作学习(CL)、计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)和基于网络的协作学习(WEBCL)的介绍,讨论了影响WEBCL有效性的因子,构建了一个WEBCL的应用模式,并在教学上进行试验,取得了一定的成果。  相似文献   

The Interconnected Model of Professional Growth (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002) was used to identify processes of teacher learning during the collaborative design of curriculum materials in the context of curriculum innovation. Nine published studies from six different countries about teachers’ collaborative curriculum design were analyzed to identify the learning processes that collaborative curriculum design fosters. It was concluded that the Interconnected Model of Professional Growth, although initially developed to recognize learning processes in individual teachers, can also be used to identify learning processes that are fostered by collaborative curriculum design in teams of teachers.  相似文献   

"一带一路"倡议下,跨国校际协作学习开始受到广泛重视和普遍推行,但当前还缺乏对跨国校际协作学习活动设计、实施与效果评价的系统研究。跨国校际协作学习活动效果评价对提高跨国校际协作学习质量至关重要,全面科学的评价也是跨国校际协作学习活动开展的内在动力。研究采用文献分析法、德尔菲法和层次分析法构建了以"学习者对活动的满意度""学习者深度学习能力"及"资源的积累和转换"为一级指标的跨国校际协作学习活动评价指标体系,以期为"一带一路"倡议下跨国校际协作学习活动效果提供评量标准,为跨国校际协作学习活动设计提供改进依据。  相似文献   

The role of teacher is increasingly related to designing and arranging collaborative learning situations in which fruitful and creative group work may occur. This thematic review presents recent studies on creativity and collaborative learning from the perspective of the teacher as conductor of learning processes. The precondition for the design and orchestration of these kinds of learning situations is analysing and understanding of creative and collaborative processes and their contextual adaption. Thus, the first section of this review focuses on the theoretical vantage points of creativity and collaborative learning mainly from socio-cultural perspective. Based on this theoretical grounding, the second section describes principles for orchestrating productive collaborative learning and supporting creativity from the teacher’s perspective. We discuss three dimensions related to how teachers can bring about collaborative learning and creativity: (1) general pedagogical bases, (2) teachers’ pre- and real-time activities and (3) opportunities and challenges for teacher activities. The review is concluded with theoretical and practical implications regarding collaborative learning and creativity.  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论强调协作学习对意义建构的重要作用,同时重视学习环境的设计,认为学习者在一定的环境中利用各种工具和信息资源完成意义的建构。Internet以诸多优势为开展协作学习在提供了有效的环境。该文分析了基于Internet的协作学习进程和环境系统目标,提出了一个基于Internet的协作学习环境系统的设计模型,并给出其实现方法。作为应用,作者简要描述了《摄影构图》在该系统上学习的过程。  相似文献   

This study presents new ways of visualising technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry-based learning (CIBL) processes in an undergraduate physics course. The data included screen-capture videos from a technology-enhanced learning environment and audio recordings of discussions between students. We performed a thematic analysis based on the phases of inquiry-based learning (IBL). The thematic analysis was complemented by a content analysis, in which we analysed whether the utilisation of technological tools was on a deep-level, surface-level, or non-existent basis. Student participation was measured in terms of frequency of contributions as well as in terms of impact. We visualised the sequence of the face-to-face interactions of two groups of five students by focussing on the temporal aspects of IBL, technology enhancement and collaborative learning. First, instead of the amount of time the groups spent on a specific IBL phase, the between-group differences in the most frequent transitions between the IBL phases determined their differential progress in the CIBL process. Second, we found that the transitions were triggered by the groups’ ways of utilising technological tools either at the deep level or at the surface level. Finally, we found that the level of participation inequity remained stable throughout the CIBL process. As a result, only some of the members of the groups played a role in the most frequent transitions. Furthermore, this study reveals the need for scaffolds focussing on inquiry, technological and collaborative skills at the beginning of the learning process.  相似文献   

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