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反垄断背景下寡头传媒与FCC的博弈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在不完全竞争的传媒市场中 ,寡头传媒的垄断地位将随着管制的放松和传媒的并购日益加强 ,使得本来程式化和市场化程度很高的文化工业及其产品的差异性缺失 ,从而损害了公众的利益 ,而代表社会福利、广播利益和政府管制行政授权的美国联邦通信委员会 (FCC)却显得力不从心 ,倾向于放松管制 ,实施所谓的“解法”运动 ;寡头传媒与FCC在博弈 ,FCC在广播利益和公众利益之间做着摆钟运动。  相似文献   

Broadcasting figured prominently in the key senatorial race of 1956 which determined the control of the United State Senate. This became the subject of investigation by Professor Tucker for his doctoral dissertation. The following article was based upon his research findings, especially edited for the Journal.  相似文献   

A number of factors have been suggested to help explain the success of broadband in Korea. However, whatever factors are mentioned, just as many questions are raised as to why comparable roll out of high-speed Internet access has not occurred in other countries with similar characteristics. This paper argues that supply-side push and demand-side pull, a synergistic process, are combined to make broadband Internet access in Korea particularly strong. With a new type of supply of broadband capacity in the market, and an intensely competitive environment, prices dropped drastically and new killer applications were continuously created. This resulted in a supporting responsive surge in demand and sky-rocketing numbers of new subscribers. This is a very clear case of a positive spiral generated by the synergistic process of the market: success breeds success.  相似文献   

王晓芳 《北京档案》2005,(5):41-41,49
1949年2月,北平和平解放,当时最主要的公共交通工具是有轨电车.全城大约有200多辆.白天行车,夜间回厂停放,并予检修.那时有两个停车场,南场在崇文门外法华寺,北场在西直门内大街路北.因为有轨电车是最受市民欢迎的公共交通工具,所以军管会对此十分重视.1948年"五一"国际劳动节前夕,有50多辆有轨电车集中在北平电车公司南厂大修,以供市民欢度"五一"节时乘用.不料,就在4月25日凌晨两点,南厂停车场发生重大火灾事件.这起火灾虽经消防队奋力扑救,但仍烧毁修好的机车29辆、拖车11辆、未修好的机车13辆、拖车6辆,共计59辆,钢筋水泥结构的厂房104间.大火燃烧近4小时,损失以当时的人民币计值2亿元以上.  相似文献   


The policy statement that follows was issued by the Commission on September 18, 1961 as Public Notice G (Mimeo 10150), in connection with revising its Administrative Order No. 10. American broadcasters should keep these standards in mind in all relations with FCC employees.  相似文献   

Between 1977 and 1981, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Charles Ferris directed the FCC as it made history by modifying U.S. radio and telecommunications law. It was a revolutionary time, but for the most part neither Ferris, nor the man who appointed him, President Jimmy Carter, has received much credit for their role in remaking regulatory policy. Perhaps even more importantly, Ferris changed the philosophy of how the FCC went about rulemaking, which continues to guide the Commission to this day. This study—utilizing, in part, Ferris' own words—seeks to correct the record regarding the impact he had.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulatory and enforcement strategies concerning unlicensed micro broadcasting. Micro radio stations in the United States have increased markedly since 1994. Employing document analysis, observations, and interviews, the FCC's regulatory and enforcement difficulties associated with micro radio activities are identified. Results indicate that FCC's efforts to restrict access to micro broadcasting technology have been stymied by the grassroots efforts of micro radio stations.  相似文献   

Between 1957 and 1960, a congressional subcommittee battled with the Federal Communications Committee (FCC) over the awarding of major market TV station licenses. Hearings were held after suspicions were raised in Congress that some license applicants had inappropriately contacted commissioners during award deliberations, and that some commissioners had accepted “favors” in exchange for sympathetic votes. The resulting volatile investigation cost two commissioners and a White House aide their jobs, but more importantly resulted in new regulations concerning ex parte communications and commissioner standards of ethical conduct. This article analyzes the tumultuous events that led to the creation of the new standards.  相似文献   

The widespread adoption of social networking sites has made these platforms useful for governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to disseminate diplomatic messages and engage with their audience. However, it is unclear whether “top-down” or “bottom-up” approaches to diplomacy are more conducive for generating user engagement during armed conflicts. This study compares the reception of diplomatic messages from leading governmental and non-governmental organizations during the operation “Guardian of the Walls” (May 2021) in Israel/Palestine in terms of user engagement on social media. We found that diplomatic messages from governmental organizations generated significantly more user engagement than diplomatic messages from NGOs, even when normalized for the number of followers. Additional variables, such as the media format (photo/video vs. link/status), the language of the message (informal vs. formal), and the tone of the message (positive vs. not positive), also predicted (to a lesser extent, through direct or interaction effects) user engagement with diplomatic content.  相似文献   

图书馆电气火灾成因及预防措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过对图书馆设备、信息化及辅助设备和电源线路存在的火灾危险性进行具体研究分析,提出防火消防安全对策,并从消防监督层面,对加强和改进图书馆电气防火安全管理提出若干改进措施.  相似文献   


The development of minority (in this case, black) ownership of television stations as a factor in licensing is analysed through discussion of the Orlando, Florida TV 9 and Hunts‐ville, Alabama Garrett cases. The author, part of the department of communication at Florida Technological University (Orlando), contends that Appeals court actions have forced the FCC to more carefully consider minority ownership aspirations—but that many basic questions need to be clearly answered prior to any definitive rule‐making on the subject.  相似文献   

This retrospective study on Federal Communications Commission policy addresses why minority broadcast ownership has waned as a civil rights issue since the 1960s, and it considers the re-emergence of this concern in the modern media reform movement. From the authors' examination, politics, neoliberal economic philosophy, and media ownership consolidation have contributed to the diminution of minority broadcast ownership in significant ways. The authors' findings have important implications for epistemic communities seeking to redress the lack of minority-owned broadcast facilities.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了台湾"国家"通讯传播委员会的基本状况,较为详尽地考察了其缘起及发展历程,认为其克隆了美国传播通讯监管的模式.作者得出结论,这种克隆模式是效率较高并且风险较低的变革措施,而NCC在台湾的发展却也存在着很多变数,需要社会政治生态的良性变革.  相似文献   


The content of political communication of independent regulatory agencies (IRAs) is understudied. Combining computational text analysis and qualitative document analysis, this study analyzes over 7,500 speeches and statements of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) commissioners, given over two decades, to examine how political and industry influence on policymaking manifest themselves discursively. The results shed light on how external factors, such as regulator party affiliation and passage through the revolving door, exert influence on IRAs by impacting agenda-setting processes and occasionally the content of regulators’ political communication. However, the findings also reveal the contingency of this influence in selected contexts as well.  相似文献   

During a 1937 appearance on NBC's top-rated Chase & Sanborn Hour, Hollywood icon Mae West starred in a comedy skit based on the Garden of Eden that drew complaints of indecency from offended listeners. Much of the reaction came from Catholic reformers seeking to expand the Legion of Decency's influence to radio. The sponsor and network apologized, and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a letter of reprimand to NBC and its affiliates. This action spurred a backlash among critics, who charged the FCC with censorship. The incident was an important landmark in the prewar debate over government's role in regulating radio.  相似文献   

沈国麟 《新闻大学》2004,22(3):61-65
1978年,我国广播电视媒体开始进行市场化的改革,经过了十多年的发展逐渐形成了传媒市场。随着整个市场经济大环境的成熟,整个传媒业凸显了产业属性。特别是2001年,中国加入WTO后,整个传媒产业面临着结构调整、资源重组的局面。在这种情况下,政府的职能与以前相比有什么样的转变,政府在传媒产业的发展过程中应该扮演什么样的角色呢?他山之石,可以攻玉。当今世界上,美国被认为是  相似文献   

论述了在数字化时代图书馆参考咨询工作的重要性和必要性,并就新形势下参考咨询工作的内容、形式以及对参考咨询馆员的要求进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Firefighters are routinely exposed to situations involving contact with deceased or injured children, burned and seriously injured bodies, and high-uncertainty calls. Thus, many firefighters suffer debilitating consequences including depression, dysfunctional drinking, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Using an identity tensions framework, we sought to understand the challenges firefighters encounter as they cope with exposure to traumatic events. We interviewed 27 members of a rural fire department and used a constant comparative method to analyze their responses. We found trauma was induced when occupational identity intersected futile situations and those involving children; tensions emerged between traditional and newer, emergent firefighting cultures; and firefighters experience tensions in negotiating how and when to express emotion. Based on these findings, we offer a number of practical implications centering on an occupational identity tensions framework to encourage reflexivity in firefighters and moving beyond older, enduring stereotypes of what it means to be a firefighter.  相似文献   

网络环境下的参考咨询工作特点与发展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
孙美珍 《图书馆》2002,(6):49-51
文章从开展网上参考咨询服务的重要性和必要性着手,通过对网络环境下图书馆参考咨询工作的特点的剖析,提出了图书馆应采取的相应措施。  相似文献   

网络环境下的高校图书馆管理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易大东 《图书馆》2007,(2):81-84
信息化的发展对图书馆管理工作提出了严峻的挑战,高校图书馆管理工作将发生深刻的变化,面对这种变化,高校图书馆管理人员要深刻认识网络发展对图书馆管理所带来的深刻影响,必须及时地进行观念、服务方式和方法的调整,以满足不断发展的高校教育教学和科研的需要。  相似文献   

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