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去年,我随河北广播电视代表团赴德国北莱茵一威斯特法伦州.对广播电视业进行了短期采访考察。北莱茵一威斯特法伦州位于德国西部,西与比利时.荷兰接壤,是德国人口稠密的地区。德国最大的广播电视台——西德意志广播电视台设于此州。代表团先后考察了位于门兴格拉德巴赫市的RADI090.1广播电台和位于亚琛市的西德意志广播电视台  相似文献   

Location-based sound media are similar to traditional radio in that they rely on communication in sound alone. The smartphone has GPS and Bluetooth, and it is easy to attach sound to locations like a rail station, a neighborhood, or a street. The research team designed a media prototype, Auditor, and produced a soundscape called “The Railroad Dialogues.” The medium and content were tested in a field trial with 42 young, urban headphone listeners. The article reports on the informants’ level of immersion in the sound content and interface, and considers their potential to supplement radio in the future.  相似文献   

The competition and conflict existing between newspapers and radio is one of the organizing images of Pre‐World War II journalism in America. Although there was some animosity, competition and conflict between these media, this study argues that the metaphor of “war”; overstates and distorts the early as well as on‐going approach the managers of these media took toward each other. Examination of the minutes, proceedings, and publications of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, as well as secondary sources, indicates that editors followed a much more consensual and cooperative model, rather than one characterized by conflict Rather than being adversarial, the documents of ASNE indicate that the editors were trying to achieve shared economic objectives with the competitive medium of radio.  相似文献   

Queer Radio History: Pacifica Radio   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Pacifica Radio was the first listener-sponsored non-commercial radio network in the United States to air queer voices beginning with Allen Ginsberg reading his iconic poem, Howl on KPFA-FM in Berkeley, California in 1956. From that broadcast, Pacifica stations KPFK-FM (LA), WBAI-FM (NYC), KPFT-FM (Houston), and WPFW-FM (Washington, D.C.) have consistently given space to the LGBTQI community and perspective over 60 years, creating a vibrant recorded history relatively unknown and vastly under-researched.

What survives of the broadcasts are largely found in the Pacifica Radio Archives (and other repositories) and documented in the printed station program folio guides (1949–2005) and consumer catalogues.

This article explores the importance of Pacifica’s queer sound and print archive and looks to identify what survives and what has been lost. It also highlights the many ways the queer story was expressed; bearing witness to the Gay Liberation movement through reportage, literature, poetry, radio drama, music, interviews, live event coverage, documentaries, docudramas, listener call-ins, and group discussions. The author presents this article to bring awareness to these rare instances and help motivate their preservation and access for extended scholarly use.  相似文献   

党的十六大以来尤其是十六届三中全会以来,以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央高度重视文化建设、文化产业发展和文化体制改革的问题。去年“非典”疫情结束之后,中央领导同志对于加快文化创新和文化体制改革相继进行了一系列深入的调查研究,在此基础上提出了一系列新的理论、新的思想和新的观点,澄清了一系列不合时宜的模糊认识和观念障碍;作出了一系列推进文化体制改革的重要决策。进一步在全党和全国宣传文化系统部署了包括广播影视、新闻出版.文化艺术在内的文化体制改革试点工作。并以中办.国办名义下发了指导性文件(中办发【2003】21号文件),明确地提出了推进文化体制改革试点工作的指导思想、总体要求.目标任务和实施措施。从而拉开了新一轮文化体制改革的序幕。  相似文献   

Although community radio has a long history in South and North America, new models are evolving in other parts of the world from South Africa to Central Eurasia. True to its community roots, stations reflect the unique history, culture, and political climate of each country. Radio is the most democratic of media both in providing easy access to citizen participation and in being widely available. In rural areas from subsistence farmers in Mozambique to nomadic herders in Mongolia, radio is the only medium. With limited resources in new democracies, it is the most cost-effective medium. The expressive human voice and natural sound engage the imagination through story telling. Radio stations are not simply passive transmitters of information or hit music; they are a catalyst for building community, for improving health and education, for fostering a civil society. These are no longer theoretical visions; many stations now demonstrate all of these goals.  相似文献   

This article provides a historical account of Bush Radio, the oldest community radio station in Africa, based in Cape Town, South Africa. The creation of Bush Radio's precursor, the Cassette Education Trust (CASET) was a pivotal moment for the emergence of community radio on the continent. This people's history of Bush Radio tells the full story through the voices of the founders and staff, together with other sources of historical data. The article argues that although the apartheid state constructed essentialist racial and ethnic categories, CASET and later Bush Radio constantly positioned themselves in a space of liminality to interrogate and redefine these categories. Privileging an instrumentalist approach, this article shows the connections between ideology, politics, and economics as they converge to form the industrial structure, the political environment, and the cultural product of broadcasting.  相似文献   

Transmedia is a technique of telling a single narrative or creating a continuous imaginary world across multiple media platforms. The article seeks to explore this emerging phenomenon in terms of bibliographic organization. It analyzes transmedia features in the context of bibliographic entities and relationships, particularly those outlined in the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records FRBR and FRBROO (object-oriented redefinition) conceptual models.  相似文献   

This article explores the history and development of college Net-radio and analyzes the factors underlying Net-only college radio's growing popularity. It reports on an ethnographic study conducted in 2005 about one of North America's first Net-only college radio stations, City University of New York's (CUNY) Brooklyn College Radio.  相似文献   

2005年3月1日,北京城市管理广播的呼号出现在首都的上空。这是全国第一家以城市管理为宗旨和主要内容的专业广播频率.也是北京人民广播电台15年改革发展历史当中出现的第11个专业广播频率。  相似文献   

BBC Radio Leicester in 1976: Kick Starting British Asian Radio   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article examines how, in 1976, BBC Radio Leicester revolutionized broadcasting to Asian communities in England by launching a 5-nights a week Asian program. Aimed at helping to diffuse the toxic racial atmosphere in the city and improve community relations, the program proved to be a huge success and a direct forerunner of the BBC Asian Network.  相似文献   

在2003年的媒体研究和实践中,有两个词成为最紧密、最频繁的组合,这就是“广播”与“发展”。正是由于十余年广播人的“不示弱”的精神,催生了广播发展史上一个令人兴奋时刻的来临:国家广电总局确定2003年为“广播发展年“。在年终岁末,回头检视一年来全国广播界的改革和发展成效,广播人欣喜地看到:“广播发展年”已成为中国广播事业和广播产业改革发展的助推器,广播正驶入发展的快车道。  相似文献   

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