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Philip T. Rosen, The Modern Stentors: Radio Broadcasting and the Federal Government, 1920-1934 (Westport,Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1980— $25.00).

Laurence Bergreen Look Now, Pay Later: The Rise of Network Broadcasting (New York: Doubleday, 1980 with paperback reprint by Mentor Books, 1981—$14.95/ 3.95).

C. Joseph Pusateri, Enterprise in Radio: WWL and the Business of Broadcasting it America (University Press of America, 4720 Boston Way, Lanham, Md. 20801— $19.50/11.75)

Alex McNeil, Total Television: A Comprehensive Guide to Programming from 1948 to 1980 (New York: Penguin Books, $9.95, paper)  相似文献   

BBC TV PRESENTS A FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION by Nicholas Moss (London: BBC, 1986—about $8.00, paper)

THE HISTORY OF TELEVISION FROM EARLY DAYS TO THE PRESENT (same address as Burn's book on previous page—$50.00, Paper)

TELEVISION: THE FIRST FIFTY YEARS by Keith Geddes & Gordon Bussey (National Museum of Photography, Film, and Television, Prince's View, Bradford, West rorkshire BD5 0TR—also available at the Science Museum in London $3.00, paper)

HERTZ AND THE MAXWELL IANS by J.G. Q'Hara and W. Pricha (same publisher as Burns on previous page—$48.00)

THE EARLY DAYS OF RADIO BROADCASTING by George H. Douglas (McFariand Publishing, Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640—$25.95)

THE RADIO COLLECTOR'S DIRECTORY AND PRICE GUIDE by Robert E. Grinder and George H. Fathauer (Ironwood Publishing, P.O. Box 8464, Scottsdale, AZ 85252—$15.95, paper)

NIXON AND THE POLITICS OF PUBLIC TELEVISION by David M. Stone (New York: Garland Publishing, 1985—$35.00)

VOICES OF THE GAME: THE FIRST FULL-SCALE OVERVIEW OF BASEBALL BROADCASTING, 1921 TO THE PRESENT by Curt Smith (Diamond Communications, P.O. Box 88, South Bend, IN. 46624—$22.95)  相似文献   

The bounds of permissible hate in post-apartheid broadcasting in South Africa have been shaped by the state's withdrawal from certain regulatory processes, as well as the emerging regulation by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA). The BCCSA—established, financed, and operated by South Africa's broadcasting industry—filled the regulatory void not just by governing post-apartheid hate; the BCCSA has sought to govern the racial constructs upon which hate depends. With the state's withdrawal, BCCSA officials have configured hate and race in neoliberal ways, shifting responsibility for post-apartheid hate away from apartheid's beneficiaries and toward those apartheid was intended to subjugate.  相似文献   

Scholars have extensively theorized how citizens’ political discussion networks have implications for elected political actors and can affect political and civic participation and knowledge. We shift the focus to another important political actor—corporations—to examine whether political discussion networks affect citizens’ perceptions of a politically involved corporation and their intentions to engage in consumer activism. With social network influence perspective and an egocentric design, we examined the influences of one’s network characteristics, opinion climate, and network heterogeneity. We found that the ethnic diversity of discussion partners and heterogeneity of opinions substantially influenced perceptions and behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

Media studies scholars have employed the "cultural circuit" model to analyze media in the context of capitalist political economy. This model identifies interrelated "moments" in which the meanings of cultural products are determined, negotiated, and subverted in interaction between producers and audiences. The turbulent evolution of new media, however, requires continuous reflection on the adequacy of conceptual tools. Analysis of recent controversy surrounding the Internet music-exchange service Napster indicates that the cultural circuit model must be modified to accommodate the emerging media of cyber-culture.  相似文献   

On January 20,2000, the Federal Communications Commission created two new classes of low-powered radio broadcasting licenses. This controversial initiative is studied within the landscape of current and past deregulatory policies. These stations are now on the air and broadcasting to their local communities. A survey was conducted of the first 239 licensed stations to ascertain programming goals, budgets, policies and other baseline information. The study concludes that Low-Power FM has significantly increased ownership diversity and content. Current FCC localism initiatives could bode well for the introduction of more LPFM stations in the United States.  相似文献   

Irving E. Fang Those Radio Commentators (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1977—$14.95)

Judy Fireman TV Book: The Ultimate Television Book (New York: Workman Publishing Co, 1977—$7.95, paper with a hardback also available)

Raymond William Stedman The Serials: Suspense and Drama by Installment (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1977—$12.95)

Madeleine Edmondson and David Rounds From Mary Noble to Mary Hartman: The Complete Soap Opera Book (New York: Jove Books (Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich), 1977— $1.75, paper)  相似文献   

本文讨论的是美国民营公共电视机构所处的法律环境,以及欧盟各国对公共电视发展的法律支持,旨在提供对国外公营广电的基本了解。  相似文献   

In 1933–1935, Admiral Richard Byrd's second Antarctic expedition was partly funded by General Foods. This included radio program sponsorship aired via relays from the South Pole to CBS in New York. The program format generally opened with news and music from CBS, then weather, expedition reports, entertainment, and a segment with Byrd. It often closed with 2-way conversations between New York and Little America featuring family, acquaintances, experts, or New York hosts conversing with explorers. This sponsored program's design clearly answered Hoover's public interest requirements and added educational emphasis in 1934 at a time of hearings over educational broadcasting.  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆老年服务自20世纪40年代开始启动,至今已经历了70余年的发展。根据图书馆老年服务的历史发展重点和特点变化,可将其发展历程划分为四个阶段:起步阶段(1941年至1960年代末)、深入探索阶段(1970年代初至1980年代末)、服务转向阶段(1990年代初至2005年)、扩展和创新服务阶段(2005年至今)。面对老年人口不断增长的需求,在白宫老龄会议、经济技术环境变化的影响下,图书馆老年服务不断调整,服务理念逐渐从消极走向积极,服务方式不断更新,服务内容不断丰富,服务保障不断完善。借鉴美国图书馆老年服务发展的经验与教训,我国图书馆界应注意明确对老年服务特殊性的认识;积极参与老龄事务,寻求多方支持;构筑有效的制度体系;将服务立于实证调查基础之上;充分发挥行业组织作用。参考文献77。  相似文献   

赵玉明先生的中国广播史著以境内外国广播电台——奥斯邦台充作中国广播历史的开头,境内外国广播电台、日伪汪伪广播电台都作为中国广播电台,包括在<中国广播史>之中.  相似文献   

The dilemma of the college teacher of broadcasting in meeting academic demands for liberal arts instruction and industry demands for practical training for the field is effectively shown in this study of station employment opportunities and attitudes toward university‐trained employees. Indirectly, the article emphasises the dual need for constant reevaluation of collegiate instructional programs in radio‐tv as well as a better job of public relations directed toward prospective employers of the college‐trained man or woman.  相似文献   

诗文评论及史学评论类著作出现较早,唐吴兢《西斋书目》始设"文史类",专收诗文评论、史书评论著作,为北宋官修目录所沿用.南宋晁公武《郡斋读书志》从"文史类"内析出论史者,创设"史评类","史抄类"亦渐被析出.明代焦竑《国史经籍志》首次提出"诗文评类","文史类"被取而代之.祁承爜《澹生堂藏书目》兼取众目之长,同时增设"史抄类"史评类"诗文评类"三大类,突破了先前文史相杂的观念,进一步厘清了史评、史抄的界限.《四库全书总目》则对此类文献作了最后的界定和归类.  相似文献   

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