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当今中国城市电视观众的收视特征及传媒对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文系国家教育部人文社科立项课题调研报告的一个小结.全文分两大部分一,当今中国城市电视观众的总体收视特征;二,中国电视传媒的生存环境、选择与对策.专家组鉴定认为,这是一份很有价值的调查分析和学术研究成果,对于当前电视业更新办台理念更有启示作用.  相似文献   

Trajectories of television viewing throughout adolescence were described using the data of a panel study in 12- to 17-year-olds. Results indicated that changes in viewing habits are different when daytime, prime-time, and late-night television viewing are examined separately. Although daytime and prime-time viewing showed a decline, viewing during later waking hours increased. Teenagers who have access to a television set in their room watch more; male viewers tend to avoid the "family hour" and "female contents." Findings are discussed within the framework of developmental processes as separation, the growth in alternative opportunities, and identity formation.  相似文献   

Several recent reports pointed out how the practice of using a “second screen” while following a television program is becoming an increasingly widespread phenomenon. When the secondary device is used to read or to comment about a watched program, most of the discussion takes place on popular social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Previous research has shown that the analysis of these contents could lead to a better understanding of the behavior of networked publics and of the structure of the show itself. Nevertheless most of the existing research is focused on the content only and focused on a single episode analysis or on big media events. Leveraging this background, this article presents instead a study focused on the relationships between content and users across an entire airing season of a TV program. Through a quantitative network analysis of the tweets produced during 25 episodes of the Italian political talks show Servizio Pubblico, we identified a small loyal group of viewers. Despite the differences in quantity of content produced, the loyal viewers do not show any sign of forming a community-like structure. We also performed a qualitative analysis of the tweets produced during one specific episode and discussed the elements of the TV show that generated the higher level of engagement on Twitter.  相似文献   

Although several studies have examined the association between television viewing and romantic relationships, differences in theoretical grounding, methodology, and findings have produced a picture that is decidedly unclear. Furthermore, past research has been directed primarily toward general relational attitudes and hypothetical relational behaviors without considering potential effects of viewing on existing, long-term relationships. This study sought to address these issues by drawing on the theoretical traditions of cultivation analysis, uses and gratifications, and social exchange theory to explore the associations among relationship variables and measures of both television viewing and belief in television portrayals by analyzing data collected from 392 married individuals. Results revealed that both heavier viewing of romantically themed programming and greater belief in television's portrayals of romantic relationships were associated with lower marital commitment, higher expected and perceived costs of marriage, and more favorable perceptions of alternatives to one's current relationship.  相似文献   

新冠疫情早期的媒介使用、风险感知与个体行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
闫岩  温婧 《新闻界》2020,(6):50-61
暴发于2019年末并迅速发展的新冠肺炎疫情已成为全球性的公共卫生事件。本研究开展于大众媒体信息尚且不充裕的疫情早期,通过对全国32省(自治区、直辖市)243市1265名受访者的在线调查,考察疫情初期人们在媒体使用、疫情感知和个体行为等方面的总体情况。研究显示,人们对新媒体(微信公众号和微博)的使用频率明显高于传统媒体,而对其可信度评价却显著低于传统媒体。个体风险感知和社会风险感知构成了公众对疫情风险感知的总体估量,且人们对疫情的认知和行动彼此关联。受社交媒体使用和参与的影响,个人层面风险感知指向更积极的人际传播;受大众化媒体使用和信息获取的影响,社会层面的风险感知则更多的导向抽象的疾病知识和符合社会利益期待的个体行为。  相似文献   

This study suggested a total of 7 hypotheses regarding variables affecting viewers' attitudes toward cable network brand extension. The regression analysis showed that 5 of the 7 hypotheses were accepted. Specifically, parent brand attitude, brand portfolio quality variance, the number perception of sub-brands, perceived fit, and innovativeness were found to significantly affect brand extension attitudes while parent brand familiarity and channel repertoire were shown not to be significant. Also, gender and income were found to affect brand extension attitude.  相似文献   

Digital technologies have reconfigured how active community members know about local news. Sampling one Midwest community's most engaged citizens—collectively, a “community of practice”—this research formalizes one emerging media-information repertoire around the issue of homelessness. Components of this repertoire include motivations, structuring conditions, norms of usage, and perceived consequences for media-source selection. Commenting, sharing, and other information exchange become “acts of news” for individuals involved in communities of practice. Through shared information-exchange practices, citizens can not only advocate their social causes but also reinvigorate their own affiliations to the community of practice and to the city itself. The use of this media repertoire by these individuals reconstitutes and amplifies their role in the pursuit of fostering a civil society focused on homelessness. The findings illuminate the process of how community activists work as an informal organizational form and, as a result, build a stronger commitment to civic action.  相似文献   

Nearly a century of research has demonstrated a positive association between romanticism—a relationship-type schema that emphasizes idealistic and positive experiences in romantic relationships—and quality of romantic relationships. This investigation examined whether relational maintenance behavior and shared TV viewing mediate that association. The sample contained 202 participants, including college students and older adults. Results demonstrated that relational maintenance behavior mediated the association between romanticism and relationship quality, but shared TV viewing did not. Nevertheless, shared TV viewing independently and positively predicted variance in relationship quality. These results both clarify the mechanism by which romanticism may operate and support shared media use as a maintenance behavior that may be meaningful in close relationships.  相似文献   

The use of second screens to dual-view television and social media is exponentially increasing. As a result, television producers are increasingly augmenting television content with social media comments from viewers, which may serve as a type of real-time public opinion indicator. The current research effort utilizes two experimental studies to explore the effects of this new media production practice on viewer's attitudes and opinions. In these studies, a Twitter feed was integrated in to entertainment (Study 1) and political (Study 2) television broadcasts and manipulated to convey either positive or negative opinions of the content. Participants' opinions were found to conform to the majority opinion presented in the manipulated Twitter feed in nearly all of the analyses. Implications for dual viewing and second screen use are discussed in light of findings.  相似文献   

This study examines program ordering effects derived from viewing CNN television news relative to The Daily Show on the political gratifications associated with both types of information sources. Internal political self-efficacy is assessed as an individual-difference moderator. Main primacy effects are found on the gratifications associated with both national television news viewing and The Daily Show viewing. However, The Daily Show primacy effect on the political gratifications associated with national television news viewing was isolated among those participants who retain low internal political self-efficacy. Ramifications for these findings are outlined and future lines of research are summarized.  相似文献   

This article investigates the information needs and seeking habits of lawyers in England in the United Kingdom. Specifically, it seeks to ascertain the type of information lawyers require to meet their needs; the reasons prompting them to seek information; to establish from where lawyers obtain information; and to determine the factors that influence their information needs and seeking habits. This study was carried out as part of a wider research project for a doctorate programme. Data collection was carried out by semi-structured interviews. The participants comprised lawyers, essentially solicitors, in London and the Midlands.It was found that lawyers' information needs are greatly influenced by the nature of the work they do. It was noted that experience has a considerable influence on their needs: it is generally assumed that experienced lawyers do not require as much information support as newly qualified lawyers. The lawyers' needs for information in turn influences their information seeking habits. It was noted that the card catalogue as an information retrieval tool is fast disappearing from law libraries in the UK. Its ultimate future is likely to be determined by the needs of small firms which are presently unable to afford automated systems.The study confirms the validity of the findings of earlier studies conducted in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. It appears that very little has changed since these studies were published. The legal profession continues to rely heavily on printed media. Electronic media is used only as a last resort. Practising lawyers continue to rely on their junior colleagues for legal research. Many are apathetic to legal research. Despite the fact that law is a dynamic subject, the legal discipline remains a conservative profession.  相似文献   

In 2016, the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) library acquired ProQuest’s discovery tool Summon. To determine when information literacy instruction using Summon would be effective and what aspects should be taught, librarians conducted a usability study. Students completed tasks focused on determining whether Summon is intuitive and whether the interface needs to be taught. Results indicate that students are comfortable with the interface and have few problems with the tool. Instead, participants struggled with critical thinking processes associated with research. Results were used to integrate the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education into instruction.  相似文献   

19世纪末 2 0世纪初 ,是美国经济快速发展、综合国力不断增强的时期 ,也是美国积极准备对外扩张建立世界强国的重要时期。体现美国理想主义与国家利益相结合的门户开放主义 ,极大地加快了美国向远东地区进行政治、经济、文化扩张的动机。中国在远东具有重要地位 ,研究中国对美国制定有利的对华政策很有必要。所以 ,进入 2 0世纪后 ,美国的汉学研究逐渐成为美国研究中国问题的代名词。汉学研究机构的纷纷建立二十世纪初 ,美国对中国的认识仅限于书本 ,有两种不同的认识 :一种是欧洲启蒙运动所描绘的理想化的中国 ,另一种是 19世纪所接触的落…  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究影响突发公共卫生事件网络虚假信息传播行为的因素,为有针对性地监测预警、阻断传播突发公共卫生事件网络虚假信息提供借鉴参考。[方法/过程]基于S-O-R理论模型,综合考虑外部刺激因素和个体认知因素对传播者信任感知及传播行为的影响,提出相关研究假设,并利用新冠肺疫情期间微博平台的虚假信息进行验证。[结果/结论]突发公共卫生事件的虚假信息质量、信息发布者影响力和事件进展对信息接收者的信息传播行为具有显著促进作用,医护人员主题、呈现积极情感的网络虚假信息更容易获得信任和传播,网络影响力高的信息接收者在虚假信息传播过程中起到辟谣作用。  相似文献   

Using analysis of program content and programming features, this study identifies patterns of television viewing preferences that explain why certain shows are frequently watched with certain other shows. Principal components analysis (PCA) of data collected from a sample of 750 Israeli adults was used to identify groups of shows often watched by the same viewers. A further analysis was conducted to uncover common features of these shows. The results replicate earlier findings indicating that program viewing preferences are explained by channel loyalty and genre loyalty, but the study adds a focus on the importance of programming language in non-English-speaking television markets.  相似文献   

This article investigates the issue of the relation between market competition and programming diversity in Taiwan's TV market. For more than 20 years, Taiwan's TV market had an oligopolistic structure with 3 networks dominating the market. With the popularity of satellite TV during the 1990s, the oligopoly rapidly ended. This study examines how programming diversity was affected by the changing TV market structure in Taiwan. Programming diversity was measured by 3 methods using program data from the 3 networks operating in Taiwan: vertical programming diversity, horizontal programming diversity, and prime-time programming strategies. The results indicate a negative relation between market competition and programming diversity. Although the market competition increased from 1986 to 1996, this study discovered that the degree of programming diversity was reduced year by year.  相似文献   

戴姝英 《新闻界》2008,(6):164-166
自上世纪90年代以来,美国政府制定了一系列监管低俗电视节目内容的法规,其中1996年出台的美国电视分级制影响最大,争议最多,也最具美国特色。本文主要探讨了美国电视分级制的出台过程、特点、实施效果和评价。  相似文献   

This research examines how TV reported the campaign and the candidates during Taiwan's first‐ever presidential election in 1996.

A content analysis of evening news coverage of six TV stations indicated that the state‐owned broadcast TV stations were far more likely than the privately owned cable TV stations to give a greater amount of coverage and soundbites to the ruling party presidential and vice presidential candidates, using the ruling party officials as principal news sources. The TV Stations’ coverage also contained more news favourable to the ruling party candidates than to other candidates.

The future may well see a turning point in TV election coverage as well as in general news coverage in Taiwan. The three state‐owned broadcast TV stations face competition from privately owned cable TV stations and may soon be confronted with the loss of public trust and audience, unless they can provide fair and balanced news free from government control.  相似文献   

Television is increasingly creeping into non-traditional spaces such as workplaces. As part of that movement, Ford Motor Company of Europe uses television as a key component of communication between top management and subordinates. The company broadcasts over its internal television system various Ford-related video and news stories to its plants in five countries—UK, France, Belgium, Spain, and Germany. As an employee in Ford of Europe's internal-communications team based in Cologne, I witnessed first-hand the inner dynamics of the deployment of television in a pan-European setting. Through television, the company is crafting a transnational corporate identity among its multi-national workforce, interpellating viewers in the various local sites within a larger “Ford family.” While television can act as a unifying force, the deployment of the technology also exacerbates tensions within the transnational entity as inflected by site-specific concerns—white collar/blue collar, international/national, management/union, labor/leisure, and public/private. Layered on top of this multitude of tensions remains the inherently propagandistic nature of developing news for a captive audience. For myself and others at the company, irony became a necessary tactic, to use DeCerteau's terms, to cope with the presence of a potentially monolithic technology in the prototypical transnational corporation.  相似文献   

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