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欧美商业电视台近年来热播"真实电视"并达到极高的收视率.在商业成功的背后,"真实电视"反映出媒介的道德自律弱化而导致低俗化的倾向.媒介的道德自律不仅是摆脱困境和危机的现实之路,从大众传播事业的整体发展过程来看,更应该是媒体健康发展的长远之路.  相似文献   

A survey administered to reality TV viewers revealed that the most salient motives for watching reality TV were habitual pass time and reality entertainment. Additional analysis indicated that those who enjoyed reality TV the most for its entertainment and relaxing value also tended to perceive the meticulously edited and frequently preplanned content of reality interaction as realistic. Concurrently those externally controlled, with low mobility and low levels of interpersonal interaction, were more likely to watch reality TV programming to fulfill voyeuristic and companionship needs. Functional alternative uses of reality TV and the appeal of realistic programming were documented.  相似文献   

电视真人秀兴起的文化背景分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作为一种崭新的电视节目形态,电视真人秀日渐兴起。本文就电视真人秀产生的文化背景进行分析,提出消费文化的勃兴是其生长土壤,体验经济时代的来临是其发展契机,数字化时代真实与虚拟界限的模糊是其生存情境。  相似文献   

陈虹 《新闻界》2007,(5):111-113
本文分析了真人秀节日悬念形成的七种机制,从不同角度对悬念设置进行了概括.  相似文献   

在电视剧中,时间具有不同一般的意义。电视剧叙事主要受三种时间形态的影响:一是电视剧制作的时间,二是剧情发生发展的时间,三是电视剧播放/观众收看的时间。而在这三种形态中,居于中心的则是传播/接受的时间。  相似文献   

In light of recent theories of meaningful media that suggest a host of psychological benefits, the present study uniquely extends the boundaries of the effects of reality TV from simply offering pleasure, diversion, and amusement to its viewers to also providing deep insight and meaning. In particular, a between-subjects experiment (N = 143) examined differences in affective, cognitive, and motivational responses to lifestyle transforming versus game based reality programs. Findings indicate that lifestyle transforming reality TV produced stronger feelings of elevation and perceptions of the program as moving and thought-provoking than game reality TV, which in turn increased motivations for altruism. Avenues for future research and theoretical implications of meaningful and inspiring reality TV for positive psychology are discussed.  相似文献   

随着大众传播的全面繁荣,中国传媒业的传播理念、传播方式发生了巨大的变化,同时也催生了电视媒体泛娱乐化的热潮.在消费主义、享乐主义的带动下,电视真人秀节目也难逃其害,呈现出媚俗化和同质化的趋势.文章从泛娱乐化时代下中国极具代表性的真人秀节目入手,梳理国内真人秀节目的发展概况,探析职业伦理视阈下电视媒体运作方式与社会伦理间的冲突,从而为当代真人秀节目健康、有序的发展提供理论参照.  相似文献   

电视传播中超真实空间对消费社会景观的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隋岩  张丽萍  范明 《编辑之友》2015,(10):51-55
媒介与人类生活已几近融为一体,人类对鲍德里亚所谓的“超真实世界”的依赖感越来越强,如今脱离开信息传播的世界已很难想象.如果说现代传媒技术在诞生之初,还是仅仅试图去还原一个更真实的客观世界,带给受众更逼真的“在场感”的话,那么随着传播技术和手段的不断更新换代,传媒已在有目的地建构、创造一个看似真实、甚至比真实世界更加可信的符号世界——媒介帝国.大众传媒的各类传播形态在适应市场化运作机制的进程中,为了获得丰厚的利润回报,不得不与消费主义联姻,进入一种共谋共生的状态中.  相似文献   

People with more political knowledge tend to have more coherent ideologies (Delli Carpini & Keeter, 1996; Judd & Krosnick, 1989; Stimson, 1975; Zaller, 1992). Drawing on prominent theories of attitude structure (e.g., Dinauer & Fink, 2005; Hunter, Levine & Sayers, 1976), we propose an explanation for this relationship, testing whether people who spend time thinking about how political concepts relate to one another are more likely to exhibit ideologically coherent attitudes (Judd & Krosnick, 1989). We find that participants who are instructed to participate in an exercise that requires them to think about how political concepts are related exhibit greater correlations between social- and economic-policy attitudes than nonparticipants and find some evidence that participants’ policy attitudes are more consistent over time. Contrary to expectations, there was no evidence of greater consistency between policy attitudes and underlying values, including party identification.  相似文献   

论中国电视真人秀节目的文化自觉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周毅 《新闻界》2007,14(6):128-129
本文运用了费孝通先生的文化自觉理论,分析了中国电视真人秀节目存在的问题,并提出了解决这一问题的对策建议.  相似文献   

真实是艺术作品的生命.本文以建立电视剧本体真实的美学观为出发点,运用电影"本体论"观点,结合优秀电视剧的创作实践,探讨了摄影机记录和书写电视剧本体真实的独特功能,并对当下中国电视剧创作中存在的违背现实主义真实美学观的倾向提出了批判.  相似文献   


There are many new methods and ideas for conveying landscape information, particularly over the Internet. While there are very sophisticated tools available, Internet-based mapping packages should nevertheless be both uncomplicated and meaningful. Example map packages inform the argument that principles such as accessibility, format, and interpretation are important to landscape mapping, particularly when it is distributed over the Internet, which is an open and visually efficient medium.  相似文献   

新闻频道是信息化社会观众对资讯渴求的一种产物。自CNN出现之后,十多年来发达国家基本上都开播了新闻频道。而在我国,新闻频道至今仍是一个新鲜事物。1999年5月23日,福建电视台新闻频道开播。几年来,也有城  相似文献   

明确情报思维与信息思维的内涵及相互关系是推动信息范式与情报范式融合的一项基础性工作。本文从构成维度视角对情报思维概念的内涵进行重新解读,首先对情报学界关于信息、情报、信息思维、情报思维四个概念的现有理解进行归纳总结,然后从“竞争思维”“信息思维”“系统思维”“批判性思维”“全源性思维”五个关键维度剖析情报思维概念的内涵。研究发现,围绕情报目标或情报问题,这五个维度分别扮演着各自独特的功能角色,其中竞争思维确定情报目标或情报问题,系统思维理解情报目标或情报问题,信息思维描述情报目标或情报问题,批判性思维对各个维度的思维过程与思维结果进行把关,全源性思维对其余四个维度的功能进行补漏,它们之间相互关联、相互作用,组成了一个有机的整体。图2。参考文献44。  相似文献   

九十年代以来我国电视业空前繁荣,竞争也日趋加剧,越来越多的媒体开始引入营销观念。传媒的营销观念成熟与否,适当与否,越来越影响到传媒经营的效果。二十世纪后半叶市场营销理论不断进步,为观照经济领域提供了新颖的理论视角。我国电视业因其历史短而缺乏相关的深入研究,但这个行业广阔的市场前景吸引着我们努力探究它的经营规律。  相似文献   

电视综艺性节目的编导观念越来越引起人们的重视,如何策划、导演好文艺栏目,对其创作过程进行思考并如何解决自身的观念,文章从拓展观念、和谐观念、欣赏观念三个方面对此作了论述.  相似文献   

Augmented reality is a technology that overlays digital information on objects or places in the real world for the purpose of enhancing the user experience. It is not virtual reality, that is, the technology that creates a totally digital or computer created environment. Augmented reality, with its ability to combine reality and digital information, is being studied and implemented in medicine, marketing, museums, fashion, and numerous other areas. This article presents an overview of augmented reality, discussing what it is, how it works, its current implementations, and its potential impact on libraries.  相似文献   

电视节目形式创意的版权保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[背景]“克隆”电视节目形式的现象已给电视业带来了极大的危害,但是由于没有明文的法律规定,使得电视节目形式的创意一直得不到有效保护。  相似文献   

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