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BEST TELEVISION PLAYS. Ed. by Gore Vidal. New York: Ballantine Books, Inc., 1956. 250 pp. 35c.

TELEVISION PLAYS BY PADDY GHAYEFSKY. By Paddy Chayefsky. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1955. 268 pp. $1.50 (paperback).

TOP TV SHOWS OF THE YEAR, 1954–55. Ed. by Irving Settel New York: Hastings House, 1955. 269 pp. $5.50.

TELEVISION SCRIPTS FOR STAGING AND STUDY. By Rudy Bretz and Edward Stasheff. New York: Hill and Wang, Inc., 1953. 332 pp. $4.95.

TELEVISION'S IMPACT ON AMERICAN CULTURE. By William Y. Elliott. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press 1956. 382 pp. $4.95.

MASS COMMUNICATIONS. By Erik Barnouw. New York: Rine‐hart and Company, Inc., 1957. pp. 280. $4.00.

CONSUMER RESEARCH WITH PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUES. By Dietz Leonhard. Shenandoah, Iowa: World Publishing Co., 1955. 151 pp.

ON HUMAN COMMUNICATIONS: A Review, a Survey and a Criticism. By Colin Cherry. New York: The Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1957. 333 pp.

TELEVISION TECHNIQUES, revised edition, by Hoyland Bettinger, revised by Sol Cornberg. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. 236 pp. $3.75.

TV MEASUREMENT FOR THE SPONSOR. By American Research Bureau, Inc., 1956. 53 pp. (Free.)

FOUR THEORIES OF THE PRESS. By Fred S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramm. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1956. 153 pp. $3.50.  相似文献   


This article examines different forms of state intervention in the history of broadcasting in South America. In contrast to “media imperialism”; positions, it is argued that the analysis of the evolution of broadcasting systems cannot be restricted to the role of international capital. Nor can the development of broadcasting in the region be understood as completely dominated by market mechanisms. On different occasions and for different reasons, domestic actors coalesced around the state to champion government‐run models against private broadcasting. Statist solutions, however, were ineffectual in changing the fundamental dynamics of the systems in place. Moreover, as they were often implemented by authoritarian governments, state models aggravated the problems for the existence of democratic broadcasting. Amid the hegemony of the private model and the globalization of media economies in the region, the discrediting of statist experiences makes it necessary to rethink alternatives to market‐dominated broadcasting.  相似文献   


Two books have recently crossed this desk which are deserving of comment. The first of these is My First 10,000,000 Sponsors,by Frank Edwards (New York: Ballantine Books, Inc. 1956. 185 pp. 35c). Edited by Bernard Rosenberg and David Manning White

One book, for which it is possible to predict an important future is Mass Culture, subtitle The Popular Arts in America. (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1957. 561 pp. $6.50.)

Three from Hastings

HOW TO ANNOUNCE FOR RADIO AND TELEVISION. Edited by William I. Kaufman. New York. Hastings House, 1956. 95 pp. $2.50.

AN AD MAN AD‐LIBS ON TV. By Bob Foreman. New York. Hastings House, 1957. 173 pp. $4.50.

HOW TO USE A TAPE RECORDER. By Dick Hodgson and H. Jay Bullen. New York. Hastings House, 1957. 216 pp. $4.95.

THE FUNNY MEN. By Steve Allen. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. 280 pp. $3.95.  相似文献   

ADVERTISING: ITS ROLE IN MODERN MARKETING. Ry S. Watson Dunn. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. 621 + xvi pp. $8.95.  相似文献   

TELEVISION AND RADIO ANNOUNCING. By Stuart W. Hyde. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1959. 451 pp. $6.00.

TELEVISION ADVERTISING. By Clark Aknew and Neil O'Brien. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1958. 330 pp. $9.50.

INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH. Edited by Ralph O. Nafziger and David Manning White. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1958. 244 pp. $5.00.

THE MERGER. By Sterling Quinlan. New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1958. 331 pp.

SCREEN WRITING AND PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES. By Charles W. Curran, New York. Hastings House, 1958. 240 pp., illus. $4.95.  相似文献   


THE TELEVISION COMMERCIAL, revised edition, by Harry Wayne McMahan. New York: Hastings House, 1957. 223 pp. $6.50.

THE AGE OF TELEVISION. By Leo Bogart. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, 1956. 348 pp. $6.50. Text edition, $4.75.

ELEMENTS OF COLOR IN PROFESSIONAL MOTION PICTURES, prepared by a Special Committee of the SMPTE, W. R. Holm, Chairman. Published (1957) by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 55 West 42nd Street, New York 36; 104 pages, 27 in color, 53/4”; by 81/2”; hard‐bound. Price is $3.50 for single copies.

TELEVISION AUDIENCE RESEARCH FOR GREAT BRITAIN. By Arthur C. Nielsen. A. C. Nielson Company, 1955. 143 pp.

SAY IT SAFELY. By Paul P. Ashley. The University of Washington Press, 1957. 117 pp. $2.50.  相似文献   

This study compared and integrated the influence of motivational and situational determinants on news viewing behavior. Individual people-meter data allowed the unobtrusive study of news viewing situations. The finding is that the viewing context is much more important than motivations. However, interest in the news and politics can reinforce or reverse situational influences. For interested viewers, watching more TV in general mainly explains news viewing, while for less interested viewers, lead-out effects and social viewing are more relevant.  相似文献   

The “real” differences between television and newspaper coverage of a given event may involve much more than considerations of timeliness and length. This report is based on Russell Harney's 1968 master's thesis in journalism at the University of Wisconsin, for which Dr. Stone (assistant professor of journalism at Wisconsin) was advisor. An earlier version was presented to the Radio‐Television Division of the Association for Education in Journalism during its convention at the University of Kansas in 1968. Commander Harney is a U.S. Navy public affairs specialist. The authors wish to thank the many news executives and other personnel of the ABC, CBS and NBC television networks who cooperated in this study.  相似文献   

The Coming Information Age: An Overview of Technology, Economics, and Politics, Wilson P. Dizard, Jr. (New York: Annenberg/Longman Communication Books, 1982), 213 pp., $12.95.

Finance and Information: A Study of Converging Interests, Cees J. Hamelink (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1983), 170 pp., $22.95.

Beyond Agenda Setting: Information Subsidies and Public Policy, Oscar H. Gandy, Jr. (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1982), 243 pp., $24.75.

Forecasting the Telephone: A Retrospective Technology Assessment of the Telephone, Ithiel de Sola Pool (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1983), 172 pp., $22.50.

Broadcasting and Society: 1918‐1939, Mark Pegg (London: Croom Helm, 1983), 263 pp., $14.95.

Media and the American Mind: From Morse to McLuhan, Daniel J. Czitrom (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1982), 254 pp., $19.95/$7.95.

Handbook of Interactive Video, eds. Steve Floyd and Beth Floyd (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications/ 1982), 168 pp., $34.95.

The Teleconferencing Handbook: A Guide to Cost‐Effective Communication, Ellen Lazer, Martin C. J. Elton and James Jones, (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1983), 219 pp., $34.95.

The Future of Videotext: Worldwide Prospects for Home/ Electronic Information Services, Efrem Sigel, (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1983), 197 pp., $34.95.

Effective TV Production, 2d ed., Gerald Millerson (London: Focal Press, 1983), 192 pp., $11.95.

Basic TV Staging, 2d ed., Gerald Millerson (London: Focal Press, 1982), 173 pp. $11.95.

TV Lighting Methods, 2d ed., Gerald Millerson (London: Focal Press, 1982), 152 pp., $11.95.

Use of Microphones, 2d ed., Alec Nisbett (London: Focal Press, 1983), 167 pp., $11.95.

Telecommunications: An Introduction to Radio, Television, and the Developing Media, Lynne Shafer Gross (Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown, 1983), 385 pp., $19.95.

The New Television Technologies, Lynne Shafer Gross (Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown, 1983), 190 pp., $11.95.

Telecommunications: Issues and Changes for Society, ed. Jerry L. Salvaggio, (New York: Longman, 1983), 224 pp., $24.95.  相似文献   

Of particular value to teachers of professional broadcasting is feedback that informs them as to whether their students are fitted for success in the industry. It has been over a year since the Journal last attempted to supply this feedback by presenting a vocational survey of broadcasting in the midwest by Linton and Hyden in the Winter 1958–1959 issue (Vol. III, No. 1). Although of similar import, the following study deals with a different geographical region of the midwest, and is not intended merely to duplicate the questions asked in the earlier study.  相似文献   

The following are a series of verbatim quotes from, the January 1965 Summary Report of the Future Programs Task Group of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. They were published in Part 3 of the Hearings before the U.S. Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 89th Congress, 1st Session, on S.927, the NASA Authorization for Fiscal Year 1966. There is a science‐fiction ring to this entire document, but in an age where men can walk in space little more than a half century after the first powered flight, science‐fiction writers are in fact honored prophets.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing volume of news and information on the Internet poses immediate problems for governments intent on influencing or controlling the ideas accessible in cyberspace. Old methods of censoring news and information are being remodeled to cope with the new communication technologies. This article examines some of the new methods of controlling information flows. These legislative and juridical actions in democratic as well as less-than-democratic states belie early assumptions that the content of Internet flows would be uncontrollable by governments. To place press freedom in context worldwide, the paper includes the latest (January 2000) Freedom House assessments in 186 countries. The study found that press controls are becoming subtler and less detectable in Europe, Latin America and where “Asian values” are projected to control internal and external news and information flows. For 400 years, governments learned to censor each new medium — newspapers, radio and television — as it appeared. The paper acknowledges that the Internet provides the greatest challenge to censors, but they are striving to master electronic forms of communication. The independence of the Internet, the study concludes, becomes the newest test of a government's will to encourage and sustain a free press.  相似文献   

一般来讲,著作权就是为作者提供了一种工具,可以用来保护其作品在未经其许可时,他人不得私自占有、使用或利用.网络具有虚拟性,但它与现实世界存在密切联系,必然要接受法律的规范和调整.我国颁布的相关法律法规已跟不上网络技术的发展速度,为维护著作权人的合法权益,规范网络环境下作品使用秩序,必须设立和完善一些新的措施,应对网络技术发展带来的挑战.  相似文献   

A nationwide sample of 300 AM station General Managers found less than universal compliance with NRSC‐1 and NRSC‐2 standards, more AM stereo transmission than previously estimated, continued widespread use of music formats, misleading reports in the trade press, and positive attitudes about the prospects of digital audio broadcasting (DAB).  相似文献   


Because advertising is the bread‐and‐butter of broadcasting in the United States, any attempt to limit the number and length of commercials is, bound to meet with strong opposition. One such unsuccessful attempt was made by the FCC only four years ago, but already memories of the events and maneuverings that swirled around this proposal are fading. Lawrence D. Longley investigated this topic in connection with his doctoral dissertation on “The Politics of Broadcasting” which is nearing completion at Vanderbilt University. Mr. Longley is instructor in the Department of Government at Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin.  相似文献   

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