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How do we engage with our community in a more meaningful way? How do we make the user experience the center of all we do? What impact are we having and how do we measure it? In an effort to better answer these questions and make a tighter connection between library objectives and the broader needs of the community, the Oak Park Public Library embarked on a journey to “turn outward.” Following the Harwood model for community engagement, Oak Park has made strides in unifying its internal operations and strengthening strategic partnerships. Its intention is wider and deeper community impact.  相似文献   

Dynamic development is an intrinsic characteristic of research topics. To study this, this paper proposes two sets of topic attributes to examine topic dynamic characteristics: topic continuity and topic popularity. Topic continuity comprises six attributes: steady, concentrating, diluting, sporadic, transforming, and emerging topics; topic popularity comprises three attributes: rising, declining, and fluctuating topics. These attributes are applied to a data set on library and information science publications during the past 11 years (2001–2011). Results show that topics on “web information retrieval”, “citation and bibliometrics”, “system and technology”, and “health science” have the highest average popularity; topics on “h-index”, “online communities”, “data preservation”, “social media”, and “web analysis” are increasingly becoming popular in library and information science.  相似文献   

在数据智能的基础上,虚拟世界与现实世界的快速融合可能成为未来三十年最大的社会变革之一。这一自信息时代就已开始的历史进程,将重塑几乎所有赛道的业态。对信息资源管理领域而言,是机遇,更是终极挑战。而业态优化与重塑,核心在于"先立后破""破立并举",治理是其中最关键的环节之一。元宇宙发展的现有风险中,脱实向虚、游戏为先、治理未预三大问题较为集中,本质上则是对于急速爆发的前沿领域、传统的管理和应对方式力有未逮。本文认为"敏捷治理"是塑造未来数智世界和元宇宙治理的重要选项。针对此领域,应从评价监管问责规范化、政务治理智能化、政产学创新集约化三个方向出发,向具有预见性、实时性和动态性的敏捷治理模式转型,并在数据智能的基础上构建敏捷反应模式,从法律规约、科技规制、教育规正三个方面推动未来数智世界治理的相关实践。  相似文献   

The aim of this brief communication is to reply to a letter by Kosmulski (Journal of Informetrics 6(3):368–369, 2012), which criticizes a recent indicator called “success-index”. The most interesting features of this indicator, presented in Franceschini et al. (Scientometrics, in press), are: (i) allowing the selection of an “elite” subset from a set of publications and (ii) implementing the field-normalization at the level of an individual publication. We show that the Kosmulski's criticism is unfair and inappropriate, as it is the result of a misinterpretation of the indicator.  相似文献   

Patents are one of the most reliable sources of technology intelligence, and the true value of patent analysis stems from its capability of describing the content of technology based on the relationships between keywords. To date a number of techniques for analyzing the information contained in patent documents that focus on the relationships between keywords have been suggested. However, a drawback of the existing keyword approaches is that they cannot yet determine the types of relationships between the keywords. This study proposes a novel approach based on preposition semantic analysis network which overcomes the limitations of the existing keywords-based network analysis and demonstrates its potential through an application. A preposition is a word that defines the relationship between two neighboring words, and, in the case of patents, prepositions aid in revealing the relationships between keywords related to technologies. To demonstrate the approach, patents regarding an electric vehicle were employed. 13 prepositions were identified which could be used to define 5 relationships between neighboring technological terms: “inclusion (utilization),” “objective (purpose),” “effect,” “process,” and “likeness.” The proposed approach is expected to improve the usability of keyword-based patent analyses and support more elaborate studies on patent documents.  相似文献   

在万物互联时代,边缘计算的出现弥补云计算的不足,将影响智慧档案馆建设的模式。本文从边缘计算的概念及发展历史出发,阐释边缘计算的特点,在总结智慧档案馆特点的基础上,分析智慧档案馆建设引入边缘计算的优势。在此基础上,提出智慧档案馆建设的“云边模式”,分析数字档案馆模式由“个体模式”向“云模式”再向“云边模式”的演进过程。最后分析智慧档案馆发展边缘计算需要解决的边缘计算部署、信息安全与用户隐私、多源异构平台数据共享等问题,以期建设更加智慧的智慧档案馆。  相似文献   

“Black Radio Listeners in America’s “Golden Age’” argues that U.S. black listenership has been all but ignored in radio scholarship regarding the 1930s-1950s, as has the context of America’s racial segregation and radio’s active role in affirming and propagating it. The essay argues for an expanded understanding of archive and archival methodology in order to gain a more complex, accurate, and varied understanding of historical black listenership, and, toward that end, performs culturally contextualized close textual analysis across media: a 1937 Lead Belly song (“Turn Yo’ Radio On”), Joe Bostic’s column for The People’s Voice in the 1940s, Frederic Wakeman’s 1946 novel The Hucksters, a 1949 feature on black listeners in Sponsor magazine, a 1934 Vitaphone Short featuring Cab Calloway, and Ann Petry’s 1946 novel The Street. Through engaging with widely-varied representations of black radio listenership, Stoever argues that black listening practices from this period not only challenge the periodization of this era as the “Golden Age” of American radio, but also upend traditional categories of active, passive, and “resistant” listening that scholars have employed to understand media reception, revealing that active listening can look and sound different for black listeners, particularly in a period when listening “actively” to segregated media in ways prescribed by the dominant culture often proved to be deleterious. The act of “turning one’s radio on” was a complicated act of agency for black listeners, not simply a passive form of ignorance, escape, and/or anesthetization as popularly represented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish whether adult children's commitment, trust, and relational satisfaction are differentiated by their forgiveness stage (i.e., Stage 1, “Impact;” Stage 2, “Definition;” Stage 3, “Moving On”) in response to a parent's act of betrayal. Participants included 61 adult children who completed an online survey. Adult children's commitment, trust, and relational satisfaction were highest in the third stage of forgiveness. Future research should specifically analyze the messages exchanged between the parent and adult child to better understand the progression through the stages.  相似文献   

里耶秦简“义陵用度简”是一份官文书,其传递过程是“A县库→A县廷→迁陵县廷→迁陵库”,可分为“库□告县廷书”“丞欧告迁陵主书”和“迁陵守丞殷告库书”三个传递阶段。其中,“丞欧告迁陵主书”和“迁陵守丞殷告库书”在县廷的处理流程可归纳为“原件签署+抄件批转+原件存档/抄件送出”,即:①在原件上签署收文记录;②抄写文书正文部分,制成抄件;③丞欧/守丞殷批转抄件;④将“批转”意见转抄到原件上;⑤原件存档,抄件送出。此种处理流程是秦汉时期官文书传递流转的重要方式之一,可用于分析“义陵用度简”同类文书的流转情况。  相似文献   

文章从档案开发利用的主体及受众角度,对档案开发利用参与者从古代具有"君本位、相对单一",到近代"官学并行、史学界作用凸显",再到当下"参与者范围逐步扩大、‘以人为本’成为最主要的指导思想"等特点进行阐述,并着重对当下档案开发利用参与者进行分析,在此基础上从"将受众纳入社会档案资源建设及开发利用的主体中""理论研究主体与实践主体有效结合""‘以人为本’,扩大视野"三个角度提出当下档案开发利用的努力方向。  相似文献   

In order to analyze and compare the intellectual structure of information organization research in Japan and Korea, this study has carried out frequency analysis and network text analysis of research articles published in the last two years. Analysis showed that the Japanese information organization area has a high frequency of research centered on the concepts of “catalog” and “classification”. In particular, “catalog” is seen to have a high figure in degree centrality by network text analysis, it can be said that the “catalog” concept has extensive connections with a diverse range of subjects in the area of information organization. On the other hand, the Korean information organization research area showed a high frequency and connectivity of subjects related to “classification” rather than “catalog”. The “classification” concept is seen to have extensive connections with other various subjects in the Korean information organization research area.  相似文献   

The Collection Development Discussion Group, moderated by Eric Carpenter (Oberlin College), focused on two primary topics: “The Role of Faculty in Collection Development” and “Performance Evaluation.”  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):173-180
A comparative analysis of the theories of Kenneth Burke and Alfred North Whitehead provides a different perspective of persuasion. The areas of comparison are: (1) the composition of the rhetorical situation and the function of the rhetor; (2) the modules: “identification” and “transmutation” and (3) the paradigms: “consubstantiality” and “concrescence.” Other perceptions of the rhetorical situation, the axiological latitude and functions of the rhetor, and the interrelations between the rhetor and the audience might, thereby, be gained.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):363-379
The present study sought to compare the nature and content of interaction within a number of “effective” and “ineffective” decision‐making groups in an effort to identify consistent differences which might account for the differences in the quality of their group decisions. The goal of the investigation was to generate data which will help us better understand the communication‐based reasons for “effective” and “ineffective” group decision making. Using basically a qualitative approach, six “effective” groups and five “ineffective” groups were compared. The study found that the discussions of those two sets of groups can be distinguished on the basis of at least four communication‐related characteristics: (1) The manner in which the groups examined opinions and assumptions advanced by group members; (2) The manner in which the groups evaluated alternative choices; (3) The nature of the premises which served as the basis for the groups’ decisions; and (4) The nature of influence exerted by the most influential members of the groups. These four differences are discussed in terms of specific empirically‐testable propositions regarding the relationship between group interaction and quality of group decision making.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):36-37
Objective: To expand an informative speech into a television news package Type of speech: Informative Point value: 5% of course grade (Note: The original informative speech is worth 10% of the course grade) Requirements: (a) References: 3; (b) Length: 30 seconds; (c) Visual aid: 3; (d) Outline: Yes; (e) Prerequisite reading: Chapter 14 (Whitman & Foster, 1987), Chapter 15 (McKerrow, Gronbeck, Ehninger, & Monroe, 2000), Chapter 14 (Andrews, Andrews, & Williams, 2002), Chapter 13 (Zettl, 1985), Chapter 11 (Gibson, 1991), Chapter 9 (Berner, 1991); (f) Additional requirements: Need use of television camera and editing station This assignment demonstrates the interrelationship between speech communication and mass media. Having students take the components of an informative speech and placing the components into a “news package” teaches students how to effectively organize a television news package. Moreover, this assignment teaches students basic television production and news techniques (e.g., source attribution, editing techniques) and illustrates the value of effective visual aids to communicate the information.  相似文献   

The professional role conceptions of journalists have for many years remained a central strand in journalism studies. The present research investigates the professional role conceptions that Kenyan journalists perceive to be the most important in their work. Similarly, the professional role they consider the most important is further analyzed in relation to demographics (age, gender, education, contract type, media type, and media ownership). Findings from a national survey of 504 Kenyan journalists indicate that “providing citizens with information” is the most important role (61.3 percent), followed by “advocate for social change” (51.7 percent). The other major roles include to “support official policies” (46.9 percent), “motivate people to participate in civic activities” (45.6 percent), and “act as watchdog of government” (35.3 percent). The most important role—providing citizens with information—is backed across all demographics with a strong mean of 4.4 on a five-point scale ranging from 1 (“not important at all”) to 5 (“extremely important”). However, the difference of means across all the analyzed demographics are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

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