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<正>10岁那年,我在崇明路小学组织的联欢活动上说过一段相声,班主任张老师写的脚本,我逗哏,同学捧哏,欢声妙语,说的是新旧社会两重天的沧桑变迁。许多内容早已忘干净了,惟有一处"包袱"仍记忆犹新。为了印证国民政府抗战胜利到溃走台湾前夕货币贬值、民穷财尽的悲惨情景,我用了一连串形象化的数据作比喻:当时100元法币,1937年可买两头牛,1941年可买一头猪,1945年可买一条鱼,1946年可买一个鸡蛋,1947年可买五分之一根油条,到了1948年,  相似文献   

An increasing number of local news stations are producing and broadcasting their newscasts in high-definition television (HDTV), but to date there has not been an investigation of audience perceptions of news in high definition. This study presents the results from an experiment investigating the influence of television form (image quality and field of view) on presence and audiences' perceptions of source credibility for news anchors and local news. The results demonstrate that improved image quality (HDTV) has a positive influence on audience perceptions of source credibility and the overall credibility of newscasts. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied competitive behavior within Danish network television news to determine differences between broadcasts of the government-funded, public network and the commercially funded, private network. Denmark offers a unique opportunity to study the effect of competition and commercialism on national television news broadcasts because the country had a state monopoly television network until 1988, when a commercial network was introduced. Results reveal there is differentiation between the news broadcasts, but we argue that competition has not had deleterious effects on content but, conversely, has resulted in improvements in the content of state television.  相似文献   

Local television news remains a primary news source for Americans and is a key source of consumer health information. This study explores why local television health journalists cover particular topics and assesses why health journalism newsgathering practices often differ from the normative newsgathering practices of general assignment reporters. Fifteen in-depth telephone interviews were conducted with health journalists from varying geographical regions and media markets. Influence from local hospitals and personal interest in a health topic often determined the health content the journalists produced. Journalists said it was difficult to cover health issues in addition to other newsroom responsibilities.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 20世纪40-50年代美国图书馆界发起的反漫画风潮,从本质上促进了图书馆界对漫画文献的认知和了解,为之后美国图书馆动漫文献资源建设的发展奠定了重要的基础。通过对相关历史文献进行梳理与总结,为我国图书馆机构的动漫文献资源建设提供参考。[方法/过程] 使用文献调查法,深入搜集上世纪40-50年代美国图书馆界关于漫画研究的文献,并对该时期图书馆界反对以及支持漫画文献和漫画文献收藏的各类观点进行详细总结。[结果/结论] 美国图书馆界关于漫画文献的讨论之于我国图书馆动漫文献资源建设有如下几点启示:①图书馆员要改变对动漫文献的认知态度;②图书馆员要加强把关意识,为读者挑选优质的动漫文献;③图书馆机构之间应加强合作,共同构建统一的动漫文献分类分级体系;④图书馆应在明确动漫资源特殊性前提下,进一步提升动漫文献的收藏水平。  相似文献   

The Library of America is a nonprofit publishing company whose mission is to renew and preserve the literary heritage of the United States. To accomplish this, the Library publishes the best American writing of the past. As part of the historic preservation movement, the Library attempts to make permanently available, at moderate cost, those books that have remained crucial to the formation of American culture. This is a slightly revised and updated version of an article from theGazette of the Grolier Club (1994) Number 46, reprinted by permission.  相似文献   

2003年5月1日开播的中央电视台新闻频道,诚如它的开篇辞所言,作为“一扇永不关闭的窗口”,人们自然注意到了新闻频道在“非典”时期的出色表现,它的几次成功的现场直播,以及像《面对面》、《新闻会客厅》中主持人的质疑式提问等新闻频道自身的一些亮点,等等。作为新闻频道的“闪亮登场”,这些“亮点”本身无疑具有相当的新闻价值。然而,我们的目光似乎应当穿过“非典”的突发性质和屏幕的种种表象,将新闻频道放到更广阔的时空背景和更深远的历史语境中,去追问新闻频道的“是什么”,“为什么”和“干什么”。  相似文献   

While media and journalism studies focus on advertising pressures on news producers, media pressures on advertisers are overlooked. The present study is the first to analyze media pressures on advertisers and the ways in which all participants interpret the phenomenon. This study used ethnographic methods to study 10 Slovenian television stations and 10 corporate marketing departments, as well as in-depth interviews with key actors. The research showed that television advertising practitioners and journalists exert pressure on advertisers to pay for news that either promotes products/services or suppresses information that reflects badly on advertisers.  相似文献   

Since discovering the shrinking politician sound-bite, researchers have shown that TV news grew more journalist-centered since the 1960s. To explore how far journalistic authority extends, this study turns to the weather. It examines local coverage weekday mornings on three local stations before a national convention. Close qualitative reading, supplemented by content coding, compares weather rhetoric, tone, and style during segments. Weathercasters raise concerns during weather reports, which they soften during banter. Most surprising is their rhetorical claim to control nature. They personify weather, but ignore the audience. Accuracy in forecasts relates to the visual style and ratings of the station.  相似文献   

美国新闻式电视批评在媒介组织体系中,扮演着联袂聚焦的权力角色。电视媒体因而视其为一种营销途径,水门事件以后,新闻式批评有意识地反抗这种角色,张扬专业主义批评精神。国内的新闻式批评,还没有发挥其应有的产业作用和文化影响,但仍然值得关注,这对于媒介研究本身及理解当下的文化现实,都是极有意义的。  相似文献   

A new coding scheme and method of analysis were proposed to assess the level of text-picture correspondence in television news. The method focuses on alternating text-picture correspondences within news items and uses the proportional time devoted to each correspondence category as the dependent variable. It is argued that the coding method could be used in large-scale analyses of television news content as well as in effect studies that examine recall for news information.  相似文献   

论我国电视新闻娱乐化现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐定  毛江红 《新闻界》2008,(1):118-119
电视新闻娱乐化促进了电视新闻的发展,满足了受众的多样化需求。而电视新闻泛娱乐化削弱了电视媒体的社会责任,降低了观众思维和行为能力,影响了电视新闻的传播效果。为了避免电视新闻娱乐化产生消极影响,应该把握好三个"度",即专业度、品位度和接受度。  相似文献   

在中国电视的整体格局中 ,省级卫视如何突破成为近几年业界关注的一个热点 ;在“全球化”的语境中 ,“本土化”、“本地化”的道路究竟应当怎么走 ,对于中国电视的改革与发展至关重要 ,拉动中国电视的“发动机”到底是什么 ,不论是拉动社会效益 ,还是拉动经济效益 ,也都是颇为值得探讨的重要命题。安徽电视台经济生活频道《第一时间》一年来的实践 ,对于回答以上问题具有典型的个案价值。为此 ,我们约请有关专家 ,对此进行了较为深入的探讨  相似文献   

The relation between the structure of a market and the diversity of its product offering has been extensively explored by theorists. We develop 2 measures of diversity and explore the content of local news for 60 stations and 20 designated market areas (DMAs) in the United States. Using a relative station-level diversity metric, ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates imply that relative diversity of local news content decreases as market concentration increases. This result is not, however, robust to an instrumental variables specification. Using a total market diversity metric, the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (Hirshman, 1964) is significant in OLS and robust to instrumental variable estimation. Because the total market diversity metric is arguably superior to the incremental metric as a measure of overall diversity, this result is useful-it suggests that the total diversity of local news content within a DMA is sensitive to the level of concentration.  相似文献   

A content analysis of television network news was conducted to assess the portrayal of race and criminal behavior. Findings revealed that Whites were more likely than African Americans to appear as perpetrators, victims, and officers. Both African Americans and Whites were more likely to appear as perpetrators than as victims and officers. African American and White law-breakers were represented in a way consistent with their perpetration rates. However, Whites were overrepresented while African Americans were underrepresented as victims of violent crime. Furthermore, Whites were over represented and African Americans were under-represented as police officers. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

陈沛芹 《新闻界》2008,(4):60-62
本文从政治、经济、社会组织、文化以及技术等视角对新闻生产进行了分析。  相似文献   

随着电子媒介易用技术的普及,大众媒体海量化的传播趋势日益厚重,如何改进、强化媒体的传播形式,以聚集、驾驭受众的注意力,已经成为当代媒介提升自身竞争力的重要内容。目前,台湾电视同仁运用“动漫”语言形式技巧在化解电视新闻中“空镜头多、重复镜头多、虚假扮演镜头多、准确叙事镜头少”的“三多一少”难题方面取得了显著成果。本文以符号学、叙事学等基础学理为据,通过解读“两岸三地”华语电视新闻节目运用“动漫”这一叙事形式及其特点与传播价值,探讨当代电视新闻传播过程中日趋精细的画面叙事形式追求,以期为电视新闻的叙事形式、制作观念提供借鉴,其重要意义应视之为我国电视新闻传播观念的重大变革。  相似文献   

电视新闻故事化存在的问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄雯 《新闻界》2009,(2):154-155
随着新闻传播事业的发展,整个媒介环境开始出现一股泛故事化的趋势和倾向,进而影响到新闻的品位,甚至产生一定的负面作用.对于新闻故事化这种手段,我们应该加以辨证的看待.  相似文献   

On 29 September 2016, the Indian army conducted a surgical strike along the India–Pakistan border. The mainstream news media in India followed the event with assertive nationalistic rhetoric. What was supposed to be a covert military operation against terrorism became morphed into political rhetoric aggravated by the unwarranted jingoism of television news channels and social media. The coverage of the strike on television news is typically characterized by a confluence of militant nationalist discourses, and the ideologically imbued labelling of specific communities. Within this context, drawing from the close reading of the coverage, this article analyses how Indian television news sustains the construction of a fictive “we”, conflated with the government policies and military strategies, and speaks for a supposedly homogeneous national consensus that also consciously obscures the dissent through minority voices. The article emphasizes the relationship between communities, formal politics, and the supposedly non-political spaces and practices of news media in India.  相似文献   

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