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The junior middle school phase is one in which students first come into formal contact with science subjects and is a key period in the formation of their attitudes toward the sciences. Any setback in science studies in this period inevitably affects the students' studies in the senior middle school phase and even their future choice of specializations and the direction of their career development. Thus science education during the junior middle school phase is of the utmost importance for the students' growth. Studies by scholars abroad show that the great majority of girls have the same intelligence and ambitions as boys when they enter school, but by the time they graduate from junior and senior middle schools they have much less confidence in their abilities and their self-esteem has conspicuously declined. There is also a big difference between boys and girls in terms of their choice of advancement to higher schools, and a relatively small proportion of girls choose to take science courses in senior middle school. In terms of choice of vocations, most girls remain stuck in the narrow field of traditional occupations for females, such as nursing, health care, and secretarial work, and display a clear tendency toward job gender patternization. The rate of school dropouts and discontinued schooling is much higher among girls than boys.1 Studies by scholars in China show that stereotyped gender impressions among teachers leads to incorrect conduct in education and teaching. For instance, teachers believe that boys are more clever. They make different dispositions for girls' and boys' learning activities, and lavish more attention on boys. Such different feedback to learning information [sic] from boys and girls widens the difference between students of different genders.2  相似文献   

采用问卷法对衡阳市特殊教育学校的小学高年级、初中和高中聋哑学生的社会支持、人际信任及其关系进行调查研究。结果表明:①男生在支持利用度上的得分显著高于女生;②小学高年级学生在客观支持上的得分显著高于初高中生;③聋哑学生的支持利用度与依靠性呈显著正相关。进一步的回归分析发现,支持利用度和社会支持对他们的依靠性及人际信任度都有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

Ontario, a province located in central Canada, has a population of over 8 million people. Although the total area of the province is over 400,000 square miles (over I million square kilometres), the overwhelming majority of the population lives in southern Ontario, which includes less than one-third of the area of the province.The Ontario school system offers elementary and secondary education to all children and young persons able to profit from instruction. The school programme covers kindergarten, eight years of elementary instruction, and five years of secondary school. Compulsory school attendance has been enforced since 1870. At present the age of compulsory attendance is 6 to 16; kindergarten is voluntary at the age of 5, but nearly all children of this age are enrolled. Since the second half of the 1960s, junior kindergarten is being offered in many schools, and by 1974 the percentage of Ontario's 4-year-olds enrolled in junior kindergarten was 33 per cent. As far as the secondary school is concerned, in 1974/75 the net enrolment rate1 of persons age 16 was 87 per cent; of age 17, 69 per cent; and of 18, 34 per cent.The post-secondary educational system consists primarily of two major components: community colleges with over ninety compuses serving all the major economic regions of Ontario; and universities.The community colleges were introduced in the 1960s with the main purpose of providing joboriented programmes beyond the secondary level for high-school graduates who require post-secondary training and education other than university. They also offer programmes to meet the educational needs of adults and out-of-school youth, whether or not they are secondary-school graduates.In 1975/76 the post-secondary enrolment of full-time students in community colleges was about 60,000, and in universities about 160,000. However, the number of part-time credit students enrolled in colleges considerably exceeds full-time enrolment, while the number of part-time university students reached 75,000. In addition, many hundreds of thousands of adults participate in non-formal learning opportunities offered by the colleges and universities, as well as by a great variety of other organizations, such as the local school board, social, community and cultural organizations, municipal authorities, private schools, sports and interest clubs, etc. author of numerous educational films, television programmes and publications, among others, Broadcasting for Adult Education: A Guidebook to World-wide Experience (Unesco Press).  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of bullying and victimisation among students in special schools in Taiwan. The sample included 140 students with various disabilities, aged 12–18, from 10 special schools throughout Taiwan. Trained interviewers conducted face-to-face surveys using structured questionnaires. Results show that 31.8% of students in special schools experienced peer victimisation within the past year, while 26.5% of students had bullied others during that period. While the findings did not yield gender differences, students in junior high grades tended to report more victimisation experiences than did their senior high counterparts. Severity of disability was positively associated with both bullying and being bullied; however, no difference was found regarding types of disability. Delinquency was positively associated with student bullying and victimisation. Students who suffered victimisation also reported a higher number of suicide attempts. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

本文在回顾心理康复特质文献的基础上,根据自编的青少年心理康复特质问卷,选取四川省彭州市等各受灾程度不等的中学的650名学生进行施测,以探讨四川灾区中学生心理康复特质的差异。本研究采用SPSS16.0进行数据的分析和处理,并运用相关分析、双因子变异数分析统计方法进行统计,所得结果如下:从不同年级的中学生的平均数来看,初一和初二、高一和高二年级的中学生在乐观与希望、问题求助方式、不安全感、安全感维度以及总问卷上的平均分具有不同程度的差异:(1)初中二年级学生具有的乐观与希望、安全感特质好于其他年级的学生;(2)初中二年级学生整体心理康复状况好于其他年级的学生;(3)高中二年级学生比其他年级学生更善于运用问题求助来帮助自己康复。从不同性别的中学生的平均数来看:(1)男女中学生具有的整体心理康复特质没有显著的差异;(2)在遇到突发事件时,女生比男生表现出更高程度的不安全感;(3)女生比男生更多地用问题求助的方式来帮助自己康复,且女中学生比男中学生更能找到问题解决和求助的途径。  相似文献   

Denmark is a country with a relatively high expenditure on education, and was one of the first countries in the Integration movement. Now the country is including all but 1.25 per cent of all pupils in a comprehensive school. The 1.25 per cent are attending special schools or special classes. To make this possible, 13 per cent of all students in regular schools on a yearly basis receive special needs education support as a supplement to regular education. Special education within the regular school system has existed for 99 years, and special teacher training has a 66-year history, originating in training of speech therapists. At present, the prevalence of special needs education is between 25 and 35 per cent, and this gives rise to questions about the relation between special needs education and differentiation of instruction which, in turn, has implications for training of teachers in special needs education.  相似文献   

State and federal accountability reforms are putting considerable pressure on schools to increase the achievement of historically low-performing groups of students and to close test score gaps. In this article, we exploit the differences among the large number of elementary schools in New York City to examine how much schools vary in the efficiency of the education they provide to subgroups. In addition, we examine the extent to which observable school characteristics can account for the variation that exists. We find that New York City elementary schools vary in how well they educate poor students compared to nonpoor students and Asian and White students compared to Black and Hispanic students. The disparities in school efficiency measures between boys and girls are lower than for the other subgroups. There is no conclusive evidence about which school resources and characteristics are associated with more or less efficient education across all subgroups.  相似文献   

通过调查粤澳11 097名中小学生发现,广东中小学生思政课课程感知和各维度感知水平显著优于澳门,且在“课程目标”“课程内容”维度差距最为突出。性别差异为女生显著优于男生;年级差异大体为小学四至六年级优于初中各年级;曾在香港就读对课程感知有消极影响,在内地就读则有积极影响。父母文化程度大体与课程感知呈正相关。基于此,要继续完善澳门思政课课程建设,加强广东思政课课程实施督导;提高男生思政课课程学习兴趣;引导初中生重视国家事务,实现思政课的情感目标;提高粤澳姐妹学校互动频率,鼓励澳门中小学生到内地就读或交换。  相似文献   

为了减轻中小学生的课业负担,国家推行取消"小升初"考试、小学生和初中生就近入学这一重大举措。但随着这一制度的实行,却引发了中小学生"择校"这一负面现象。为了解决"择校"问题和城乡教育资源差异问题,中国借鉴了国外的教师流动制度,在均衡教育资源、解决"择校"问题方面确实取得了一定的成效。它可以有效地抑制教师的"单向上位流动",有利于教师个人的发展和提高教学效率。强制性的流动与和谐社会"以人为本"的理念相悖,容易滋生腐败风气,不利于教师安心工作;与教师职业的长期性特点相悖,教师的家庭等后顾之忧难以解决。要真正解决"择校问题",需要将重点高中的名额指标下放到各个初中,利用优厚的待遇吸引优秀人才进入薄弱学校,实行教育券制度等方法。  相似文献   

The number of students in special schools has increased at a rapid rate in some Australian states, due in part to increased enrolment under the categories of emotional disturbance (ED) and behaviour disorder (BD). Nonetheless, diagnostic distinctions between ED and BD are unclear. Moreover, despite international findings that students with particular backgrounds are over-represented in special schools, little is known about the backgrounds of students entering such settings in Australia. This study examined the government school enrolment data from New South Wales, the most populous of the Australian states. Linear and quadratic trends were used to describe the numbers and ages of students enrolled in special schools in the ED and BD categories. Changes between 1997 and 2007 were observed. Results showed an over-representation of boys that increased across the decade and a different pattern across age for boys and girls. Consistent with international findings, these results indicate that trends in special school placements are unrelated to disability prevalence in the population. Rather, it is suggested that schools act to preserve time and resources for others by removing their more challenging students: most typically, boys.  相似文献   

本研究考查了我国初中生教育期望的城乡差异现状,并从个人家庭与学校社会两个视角探究了差异产生的机制。研究发现,我国初中生对于获得普通高等教育的期望存在显著的城乡差异,城市户籍学生的教育期望高于农村及流动学生。这种差异受学生认知能力、家庭背景及学校环境共同影响,其中家庭背景的影响大于认知能力,学校户籍结构的影响作用最为明显。研究认为,营造良好学校教育氛围、缓解学校户籍分割、增强学校融合是促进我国教育公平与社会公平的重要举措。  相似文献   

特殊家庭子女心理健康状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用自编的中小学生心理健康状况测查问卷测查了526名特殊家庭和510名普通家庭的小学生和初中生。结果表明,特殊家庭子女的自我概念(2.20±0.49)最差,其次为学习认知问题(2.09±0.66)较多,再者是性格缺陷(2.03±0.54)和情绪问题(2.00±0.51)。特殊家庭子女在学习认知、人际适应、行为问题、情绪问题、性格缺陷、自我概念等各个方面以及总体心理健康状况均显著劣于普通家庭子女。不同类型特殊家庭子女的心理健康状况的比较显示,分居家庭子女的心理健康状况最差,流动家庭子女的心理健康问题也较多,其次是离异、丧偶和再婚家庭子女,留守家庭子女的心理健康问题最少。特殊家庭初中生在学习认知上存在的问题显著多于特殊家庭小学生。特殊家庭小学女生的自我概念问题显著多于小学男生。特殊家庭初中男生的学习认知、人际适应、行为问题、性格缺陷和总体心理健康状况显著劣于初中女生。  相似文献   

Interviews were conducted in three schools in Arezzo, Italy to determine progress in the integration of students with a disability in regular class settings. Thirteen parents, seven teachers and three school administrators were interviewed. Findings indicated strong teacher and administrative support for integration, a good collaborative relationship between regular and special education teachers, and a focus on social development in the elementary grades. Concerns were expressed about insufficient supportive services at the middle and secondary school levels as well as less tolerance for students with a disability. Arezzo has made significant progress toward integration but program development is needed at the secondary level.  相似文献   

初中生父母教养方式的调查研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为了解初中生父母教养方式的现状,我们对石家庄市城市、农村两所中学389位初中生进行了调查,结果发现:1.男女初中生的父母教养方式存在差异,初中男生更多地感受到惩罚严厉和过干涉过保护的消极父母教养方式,同时,也更多地感受到母亲的偏爱。2.城市和农村的父母教养方式也存在差异。3.化教育程度的差异是影响父母对子女教养方式的主要因素。  相似文献   

以中科院王极盛教授编制的中国中学生心理健康量表(MMHI-60)为研究工具,采用分层随机抽样的方式,以西宁市区7所中学1478名中学生作为调查对象,其调查结果表明:(1)西宁市区中学生在反映心理健康水平的总均分等指标上高于常模,心理健康状况不容乐观;(2)心理问题的总检出率为44.99%,和全国相比检出率较低;(3)男女生在心理健康总水平方面无明显差异,但男生在几个分量表上的得分显著高于女生;(4)随着直系家庭成员缺失程度的加重,学生的心理健康水平在降低;(5)普通中学学生的心理健康水平低于重点中学学生;(6)高一学生的心理健康问题最严重,其次是初三。  相似文献   

对小学儿童关于“仁慈”概念和行为的理解进行考察,结果表明:大部分小学儿童习得“仁慈”概念的时间是在二、三年级。小学儿童对“仁慈”概念的掌握表现出了阶段特征,随年级升高,他们对“仁慈”概念的理解逐步深刻化,但其思维活动仍局限于具体的事物及日常经验,缺乏抽象性。小学儿童对“仁慈”概念理解不存在明显的性别差异,但女生的表达优于男生。低年级小学儿童在理解仁慈行为时主要依赖情境故事,自我中心严重;中、高年级小学儿童逐渐摆脱自我中心。部分高年级小学儿童能理解仁慈行为的发生不受义务驱动,而低、中年级小学儿童则较难判断。在仁慈行为判断上,小学儿童不存在明显的性别和年级差异。根据研究结果,就如何培养小学儿童的仁慈之心提出教育建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, we try to examine the classical sociological points of special education, especially the organizational form of special education, social background of students and the minority status of students. The material of the study was collected mostly during 2003 from one large city in Finland. This city has more than a 100‐year‐long tradition of organizing special education, and it is also still organized very traditionally, that is mainly in special schools. The oldest functioning special education school was founded in 1901. This form of organization based on special schools is no longer typical in Finland. Over 1000 questionnaires were sent to special education school teachers, and students and their parents, as well as to special needs assistants. The percentage of returned responses was between 70% and 80%. Local material is practically the only way to get information of these critical points because of the Act on the Protection of Privacy and the administrative orientation of state statistics. The results show that boys are strongly over‐represented in special education. Over three out of four of the students in classroom‐based special education are boys. According to our comparison, the children from immigrant families account for less than one out of ten students in general education, but in classroom‐based special education they represent nearly 14%, and in part‐time special education as much as one‐quarter (25%). The form of education differs also in regard to the social class of the parents. The parents have been divided into upper, middle and lower social classes according to their occupation. The proportion of upper‐class parents of the student group in general education (42%) is doubled when compared to the parents of both special education groups. The majority of the parents of severe disabled students support the idea of special education schools, but the majority of the parents from the other special education groups are in favour of education in the nearest school.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of holding age-eligible children out of kindergarten in a single Northern California county, and the changes in this phenomenon over time. The sample included 861 boys and 843 girls in 1988 to 1989 and 975 boys and 894 girls in 1991 to 1992, from 30 schools. In 1988, approximately 19.3% of kindergarten boys and 9.1% of kindergarten girls throughout the county were older than their classmates as a result of having been held out of school. In 1991, the corresponding figures were 11.4% and 3.7% for boys and girls respectively. Parental soeioeconomic status (SES) was associated with holding out boys, but not girls, in both 1988 and 1991. Specifically, schools with higher SES parents overall had a higher percentage of boys held out. A significantly greater percentage of parents in 1988 were concerned about the appropriateness of the kindergarten classroom for their child than parents in 1991. This study was unable to identify relationships between holding-out and teacher reports of change in kindergarten expectations, practices, and enrollment policies.  相似文献   

学习适应性本质上是一种生活适应能力,是影响学生学业成就和心理健康发展的重要因素。本研究采用问卷调查法对广西612名师专生的学习适应性状况进行调查,结果表明:师专生学习适应性总体得分偏低。不同性别、年级、专业师专生的学习适应性水平存在显著差异。女生的学习适应性优于男生;在学习态度和管理模式的适应性方面,大三学生不及低年级学生,在学习能力适应性方面,大一学生不及高年级学生;理科生学习适应性水平高于术科生和文科生。不同生源地师专生的学习适应性没有显著差异。高校需要结合师专生的学习适应性发展特点,开展有针对性地适应性教育。  相似文献   

本研究利用自编问卷对沈阳、大连、丹东、葫芦岛四个城市共计134名初三学生进行调查,以生物课程为例分析并评价了辽宁省初中学生情感态度价值观的发展状况。研究结果表明:辽宁省的初中学生生物情感态度价值观发展水平处于中间层次;不同性别、不同水平学校的学生在兴趣态度方面存在明显差异;不同地区的学生在科学世界观和意识与责任感两个维度存在明显差异。  相似文献   

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