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网上3D虚拟世界能够充分挖掘计算机和通讯技术的技术潜能,适应新的学习理论的要求。本文对具有代表性的网上3D虚拟世界教育软件AWEDU的特点和功能进行了分析,并结合教育案例分析了其在教育中的应用价值,最后指出我国的教育技术工作者也需要研究网上3D虚拟世界及其在教育中的应用。  相似文献   

培养具有管理意识、创新与实践能力的应用型人才已经成为高校管理学课程教学的一个重要任务。在管理学课程教学中以学生团队构建虚拟、仿真企业,可以使学生感知企业管理过程全貌,体会不同管理角色的要求,培养学生的管理意识,提高学生的管理能力。本文以"动感浴室"虚拟企业为例,介绍了虚拟企业运作的全过程。  相似文献   

杨俊生 《唐山学院学报》2007,20(4):53-54,86
目前虚拟企业这种组织结构在中国还比较陌生,国内外学者对虚拟企业的资源管理研究还很少。国外虚拟企业成功的典型有很多,如世界知名的康柏电脑公司、以高品质运动鞋闻名的耐克公司、饮料巨商可口可乐公司等企业在生产经营活动中应用虚拟企业这种组织结构都获得了巨大的成功。笔者认为当前急需重视的问题有:(1)文化冲突;(2)信任度低;(3)协调不畅;(4)沟通困难;(5)整合乏力。在虚拟企业中,“集智”是关键,协调是核心,信任是基础,沟通是手段。本文从理论和实践两方面对上述问题进行研究。  相似文献   

财务管理案例教学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
论述了财务管理教学中引入案例教学方式的意义,分析了财务管理教学案例的选择原则,并提出有效开展财务管理案例教学应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

虚拟学习社区现已成为人们学习的主要平台之一。基于虚拟学习社区的特征,成人学员利用虚拟学习社区进行学习将更加有效。其中,要以其自主性为前提,以知识共享为核心,以交互学习为主渠道,使其学习有效进行。  相似文献   

This article presents a role-play game for software project management (SPM) in a three-dimensional online multiuser virtual world. The Opensimulator platform is used for the creation of an immersive virtual environment that facilitates students' collaboration and realistic interaction, in order to manage unexpected events occurring during the development of a software project. Through the simulation of a real-life company, the game aims to enhance experiential learning of human-related issues, such as project team members’ communication and collaboration, which are not easy to be taught through ordinary teaching methods. Roles are assigned to the participating students, who have to overcome problems initiated by non-player-units (software controlled units) while collaborating with other students and the instructor. The instructor, holding a key role in the game, is able to observe the players, intervene and dynamically alter specific game scenario parameters adapting to player encounter difficulties. The environment is combining the experience of a typical game (based on an event-driven SPM scenario and interaction with non-player-units), with the experience of a virtual world (interacting with other players) and has been positively evaluated by the participants regarding the overall game experience and the learning effect.  相似文献   

We aimed to study the characteristics and usage patterns of 3D virtual worlds in the context of teaching and learning. To achieve this, we organised a full‐day workshop to explore, discuss and investigate the educational use of 3D virtual worlds. Thirty participants took part in the workshop. All conversations were recorded and transcribed for analysis. Thematic analysis was carried out to identify prominent issues and topics. We found that to fully utilise 3D virtual worlds for teaching and learning, students, tutors and educational institutions face a number of socio‐psychological, pedagogical and technological challenges. The paper highlights and discusses the issues that emerged from the workshop, supporting them with real life experiences and case studies provided by the workshop participants.

Probleme und Herausforderungen des Unterrichtens und Lernens in virtuellen 3D Welten: “echte” Lebensfallstudien

Wir hatten zum Ziel, die Eigenschaften und die Gebrauchsweise von 3D‐virtuellen Welten im Zusammenhang mit Unterricht und Lernen zu studieren. Dazu organisierten wir einen ganztägigen Workshop, um den Gebrauch von 3D virtuellen Welten im Bildungsbereich zu erforschen, zu besprechen und zu untersuchen. Dreißig Teilnehmer nahmen an diesem Workshop teil. Alle Gespräche wurden aufgezeichnet und für die Analyse transskribiert. Eine thematische Analyse wurde ausgeführt, um gängige Probleme und Themen herauszufinden. Wir meinen, dass, um virtuelle 3D‐Welten komplett zu verwerten, um darin zu unterrichten und Erfahrungen zu sammeln, Studenten, Tutoren und Bildungseinrichtungen mehreren sozialpsychologischen, pädagogischen und technologischen Herausforderungen gegenüberstehen. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet und bespricht die Probleme, die innerhalb des Workshops auftauchten und unterstützt ihr Verständnis durch von den Workshopteilnehmern selbst zur Verfügung gestellten Lebenserfahrungen und Fallstudien.

Problèmes et défis de l’enseignement/apprentissage dans des mondes virtuels en 3D: des études de cas empruntés à la vie réelle

Nous avions pour but d’étudier les caractéristiques et les schémas d’usage des mondes virtuels en 3D dans un contexte d’enseignement et apprentissage. Pour y parvenir, nous avons organisé un atelier d’une journée entière pour débattre, explorer et mener une recherche sur l’emploi éducatif des mondes virtuels en 3D. L’atelier a accueilli 30 participants. Toutes les conversations ont été enregistrées et transcrites à des fins d’analyse. On a effectué une analyse thématique pour identifier les problèmes et les thèmes les plus marquants. Nous avons découvert que pour utiliser à fond les mondes virtuels en 3D pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage, les étudiants, les tuteurs et les institutions éducatives doivent faire face à un certain nombre de défis socio‐psychologiques, pédagogiques et technologiques. Dans cet article l’accent et le débat portent sur les questions qui sont apparues au cours de l’atelier, le tout appuyé sur des expériences de la vie réelle et sur des études de cas fournies par les participants à l’atelier.

Problemas y desafíos de la enseñanza/aprendizaje en mundos virtuales 3D: estudios de casos de la vida real

Nuestro propósito era el estudio de las características y de los esquemas de uso de los mundos virtuales 3D dentro del contexto de la enseñanza/aprendizaje. Para llevar esto a cabo hemos organizado un taller de un día completo para explorar, discutir y investigar el uso educativo de los mundos virtuales 3D. Treinta personas participaron en el taller. Todas las conversaciones fueron grabadas y transcribidas para ser analizadas. Un análisis temático fué realizado para identificar los temas y problemas más destacados. Hemos descubierto que para aprovechar plenamente los mundos virtuales 3D para la enseñanza/aprendizaje, los alumnos, los tutores y las instituciones educativas tienen que hacer frente a un número de desafíos socio‐psicológicos, pedagógicos y tecnológicos. En el artículo los autores destacan y discuten los problemas que han surgido del taller, apoyandoles con experiencias de la vida real y estudios de casos suministrados por los participantes del taller.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the perception of a cohort of social workers studying for a part-time master's program in social work in using the popular Web-based learning platform-World Wide Web Course Tools (WebCT) as a complimentary method of teaching and learning. It was noted that social work profession began incorporating computer technology in its practice long after other professions. Its incorporation into social work teaching came even later. Questionnaires were used to collect views on computer-assisted learning (CAL) and the WebCT. Follow-up, individual in-depth interviews were conducted to obtain further qualitative data to understand the specific conditions under which a virtual learning environment becomes facilitative. It was found that in general students have a positive towards CAL and the WebCT, but they do not think that their education should be entirely Web-based. Teacher-student interactions were still essential to achieve the educational objectives. Nonetheless, the complementary value of the virtual learning environment, that is, a good measure of independence and productivity in their study depends on the students' level of competence and familiarity with the WebCT platform.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate an application of virtual reality and artificial intelligence (AI) as a technological combination that has a potential to improve the learning experience and engage with the modern generation of students. To address this need, we have created a virtual reality replica of one of humanity's first cities, the city of Uruk and populated this city with AI-controlled 3D avatars, which re-enact everyday life of ancient Sumerians in the period around 3000 B.C. Our hypothesis is that by immersing students into this environment and allowing them to learn by browsing through it and interacting with its virtual citizens can be more engaging and motivating than simply reading the corresponding history text or watching an educational video. To confirm this assumption, we have designed a study with three groups of students. One group was given a historical text about Uruk and everyday life of its citizens (created by our subject matter experts), the second group was shown a documentary video on Uruk and the third group was immersed into virtual Uruk and engaged into interactions with its virtual inhabitants. The outcomes of the study suggest that not only did people in the third group provide much more positive qualitative feedback about the learning experience, but they also showed a better comprehension of the study material by performing (on average) 20% better than the first two groups on the mini-exam that was conducted as a part of this study.  相似文献   

管理学案例教学有效性反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
案例教学以其务实性强在管理学课程中广泛实施,但其教学效果却令人难以满意。本文主要对管理学案例教学有效性不足进行归因,并提出相应的对策与措施。  相似文献   

利用虚拟学习社区对远程学习者进行情感支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对远程学习者进行持续性关注和情感支持,可以有效地维持学习者孤独学习环境下的学习兴趣,使其更有信心克服困难,顺利完成学业。在分析了成人远程学习者的学习情感现状之后,提出了虚拟学习社区中进行情感支持的具体策略及建议。  相似文献   

财务管理案例教学法操作   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本主要论述了财务管理课程案例教学法的教学设计和实例操作演示,目的是为了进一步推广财务管理案例教学法。  相似文献   

随着知识经济浪潮的席卷而来,作为教育主体及知识载体的教师,面对自身发展与终身教育的要求,应该并且必须对个人知识进行有效管理.在Web2.0时代应运而生的虚拟学习社区为教师个人知识的管理提供了一个有力的平台.虚拟学习社区与知识管理在知识建构、促进学习者间的协作与交流及知识共享等方面都具有共通性,而虚拟学习社区在教师个人知识转化的4个模式中均担当重要角色.  相似文献   

顾娟 《海外英语》2011,(9):331-332,339
Second language Learners’ awareness of the native-target language "distance" was said to be included in the constraints of language transfer,i.e.whether or not learners actually transfer a form can depend in part on the degree that learners establish a similarity between the two languages in form and psychology.This paper aims to explore the roles that formal similarity and psychological similarity playing upon language transfer and the detailed relationship between them each other,by analyzing the data coming from two cases where Chinese students’ acquiring Japanese and English,so as to provide a scientific experimental basis for better understanding of language transfer and higher efficiency of second language learning.  相似文献   

案例教学法在远程开放教育管理类专业中的应用反思   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
要重视案例教学法在电大远程开放教育中的应用,该法有利于提高教师和学生双方的素质。本文结合工作实际,提出要重视案例的选择和设计,以及案例教学实施中要注意的几点问题,建议结合实训基地建设进行案例教学等。  相似文献   

从Sloodle看三维虚拟学习环境的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前教育领域涌现了很多使用基于网络的多用户虚拟环境进行教学的实例,如Active Worlds、Second Life、Wonderland等,这些平台有很好的三维模拟环境,在教学中使用得越来越广泛,但缺乏学习过程记录与支持的功能,有必要将其与现有的教学系统尤其是基于Web的虚拟学习系统整合起来。本文首先简要回顾了教育领域中三维虚拟学习环境的研究现状,然后介绍了当前国际上流行的一个开源三维虚拟学习环境——Sloodle。通过介绍Sloodle中的Web-Intercom、MetaGloss、Choicer、Translator等工具,讨论了使用这种三维虚拟环境与Web技术整合给学习系统带来的挑战和潜力。最后,总结并探讨了三维虚拟学习环境的发展趋势。  相似文献   

从历史发展的角度分析了虚拟企业是企业内外环境变化,社会经济发展的阶段性产物.进一步分析了虚拟企业的内涵及特点,重点研究了虚拟企业运作管理过程中需要克服的七大障碍:组织管理、战略导向、信任问题、地位失衡和政府政策等.最后分析了虚拟企业实践过程中成功运作的五大模式.  相似文献   

The psychological needs of college students lead to overwhelming demand on college counseling centers’ resources. In this article, we review models of case management in Higher Education including the administrative, behavioral intervention, and counseling center models. We also present a case study of the 3-year development of a counseling center case management service. Initial data suggest that expanding the role of a counseling center case manager to allow for frequent appointments/follow-up and standardizing counseling center case management procedures led to improved appointment attendance and increased communication with students following referral. A vignette and suggestions for other centers are also presented.  相似文献   

This three-part article first presents an overview of a Web-based reading-intensive course that introduces work-family scholarship to social work students so that they can integrate the historical, theoretical, and empirical perspectives of this rich body of knowledge into their practice. Second, the authors explore the compatibility of work-family scholarship, collaborative learning, and online course delivery. And third, a continual course assessment based on specific criteria associated with effective electronic discussion is used to illustrate how the teaching environment of this work-family online course is being modified and improved.  相似文献   

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