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As a supplement to the standard “Niven list”; (which follows in this issue), the Journal offers here a look at the finances of many of the broadcasting‐film departments detailed by Niven. Based on budgets for the 1971–72 academic year, Bensman and Futrell provide data on four‐year colleges and universities offering broadcasting and/or film degrees. Dr. Marvin Bensman is assistant professor of speech at Memphis State University while James Futrell is a graduate assistant in the same department.  相似文献   


The mushroom growth of radio and television instruction taking place since the end of World War II has left in its wake a patch‐work guilt of academic programs in colleges and universities from coast to coast. The importance of trying to answer the question ‘Where are we going?”; indicates a need for realistic stock‐taking and thorough curriculum evaluation.

In keeping with its policy of seeking to advance the field of knowledge as to education for broadcasting, the Journal presents a special report on the current state of the curriculum which, it is hoped, will prove of value to all those interested in education for broadcasting.  相似文献   


Little is known in the United States of the various regional broadcasting associations. Even such basic volumes as Emery's National and International Systems of Broadcasting cover the major organizationsEuropean Broadcasting Union, International Radio and Television Organization (OIRT), URTNA (Africa), Inter‐American Broadcast Association, and Asian Broadcasting Union (ABU)in fewer than a dozen pages. The Journal of Broadcasting only has published materials on the first two of these. As global broadcasting over domestic channels becomes a satellite‐borne reality, this lack of information is bound to become more and more embarrassing.  相似文献   


The following code of broadcast news ethics was adopted by RTNDA on January 2, 1966. The implementation, of this code, “Rules of Procedure in Matters Concerning the Code of Broadcast News Ethics,”; was adopted in August, 1966. Copies of this latter document may be obtained from RTNDA, the Journal of Broadcasting, or found in the June‐July 1969 issue of the RTNDA Bulletin.  相似文献   


Although stations, networks and advertisers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars annually on various rating services and audience measurement surveys, they often overlook a gold mine of voluntarily submitted feedback from their audience: the fan letter. It is true that the “pan” letter condemning a program often gets inordinate attention on decision‐making levels, but the run‐of‐the‐mill fan letter, if properly analyzed, can provide a wealth of information about the effect of a program upon its audience. Charles Winick is author of Taste and the Censor in Television (an Occasional Paper for the Fund for the Republic) and numerous articles in publications dealing with the mass media, such as Gazette, and the Journal op Broadcasting (“Censor and Sensibility,” Spring, 1962). Dr. Winick is a research psychologist and children's television program consultant at NBC who has taught and conducted research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia University and New York University.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):250-264

Students of public address have long admired the rhetorical works of two of the leading ministers of the eighteenth century—Hugh Blair and George Campbell. Little has been said, however, about the rhetorical theory of another eighteenth‐century preacher, John Wesley. The purpose of this paper is to analyze Wesley's views on rhetoric and belles lettres. Since most of the subjects covered by Blair in his Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres were also discussed by Wesley in his Journal, Letters, and essays, Blair's pattern of organization is followed here. Hence the study considers Wesley's precepts on taste, genius, style, the speaker's content and organization, delivery, poetry, and historical and philosophical writing.  相似文献   


During the past six years the Journal of Broadcasting has brought to its readers bibliographies on specific topics (audience measurement techniques, content analysis, etc.) and from publications devoted to a specific field (law, economics, journalism, etc.). The bibliography published below belongs to this second category. Education on the Air, the yearbook of the Institute for Education by Radio‐Television, is a continuous record of the deliberations of a convention devoted to exploring the informative and cultural uses of broadcasting. Under the direction of I. Keith Tyler, the IERT was for many years the only major association devoted exclusively to this subject area, and many of the present organizations now in the field are “spin‐offs” from these annual meetings hosted by the Ohio State University. Within the framework of the IERT, the subject of broadcast journalism has not been neglected. Over a period of almost 30 years, this use of radio for informing the public of the events of the day was discussed in various IERT sessions.

This bibliography was prepared to assist researchers and students interested in the growth and development of broadcast journalism as reflected in the IERT annual meetings. Dr. Heath is professor of journalism at Oklahoma State University, and is former chairman of the Council on Radio‐Television Journalism of the Association for Education in Journalism. Mr. Wolfson is working toward his doctorate at Michigan State University. They collaborated on this bibliography while at Iowa State University.  相似文献   


The article describes the development and use of the database BAZTECH: Polish Technical Journal Contents. The database indexes Polish-language scientific and technical journals, and is available free-of-charge on the Internet.  相似文献   


The Eleventh Survey was published in Volume XIII, No. 1; the Tenth in Vol. X, No. 3; the Ninth in Vol. IX, No. 1; the Eighth in Vol. VIII, No. 1; the Seventh in Vol. VII, No. 1; the Sixth in Vol. VI, No. 1; the Fifth in Vol. IV, No. 4; the Fourth in Vol. III, No. 4; the Third in Vol. II, No. 2; and the Second in Vol. I, No. 1 of the Journal of Broadcasting. Dr. Harold Niven, the compiler, is a vice‐president of the National Association of Broadcasters and Executive Secretary of the Association for Professional Broadcasting Education. He has served on the faculties of several academic institutions. A somewhat more comprehensive report, including lists of faculty members, is available in limited supply from the author.  相似文献   


The position of network censor, whatever the title appended to the job, is one of particular sensitivity. To the industry as a whole, he acts to forstall the program material that could cause criticism of the network, station, sponsor or program. A writer who feels that his work has been needlessly mutilated has a different conception of the role of the network censor. The public is largely unaware of his existence.

The pamphlet by the author of the present article, Taste and the Censor in Television (published by the Fund for the Republic, 1959, as an Occasional Paper on the role of the mass media in the free society), was the first major attempt to define the place of the censor. Another article of interest was George Gerbner's “Mental Illness on Television: A Study of Censorship” (Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. III, No. 4, Fall, 1959.)

The article that follows is intended to convey the flavor of the censor's work, and provide an adequate introduction to this important phase of broadcasting self‐regulation and management. It is possibly the only study of the broadcasting executive as a decision‐maker. As such, it should be of extreme interest to anyone in the creative and the business ends of broadcasting.  相似文献   

3. HISTORY     
TIJUANA BIBLES: ART AND WIT IN AMERICA'S FORBIDDEN FUNNIES, 1930s‐1950s edited by Bob Adelman (New York: Simon &; Schuster, 1997—124.00, ISBN 0–684–83461–8, 160 pp.)

HOGARTH AND HIS TIMES: SERIOUS COMEDY by David Bindman (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997—$45.00/29.95, ISBN 0–520–21299–1 hard, 0–520–21300–9 paper, 208 pp., photos)

FOR THE LOVE OF PRAGUE by Gene Deitch (Prague: Peter Lemkin, 1997— $20.00, ISBN 80–7205–467–8)

ART IN MOTION: ANIMATION AESTHETICS by Maureen Furniss (Sydney: John Libbey, 1998—$24.95, ISBN 1–86462–038–2)

GEORGE GROSZ: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY by George Grosz, translated by Nora Hodges (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998—$17.95, paper, ISBN 0–520–21327–0)

CARTOONING AND COMIC ART IN SOUTHEAST ASIA edited by John Lent (Singapore: Times Academic Press, Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 25:1, special issue [1997]—$26.50, ISSN 0303–8246, ISBN 981–210–111‐X, 166 pp., illustrations, references)

COMIC ART IN ASIA: HISTORICAL, LITERARY, AND POLITICAL ROOTS edited by John Lent (Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, Asian Pacific Communication, 7:1–2, special issue [1996]—$16.00, ISSN 0957–6851, 86 pp., illustrations, references)

SEAL OF APPROVAL: THE HISTORY OF THE COMICS CODE by Amy Kiste Nyberg (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi “Studies in Popular Culture,”; 1998—$45.00/18.00, ISBN 0–87805–974–1 hard, 0–87805–975‐X paper, 208 pp.)

CELEBRITY CARICATURE IN AMERICA by Wendy Wick Reaves (Washington and New Haven: National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, in association with Yale University Press, 1998—$45.00, ISBN 0–300–07463–8, 306 pp.)

READING THE RABBIT: EXPLORATIONS IN WARNER BROS. ANIMATION edited by Kevin S. Sandier (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1998—$49.00/19.00, ISBN 0–8135–2537–3 hard, 0–8135–2538–1 paper, 271 pp.)

EDITORIAL CARTOONING AND CARICATURE: A REFERENCE GUIDE by Paul P. Somers, Jr. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998— $69.50, ISBN 0–313–22150–2, 205 pp.)  相似文献   

Cable Television     
CABLE PROGRAMMING RESOURCE DIRECTORY 1987 edited by Gregory Epler-Wood and Paul D'ari (Washington, DC: Broadcasting Publications, 1987—$34.95, paper)

SYMPOSIUM: CABLE TELEVISION by the editors of the Federal Communications Law Journal (UCLA School of Law, University of California, Los Angeles, 90024—price not given, paper)  相似文献   


The following pages, something of an experiment for the Journal, are the results of an attempt to summarize the major issues, key events, important participants, and selected bibliographic sources related to one of the most unusual and controversial cases in broadcasting history. Dr. Smith is professor and chairman while Dr. Prince is assistant professor in the Department of Broadcasting and Film of the School of Public Communication of Boston University.  相似文献   


On the transition between editors, Charles Popovich reflects on his more than ten-year tenure as the third editor of the Journal of Business&;Finance Librarianship (JBFL) from 1996 to 2005. Among his contributions as Editor are a regular and predictable publication schedule; special thematic issues; business and information professionals from multi-type information settings as authors, contributors and column editors; and broad dissemination of content. This interview seeks to capture Charles Popovich's unique perspective on business librarianship publishing. It also documents some history of Haworth Press' Journal of Business&;Finance Librarianship, established in 1989.  相似文献   

David G. Clark and Earl R. Hutchinson, Mass Media and the Law: Freedom and Restraint (Wiley-Interscionco, $12.95)

John M. Kittross and Konnoth Harwood, Free & Fair: Courtroom Access and the Fairness Doctrino (Journal of Broadcasting, Temple University, $3.95)

Paul W. MacAvoy's The Crisis of the Regulatory Commissions: An Introduction to a Current Issue of Public Policy (Norton, $5.95; paper, $2.95)

Eric Moon, Book Selection and Consorship in the Sixties (Hawker, $10.95)

Edward De Grazia's Censorship Landmarks (Hawker, $19.75)  相似文献   


Library and information science as a discipline is undergoing rapid and extensive change, driven particularly by new areas of research. Citation analysis and information literacy are widely researched and have a rich background of growth. Publish or Perish, Buzzsumo.com, altmetrics.com, and textalyser.net have been used to analyze all metrics associated with citation analysis, social networking, and keyword analysis.

The hypothesis of this study is: “There is no significant difference in the citation pattern of the three prominent citation journals: Journal of Information Literacy, Communications in Information Literacy and Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education”.

The hypotheses of the study were tested by assessment of the degree to which each of the journals met set of objective criteria. 697 papers from the three journals were analyzed and the results showed that the citation metrics of the Journal of Information Literacy had the highest correspondence with the criteria. The information linked to the Journals of Information Literacy was moderately posted on social networking sites (SNS) and the highest frequency of the keywords: “Information”; “Information literacy”; and “Information literacy instruction” were found in one, two and three-word searches. Some recommendations have also been offered to improve SNS presence and for further research in this field.  相似文献   


A 1965 Journal article by James W. Carey, “Variations in Negro/White Television Preferences,”; aroused considerable discussion when it appeared. The following article is on a similar topic, using a different sample. Alan D. Fletcher earned his Ph.D. in Communication at the University of Illinois; this article is based on a section of his dissertation. He presently is associate professor of marketing at Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois.  相似文献   

Paul Wasserman and Janiece McLean's Consultants and Consulting Organizations Directory (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1973—$45.00),

Brian Rust's The Complete Entertainment Discography from the mid-1890s to 1942 (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1973—$12.95)

Stefan Kanfer's A Journal of the Plague Years (New York: Atheneum, 1973—$7.95)

K. Aubrey Stone's I'm Sorry, the Monopoly You Have Reached is not in Service (New York: Pallantine/Grassroots, 1973—$1.50, paper)

Richard F. Hixson's Mass Media: A Casebook (New York: Crowell, 1973—price not known, paperback),

Donald I. Rogers' Since You Went Away (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1973—$8.95),  相似文献   

Eugene P. Sheehy, comp. Guide to Reference Books (Chicago: American Library Association, 1976—$30.00)

Richard Kuhn, Susan Rumsey and Diane Willis, An Annotated Bibliography of Aspen Institute Publications (Aspen Institute Publishing Program Office, 360 Bryant St., P.O. Box 1652, Palo Alto, Calif. 94302—$4.00, paper)

Albert D. Talbott and Malcom S. MacLean, Jr., Use of Simulation and Games for Mass Communication Education: A Symposium (1974, 143 pp. spiral bound, $3.50, paper)

Hanno Hardt, ed. Experience and Learning: A Collection of Papers on Communication Education (Occasional Paper No. 1, 1976—$3.50, paper)

The Journal of Communication Inquiry: Essays in Honor of Malcom S. MacLean, Jr. (Spring 1976—$3.00, paper)

Conference on Culture and Communication: Program and Abstracts (Dept. of Anthropology, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. 19122—apparently free on request, paper)

The Popular Culture Scholar: A Journal of Theory and Analysis (Department of English, Frostburg State College, Frostburg, Md. 21532—exact price not known, but about $5.00 or $6.00 per year/quarterly)

John P. Robinson's How Americans Use Time: A Social-Psychological Analysis of Everyday Behavior (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1977—no price given)

James D. Halloran, ed. Mass Media and Socialization: International Bibliography and Different Perspectives (International Association for Mass Communication Research, Center for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester, 104 Regent Rd, Leicester, United Kingdom, 1976—price not given, paper)  相似文献   


In the Summer of 1960 issue of the Journal of Broadcasting (Volume IV, Number 3) appeared the first in a series of excerpts from the official records of the Federal Commications Commission relating to broadcasting. It outlined the evolution of television from 1927 through 1943. Below, this history is carried through fiscal 1948, the year that television broadcasting took its first giant jump in number of stations, number of receivers, and number of problems. At the end of this period, television was poised at the edge of the “freeze” Following 1948, Annual Reports of the Commission become more readily available (as contrasted to the bare handful of copies of the 1944 Report in dog‐eared existence), as do broadcasters and others who lived through and are familiar with subsequent events.

The Journal is hopeful that these verbatim excerpts from official Annual Reports of the FCC will be of use to researchers, and of interest and value to the Journal's entire readership. As the introduction to the first installment said, “From them we may, with some confidence in factual accuracy, examine the fascinating panorama of the growth of a great American industry . . . .”  相似文献   

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