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The Stanislavski system had a profound impact on the American stage and film, providing a disciplined approach to acting realism for the first time and offering a strong‐hold for contemporary acting talent in this country. Much has been written about the system, from its inception at the Moscow Art Theatre (M.A.T.) in 1897 to its impact on the European and American stage in mid‐twentieth century. However, no work has documented the transition of the system into the mainstream of the American film, where the legacy of Stanislavski is still very much alive. This paper is an attempt to close that gap and to trace the Stanislavski system from its arrival on the New York stage of the twenties to the Hollywood sound stage of the seventies.  相似文献   

随着教育成为博物馆最主要的功能之一,博物馆对教育的重视程度与日俱增,教育活动与项目纷纷推出。但值得注意的是,展览中的教育元素仍未有效体现或并未与教育活动交相呼应,在策展过程中,教育人员常常被排除在策展团队之外。这也导致了国内展览的教育价值无法充分发挥,展教结合的愿景仍然任重道远;而2017年美国博物馆协会年会上,“教育策展人”(Edu-curator)的概念首次被提出,同时,教育人员等其他社会成员加入策展,形成以观众为中心的合作策展模式也在近两年时间内在美国各博物馆兴起。这值得国内博物馆界参考与借鉴,相应实践也可以成为一种学习启示。  相似文献   

Kindle电子阅读器在图书馆的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文摘以美国图书馆开展的Kindle电子阅读器试借阅项目为研究对象,旨在研究Kindle电子阅读器试借阅项目的运行情况、具体操作方式、相关的政策法规、读者的反响和态度及对图书馆服务水平的影响。分析Kindle电子阅读器在图书馆的功能定位及图书馆出借Kindle电子阅读器面临的障碍,为其它图书馆开展电子阅读器借阅服务提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The current importance of information security and data protection issues is discussed. The experience of public certification of the graduates from a private higher-education institution, the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law (at present, the Moscow University of Finance and Law), which was performed in the period of 2008–2012 is described; a list of basic data-protection learning materials developed by the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law is presented. The organization and practice of the two-stage certification of students, the graduation dynamics of specialists who completed a full-time or part-time study program, as well as their professional pathways, are analyzed.  相似文献   

美国图书馆协会是美国教育部批准的唯一的图书馆学情报学学位认可机构,美国图书馆协会制定的相关认可标准《图书馆学情报学硕士学位认可标准》自1925年发布第1版以来,经过7次修订,已成为图书馆学情报学教育发展与质量评估的依据。美国图书馆学会制定该标准的目的在于指引图书馆学情报学硕士学位教育的方向,并保证其教学质量。  相似文献   

It is highly possible that international television programs will become a substantial part of American television fare within the next few years. The example of Eurovision and the promise of Echo I are before us. Under these circumstances, familiarity with the programming and production practices of other nations is to the American broadcaster's advantage. In this issue of the Journal we have coupled this study of programing (Tuber) with a study of production methods (Howell) in one country, the Soviet Union. The similarities as well as the differences in programming provide interesting reading.  相似文献   

This essay provides an overview of both the accomplishments and difficulties faced by OCLC as it has expanded in the vast Asia Pacific region. It describes the organizational changes as they evolved as this previously North American collaborative organization expanded westward and details initiatives pursued in each of the Asia Pacific countries where it has operated. Finally, it examines the five major challenges yet facing OCLC in the region: the lack of bibliographic name authority files, competing classification systems, competing MARC cataloging formats, the perceived high costs associated with participating OCLC programs and services, and the need for local vernacular products in addition to those developed largely for the North American and European markets.  相似文献   

Investors believe that corporate annual reports are generally correct and complete but criticize them as being too promotional and biased to be completely obejective. In addition, despite the fact the almost half of American investors hold the bachelor's degree or higher, annual reports are considered by many users to be difficult to understand. As a result, serious investors often seek out and utilize other sources for information. Sources cited as most often utilized are newspapers, trade journals, other financial repots, advisory services and direct contact with cmpant officials. The authors contend that one of the reasons that annual reports are not as informative as investors would like is that the accountants compiling them do not fully understand financial statement analysis. They urge that greater emphasis be placed on this topic in undergraduate programs in American business schools.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study examines the unique perceptions of immigrant women concerning the public library as a meeting place, a support to integration into American culture, and a provider of programs for acquisition of the English language. The library offers a place for observing the culture of the new country from a distance to active participation; it is an arena for comfort and consolation in a difficult life situation as well as an arena for activity and participation. It provides support in developing friendships, acclimating to a new culture, learning a new language, and providing avenues to employment. Three mothers, who fulfilled the criteria for the study, were selected from an initial focus group. Women from Kurdistan, Mexico, and Indonesia were interviewed individually to gain an understanding on the issues brought forth in the focus group. They participated in interviews over the course of 6 months. These programs became a fortuitous blending of an established community with a group of families looking for a support community in a new country. This study has implications for institutions serving immigrants as they look to find a community of support, to learn English, and to acclimate to American culture as they create a comfortable identity that blends their home country with the new country.  相似文献   

美国电视以私有私营的商业电视为主 ,也有少量公共电视。私营电视约占总体的 80 %以上 ,以追求利润为宗旨 ,全面实行商业化经营 ;公共电视注重文化教育 ,内容健康、格调较高 ,且广告极少。众多电视台和电视频道为争取观众、提高收视率 ,内容各有千秋 ,形式多种多样 ,各显其能 ,竞争激烈  相似文献   

Canada was the first country challenged by the massive inflow of American popular culture. The Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC), Canada's first national public broadcaster, was created to provide an alternative to U.S. network and Canadian commercial radio. After analyzing the CRBC's programs, this article concludes that even the public network imitated or incorporated much American programming, but recontextualized it to Canadian locations, both real and imaginative, and supplemented it with more nationally oriented serious and symbolic content as well. The case study fits within the framework of the international literature emphasizing the hybridity and resiliency of national cultural identities.  相似文献   

Initially established as the American Libraries Book Procurement Center (ALBPC) under PL-480 to acquire and process Indian materials, the Library of Congress New Delhi Field Office now handles cooperative programs in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka as well as Library of Congress single copy programs in Burma and Thailand. It also has an active microfiche program serving the Jakarta field office, recently adding more South Asian materials. The office initially relied on a number of blanket order dealers but has come to rely more on staff travel to identify and supplement important materials. The surplus rupees which have paid for the program to this point are expected to be exhausted in the next 5 years and this will require that participants assume the costs of operations.  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, or to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, in both the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs who would like their students' ideas represented in these pages are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu.

Martha Stortz is a student in the Library and Information Science (LIS) program at the University of Western Ontario. In this essay she offers her perspective on the teaching of librarianship.

The University of Western Ontario's LIS program is part of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS) and enjoys the benefits of interdisciplinarity brought about by collaboration with other FIMS programs such as Journalism and Media Studies. Originally founded as the independent School of Library and Information Science in 1967, the school merged with other programs in 1996 to form FIMS. Two major LIS programs of study are offered: one leading to the Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) and the other to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The MLIS program is accredited by the American Library Association.

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海外基金会作为一支重要的社会力量对中国图书馆事业的支持始于20世纪初。当前美国基金会支持中国图书馆事业的运行模式主要有三种形式:基金会独立办馆模式、基金会与其他机构合作办馆以及志愿者支持模式。论文以海外中国教育基金会以及爱心传递慈善基金会的图书馆项目为例,分析其项目运作模式与经费支出状况,同时总结出美国基金会支持中国图书馆事业的特点。  相似文献   

Many American and European art museums are now featuring small, highly-focused shows in their exhibition programs. In 1990, the Indianapolis Museum of Art organized an exhibition that reunited, for the first time in a century, the four landscape paintings created by neo-impressionist Georges Seurat during the last summer of his life. Using Seurat at Gravelines: The Last Landscapes as an example, this article addresses the advantages — for museums and their visitors — of the small temporary exhibition.  相似文献   

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