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After a discussion of the main concepts used, the differing policies and practices in a selection of countries are examined briefly. Research studies comparing the academic and social outcomes of integrated and segregated education do not offer unequivocal conclusions: as much depends on the kind of educational programme as on the setting. An examination of the conditions for effective integration shows that successful programmes place emphasis on some or all of three key features, viz. the curriculum, team teaching and support personnel. Research on attitudes towards integration leads to the conclusion that teachers are broadly positive in principle but less so in practice. But if teachers are given adequate support and improved skills, then a segregative tradition can be modified.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that learning and teaching for pupils with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties could be enhanced by a closer focus on emotional factors and on the careful identification of what is meaningful for them. Phil Goss, senior lecturer in counselling and psychotherapy at the University of Central Lancashire draws on understandings about emotional development gleaned from child psychiatry and psychotherapy to inform our awareness of the deep-seated factors that may influence the complex needs of these pupils. He describes a research study in which he analysed findings from interviews with parents and carers about their perceptions of what is meaningful for their children. These outcomes are elaborated using findings from a pilot study on one pupil in which perceptions about what is meaningful for him were used to inform the ongoing planning of his learning. Phil Goss then uses the implications of this study to argue for fuller and more systematic involvement by parents and carers in planning for pupils with severe, and profound and multiple learning difficulties. Finally he suggests ways in which access to learning could be rendered more fruitful by adopting a meaning-led approach.  相似文献   

This paper arises from research into inclusive literacy for pupils with severe learning difficulties who do not learn to read and write conventionally. The ultimate aim of the study was to seek out examples of good practice in teaching and learning literacy that includes students with severe learning difficulties and disseminate them as widely as possible. Thirty-five schools were visited and observations made in 122 lessons. Sixty-one teachers were interviewed and their paperwork examined. Ten focus groups and five 'expert witnesses' were consulted, alongside desk-based research designed to locate 'good practice'. Teachers used a mixture of conventional (e.g., texts) and non-conventional (e.g., pictures, film and oral) media, although more observations were made of conventional literacy teaching (e.g., phonic work) than of non-conventional (e.g., filmmaking). Results from the research suggest that few students with severe learning difficulties are likely to learn to read and write conventionally (i.e., read for pleasure, work and study) and teachers may be relying too much on teaching traditional literacy to them. It may be useful to explore teaching and learning around alternative media such as still and moving images, live theatre and storytelling, digital technology and the arts. Although some teachers are making good use of these media, the potential of these media for providing inclusive literacy experiences could be further developed.  相似文献   

The article describes the endeavours of three further education tutors to improve their ability to work effectively with students who have mild to moderate learning difficulties. The tutors sought the assistance of researchers at Oxford Brookes University who were developing a Communication Styles Questionnaire (CSQ) as a means of helping teachers to direct their own professional development. The CSQ gives tutors valid and reliable feedback about how they tend routinely to interact with learners. This may be used in a process of reflection, preferably with colleagues, leading to action to improve teaching and learning.  相似文献   


Students with learning disabilities often experience poor comprehension due to their failure to read strategically and to spontaneously monitor their understanding while reading. This paper discusses in relation to current literature, the various problems with reading comprehension commonly experienced by students with learning disabilities. Specifically, these students may encounter problems in: (A) using background knowledge appropriately; (B) decoding and word recognition; (C) vocabulary knowledge; (D) fluency; (E) strategy use and metacognitive skills; and (F) differentiating between common text structures.  相似文献   

The majority of school-leavers over two years from two special schools were individually interviewed (n=34), as were their parents (n=37). Both groups expressed broad satisfaction with the schooling. The parents were split on the merits of mainstream education. Those in favour tended to stress the social benefits whereas those against felt that only special schools could meet their child's particular needs.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,我国在国际上的影响逐渐增大,国外很多国家都加强了对汉语的学习与重视。各大高校都迎来了众多的外国留学生,在很大程度上满足了我国对外汉语教学的需要。在对外汉语教学中,声调教学一直都是其中最为重要的部分,同时也是难点。  相似文献   

This article is the second of two feature articles in this Journal, providing a summary of the literature review contained in Volume Two of the DETYA Report, Mapping the Territory: Primary students with learning difficulties in literacy and numeracy. The first article (Volume 6, No.1, March 2001, pages 12–19) examined definitions of learning disability and explored the loci of learning difficulties and their influence on literacy and numeracy development. This second article summarises the last three sections from the review. Section Three explores effective instructional techniques and programs in literacy and numeracy for students with learning difficulties. After that, effective service delivery approaches within regular settings are examined in Section Four. Finally, issues in program evaluation and measurement of outcomes are addressed in Section Five.  相似文献   

The 14–19 proposals brought work‐related learning to the forefront of educational policy. We look at how the tenets, which underpin them, can be interpreted and applied for students with significant learning difficulties. We examine the nature of vocational or work‐related learning for students with severe and or profound and multiple learning difficulties as currently reported by schools in England. Its relevance for this group of learners is discussed in the light of the proposals and we consider the reality of current practice in relation to the slippery concept of vocational learning. Finally, we reflect on important recent policy commitments relevant to our research, but published after its completion, outlined in the White Paper 14–19 education and skills. We note and welcome its explicit consideration of the needs of students with significant learning difficulties. At the same time we remain concerned and perturbed about its affirmation of educational aims that are narrowly conceived in relation to an economic imperative.  相似文献   

This paper explores the perceptions of a small group of teachers of pupils with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) in north‐eastern England. The focus of the paper is their views of their pupils who have PMLD. A total of 14 teachers were interviewed, both individually and in small groups over a four‐year period. This paper stems from the individual interviews, which were validated at the group interview stage. Through the interviews we hear how neurological, developmental and co‐existence issues help shape teachers’ views of their pupils. Thirty years ago this group of pupils received their education from the Department of Health; today they are in schools and we hear the teachers in this project reflect on their students’ learning needs in positive and professional ways. What emerges through this research is the need for teacher educators to support professional development experiences that enable teachers to integrate the distinct perspectives of parents and the more contemporary theories of disability into their understandings of this group of learners. In this way, teachers of pupils with PMLD would build upon their professional knowledge base to include wider parental and societal perspectives.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the ability to learn a foreign language is related to working memory. However, there is no clear evidence about which component of working memory may be involved.Two experiments investigated working memory problems in groups of seventh and eighth grade Italian children with difficulties in learning English as a second language. They were compared with control groups of children matched for age, education, school, and intelligence who differed for foreign language learning ability.Experiment 1 focused on clarifying how modality-specific the memory problem of children with a foreign language learning difficulty (FLLD) is. Verbal working memory tasks (forward and backward digit span) were proposed together with visuospatial working memory (VSWM) tasks. Groups showed a significant difference only in the more passive verbal working memory task, that is, the forward digit span.Experiment 2 focused on clarifying how central the verbal working memory problem of students with an FLLD is. A nonword repetition task and an Italian version of the listening span test were proposed. Groups differed significantly in both tasks. However, differences in the listening span test disappeared when nonword repetition performance was partialed out. It was concluded that a difficulty in learning a foreign language is mainly related to the more passive aspects of verbal working memory, typically associated with the articulatory loop.  相似文献   

Literacy is traditionally narrowly conceptualised as a set of skills related to accessing and generating written or printed text. For children designated as having severe learning difficulties (SLD), who are unlikely to develop these ‘conventional’ literacy skills, such a conception implies their semi‐literacy or nonliteracy. Although conceptions of multimodal literacy and multiliteracies have rarely been applied to this group, broader understandings of literacy that include a range of activities, modes and media provide greater opportunities for including these learners in literacy practices. Drawing upon our research with teachers of this group of children and young people, we illustrate these literacy practices. We note, however, that such practices are often haphazard, not coherently thought through, and that there is much confusion regarding any distinction between communication and literacy. We argue for literacy as a specific form of communication, but conclude that broader models of literacies should be utilised to guide and support practitioners in developing interactive practice and in making reasoned and principled approaches and decisions about literacy practices, routes and progression for children with SLD.  相似文献   

The popularity of formative assessment has increased since the publication of work by Black and Wiliam in 1998. Even though it is a useful teaching tool, in most cases it has only been possible to use it for students with high levels of cognitive and communicative ability. The aim of this article is to propose a modified, personalisable model of formative assessment for non‐verbal students with autism and severe learning difficulties. Five students with autism and severe learning difficulties participated in systematic video observations over a period of eight weeks, during which student behaviour and attainment were recorded. The behaviour checklist gave an accurate representation of the students' level of engagement and predicted attainment, but differences in passive learning objectives (those requiring passive co‐operation) and active ones (those requiring active contribution) were noted. The introduction of engaging resources improved engagement, but tangible rewards had a negative effect on attainment. Praise had a positive effect on engagement and attainment.  相似文献   


This paper traces the development of partial integration for children with severe learning difficulties as part of their development and preparation for societal integration. It considers the needs of all children for education for citizenship and, as such, the time needed for meaningful attitudinal development in mainstream pupils towards children with disabilities. This, it is suggested, is best achieved through carefully planned, positive shared learning experiences, designed to facilitate interaction and collaborative learning between children with SLD and their mainstream peers. The article considers how in the UK the National Curriculum can contribute to this process.  相似文献   

A total of 197 Year 9 and 10 students, 74 of whom had learning difficulties (LD), from two high schools in Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland, Australia, self-reported their substance use. Seventeen substances, including two fictitious ones to detect over-reporting, were presented to participants for them to indicate their current usage, ex-usage, or non-usage. The findings revealed that participants were most likely to use alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. A series of Chi-square (χ2) analyses found that male students with LD and female students without LD were at greatest risk of substance use, overall. These findings are discussed in the light of the previous limited research pertaining to substance use amongst students with LD.  相似文献   

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