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In the past few years, American public broadcasting has faced severe pressures from conservative politicians, the challenge of preparing for new technologies, and fickle audiences. Yet it may be as well-off today as it ever has been, in part because public broadcasting has always been on the margins of American broadcasting. It has been in more parlous circumstances and in fact has certain advantages at this point. Public broadcasting in the United States is not essentially a public service broadcaster, although it sometimes acts as one. It thus has a certain flexibility in a time of great change. American public broadcasting is not a unified structure, but an ad hoc assemblage of stations united both by the fluctuating patronage of the institutions that fund them and in their cultivating the capricious support of the audiences they serve.  相似文献   

美国联邦公共图书馆立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<图书馆服务法>、<图书馆服务与建设法>和<图书馆服务与技术法>是美国三部联邦层面的图书馆法,制定于不同的历史时期,本质上是一部法律的演变与继承.这三部联邦图书馆法授权联邦政府向地方政府拨款,主要规范拨款授权、拨款数量、拨款用途和拨款管理等事务.<图书馆服务法>针对人口在1万以下的农村地区,目的是提高服务的覆盖面和普及率;<图书馆服务与建设法>主要解决馆舍陈旧的问题,将拨款范围拓展到所有地区;<图书馆服务与技术法>取消了对馆舍建设的拨款资助,取而代之增加对信息技术的拨款,同时反映了图书馆与博物馆的联合与合作的趋势.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 394 U.S. Spanish- and English-language television advertisements from 2013 for differences in gender representation. The findings indicate a high prevalence of gender stereotypes in both samples. For example, more women than men were depicted as young and were usually shown at home. Men actors were generally fully dressed, whereas women were often suggestively dressed. Voice-overs were clearly dominated by men, and product categories were stereotypically associated with gender. Despite allegedly more traditional Latina/o gender role attitudes in society, this study found little variation between Spanish- and English-language television advertisements in terms of gender stereotypes. The potential effects of such representations on audiences are discussed based on social cognitive theory and cultivation theory.  相似文献   

美国是世界上公共图书馆治理比较完善的国家之一,它的治理方式和特点对其他国家具有广泛的借鉴意义.美国公共图书馆治理的特点包括;在治理单元设置上,独立型治理单元与组合型治理单元并存;在建设主体的设置上,以多类型地方政府为主要建设主体,以州政府和联邦政府为支持性建设主体;在管理主体设置上,普遍施行理事会制;在治理评价上,以结果评价为重心.  相似文献   

严玲 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(6):263-264,104
文章介绍了美国现代公共图书馆的发展概况,指出了其服务的特色及给我们的启示。  相似文献   

Just a few years after local TV stations transitioned from analog to digital transmissions, dozens of stations across the United States have begun to provide live programming via mobile digital television (DTV). An exploratory study of television station managers (adopters and non-adopters of mobile DTV) focused on various perspectives of the technology, adoption motivations, and audience factors. Findings revealed that station owners and management were the ones who primarily determined whether to adopt mobile DTV. In addition, stations that had adopted the technology were more likely than non-adopters to be motivated by a desire to be the first to use mobile DTV.  相似文献   


Public libraries are a source of information and resources for the local community, they also play a role in the use of technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS) in that regard. GIS uses maps as output mediums for displaying demographic or similar information, as well as for spatial comparison or spatially based analysis. This is useful for gaining knowledge as well as for decision making. This article reports research into the awareness and use of GIS-type systems in public library settings in hopes of better understanding the benefits, drawbacks, and limitations to use of systems such as these. Primary findings suggest that there continues to exist limited understanding of the capabilities of GIS technology in public libraries and therefore very little demand for it exists in public librarians and patrons alike.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to identify potential library managers and prepare them for responsible positions. There is an equally pressing need for programs designed to provide current managers with additional information on new trends and developments in library administration. In order to expand and update the knowledge, skills, and abilities of present library managers and to establish a larger pool of qualified candidates for managerial positions, planned management development programs and/or activities are necessary. This study is an effort to determine the direction in which large public libraries are moving toward planning and establishing management development programs as well as to explore strategies used to attain financial support for such programs.  相似文献   

美国公共部门信息再利用的制度体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国非常重视公共部门信息的再利用,形成较为完整的公共部门信息再利用制度体系.美国版权制度为公共部门信息再利用提供了产权流转的规则.美国<信息自由法>是公共部门信息再利用业务开展的前提.美国的<公共信息准则>和等成为公共部门信息再利用的基本准则.美国<文书削减法>为公共部门信息再利用提供了更大的发展空间.美国公共部门信息再利用的制度可为中国相关制度的建构提供借鉴作用.  相似文献   

美国当代公共关系理论发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用文献研究方法,对美国当代公共关系理论进行了综合研究,认为当代美国公共关系在基础学理规范研究,传播媒介研究、多元文化研究、相关法律研究领域,形成了比较集中的研究成果,这些成果对于中国公共关系发展具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

美国国有数据与信息共享的法律基础   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王正兴  刘闯 《图书情报工作》2002,46(6):60-63,47
美国对联邦政府拥有和资助生产的数据采用"完全与公开"的共享政策.这-政策的主要法律依据是"信息自由法"及"版权法".信息自由法规定,除非法律另有说明,联邦政府的所有信息必须公开;版权法规定,联邦政府的信息不受版权保护,所以政府无法使用版权法限制数据共享.联邦政府通过制订其它法律和政策落实了对国有数据和信息的控制、管理、存档和高效利用.  相似文献   

作者考察美国公共图书馆的管理,认为美国公共图书馆管理是不同体制下的图书馆管理.其特征可概括为:以立法为基础宏观的管理;在行业组织指导和规范下的专业化的管理;以公益服务为目的,但讲求实效的企业化管理.  相似文献   

美国多数公共图书馆都在其网站中设置了详细的个人信息保护政策,政策的内容包括个人信息的收集原则、使用方式、披露程序、保护措施及Cookies的使用声明、外部网站的链接声明、政策的更新与修改声明等方面.依据这些政策,用户的个人信息将会得到更加有效的保护.  相似文献   

Although the deadline for mandated digital transmission for broadcast television (DTV) is fast approaching, we still know relatively little about viewer knowledge about and interest in adopting the new, higher resolution television receivers. This study profiles likely DTV adopters in terms of social locators, media adoption, orientation toward adopting new media, and affective measures. The relative success of the latter in distinguishing between likely DTV adopters and nonadopters underscores the utility of a new set of attitudinal variables to supplement demographics and technology adoption measures. These elements were less successful in explaining DTV awareness levels, which were relatively low.  相似文献   

美国公立大学图书馆很重视读者个人信息保护,大部分都有读者个人信息保护政策,涉及个人信息采集、使用、安全等各个方面,解释披露读者个人信息的限制以及相关的法律政策,并提供联系方式以便于读者咨询.通过这些政策,美国公立大学图书馆得以有据可循地保护图书馆读者的个人信息.  相似文献   

Rising sales output of broadcasting has depended upon total hours worked more than new dollars for structures and equipment. Regulatory burdens appear to have had little effect upon stagnating productivity.  相似文献   

选取国外图书馆界具有代表的两大图书馆--英国大英图书馆和美国国会图书馆的网站版权声明,从网站资源、版权说明、隐私权、责任条款、安全规则5方面对它们进行比较研究,获悉英美两国公共图书馆建立网站的目的、如何管理数字版权问题、馆藏资源应选择性数字化、关注儿童健康网络环境、关注信息伦理问题及明确公共图书馆的义务与责任6方面的现状.  相似文献   

Based on an explorative case study in the Netherlands, the authors developed a methodology to assess the welfare effects of public service broadcasting. This methodology consists of a combination of revealed and stated preferences, using readily available data for all programs broadcast in the evening in 2011. The results cover both individual programs and an aggregate level. Because the data used encompass both public and commercial programs, the analysis allows for comparisons between these.  相似文献   

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