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主要以西部经济欠发达地区公共图书馆为例分析了当前信息资源开发利用存在的问题,阐述了关于做好信息资源开发利用的几点思考。  相似文献   

构建个人数字图书馆之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了个人数字图书馆的定义、功能及构建个人数字图书馆的必要性和可行性,探讨了个人数字图书馆构建的步骤.指出大量个人数字图书馆的出现,是信息资源开发的一支新的主力军。  相似文献   

高校图书馆人事制度改革之我见   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西文通过对图书馆岗位评价和馆员业务素质评价的阐述提出图书馆人事制度改革的一点看法。  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(2):56-65
Teacher education programs have increasingly come under fire for not providing pre-service teachers communication skills training. Given that such training is essential to address diversity in the classroom and to meet the day-to-day functioning of teachers, higher education must provide communication skills training for teacher certification. This essay describes the “Teaching Diverse Learners: Communicating Social Support” workshop designed to help new and pre-service K-12 teachers communicate more effectively with diverse student populations, and the results of pre/post test surveys of the participants.  相似文献   

网络新闻传播通过个人自律来发挥空前的传播优势,有助于网民的双重身份的相对合一,进而促进新闻的主观性与客观性的相对一致.  相似文献   

认为网络舆情信息因其传播模式的网状化、传播内容的开放化、传播主体的隐匿化以及传播手段的个性化等显著特征,使得经典的传播效果理论受到了巨大冲击和挑战。尤其是“把关人”、“议程设置”、“沉默的螺旋”与“使用和满足”等理论所强调的观点或假说,在网络舆情信息传播实践中,有的得到了印证和加强,而有的出现了背离和不适应。文章试图重新审视和构建新的理论体系,使之与网络舆情信息传播相适应。  相似文献   

The pursuit of media diversity as a policy goal finds its foundation in First Amendment values which assume that the public welfare requires broad dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources. Using 5 waves of panel data collected during the 2008 presidential campaign in the U.S., this article empirically examines the assumption that seeking diverse and antagonistic viewpoints reflects good citizenship. The results suggest that heavy consumption of liberal and conservative viewpoints together leads to higher levels of political knowledge, but suppresses political participation. The role of news media use in democratic citizenship might depend on quantity as well as on diversity.  相似文献   

从统计数据出发对网络舆情与政府的密切相关性进行论证,围绕网络舆情的特性,提出知识本体、知识需求本体和知识节点的相关概念,并依据知识场原理构造网络舆情的需求空间模型和政府知识本体的空间模型。基于知识网格和知识地图的技术,建立政府应对网络舆情的知识节点层次模型和政府知识服务网络的物理拓扑图,解决网络舆情知识供需之间匹配与互联的结构性问题,提高政府应对网络舆情的能力。  相似文献   

融合主题与情感特征的突发事件微博舆情演化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安璐  吴林 《图书情报工作》2017,61(15):120-129
[目的/意义]微博是突发事件网络舆情传播的重要媒介。面向突发事件的微博主题和情感挖掘对掌握突发事件的网络舆情、识别与预测潜在问题及风险等方面具有重要的实践意义。尝试提出一种融合主题与情感特征的突发事件微博舆情演化分析方法。[方法/过程]以寨卡事件为例,通过划分微博舆情演化的生命周期,基于word2vec技术分别提取该事件生命周期各阶段的微博主题,采用基于词典的情感分析方法,引入情感词、表情符号等多情绪源,对不同主题下的评论情感做细粒度划分,并计算情感强度,最终实现微博主题与情感的协同分析。[结果/结论]所提出的微博舆情演化分析方法能够揭示面向特定事件的微博在突发事件生命周期各阶段的主题特征、情感类型与强度,剖析网络舆情主题与情感特征的协同演化规律。  相似文献   

Recent theorizing in hostile media perception (HMP) has focused on the impact of news content on perceptions of media bias. Using a 2 (an outcome frame versus a value frame) × 2 (a societal frame versus an individual frame) experimental design (N = 114), this study examined the differential effects of news frames on perceptions of media bias. The results showed that an outcome frame induced relatively less HMP than a value frame. Further, a societal frame was more likely to elicit HMP than an individual frame when the medical abortion controversy was framed in term of values (vs. outcomes). Directions for future research on the potential impact of news framing on HMP were discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses a class-based approach to more closely tie together reference and instruction services, with the goal of addressing shortcomings of both the traditional reference and instruction models. This project entailed the provision of individual feedback for all students in selected first-year seminar classes and senior seminar classes, in which the librarian was an essential component of the research process. The project's effectiveness was evaluated via surveys of students who received librarian feedback through written comments on annotated bibliographies or reference consultations.  相似文献   

新媒体跨越时空的传播,打破了传统社会结构中人际传播、组织传播、群体传播以及大众传播的边界,这意味着社会关系的重构。在社会关系重构中,作为公民社会发展的要素,如公民身份、公共理性以及媒体公共空间等对促进社会有机团结、推动公民社会健康发展意义重大,所有这些集中体现在人们日常生活的对话与沟通中。本文从中国公民社会及其特征、公民身份与公民意识、媒体公共空间中对话与沟通何以可能等方面进行梳理、总结,分析媒体公共空间中中国公民社会发展所涉及的一些基本问题,探讨建构公民日常对话与沟通的思想价值基础。  相似文献   

Controversial media representations of the female body can reflect, reproduce, and even challenge ideological systems or Discourses (Jones, 2003 Jones , A. ( 2003 ). Introduction: Conceiving the intersection of feminism and visual culture . In A. Jones (Ed.), The feminism and visual culture reader (pp. 17 ). New York , NY : Routledge . [Google Scholar]; Louw, 2001 Louw , P. E. (2001). The media and cultural production . Thousand Oaks , CA : Sage. [Google Scholar]). This article interrogates the discourse surrounding TIME Magazine's recent cover regarding attachment parenting, which featured a mother breastfeeding her toddler. The analysis of 1 online comment board shows that, although multiple meanings were present, the talk regarding the cover was overwhelmingly informed by the Discourse of (Hetero)Sexuality, which defines breastfeeding as a sexualized act only appropriate in private and for children of a certain age. This backdrop of sexuality for breastfeeding is significant not only for mothers’ choices and practices regarding nursing, but also for policymakers who seek to support breastfeeding. In addition, the findings reinforce the importance of attending to the interrelations within and between macro- and microlevels of discourse in investigating symbolic systems through which meanings are constructed.  相似文献   

中国正处于复杂的社会转型期、频繁的矛盾多发期和非理性的表达失控期,导致社会舆论异常活跃,甚至产生突变和发生雪崩,这将危及政府形象、影响安定团结、破坏社会和谐,应引起政府高度重视和密切关注。本文试图从唯物辩证法的对立统一、质量互变和否定之否定三大规律入手,深刻剖析社会舆论的生成背景、运行特征及演变规律,在此基础上提出预防、控制和疏导舆论雪崩的方法与策略,其最终目标是使舆论雪崩延缓发生、减小危害和早复常态,为构建和谐社会创设一个良好适宜的舆论环境。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国公益广告传播中存在的问题,并从传播主体、广告创作、媒介选择,效果测评等四方面对公益广告的有效传播进行探讨.  相似文献   

��ͼ���鱨�����Ĺ�������ԭ��   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
论述图书情报工作作为社会传播系统的重要组成部分,具有公共性、组织性等传播特征。指出图书情报工作的理论基础是公共传播原理。  相似文献   

维系网络传播与公共利益的协调   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
合理使用是我国著作权法律制度的一项重要原则,维系网络传播与公共利益的协调依赖完善的合理使用制度。信息网络传播权制度不应偏离自己的立法目标。2005年国家公布了《信息网络传播权保护条例(草案)》,规范了数字环境下的合理使用制度,《条例》关于合理使用规定的方向是正确的,对协调网络传播与公共利益的平衡,促进社会信息资源的广泛交流与社会文化产业的整体进步有着重要意义。  相似文献   

文章介绍了国际上个人信息增值利用的法律法规及其实践,指出我国个人信息增值利用存在数据源垄断、非法使用、缺少定价和授权机制等障碍,并探讨了个人信息公益性增值利用的相应对策.  相似文献   

我国信息公开条例只规定了政府信息公开应遵循公正、公平、便民的原则,暂时回避了国际法上公开为原则,不公开为例外的基本原则。为完善我国信息公开制度,本文从政府义务相对方的角度提出并论证了媒介传播公共信息以自由传播为原则,限制传播为例外作为基本原则的理论依据及其基本内涵。确立此原则,能使媒介的发展更符合媒介运作规律和民主化社会的要求,保证信息来源的多样性,有效地促进信息的自由流动和有效整合。  相似文献   

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