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Although sexual objectification is commonplace in media culture, music videos provide the most potent examples of it. In the current study, we developed a coding system to measure sexual objectification and its correlates in music videos. Our analysis compared sexual objectification across artists' gender and musical genres (R&B/hip-hop, pop, and country). Compared to male artists, female artists were more sexually objectified, held to stricter appearance standards, and more likely to demonstrate sexually alluring behavior. In addition, sexual objectification was more prominent in R&B/hip-hop and pop videos than in country videos. The results are discussed in light of objectification theory and sexual agency.  相似文献   

Previous studies investigated the content of rap music within the context of traditional media and found that rap often contains antisocial themes associated with negative effects. The current content analysis investigates whether rap’s lyrical themes consumed and shared online are more diverse and less anti-social than rap aired on traditional outlets. The analysis revealed that songs shared on Facebook were less antisocial and more prosocial than the songs that made the Billboard charts. Additionally, online lyrical themes were more diverse than traditionally distributed lyrics. Rap consumption and sharing behaviors will be discussed in light of the theory of selective exposure  相似文献   

This study investigated the role that age plays in gender portrayals in contemporary television commercials. A content analysis of 2,315 characters appearing in commercials aired during a composite week of prime-time programming on 6 major broadcast networks was conducted. The study compared images of female participants from childhood through the senior years to identify the extent to which female members of different age groups replicate conclusions drawn about images of females-in-general in advertising. The study also contrasted images of female characters from different age groups with their same-age male counterparts to shed additional light on the complexity of gender portrayals in prime-time commercials. The findings indicate significant differences among same-age gender portrayals and same-gender age portrayals. Results are interpreted within a social cognitive theory framework and directions for future research are articulated.  相似文献   

Maintenance behaviors play an important role in sustaining relational states, especially within committed romantic relationships. Limited research, however, has considered media portrayals of these behaviors. From the framework of social cognitive theory, this content analysis examined relational maintenance behaviors portrayed by committed romantic couples (heterosexual, gay, and lesbian) on prime-time network television. The frequency of maintenance behaviors (positivity, understanding, self-disclosure, assurances, relationships talks, tasks, and networks) varied by type, valence, program genre, and couple type (married/civil union or cohabitating). Results indicated that comedies featured more frequent relationship maintenance behaviors than dramas. In addition, comedies exhibited more frequent negative maintenance behaviors than dramas. Differences also existed between couple regarding the types of maintenance behavior exhibited. No sex differences in maintenance behaviors were observed between male and female characters.  相似文献   

To document current portrayals of women and men on primetime television, a quantitative content analysis was conducted. A 1-week composite of primetime television programming across 9 broadcast and cable networks was randomly sampled, yielding 89 programs and 1,254 characters. Consistent with prior findings, women were significantly underrepresented on primetime TV when compared with men. Analyses examined representations of gender in the realms of occupation, aggression, sexualization, and stereotypically masculine and feminine attributes, with comparisons drawn across different age groups. Contrary to popular belief, these findings suggest that the current state of primetime television does not represent a “golden age” for women. Although it appears that some gender stereotypes have declined when compared to previous decades, others (e.g., dominant men, sexually provocative women) have persisted. Implications are discussed in terms of cultivation and social cognitive theories.  相似文献   

The 2015 radio controversy “SaladGate” revealed a lack of female music artists gaining airplay. This study expands a previous gender analysis of American music radio into a longitudinal study. A content analysis of 192 stations revealed that airplay is increasing for females. However, most of these gains came from the Top-40 format, echoing concerns about the recording industry’s preference that women become pop stars, leaving all other musical genres to men. The results suggest the existence of a gender order in music radio, one that works hand-in-hand with the music industry to exclude women.  相似文献   

对知识类短视频的生成因素及其逻辑进行探究,有助于理解知识社会转型的媒介力量和文化实践。本研究通过定性比较分析(QCA)的方法从"内容属性"和"情境属性"共8个条件变量出发,对B站40个典型的"知识类短视频" UP主受欢迎的因素进行了探究。研究发现,技术包装、专业生产者、定期更新是知识类短视频获得较好传播效果的关键因子,并揭示出两种较显著的微观原因组合,即理解性知识通常呈现轻松幽默的风格且时常大于等于8分钟;感知性知识通常会与公共议题相组合,呈现严肃理性的风格。此外,个人账号相比官方/机构账号更受欢迎。而整体上看,知识类短视频对公共性事件的解读有限。依据知识研究和媒介研究的多元路径,本文认为新技术的赋能使短视频成为知识社会转型中的一种媒介力量,知识类短视频作为一种浅层信息向深层过渡的中间形态,正在重塑着知识生产和传播的新逻辑。  相似文献   

This study examines the changing roles for women in academia from 1991 to 2001 through a content analysis of quality characteristics in 626 American Political Science Review book reviews. Results revealed increases for women over men in quantity of books and reviews published, as well as quality appraisals of books written.  相似文献   

This study documents the extent of sexual content, including sexual health content, in scenes with and without expressions of love on network and cable television popular with emerging adults. Sexual talk and/or behavior was found in 20% of all television scenes coded across 53.5 hours of programming. One third of these scenes featured sex alongside expressions of love. An additional 10% of scenes suggested love but not sex. Coded as a separate category, 25% of analyzed scenes contained a passing joke or pun referencing sexual organs, making these nonspecific, comedic one-liners the predominant reference to sex in this sample. Beyond jokes, most of the sexual or loving talk in this sample consisted of expressing a romantic interest in someone; sex- and love-related behaviors largely consisted of kissing or flirting. Very few scenes specifically referenced sexual intercourse. Sexual health messages were also rare. The majority of scenes mentioning any health consequence (7% of analyzed scenes) concerned emotional heartache. One scene mentioned sexually transmitted infections; 12 of the nearly 2,600 scenes coded mentioned condoms or contraceptives. It is thus a challenging proposition to build upon existing sexual depictions on television to promote safe sex practices within sexual and loving contexts.  相似文献   


The study investigated implications of variations in EAD-encoded finding aids on the Web. A content analysis methodology was used to examine five different aspects of EAD finding aids: (1) data elements; (2) labeling terminology; (3) navigation; (4) browsing; (5) searching. Seventeen EAD finding aid web sites selected from 161 RLG member institution web sites, were examined. The results of the study showed that variations in EAD finding aids existed. These include inconsistency in the use of data elements, labeling terminology, and browsing attributes. In addition, some of the EAD finding aid web sites did not provide navigational aids within a finding aid or search functions for access to it. Findings suggest that increased navigational aids, as well as more browsing and search functions are needed to provide better access to EAD-encoded finding aids.  相似文献   

从音乐的内容形式和音乐理论思想两个方面分析了我国隋唐音乐对日本音乐的影响.  相似文献   

Based on the hostile media effect (HME), this 2 (partisan opinion) × 2 (news source) × 2 (content valence) factorial experiment investigated how partisans (N = 132), in terms of perceived bias and credibility, assess same-sex marriage coverage by either an online mainstream news source or a citizen blog. Partisans who disagreed with the content's valence evaluated both mainstream online news and the blog posting as more biased and less credible than did partisans who agreed with the content's valence. The perceived reach of blog postings appears to generate a relative HME similar to that triggered by mainstream news. In particular, this study suggests that user-generated content—specifically blog postings—might generate a stronger relative HME than that observed with mainstream news.  相似文献   

Nowadays, music festivals are very important for generating revenue streams in the music industry. However, studies on what makes music festivals a success are scant. In this article, a conceptual model to explain the success of music festivals is introduced and tested. Such a model seems pressing now that competition in the music festival industry is increasing. Our conceptual model includes variables that are under the control of music festival organizers, namely format and content characteristics. The content features include scope of the audience, lineup, age, and having a theme or message. Budget, ticket price, location, and having a maximum visitor capacity make up the format features. The model is tested with data from 47 music festivals in the Netherlands. The results show that relatively newer festivals can achieve good growth in terms of visitor attendance, especially if they have a narrow scope (niche). Interestingly, this is true for both large and small festivals. Our findings are important with respect to music festival diversity and choice for audiences, which may be at risk due to increasing competition. The fact that several festivals have a capacity constraint seems to be beneficial for diversity as well. Interestingly, budgets (and star lineup and ticket price), theme, and location are largely nonsignificant predictors of success.  相似文献   

This article's purpose is to analyze the current state of library websites in academic institutions in Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries, aiming to determine their compliance with standard website practices. Based on the Library Website Evaluation Checklist (L-WEC) developed for this study, a content analysis is performed of 110 academic library websites. This research, being one of the first studies of its kind, should interest information professionals and educators responsible for developing and improving the quality of their websites. With the majority of academic users growing up in the Google generation, it is important to create more millennial-friendly websites that provide quick and easy access to Web-based services and content-rich information.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]描述并分析我国网络内容政策法规的基本信息和文本内容,了解其存在的问题和不足,与主要发达国家网络内容政策法规予以对比,给出相应解决办法,为我国网络内容治理提供法制保障。[方法/过程]在政府门户网站和政策法规专业数据库中搜索网络内容政策法规,经筛选,共得到有效样本202个。将所得数据导入Nvivo11,采用内容分析法从颁布时间、颁布主体、颁布形式三个角度对我国网络内容政策法规文本的基本信息予以探索,并从网络内容主体和网络内容客体两个维度对政策法规文本内容展开分析。同时,对政策法规颁布主体进行共词分析,采用社交网络分析法利用VOSviewer软件绘制政策法规颁布主体合作网络图。[结果/结论]研究发现我国网络内容政策法规存在颁布主体多元、立法层级低和政策法规内容科学性有待提升等问题,通过与主要发达国家网络内容政策法规的对比分析,建议从改革管理体制、加快重点领域立法、完善网络服务提供者相关规定、明确违法内容判定标准四个角度予以完善。  相似文献   

Although Facebook is primarily known for building and maintaining relationships, the 2008 presidential election highlighted this social networking website as a viable tool for political communication. In fact, during primary season until Election Day in 2008, Facebook users created more than 1,000 Facebook group pages that focused on Barack Obama and John McCain. Using quantitative content analysis, the primary purpose of this study was to assess how both John McCain and Barack Obama were portrayed across these Facebook groups. Results indicated that group membership and activity levels were higher for Barack Obama than for John McCain. Overall, Barack Obama was portrayed more positively across Facebook groups than John McCain. In addition, profanity, racial, religious, and age-related language were also coded for and varied with regard to how each candidate was portrayed. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A content analysis was conducted to examine sexual references and consequences among lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB), and heterosexual characters on television. The sample was composed of programs portraying an LGB lead or reoccurring character. Results showed that heterosexual and LGB characters engaged in sexual talk and behavior in similar contexts. When discussing LGB sexualities, however, heterosexual characters were disproportionately likely to make jokes; LGB characters were disproportionately likely to discuss coming out. LGB characters depicted in sexual references were more likely to be in dialogue with a heterosexual character than another LGB character. Sexual consequences were more common for heterosexual characters than LGB characters. No gender differences existed in frequency of sexual references or consequences among LGB characters, evidence that the sexual double standard found in previous research may not apply to LGB characters. Results are discussed in terms of potential effects of exposure.  相似文献   

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