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我国的图书馆事业在“文化大革命”中遭受了空前的浩劫和摧残。以1971年为界,可将文革中的图书馆事业划分为两个时期。文革前期图书馆事业遭到严重破坏,文革后期图书馆事业艰难恢复。文革中编制了《中国图书馆图书分类法》,启动了《汉语主题词表》编制工作,引入了机读目录。  相似文献   

In order to analyze and compare the intellectual structure of information organization research in Japan and Korea, this study has carried out frequency analysis and network text analysis of research articles published in the last two years. Analysis showed that the Japanese information organization area has a high frequency of research centered on the concepts of “catalog” and “classification”. In particular, “catalog” is seen to have a high figure in degree centrality by network text analysis, it can be said that the “catalog” concept has extensive connections with a diverse range of subjects in the area of information organization. On the other hand, the Korean information organization research area showed a high frequency and connectivity of subjects related to “classification” rather than “catalog”. The “classification” concept is seen to have extensive connections with other various subjects in the Korean information organization research area.  相似文献   

乡村文化的传承与变迁,本质上是一种具有鲜明“自组织”特性的乡村文化“再生产”过程。然而在社会大变革、文化大变迁以及城市化、现代化的多重“挤压”下,乡村文化“再生产”秩序受到不同程度的破坏,文化“自组织”能力也日渐式微。“安康新民风建设引领乡村公共文化服务创新发展”制度设计与实践探索,就是要通过主动干预,建构起乡村文化“再生产”的新秩序,推动乡村文化繁荣与发展。现代公共文化服务体系建设与优秀传统文化传承发展两大国家战略,无疑是介入乡村文化“再生产”秩序的重要“他组织”力量,为乡村特别是集中连片贫困地区重构乡村文化“再生产”秩序提供了路径探索和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):364-370

Concepts from Heider's “Attribution of Responsibility” theory were used to investigate the process of message source evaluation. The results of a role‐playing experiment indicate that: (1) When a message source's previous behavior has had favorable consequences for a receiver, the source will be rated more “safe,” “qualified,” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source; and (2) when the source's previous behavior has had unfavorable consequences for the receiver, the source will be judged less “safe” but more “qualified” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source.  相似文献   

当代教育家朱永新通过发轫于苏南地域的“新教育实验”,并以“书香校园”建设为抓手,形成了独树一帜的“新阅读观”,传递了教育是“为了一切的人”与“为了人的一切”的新人文理念。论文通过回望朱永新的读书求学经历、“新教育实验”的实施过程、推进全民阅读的不懈努力及对未来教育生态的展望,解析了其教育及阅读观的形成过程和丰富人文内涵,认为这种努力追求理论与实践相结合并不断创新的知行合一精神,为助推“书香中国”、建设“学习型社会”发挥了独特的作用和别树一帜的贡献。  相似文献   

以“一键借阅·满城书香”行动为例,介绍了杭州图书馆提升公共图书馆服务效能的实践探索。服务效能提升行动立足“惠民”,从提升读者满意度、获得感角度出发,通过简化在线借还图书操作等五方面的措施,为读者打造了“快捷”“温馨”和“丰富”的阅读体验,从而激发读者的阅读兴趣,营造城市的阅读氛围。行动取得了良好的成效,其探索的经验对其他公共图书馆具有一定的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Past research concerning the theoretical framework of Resistance Performance (RP) has been based on observations of liberal organizations and activists. In the following essay, we engage in a qualitative content analysis of alternative media utilized by conservative “Tea Party” activists to build on the concept of RP. Overall, we discovered that the dominant theme found in much of the content focuses on “purity,” which is considerably different from past RP research that found broad themes of “human rights,” “democracy,” “be the media,” and “principles of unity” embedded within liberal alternative media content. We conclude that the theme of “purity” gives rise to narrowmobilization, which constructs very focused protest communities within right-leaning politics.  相似文献   

本文对国内有关数字档案信息长期保存的文献进行了系统回顾,并从“目的”“相关主体”“技术”“标准”“法律”“经济”和“国家策略”七个方面对目前的研究现状进行了整理、分析。国内关于数字档案信息长期保存的研究已取得较丰硕成果,但相关研究成果过度集中于理论方面,跨学科、跨领域的研究成果亦较少。未来应开展丰富的数字档案信息长期保存实践探索类研究,加强理论与实践相结合的研究,以及跨学科视角的研究,建立具有中国特色的数字档案信息长期保存理论体系。  相似文献   

This paper examines three definitions of “news” in the history of journalism studies in China. Xu Baohuang’s definition emphasizes the “facts,” with an aim to establish an objective and neutral press model. Lu Dingyi defines news through “reporting,” which has since then transformed into the principle of “reporting with the facts.” Fan Changjiang prioritizes the “masses” in his definition, attempting to explore new ways for the operation of party-owned newspapers in the new era.  相似文献   

李调元“万卷楼”的藏书价值探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李调元“万卷楼”的藏书具有“念日月之以逝,恐文献之无征”的继承理念继承、“寡闻则无约也,寡见则无卓也”的博采广集理念,“鸿才博雅,覃心著述”的创新理念,有丰富而珍贵的文献价值,包含了真、善、美的文化价值,值得后人继承和弘扬  相似文献   

KTCK, “the Ticket,” in Dallas is a prime example of a sports-talk station whose format has evolved into “guy talk.” The station is the object of imitation in the sports-talk community, having reportedly earned $33 million in 2006. “The Ticket is a great radio station; there's no denying they do a wonderful job,” the program director of KILT-AM in Houston, Bill Van Rysdam says. Sports-talk stations across the country have learned that “guy talk” is the “ticket” for higher ratings and greater profits.  相似文献   

“设计思维”在国外公共图书馆的运用已有十余年的发展历程,并取得了显著成效。近年来,国内公共图书馆也逐步尝试运用和推广“设计思维”,其中,开展“设计思维”培训是在国内大范围推广“设计思维”的有效手段。文章以“图书馆中的设计思维”研修班为例,从培训的难点入手,提出国内开展“设计思维”培训应注重培养本土导师、循序渐进地将培训常态化、采取理论与实践相结合的授课模式以及注重对优秀案例的总结和分享。  相似文献   

"新布客书屋"充实了贵州省贫困地区儿童的阅读资源,为贵州扶贫工作锦上添花。文章论述新布客建立的缘起、新布客品牌以连锁概念运营的历程,探究新布客的构建、内涵、统一运营模式、志愿服务,以及公共馆文化服务在精准扶贫中的作用。  相似文献   

英国话语分析学者诺曼·费尔克拉夫的《话语与社会变迁》中的话语理论影响深远。其理论主要来源之一是法国思想家米歇尔·福柯的“话语理论”,不过费尔克拉夫对福柯的解读与福柯原著存在很大误差。本文采用文本分析方法,从费尔克拉夫和福柯的原文出发来质证该误读。费尔克拉夫认为,福柯话语理论的“话语建构性”“话语实践意义由它与其他话语的关系来界定”“权力的话语本性、话语的政治本性、社会变化的话语本性”等观点“弥补了语言学话语分析的不足”,同时批判福柯“缺乏对语言文本、实践以及抵抗性权力关系关注”。但本文在分析福柯的理论后指出,费尔克拉夫在展示福柯的话语理论时,不但忽略福柯“话语”概念的内涵,而且没能理解福柯权力在主体、社会现实建构中的基础作用以及权力关系的抵抗性特征与存在条件,片面强调话语的作用,把福柯的话语理论化约为“政治话语本体论”,一种“特别话语”的结构主义。尽管如此,费尔克拉夫从福柯处启发的话语理论为话语分析开辟了新的思路。  相似文献   

This study, which investigated job satisfaction among academic librarians in Greece, used the Employee Satisfaction Inventory (ESI). The instrument assessed six dimensions of job satisfaction: “working conditions,” “pay,” “promotion,” “job itself,” “supervision,” and “organization as a whole.” Greek academic librarians were most satisfied with “job itself,” “supervision,” and “working conditions” and less satisfied with “pay” and “promotion.” Prior working experience contributed negatively to the prediction of satisfaction with “working conditions,” “supervision,” and “organization as a whole,” whereas participation in decision-making positively influenced “job itself” and “organization as a whole.” These findings are in accordance with prior studies and can be particularly useful for providing a comparative and comprehensive understanding of job satisfaction in the library profession.  相似文献   

基于文学的“播植观”与基于信息学的“播映观”,正在一些出版物中形成混合型文化平台,使得媒介空间敞开,给予参与者对话的更大可能性,美国小说《S.》成为这类出版物的标志。与此同时,出版关涉的伦理,在践行“播植”理念的同时施行“播映”理念,从而达到追求同一性和承认他者性的统一。  相似文献   

以传统文化为核心、以“自然”“自治”“自适”为基本特征的乡村传统文化治理体系曾经在传承与发展乡村文化、维护乡村社会秩序方面发挥积极作用。在现代化进程中,乡村传统文化治理体系的社会基础、客观条件、价值取向发生了根本性改变,亟待完成现代性构建。文章结合“安康新民风建设引领乡村公共文化服务创新发展”制度设计,从现代乡村文化场域构建、乡村文化“内生性重构”和乡村文化价值体系重塑3个维度探讨乡村传统文化治理体系的现代性构建问题,认为要在充分尊重乡村文化底色和“自然”“自治”“自适”传统的基础上,融入面向未来、持续发展的时代意识,推动乡村文化治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

Throughout American history that form of Protestantism that designates itself and is publicly conceived as “old‐time religion” has regularly been the innovator in the area of media. In stark contrast, its more staid establishment counterpart has tended to be antagonistic to these new media, dismissing them with harsh theological and aesthetic judgments. In this process, the self‐proclaimed theological conservatives actually behaved in remarkably adaptive and imaginative ways, while the self‐proclaimed liberal establishment often acted as the cultural conservator, pressing for the preservation of the status quo. This article seeks to understand why those Protestants who define themselves as “modernist” and “adaptive” have been far less successful in using the media than their conservative “anti‐modernist” counterparts. The focus is upon a case study—the reception of television by the Broadcast and Film Commission of the National Council of Churches. The conclusion is ironic: those Protestants who depended upon “modern,” “social scientific” criterion to guide their television policies fundamentally misunderstood the power of television and its impact upon society.  相似文献   

A textual analysis was performed on the first five advertisements from Vonage’s “Crazy Generous” campaign. The ads ask the audience to consider what happens when co-optation is itself deployed as a promotional tool. Three primary themes emerge: the main character is Vonage’s “house hippie”; interacting with him is a “sanitary act”; and that by coaxing the main character to take a job with Vonage, the company has has restored social order.  相似文献   

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