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This essay deconstructs popular notions that “sex sells” in an increasingly sexualized U.S. popular culture by examining the specific political, social, and economic forces behind the creation and expansion of Girls Gone Wild, a home video series marketed through television infomercials. The crackdown on hard-core pornography, followed by the opening of television infomercial markets, paved the way for the series’ creator to bring together the structural organization of a new soft-core video industry with the marketing aims of a cable industry eager to sell young, male ratings.  相似文献   

In a changing technological ecosystem where photojournalists are attempting to reach larger audiences, they are forced to serve multiple masters and social media platforms. The tools and terminologies that these visual storytellers and communicators are using are also changing, which forces many of them to grapple with their roles and how best to contribute their craft within a market that is drastically different than two decades ago. This study asked 104 photojournalism practitioners, academicians, and administrators to define and explain the term “Really Social Photojournalism” and if it might rise past the level of jargon in a changing vocation? The findings reveal there are many complexities with this new term. But there are also opportunities for RSP to evolve in the photojournalism ecosystems with the appropriate support of its various stakeholders.  相似文献   

2014年,贯穿芒果TV发展的四个关键词是:芒果独播、跨界融合、融资改制、战略升级。由此,湖南广电、芒果TV"一云多屏"的立体传播体系和商业化未来图景基本形成。芒果TV将致力于成为媒体融合的行业典范、经济增长的产业典范、社会服务的事业典范。芒果TV是湖南广播电视台唯一的视频网站。由于高度适时的融合发展战略,突出的资源优势及得力的运营实施、经营组织,2014年成为芒果TV迄今发展最快速、变化最深刻的一年。在战略-战术双层面、产业-项目双架构、资源-资本双路径上,  相似文献   

With a strong publishing production, the largest readership in the Spanish language, and a new generation of publishers already in business, Argentina will pass a period of economic instability to regain its natural strength, while facing both the challenges and opportunities of a highly concentrated market. A review of the five major Spanish language publishing countries will be presented to place the role of Argentina into a proper context.  相似文献   


For the last 20 years, scholarly and popular accounts of the development of cable television have recounted the story of John Walson, Sr., who claimed to have started the first CATV system in June of 1948 in Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania. When Walson died in March of 1993, newspapers around the country credited him with starting the nation's first cable system and even “founding”; the industry. The claim, however, has always been clouded by questions and a lack of documentation. This paper reports the results of an investigation of the Walson story. It concludes that, as bright and promising as the Walson tale may be, it probably is not true. At the very least, the preponderance of evidence suggests that Walson got his start in the community antenna television business in late 1950, about the same time as many others around the country and, importantly, probably after another group of businessmen already had begun a system in Mahanoy City itself.  相似文献   

国家体育总局副局长于再清在政协会议上批评冬奥会冠军周洋,称应该先感谢国家,再感谢爹妈。“感谢你爹你妈没问题,首先还是要感谢国家。要把国家放在前面,别光说完感谢父母就完了。”  相似文献   

In December of 2007, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney traveled to Texas to give an address on religion and politics. The speech was heralded by many as Romney's “JFK moment.” This study explores the campaign religion speeches of Kennedy and Romney by considering various issues concerning context, audience, and content of the two speeches. Guiding this analysis is Roderick Hart's work on the civil-religious contract and Kenneth Burke's work on dramatistic analysis, which are utilized to demonstrate that—despite the media's proclamations—Romney's speech represented a stark shift from Kennedy's rhetorical approach. Implications are drawn concerning the differences between the two speeches and an understanding of the confessional political style guiding the intersection of religion and politics today.  相似文献   

高金国 《青年记者》2010,(14):101-101
对TV们而言,要想做出精彩栏目,有两个要素:第一,要有好的"费墨"先生;第二,要有好主持人"严守一"。  相似文献   

十年前,各类电视谈话节目开始在各个频道成为热播的节目,但几年之后谈话节目陷入了内容雷同、形式单调的僵局,变成观众和荧屏的“鸡肋”;与此同时,Web 2.0的互联网社区形态(QQ、MSN、天涯论坛)以其自由互动的传播形态越来越吸引年轻人的关注.约从2004年起的电视收视率统计一再表明:年轻人不爱看电视了.  相似文献   

彭逸林  霍凤 《传媒》2015,(22):47-49
2014年8月18日,中央全面深化改革领导小组召开第四次会议,审议并通过了《关于推动传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展的指导意见》,《意见》强调,推动媒体融合发展,要将技术建设和内容建设摆在同等重要的位置,顺应互联网传播移动化、社交化、视频化的发展趋势.《2015年国务院政府工作报告》提出“互联网+”行动计划,该计划推动移动互联网、大数据等技术与现代制造业结合.在国家鼓励推动信息产业的环境下,多终端、碎片化等词语描绘了当下视听媒体的特征,互联网企业深度介入到视听媒体产业中,通过新技术颠覆原有的视听传媒产业,OTT TV(Over The Top TV)视频领域也难躲被重新洗牌的产业变革.在OTT TV视频过去几年的发展进程中,牌照等制度对OTT TV视频进行可管可控,有力规范了市场竞争,但其发展也在一定程度上陷入瓶颈,而“互联网+”政策的提出,为OTT TV视听媒体产业的发展与研究开辟了一条新通道.  相似文献   

Objectives: The primary objective of this activity is to identify the role of interpersonal communication skills in the small group process. Secondary objectives include engaging students in a brainstorming activity and providing an opportunity for groups to determine ways to work with difficult group members

Courses: Small-Group Communication, Business and Professional Communication, Hybrid Course  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月8日,湖南卫视推出"芒果TV独播战略"。也就是说,湖南卫视拥有完整知识产权的自制节目今后将不再在互联网上进行分销,而是全部由湖南卫视旗下的芒果TV进行独家播放。在商业视频网站不断攻城略地的今天,湖南卫视的这一"独播战略"可以看做是电视这一传统媒体向新媒体的一次宣战。此举旨在打造湖南卫视自己的网络视频平台,是传统电视媒体在网络视频领域向商业视频网站的一次"反攻"。然而,在台  相似文献   

王惠蓉 《编辑之友》2016,(11):54-57
当前,传媒环境正在发生着更深层次的变化,互联网基因全方位地影响着传统电视媒体,而传统的融合方式是将电视内容一成不变地搬到网上,或成立几家新媒体公司,甚至将跨媒体间的新媒体业务剥离出来组建新媒体集团,实践证明这些都不是行之有效的媒体融合方式.真正的媒体融合,应是以“TV+”理念来实现传统媒体基因与互联网基因的深度融合,从而激发和催化电视媒体在各种相关要素融合过程中的主导作用,以电视媒体为逻辑基础,创建电视媒体发展的新业态.  相似文献   

Despite a spate of media attention in recent years and implications for both work and family relationships, communication scholars have yet to study work-spouse relationships. Since popular press sources have often focused on the nature of and propriety of such relationships, the purpose of this study was to empirically examine how work spouses characterized their relationships. We analyzed 269 participants’ open-ended responses to a survey, which yielded five categories: (a) characteristics of a work spouse, (b) conditions for the work-spouse relationship, (c) characteristics of the work-spouse relationship, (d) functions of work spouses, and (e) ways of managing the work-spouse relationship. From this analysis, we construct a definition of the relationship and chart a course of future research for communication scholars.  相似文献   

这款型号为WD TV Live HD数字播放器,它支持多款多媒体格式(除了Real格式),这次的新软件,版号1.02.21,支持微软操作系统的“Play To”(播放至)功能,并且完整支持Windows Media Player 12,所以可以从电脑上执行Play To,然后再到WD TV Live HD上观看影片或音乐即可。  相似文献   

湖南广播电视台以自有强势IP为切入口,强化互联网思维和市场理念,通过做强旗下新媒体平台芒果TV,积极探索从"独播"到"独特"的融合发展道路,从"一云多屏"的视频平台,到"芒果TV生态平台"以及"(内容+技术+用户)×资本"的发展模式,再到"五轮驱动"与"五径突围"的战略布局,不断推动传统媒体与新兴媒体的融合共生共进,媒体融合逐步向纵深拓展。  相似文献   

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