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For many children, particularly lower SES children, television serves as a major source of information about money and wealth. This study examines the relationship among a child's SES, viewing habits, and perception of wealth as portrayed on television. Significant relationships among the three factors were discovered, and their possible implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This study considered how older adults’ parasocial relationships with disliked television characters predict depressive symptoms and loneliness, as well as how attachment styles and real-life romantic relationship quality moderate these associations. Adults aged 55 and older reported on their most disliked television character and romantic relationship functioning in a self-administered survey, and hierarchical multiple regressions were used to test the data. Results revealed that older adults with low attachment avoidance and low-quality romantic relationships demonstrated the largest increases in their depressive symptoms and loneliness as their antagonistic parasocial relationships increased in intensity. Applied implications of these findings are considered, such as alternative outlets to which older adults with low attachment avoidance and low-quality romantic relationships might turn (e.g. community volunteering, relationships with children, grandchildren, and friends) if their romantic and parasocial relationships are not conducive to fostering mental well-being.  相似文献   


The research reported here is part of programmatic effort to develop a more deductive and holistic transituational framework for systematically modeling the relationships among six major elements of social interaction. Phase II was designed to confirm the initial model and to ameliorate methodological flaws found in Phase I.  相似文献   

读书能给孩子的童年带来无穷乐趣,同时也是他们获取知识、开阔视野的最好途径。在创建学习型城市中,倡导终身学习、全民学习,提高全体市民素质是所有图书馆的应有职责,少儿图书馆工作者在创建学习型城市中如何立足现实,敢于巩固、创新、提高,为少儿读者实施人性化服务,让书香陪伴他们的童年是很值得研究探讨的。  相似文献   

Researchers have increasingly paid attention to the personal and emotional growth of youth. However, little research has examined how exactly young people use or seek information for their personal development and growth. The primary goal of this study, therefore, was to explore the students' use of “information seeking” to cope with their day-to-day personal stressors and problems. The sample consisted of 641 children in fifth- and sixth-grade classrooms from an urban public elementary school in Taiwan. Data were collected through semistructured, open-ended surveys. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to analyze the data. This study found that in coping with daily-life problems, nearly two-thirds of the participating children would seek information; that sixth graders were more likely to do so; and that gender did not make information seeking more (or less) probable in this coping context. Findings also revealed some major reasons for children's information seeking in this coping context, for example, to solve problems, to escape, and to find a transition. Finally, five major different information seeking behaviors related to coping emerged from the findings: information seeking for problem solving, information seeking to escape, information seeking for a transition, information seeking to change mood, and information avoidance, which can be used as a platform to develop an explanatory and possibly predictive framework for future studies.  相似文献   

Guided by Communication Privacy Management (CPM), the goal of the current study was to examine parental infidelity and to learn what, if any, rules were enacted by participants to either provide access to or protect the information of their parent's infidelity. Rules used by participants to manage this information inside their family were labeled as internal, while rules used to manage this information outside their family were labeled as external. Participants included 13 adult children whose still married parents' relationship involved infidelity. Results indicated that participants created protection rules including two internal (maintenance and cultural) rules and one external (protecting the family from outside scrutiny) rule. Five access rules (context, sex, age, physical environment, and code terms), all internal, were also identified. The results of this study highlight the usefulness of CPM when examining how the knowledge of a parent's infidelity is managed by their children.  相似文献   

The interdisciplinary interaction of bibliography with sociology, history, pedagogics, information science, and cultural studies is considered based on the information approach. Bibliography is shown to act as an indicator of social development as a part of the metainformation “layer” of society.  相似文献   

依据发文量和被引量两个指标,用综合指数法确定《图书情报工作》核心著者,并对其作出评析。  相似文献   

Objective: To make electronic resources available to library users while effectively harnessing intellectual capital within the library, ultimately fostering the library’s use of technology to interact asynchronously with its patrons (users). Methods: The methods used in the project included: (1) developing a new library website to facilitate the creation, management, accessibility, maintenance and dissemination of library resources; and (2) establishing ownership by those who participated in the project, while creating effective work allocation strategies through the implementation of a content management system that allowed the library to manage cost, complexity and interoperability. Results: Preliminary results indicate that contributors to the system benefit from an increased understanding of the library’s resources and add content valuable to library patrons. These strategies have helped promote the manageable creation and maintenance of electronic content in accomplishing the library’s goal of interacting with its patrons. Conclusions: Establishment of a contributive system for adding to the library’s electronic resources and electronic content has been successful. Further work will look at improving asynchronous interaction, particularly highlighting accessibility of electronic content and resources.  相似文献   

This essay examines the organizational rhetoric of the Land Institute in order to address the ways place-making contributes to the inducement of organizational identification (OI). In addition to defining place-making as a practice of cultivating arrangements, the essay unpacks two ways in which a strategically arranged place facilitates OI: (a) materializing the places and times imagined in textual materials, and (b) generating encounters with OI targets. By analyzing the Land Institute’s Prairie Festival alongside discursive materials, the essay also demonstrates how organizations take control of place’s inherently inventive character and thoroughly distributed rhetoricity in order to achieve organizational ends. In order to make these arguments, the essay employs a critical method that operates through both field immersion and textual criticism.  相似文献   

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