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This study investigated parents' satisfaction with the schooling of their children with Down's syndrome and its relationship to parent identity. Responses to a postal questionnaire from 131 parents of children with Down's syndrome aged from 4 to 19 years were recorded for analysis. Using identity process theory to provide a theoretical framework, it was predicted that parent satisfaction with education would be a function of the extent to which the identity principles described by this theory are threatened by perceived educational circumstances. Composite measures of identity, perceived school climate and parents' satisfaction with school were obtained, and correlations among these variables calculated. Regression analysis confirmed the prediction that parents' satisfaction is closely related to self-efficacy, perceived involvement with their children's education and perceived school climate.  相似文献   

以于形如y=a/(f(x) b)(a,b为常数,且a≠0)一类函数,其中f(x)∈G(G为f(x)的取值范围,通过一些实例,介绍其值域的一种新求法,即不等式法,同时,通过每个实例评注,以辩析新方法与原解法各自的优缺点。  相似文献   

In this article, Andrea MacLeod, lecturer in autism studies at the University of Birmingham, and Paula Johnston, a woman with Asperger syndrome who now focuses on writing and speaking about her condition, consider the function of specialist group interventions for individuals with Asperger syndrome. These authors report on one model - a discussion and support group aimed primarily at young adults. The self-report of a former participant, a woman with Asperger syndrome, is used as a case study to illustrate issues and processes. Her report suggests that peer support and peer learning should be recognised as significant goals of such interventions and that interventions should be planned to respond to the needs that follow diagnosis. The authors suggest that clinical and educational services need to work together to ensure that children and young people have immediate access to such support models, which should be viewed as preventative therapies. This article provides evidence that first-hand accounts can offer new insights into how such interventions are experienced by those involved. Andrea MacLeod and Paula Johnston argue that future research in this area should seek to employ participatory methodologies.  相似文献   

Method Engineering (ME)1facilitates the use of situation-specific methods for information systems development (ISD). We have studied the educational effects of ME by monitoring the process of students experiencing ME. First we describe the course of the Open University of The Netherlands that introduces ME. We then elaborate on the specifics of ME and present results related to the learning process of a population of over 70 students having professional experience in ISD already. In this paper we concentrate on some entry and exit level characteristics of the students and the feasibility and reproducibility of ME in a practical case study done by the students.  相似文献   

DEMATEL方法在高校教学设计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DEMATEL方法是研究复杂系统各因素之间相互关系的常用方法。在介绍DEMATEL方法与原理的基础上,分析高校教学设计中存在的一系列问题。提出利用DEMATEL方法构建统计学专业课程体系,进行科学合理的课程设置。  相似文献   

BackgroundLittle evidence exists regarding outcomes of therapeutic interventions for maltreated children who are removed from their birth families and then adopted. This study follows on from a previous evaluation of the Neuro-Physiological Psychotherapy (NPP) model, which found significant, positive and sustained post-treatment change.ObjectiveTo compare the outcomes for the NPP intervention group to those of a control group.Participants and settingParticipants were families who received the NPP intervention and families who, following assessment, did not receive the NPP intervention as recommended.MethodsGroups were matched in terms of demographics and presentation at assessment. A comparison of outcomes took place using ANCOVA.ResultsSignificant differences were found between group measures of Behavioral Regulation Index (moderate effect size, Cohen’s d = .435; F(1, 1505) = 14.476, p = .000) and Global Executive Functioning (BRIEF) (small effect size, Cohen’s d = .147; F(1, 3506) = 7.771, p = .008); mental health difficulties common in maltreated children (ACC/ACA) (small effect size, Cohen’s D = .212; F(1, 1100) = 6.197, p = .020) and externalizing behavior (CBCL) (small effect size, Cohen’s D = .025; F(1, 686) = 5.420, p = .025). A comparison of parent responses on quantitative aspects of a structured interview using chi-square analysis revealed significant differences between the groups on relationship quality (x2 (2, N = 53) = 10.453, p = .005 with a medium effect size, Cramer’s V = .444), disruption (x2 (1, N = 54) = 4.998, p = .025. The effect size was medium with Cramer’s V = .304), parental separation rates (x2 (1, N = 45) = 9.474, p = .002. The effect size was moderate with Cramer’s V = .459) and several indicators for longer-term social inclusion. The results are discussed in the light of the model’s neurodevelopmental and sequential approach, which focuses on sensory integration, affect regulation and therapeutic life story work alongside parent and school support.ConclusionsImplications regarding current treatment guidelines for this population are discussed; and a call is made for interventions which actively consider and address the neurodevelopmental impact of maltreatment.  相似文献   

The ‘THOMAS’ course (The Hampshire Outline for Meeting the needs of under fives on the Autistic Spectrum) is a four‐day training programme to enhance the learning of young children with impairments in social understanding, communication and play by increasing the use of appropriate interventions. It has been supporting families and professionals in the early years settings for over five years and feedback has been exceptionally positive. This article reviews the extent to which training skills have been embedded in the long‐term. Results indicate that the training is still as effective a year on, with many techniques, including visual structure and behaviour management, seen as highly effective interventions. Furthermore, there is an indication that course participants may experience an increase in confidence that enables them to become more independent and generate their own solutions as skills and knowledge become embedded over time.  相似文献   

目的本文探索了中医院校药理学大班案例教学法。方法将案例引入课堂教学,将小组讨论放在课后,加大课后作业和集中辅导。结果该法可以使理论教学生动有趣。课后讨论有利于培养学生主动学习的能力。结论大班案例教学法是药理学教学中值得推广并且行之有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

汉字是一种特殊的意音文字体系.因此在对外汉语教学中.应根据不同阶段的教学任务而采取不同的分类教学法.这种分类主要包括以形义为中心的分类和以形音为中心的分类.分类教学法对于外国学生学习汉字有相当的积极意义.  相似文献   

采用格子-Boltzmann方法对平行平板间甲醇水蒸气重整反应过程进行模拟,其中包括反应、对流、扩散。模拟中假设化学反应对流场没有影响,流场、温度场和组分场可分别利用演化方程进行求解,利用多尺度技术可分别将演化方程回归到对应的宏观方程。在低Ma的条件下格子-Boltzmann方法模拟的结果与传统Navier-Stokes方程数值计算结果进行对比,吻合得较好,证明了格子-Boltzmann方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

分析了在定积分的应用中如何确定所求量的微元 .讨论了求旋转体体积和侧面积时 ,把分割后的小立体分别视为圆柱体和圆台的原因  相似文献   

This paper presents a phenomenographic analysis of perceptions of individuals with Asperger's syndrome in the Republic of Armenia. The primary objective was to apply and develop existing theory in a unique national context and across a broader respondent group than in previous studies. As such, the research compares and contrasts the views expressed by individuals with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEN/D), the parents of individuals with SEN/D and lay members of the public. Social comparison models developed by Hedley and Young (2006), Huws and Jones (2015) and Locke (2014) are utilised as lenses through which to analyse the conceptions, attitudes and beliefs of each respondent group. The particular social, cultural and political history of Armenia offers an insight into the challenges of, and opportunities for, autism research in the former Soviet Union.  相似文献   

本文分析了目前军校任职教育教学方法所存在的问题,提出了创新军校任职教育教学方法必须遵循提高认识、更新观念,强调特色、灵活实用,明确目标、远近兼顾,信息主导、技术支撑的基本原则和要求;并倡导尝试"无定式"教学方法来推动军校任职教育教学方法的创新。  相似文献   

This paper provides a response to the thoughtful paper presented by Gerber in this issue and at the National Research Center on Learning Disabilities Responsiveness-to-Intervention Symposium in Kansas City with guidance from five major questions posed by the organizers of the symposium. Gerber's paper provides interesting perspectives regarding the alternative approach to identification of learning disabilities (LD) or the "response to intervention" (RTI). Gerber raises questions and concerns about the theoretical and practical aspects of a response-to-intervention model on either a small- or large-scale basis. Guiding questions for this response include an examination of (a) changing roles of teachers and diagnosticians; (b) responsibility for fidelity of treatment implementation; (c) applications in secondary settings; (d) consistency of implementation from local to state to national levels; and (e) differentiation of LD from other disabilities. An alternative to both RTI and present procedures is proposed. Conclusions are discussed with respect to existing research-based evidence.  相似文献   

专题学习网站“自主学习设计五策略模式”应用效果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章验证了专题学习网站"自主学习设计五策略模式"的有效性,采用问卷调查结合访谈的方法,以《南方花卉》专题学习网站为例,从知识结构体系、学习目标、导航策略、教师导学、自我评价系统、对自主学习设计的认同程度六个方面进行调查,论述了"五策略"模式的应用效果。  相似文献   

Promoting mental health and well-being for children and young people in the UK has attracted increasing prominence in recent years and has been a focus for government strategy within health and education. Training and practice in educational psychology has increasingly focused on developing skills and expertise to provide therapeutic support within school contexts, at an early stage of need. One approach, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), has been heralded as an effective, evidence-based intervention for anxiety. This research examines the factors influencing the outcomes of a group CBT-based intervention, run by an Educational Psychologist (EP), in a school setting. The findings suggest that influential variables included pupil identification, measures of change applied and the role of school staff. It is concluded that EPs can play a key role in increasing access to psychological therapies, alongside considering due caution in relation to the application of traditional clinical approaches in school contexts.  相似文献   

This article is a follow-up to an earlier article (Bednarz and Janvier, 1982) which presented the results of a research study on the understanding of numeration by primary school children. That study pointed out the main difficulties children meet in learning numeration, presented a theoretical framework that made explicit a conception of numeration different from the one considered in current mathematics teaching, and also proposed a reference framework utilizable for learning and evaluating this notion. The experimentation in a classroom announced at the end of the article, was undertaken from 1980 to 1983 with the same group of children from the time they were in first grade (6–7 years old) to the third grade (8–9 years). The theoretical and reference frameworks developed in the former research study proved to be effective for developing a constructivist approach leading children to build a meaningful and efficient symbolism of number.This article is mainly devoted to presenting the results of this three year longitudinal study (part C). At first, we shall characterize briefly our intervention based on a constructivist approach of numeration (part A). Also we shall describe the conditions under which the experimentation was carried out, and the means used to evaluate the impact on the pupils (part B).  相似文献   

Two studies investigating the relationship betweenphoneme awareness and word reading ability in Downsyndrome (DS) are reported. The first study included33 Brazilian individuals with DS (mean age = 23years). They all had begun to read and all showedclear signs of phonological recoding skills. Thirty-three normal children (mean age = 7 years),matched with the individuals with DS for readingability, participated as controls. The second studyincluded individuals with DS with a wider range ofreading ability: a group of 46 readers (mean age = 22years) and a group of 47 nonreaders (mean age = 18years). The results question Cossu, Rossini, andMarshall's (1993a) claim that phoneme awareness is notrelated to alphabetic reading acquisition in DS.Although the individuals with DS who participated inthe first study performed rather poorly on a task thatpresupposes the ability to explicitly manipulatephonological representations, they performed quitewell on a task assessing the ability to detectphonemic similarities in words. We suggest that it wasthis ability that enabled them to acquire phonologicalrecoding skills as well as they did, despite theircognitive limitations. The results of the second studywere consistent with this interpretation. The abilityto detect phonemic similarities in wordssignificantly differentiated between the readers andthe nonreaders, even after we controlled forvariations in letter knowledge, intelligence, andchronological age.  相似文献   

Research has shown that rates of clinical anxiety levels are higher among young people with an ASD than their typically developing peers. This study conducted an exploratory investigation into the impact of a specifically tailored CBT group programme on anxiety levels in young people with ASD. The 12 week CBT programme was delivered to 12 children with a diagnosis of ASD in a children’s disability team in Ireland. An embedded mixed methods design was utilised and inferences were drawn by collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data separately. Findings indicate CBT can be delivered successfully to a group of children with ASD. As is the nature of an embedded design, quantitative findings are reported as supportive evidence for the qualitative findings of this study. The positive preliminary findings suggest a rigorous, large scale evaluation is needed to determine the overall effectiveness of the programme with this population.  相似文献   

用固相反应法制备了La2/3Cai/3-xBaxMnO3系列样品,利用Rietveld方法精修晶体结构,结果表明,当x≥0.20时,样品由正交结构(Pnma)转变为六方结构(R-3c).本文详细介绍了Rietveld精修过程并分析了Sr2++、Ba2+对材料结构的影响.  相似文献   

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