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Twenty years ago, it was widely expected that the HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa would lead to a severe deterioration in the educational outcomes among a rapidly expanding orphan population. This article reviews the extent to which this happened by analysing recent national household survey evidence from five high HIV prevalence countries, namely Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The main findings are that while some orphans continue to be educationally disadvantaged in some countries, the overall sizes of already quite small enrolment and educational attainment differentials between orphans and non-orphans have not significantly increased in any of these countries. The main reasons for this are the overall decline in the orphan population (due to the mass availability of life-prolonging anti-retro viral medication), free primary education, lower levels of absolute poverty, and targeted support of various kinds for orphans by governments and NGOs.  相似文献   

中外网络教育发展的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络教育的发展受很多因素的影响。该文从文化理念、政府支持、基础设施、技术水平、媒介内容、产业结合六个方面来分析中外网络教育发展的不同。通过比较,来借鉴国外的先进观念、技术,推进中国网络教育的发展。  相似文献   

UNESCO suffers from two structural incompatibilities. The first is between the breadth of its stated goals and paucity of its financing. The second is between the countries who largely finance the organization and the many other countries who claim its benefits. As a consequence the functions of UNESCO are not critical to the interests of the financing member states. Other UN agencies with similar dilemmas have sought solutions to critical problems as seen by industrial democracies and to attract external budgetary resources as to finance these activities. It is suggested that UNESCO should do the same.  相似文献   

This editorial paper presents 11 papers related to the special issue proposed by UNICEF on the Education Response to COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic provoked an education emergency of unprecedented scale. At its onset in February 2020, school closures were announced in the worst-hit countries. At the peak of the crisis, 90 per cent of learners worldwide had had their education disrupted. Some learners, especially those from the most marginalised population groups, were put at risk of permanent dropout, provoking long-term and significant negative effects on children’s life-long wellbeing and the socio-economic development of their communities and countries. This special issue, which received contributions from UNICEF staff and various researchers, focuses on the impact of school closures, the effectiveness of remote learning solutions, equity implications, the mitigation of learning loss and notions around re-opening better. Different research perspectives and evidence is gathered to help strengthen policy considerations and future planning. The conclusion emphasizes building on the innovative solutions generated by the response to the crisis to make education systems more resilient, whilst also reinforcing the focus on equity and inclusion so that pre-existing disparities are not exacerbated in the future.  相似文献   

Global education goals have many aims, among them universal basic schooling, universal literacy and numeracy, and gender equality. We use unique, nationally representative data on adult learning outcomes to examine the link between schooling and literacy in ten low- and middle-income countries. We simulate scenarios of increasing school grade attainment, increasing learning per year, and achieving gender equality, and examine learning outcomes in each. In six of the ten countries only about half or less of younger adults (aged 18−37) with primary completion as their highest schooling can read a few sentences without help. Simulations show that achieving universal primary completion would still leave many adults functionally illiterate: in India nearly a third of adults would still be unable to read. Our simulations further show that, while achieving equality of schooling attainment would produce improvements in women’s literacy, in many countries this would still leave a third of women unable to read. Gender equality of learning per year produces very little gain as, once in school, girls’ learning nearly matches that of boys. In nearly all countries steepening the learning profiles for all students to the best-performing of the ten countries would lead to greater gains in literacy for women than achieving gender equality in both schooling and learning. Achieving learning for all will require both eliminating gender gaps but also improving how much is learned while in school.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的迅速增长与国际地位的不断提升,全球学习汉语的人越来越多,汉语正随着中国的崛起而走向世界,成为世界范围内一种重要语言。国家面向中亚地区汉语教育与推广战略的实施,进一步推动了中国与中亚教育交流与合作的发展,越来越多的中亚学生加入到汉语学习的行列中来。中亚来华留学生人数激增。新疆得天独厚的区域优势,成为发展留学生教育的亮点。文章探讨了如何充分发挥新疆的"区域软实力",发展留学生教育,并以留学生教育合作为契机,塑造新疆的区域形象,提升新疆的"区域软实力",以进一步拓展新疆与中亚之间教育合作的空间。  相似文献   

依附论是一种研究发达国家和欠发达国家之间关系的理论。将依附论分析模式应用到比较教育领域对比较教育研究具有重要意义。因为依附论自身理论上的缺陷,所以依附论分析模式在比较教育中的应用也伴随着众多的争议。不论是依附论分析模式对比较教育的重要意义还是争议,都对探索今天高等教育发展的道路具有启示作用。  相似文献   

不同国家的文化渊源决定了双语教学的定义和模式的不同。我国对双语教学模式的研究依然还处于起步阶段。本文借鉴了国际上主流的四种双语教学模式,分析了我国实施双语教学的特殊背景,论述了选择双语教学模式的相关因素,并最终提出了一些操作性较强的双语教学模式。  相似文献   

教育信息化管理是国家教育信息化中各要素的有序运行,进而实现教与学的变革目标的支撑与保障。近几年来.各国在其教育信息化政策文件中都将教育信息化管理视为重要领域。本文从宏观、中观和微观三个层次出发.重新认识教育信息化管理:并将关注点聚焦于中观层次——学校层面的教育信息化管理,在分析、反思国内目前发展状况的基础上,指出我国在面向信息化的学校领导力方面同国际先进水平存在较大差距;接着重点分析澳大利亚教育信息化管理中的政策,以资为信息化管理政策制定者提供借鉴。最后文章通过分析多国的发展经验、教训来寻找教育信息化管理的新动向,预测我国教育信息化管理的下一步发展是走向管理职责和领导艺术的融合。  相似文献   

马丁·路德出于对宗教的虔诚对"因信称义"作出了新的宗教解释,并在宣传其宗教观点的同时强调阅读《圣经》的重要性,从而大力推行对民众的文化教育。对民众的文化教育加速了教育的世俗化,世俗化的教育打破了罗马教会的教育垄断权,致使教育权力转移到世俗国家手中,教育的世俗化以及教育权力的转移是西欧现代早期国家形成不可缺少的因素。  相似文献   

Behind the High Achievement of East Asian Students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Singapore are the only East Asian countries in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), but students in these 4 countries outperformed their counterparts in the TIMSS mathematics test. An examination of the student background information showed that there was little commonality among the 4 countries which can be used to explain the superior achievement of their students. The only common background data for the 4 places were their high population density and large class size, which are, in general, not considered favorable factors for achievement. An investigation of the TIMSS attitude data also failed to locate common attitudes that were unique to the 4 countries and which can be used to explain the high achievement of their students. The questionnaire data however indicated that the superior results of the East Asian students might have been achieved at the expense of other aspects of the development of the students. The results also showed that students in the 4 countries displayed relatively negative attitudes towards mathematics, including the lack of confidence in doing mathematics. The predominant Confucian culture in the 4 countries will be discussed in an attempt to explain the negative attitudes of the East Asian students, but it is not clear how these cultural values can be used to explain their superior achievement.  相似文献   

The results for TIMSS population 2 in Sweden indicated that Swedish student achievement in mathematics was average. There were even mass media reports that indicated that Swedish students had some of the lowest results in mathematics. The issue that is addressed in this article is whether the performance of Swedish students is average or even low. To answer this, the basis of comparison between the different countries needs to be discussed. Mass media, for example, based its comparison on all 45 countries participating in TIMSS population 2 and in its national TIMSS report, the Swedish National Agency for Education presented a different selection of countries. The report compared the results of the 25 countries that met the sampling requirements set by the TIMSS International Study Centre. This focuses the discussion on what approaches are used when comparing results from different countries in an international comparative study. In this article the TIMSS results, as presented by the Swedish National Agency for Education, are compared with the results obtained with other methodological approaches. The comparison is based on the importance of three variables for the results of the comparison: equal number of years in school, the selection of countries, and the contents of the textbooks in the different countries. The results indicate that the number of years in school, as well as the content of the textbooks in each country, are important factors when comparing the results for different countries.  相似文献   

美国教育依附理论流派的代表人物阿尔特巴赫是当代著名的国际比较高等教育学家,他运用了依附论的中心———边缘与新殖民主义的观点对国际高等教育教育进行比较研究,认为西方发达国家与第三世界国家之间在教育上存在着控制与被控制的不平等关系,广大第三世界国家在世界学术系统中处于边缘地位。由此,阿尔特巴赫对发展中国家的高等教育提出了一种新型的思考模式,也为我国创建世界一流大学提供了启示。  相似文献   

丹麦是一个工、农业生产都较为先进 ,教育也较发达的国家 ,也是世界上实施义务教育比较早的国家 ,而特殊教育的水平在欧洲各国中也是名列前茅的 ,当然也存在着这样那样的问题。本文从丹麦的教育、特殊教育和特殊师范教育三个方面入手 ,简要地阐述丹麦特殊教育发展的基本情况和存在的问题 ,以期为我国特殊教育的进步提供一些参考 ,提高我国的特殊教育发展水平。  相似文献   

当前我国体育教学评价的现状及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对中关两国体育教学评价的比较,分析我国与美国体育教学评价的现状,提出改革的措施,为体育教学评价的发展趋势进行理论上的研究.  相似文献   

特殊教育教师资格制度的比较研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
特殊教育教师是教育中不可或缺的师资.国际上对特殊教育教师普遍采取"教师资格证书 特殊教育专业资格证书"的双证书资格制度.在教师职前培养和在职培训中规定必修的特殊教育专业学分.建立中国特色的特殊教育教师资格制度需要研究和处理四个关系:义务教育教师与非义务教育教师的关系,特教师范专业与非特教师范专业毕业生的关系,特殊学校专业课教师与专业技术人员的关系,特殊学校(班)教师与普通学校随班就读教师的关系.  相似文献   

老年教育在全球人口老龄化的趋势下成为各个国家关注的热点问题,如何使老年人更好地享受生活,发挥余热,教育政策具有举足轻重的作用。美国老年教育政策的演进过程中,经由多次老龄问题会议的研讨和诸项法案的制定与修正,不断地谋求改善,以符合社会实际的需求,增进老年教育的发展与落实。逐步从消极的社会福利取向转变为积极的教育服务导向。尽管美国老年教育政策也具有无法忽视的弱点和盲区,但是其老年教育政策给我们的启示是多方面的:完善老年教育法律,促进具体方案执行;发展多元办学体系,丰富老年教育内容;提高老年群体参与,重视老年人力开发。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试考生流失现象分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育自学考试(自考)是我国高等教育的一种重要形式,考生流失是自考中的一种普遍现象。流失原因分析对自考管理方法的改革有着重要的意义。本文是对过去7(2001—2007)年的自考数据库进行分析整理,通过科学定义流失的概念,提取流失样本,统计出自考是目前远程教育流失率两倍的结论;并合理选择影响考生流失的主要因素,运用数据挖掘中聚类方法与常规统计分析方法结合,得到流失考生的大体分布。  相似文献   


This paper examines some of the problems of periodisation that arise in attempts to compare historical developments in the education systems of two or more countries.  相似文献   

泰国北部华文教育的现状与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华文教育是指对汉语言文字的教育。它作为保存和弘扬中华文化、维系民族意识的一种重要精神纽带,素来受到移居海外的华侨华人的重视。泰国是东南亚重要的国家,也是海外华人华侨较集中的国家。通过对泰国北部地区(以下简称泰北地区)清迈府、清莱府和大谷地、美斯乐等华人村亲身考察,掌握了泰北地区华文教育发展基本现状,分析了泰北地区华文教育的现状及其特点,并提出了改进的几点对策和建议。  相似文献   

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