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This study investigates media uses and preferences across two generations and across television and video games. Path analyses using data from 335 families show that the number of hours of television viewed by the first generation (parents at age 30) positively predicts the amount of television use by their offspring in the second generation 18 years later, as well as their own amount of television viewing at that time. The analyses also show that the amount of video game playing among offspring is significantly related to their own as well as their parents' concurrent TV use. While there is no similar longitudinal correlation between a preference for violent television by parents at age 30 and that of their offspring 18 years later, parents' violent television preferences at age 48 are positively correlated with their offspring's concurrent preference for violent television content. Additionally, the violent television preferences of offspring are positively correlated with their own preferences for violent video games. These effects were found while controlling for SES, intellectual achievement, and offspring gender. These results suggest that the amount of time devoted to media use and preferences for violent media generalize across media modalities and are transmitted across generations.  相似文献   

徐惊奇 《兰台世界》2017,(17):105-107
胡济邦跨越新旧中国,既是外交人员,又身兼记者身份,为中国的媒体外交工作做出了较大贡献。胡济邦凭借超高的语言天赋奔走于二战战场,还作为评论员深入分析国际问题,处处体现媒体和外交之间密不可分的联系。  相似文献   

This study of media use during the 2012 presidential election examines whether online use, partisanship, and perceptions of media bias predict time spent with traditionally delivered media. Traditional media lost ground to online sources. Moreover, Obama supporters spent more time with liberal media, Romney backers with conservative media, and regardless of support, attention to neutral media increased. Respondents who thought the media were biased against Obama spent less time with conservative media and more with liberal ones and neutral CNN, while those who judged the media as hostile to Romney spent little time with liberal and neutral media.  相似文献   

This paper attempts a direct comparison of the available alternative channels that can be employed in a cross media publishing scheme. More precisely it examines the content, the publishing speed, and the rhythm of the publishing channels. Interesting conclusions are drawn concerning the characteristics of each channel. A new publishing channel is proposed in order to allow newspapers to directly compete with radio and TV channels.  相似文献   

电视媒体与当代青少年媒介素养教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
媒介对当代青少年成长的影响日益趋强,加强青少年媒介素养教育势在必行。本文试从处于社会转型期的青少年特点入手,探讨作为大众媒介重要组成部分的电视媒体,在促进当代青少年媒介素养教育方面的重要意义、独特优势以及实现途径。  相似文献   

张超  钟新 《编辑之友》2016,(1):76-83
数据新闻是计算机辅助报道和信息可视化的产物,被视为新闻业的未来.但它并非在大数据单一语境下产生,而是多重语境交织的结果.数据新闻契合了媒介融合的趋势,是当代新闻业的一个重要范式转向.目前数据新闻呈现出三种发展模式:调查式数据新闻、常规式数据新闻和即时式数据新闻.从数据新闻的成功实践经验看,数据新闻的生产理念应包含五种意识:内容与用户的关联意识、用数据讲故事的叙事意识、数据可视化呈现的用户体验意识、数据使用的批判意识和数据开发的增值意识.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the measurement invariance of media users’ entertainment experiences as conceptualized by two-process models of entertainment (i.e., enjoyment and appreciation) across different media formats. With this purpose, the present research relates to the recent rise of entertainment research, embracing more and more media types and formats with which entertainment experiences may occur. At the same time, it addresses a methodological issue that has rarely been addressed in communication research. Focusing on one of the most often used measurement instruments in entertainment research, on three different media formats (political talk shows, comedies, and dramas), the study finds evidence for configural, metric, and scalar invariance for the scale. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

信息时代公众面对媒介的机会日益频繁,而公众媒介素养对于传媒又具有非常大的影响.随着"第二媒介时代"的到来,大众传媒在扩张的同时又显现出新的传播特性.因此,界定新时期公众媒介素养的内涵是十分必要的.  相似文献   

These reflections on critical communication and cultural studies of race draw on Bruno Latour's idea of ‘matters of concern’ to propose that scholars expand the focus of inquiry from empirical questions of veracity and accuracy in representations of race to concerns with how (and where) media gather and mobilize sentiments and affective investments that increasingly underwrite quotidian practices of racial inequality and racism in the post racial period.  相似文献   

To a certain extent, the position of radio in Botswana since the colonial period has benefited significantly from recent developments in the media. The potency of radio as a mobile medium; its usefulness for public dialogue and entertainment; and its effectiveness as a less sophisticated technology that is easily accessible and adaptable in remote communities, have ensured that radio remains the most preferred and dominant medium of mass communication in Botswana. The recent introduction of the Internet and digital communication technologies also meant that in Botswana, radio is appropriately situated in the World Wide Web and mobile phones.  相似文献   

This study examines patterns of news consumption across multiple media platforms and relates them to civic participation. Analyzing a national sample of close to 25,000 respondents, nearly half the adult population in America is classified as news “Avoiders,” and the other half as “News-seekers.” Testing the relationship between civic participation and news consumption for each of 6 media platforms individually, and to an overall index combining those sources into 1 measure, the results show a positive relationship with civic participation, but the influence of Total News Consumption on civic participation is greater for Avoiders than for News-seekers.  相似文献   

中国电视媒体的改革,终于以频道专业化和有线无线电视整合为一体而完成了广电事业的集团化。用历史发展的眼光来看,频道专业化无疑是媒体的一次巨大变革,是中国电视实现跨越式发展的一  相似文献   

韩飞 《出版科学》2016,24(3):44-46
编辑是出版单位的首要生产力。在媒体融合时代,如何培养名编辑成为出版单位亟需解决的难题。本文分析在媒体融合进程中名编辑难培养的原因,提出六大对策,以期解决相关问题。  相似文献   

To measure relationships between Olympic media viewing and nation-based attitudes, 6 nations (Australia, Bulgaria, China, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and the United States) were surveyed in the 5 days immediately after the 2012 London Olympics. A total of 1,025 respondents answered questions pertaining to four measures of nationalism: patriotism, nationalism, internationalism, and smugness. The amount of Olympic viewing resulted in significantly higher scores for patriotism, nationalism, and smugness, but not internationalism. In addition, differences by nation are reported, revealing considerable differences in nationalism measures among the 6 nations studied; for instance, the United States was the lowest of the 6 nations regarding internationalism yet highest of the 6 nations regarding smugness. Conclusions related to theory and the role of Olympic media content are offered.  相似文献   

Harris offers a brief preliminary deconstructive reading of archives–memory nexuses. The reading is positioned in relation to what he sees as a paucity of engagement between archivy and the emerging memory industry. While, at one level, the essay is simply a reading of Jacques Derrida and Paul Ricoeur within archives–memory nexuses, at another, it is an attempt to demonstrate how troubled, and troubling, these nexuses are. Harris ranges from theoretical to anecdotal, conceptual to political, and argues that archives and memory are best understood as genres of the trace.  相似文献   

In an earlier period of mass communication research, scholars were more adventuresome in advancing “new” theories and less hesitant to “create” theory. The 1970s, in particular, bore witness to the emergence of several such theories—from the knowledge gap and agenda-setting to cultivation. Scholars have generated substantial literatures elaborating work in these and other traditions. Those contributions are now sufficiently robust that it is time to direct some of our energies toward synthesizing theories. This article nominates third-person perception as a candidate for such integration. Several prominent theories of media effects in the mass communication literature are selected to illustrate how the theories can or have been integrated. Results from three surveys provided evidence that the theories of third-person perception, agenda-setting and cultivation can be interrelated. The proposition examined here can serve as a model for further integration of other media theories. This integration attempt harkened back to the times when theory building in media effects was more common and perhaps more optimistic about explaining processes of influence.  相似文献   

罗杰斯的人本主义教学理念主要内容是:创造性活动是由认知和情感合而为一形成整体共同促进来进行的。人天生具有的潜能,要在一种真实、信任、理解的人际关系中得以实现。新型的师生关系必须具备三个要素:真实、奖赏和移情性理解。中西文化蕴含的个性特征具有表层和深层差异,这种差异需要依据人本主义教学理念,通过教育者的积极导入和潜移默化,转化为学习者内在的基本素质,使其知识、素质和能力相互统一、彼此促进。人本主义教学理念对传媒人才文化素质培养的启示是:确立新型的师生关系,突出教育者在中西文化因素导入进程中的引导作用,强调教育者在中西文化因素导入实践活动中的可操作性做法。  相似文献   

Across the Desk:     
《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(25-26):235-251
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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