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This study aims to explore the relationships between the third sector and the educational system in Israel in light of their current increasing involvement with one another. This was investigated along four stages of the policy process ranging from initial agenda-setting to final implementation. The stage of policy these relationships reached was determined by the scope of change they demanded and by their ability to engage the mediation of an elite. This qualitative research revealed that third sector organisations seeking to create a counter-hegemony were stopped at early stages of the policy process. Organisations that helped to maintain the existing order reached the implementation stage and executed the Education Ministry??s policy.  相似文献   

The perspective from which a less powerful social group views a “dominant” group—either as another culture or as a co‐culture —influences the structure and function of its strategies for communicating with the “dominant” group. Four recurring patterns of communication between groups with asymmetrical power relationships are analyzed using the theory of the coordinated management of meaning.  相似文献   

Because of a proposed policy, public school teachers in Hawaii are facing the possibility of being randomly tested for illegal drugs. Random drug testing has many implications and its impact is questionable. In this article, the author scrutinizes the controversial drug-testing policy for both troubling and promising aspects and how educators may perceive it. Is this a safety issue or an invasion of privacy issue?  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - The purpose of this study is to discuss notions of femininity and masculinity in situations of argumentation among Swedish upper-secondary students who are...  相似文献   


In the decades around 1900, reformers in virtually all industrialising countries debated boys’ manual training as a new subject for primary education. This contribution discusses the German debates on and institutions of manual training from a transnational perspective. The focus is on the German Association for Manual Training founded by Emil von Schenckendorff in 1886 and its Training College for Teachers established one year later in Leipzig, which notably organised summer courses where teachers received supplementary training in manual skills. The Training College soon developed into a centre for manual training instruction of European and global significance. This article discusses the Training College in Leipzig as a portal for educational globalisation. Its two directors Woldemar Götze and Alwin Pabst, on the one hand, transferred Scandinavian, French and American ideas and practices to the German context. On the other hand, foreign experts visited and referred to the Training College in order to enhance reforms in their respective countries. Especially after his trip to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904, Pabst enthusiastically embraced American education and – albeit with limited success – planned to transform the Training College into a model school and new education research centre. Moreover, Pabst theoretically reflected on processes of cultural development and cultural transfers, largely following the ideas of historian Karl Lamprecht. Manual training, in this respect, appeared as a panacea for constructing a genuinely modern and cosmopolitan society.  相似文献   


This study examines the self-concept of criminology and criminal justice students, vis-`a-vis the perceptions held of them by non-criminology and criminal justice students, using a framework of symbolic interactionism. The data in this study were obtained from a sample of both criminology and criminal justice students and non-criminology and criminal justice students attending a large state university in north Texas. The findings reveal a lack of consensus among perception patterns held by criminology and criminal justice students and non-criminology and criminal justice students. Implications regarding the future of criminology and criminal justice education follow.  相似文献   


This essay is a response to the special issue call on the theme of Shifting to digital: Informing the rapid development, deployment, and future of teaching and learning. In this essay, the author first described the needs of student-centered learning that emerged from the current full-scale online teaching and learning practice due to the pandemic. With these needs, the author revisited the published article of A design framework for enhancing engagement in student-centered learning: own it, learn it, and share it (Lee and Hannafin, in Educ Technol Res Dev 64(4):707–734, 2016), discussed its value, application, and future development.


This article draws on hundreds of letters that formed German children’s correspondence with their parents, other relatives, teachers and friends, written mostly between the 1780s and 1850s. Through this study, we see the part literacy played in transformations of bourgeois childhood in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe. The article further investigates how children used letters as a means of learning sociability and building relationships within kinship networks. Historians of education have sometimes treated children’s writing as secondary to more authoritative records. Yet we miss something important about the history of literacy education if we disregard children’s writing or use it only superficially. This article considers the genre of children’s letter writing, exploring the conventions and typical subjects which contributed to the social purpose of correspondence. Letter writing is examined as a paedagogic exercise, including the preoccupation with the medium which filled children’s letters and evidence of instruction in letter writing. It demonstrates that letters fostered the participation of middle- and upper-class children in household affairs, kinship networks and cultural spheres connected through school friends and parents’ acquaintances from very young ages. Children’s correspondence documents a lifelong process in the making of class cultures and forging of social ties.  相似文献   

This article offers a critique of consumer culture that draws on Augustine’s vision of human consciousness, exploring consumerism’s formative effects on the memory, attention, and imagination of consumers. Drawing on William Cavanaugh’s analysis of consumers’ disposition of detachment, it explains how consumer culture distorts memory, attention, and imagination in consumers. It addresses the effects of consumerism on declarative, episodic, and procedural memory, on open awareness and concentration, and on intellectual, fantasy, empathy, and strategic imagination. The author suggests that religious educators should consider their work a form of reattachment therapy.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that the ‘sophomore slump’ (dissatisfaction and disengagement of second year students in the US) may also be observed in other countries, including the UK. However, no studies have reported on the effects of support interventions on student perceptions. This study used the DREEM-S survey, a modification of the validated Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure, to monitor changes in student perceptions of their educational environment over a three-year period for 690 students in a large UK faculty. While the initial survey detected decreased satisfaction in all areas of their educational environment amongst second-year students, the follow-up study, after the introduction of additional support resources, no longer showed this decrease. Other changes in student perception, notably increased stress and tiredness reported by first-year students, were also observed during this time period. Other areas of concern, particularly the factual content of programmes and the ability of students to memorise all that they need, were identified as issues to be addressed. While this study may indicate the effectiveness of introducing on-line support resources to help students adapt to the increased requirements of second-year study, further studies are needed to determine whether the ‘second-year slump’ is as persistent a feature of UK higher education as it is in the US. This study highlights the value of educational environment surveys in identifying areas of educational practice that would benefit from closer attention, as well as the changes in student perceptions across and between years.  相似文献   

This article is about the deaf education methods debate in the public schools of Toronto, Canada. The author demonstrates how pure oralism (lip-reading and speech instruction to the complete exclusion of sign language) and day school classes for deaf schoolchildren were introduced as a progressive school reform in 1922. Plans for further oralist reforms in 1945 brought significant opposition from a deaf political organisation – the Ontario Association of the Deaf (OAD).

The author situates the Toronto battle over methods between progressive educators and deaf people in the longer historical and larger transnational context of debates over oral and manual methods. The author’s examination of the Toronto methods debate raises and answers crucial critical questions about the contested nature of progressive school reforms by examining grassroots responses to reform. The author also places significant emphasis on the effects of reforms on deaf young people who received instruction. The pure oralist method was never as successful for deaf young people as oralists claimed it could be. Yet deaf youngsters felt more ambivalent about the methods than hearing school officials and parents, and deaf adults, did. Historical issues in deaf education that the author examines continue to be controversial today.  相似文献   

Oscar Wilde is perhaps the most well-known historical homosexual in the public imagination. However, for a new generation of queers less connected to “gay” labels, Wilde appears other and forgettable. To reanimate Wilde's memory for twenty-first-century queers and ensure his legacy going forward, I read the 1997 Oscar Wilde monument in Dublin, Ireland. Through discursive, visual, and material analyses, I argue the monument first complicates Wilde's sexuality, casting doubt on his gay label. Second, the monument reframes Wilde as the practitioner of a proto-queer sensibility. In doing so, the monument marks historical anachronisms and renders Wilde a more resonant figure for contemporary queer audiences.  相似文献   

Classroom discussions have become a centerpiece of reform efforts in science education because talk mediates the joint co-constructing of knowledge in science classrooms. Although decades of research underscore the importance of talk in supporting science learning, the science education community continues to grapple with how to support teachers and students in navigating the uncertainty that is associated with doing knowledge building work. To address these challenges, we must examine not just what gets constructed (the scientific ideas), but how knowledge is co-constructed by teachers and students (the process of building those ideas) amidst uncertainty. In this study, we propose a conceptual tool for identifying organizational, epistemic, and interpretive metadiscourse markers (MDMs) in science talk. We highlight how teachers and students use these three types of MDMs as they navigate uncertainty while connecting ideas within and across multiple turns of talk, leveraging resources for knowledge building, and making interpretations about one another's ideas. We conclude with a set of suggestions for how researchers and teachers can utilize this framework to attend to the ways that MDMs index the organizational, epistemic, and interpretive dimensions of uncertainty in the knowledge building process.  相似文献   

This article focuses on senses, emotions and cultural practices such as writing, reading and speaking in West Germany after 1945. The period immediately following the end of the Second World War – the so-called Stunde Null, or “zero hour” – has generally been seen as a time of new beginnings, also with regard to cleansing the German language and breaking the silences of the past. This historical examination of sensory-emotional and material contexts and related cultural practices takes as its source Hanns-Josef Ortheil’s autobiographical novel Die Erfindung des Lebens (The Invention of Life), published in 2009. Ortheil’s novel is about a child’s enormous struggle to learn how to feel, see, read, write and speak. This so-called “ego document”, told by a first-person narrator, focuses on the links between things, objects, senses, emotions, and the acquisition of cultural skills and techniques while at the same time providing subtle commentary on post-war West German society.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and evaluation of an interactive, narrative-based, multimedia game to promote learning and communication about sexual violence and health topics. High school-aged participants created the game concept in a three-week workshop, after which assets were assembled and refined by a university-based game design lab. The outcome, Lucidity, was a multimedia game with a nonlinear narrative that led to two different outcomes based on player decisions. The narrative followed the life of one character, an African American woman named Zaria who remembers and grapples with a sexual assault from her past. The player discovers parts of the story by reading comics, watching videos, navigating interactive websites and playing short videogames. The final evaluation consisted of gameplay, a post-game focus group and follow-up interviews. Twenty-four young people participated in three focus group discussions (n = 9, n = 5, n = 10); 23 participated in the follow-up interviews. Salient themes identified in the focus group discussions included: overall approval of the game, the acquisition of new knowledge and minimal past exposure to conversations or education about sexual violence. At follow-up, almost all (n = 22) had initiated a conversation about sexual violence with a parent, peer and/or teacher. Lucidity succeeded in engaging young people and facilitating communication with adults and peers regarding sexual violence and other sexual health topics. Ultimately, a game-based intervention such as this represents a feasible approach for introducing issues of sexual violence, with potential for future implementation in educational settings.  相似文献   

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