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The loss of localism has been a common trend in most radio markets in Europe and the United States. Deregulation of ownership led to a concentration phenomenon that has affected local radios in several western democracies. New forms of regulation have been considered as possible ways to stop the erosion of localism by applying rules to markets in the defense of diversity, pluralism, and the local dimension. This article analyses the local radio market in Portugal, by assessing the changes in the legislation and by examining the regulatory action that can, according to its remit, act preventively to avoid market forces to harm these principles.  相似文献   

魏明革  陈睿 《编辑之友》2016,(9):108-112
2015年,欧美9家传统主流媒体陆续与社交网络Facebook签署协议,尝试通过后者的“即时文章”项目直接发布部分内容,这种融合方式被某些传统媒体视为“对天使的拥抱”.然而,这种融合方式削弱了传统媒体的差异,消解了读者对媒体的忠诚度,使媒体失去内容的发布权而无法充分实现内容价值,加剧传统媒体收入的不确定性,媒体行业不得不面临“赢家通吃”的困境.因此,这种融合方式在某种程度上又被视为“与魔鬼的签约”.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

知情权和媒体的代表性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过对知情权的界定和媒体代表性的探讨,说明知情权并非媒介所想象的理所当然,而目前媒体的代表性也值得追问,并试图寻求媒体代表公众的途径。  相似文献   

This article examines ideological bias in six large daily newspapers and The Associated Press. The media examined are three to six times more likely to associate ideological labels (or frames) with organizations (think tanks) with a conservative orientation than think tanks having a liberal orientation. This tends to frame the analyses done by conservative think tanks as less objective than the analysis done by liberal think tanks. Regression results suggest that approximately three-fourths of the explained differential in framing rates is due to media bias. The rest is primarily explained by the differential in the “quality” of think tanks.  相似文献   

陈阳 《编辑之友》2015,(7):61-66
新闻敲诈是对媒介话语权的异化,对异化过程的探究有利于揭示新闻敲诈的深层原因.从媒介生态的角度,新闻敲诈是新闻腐败的表现形式,它折射出媒介话语权具有权力与权利叠加的特性,这一特性助长了记者对媒介话语权的滥用.从新闻生产的角度,新闻敲诈侵蚀了传媒话语权的公共性和公开性.从社会结构和功能的角度,新闻媒体位于政府与民众之间,这一中间人的身份为新闻敲诈提供了前提,这也正是新闻敲诈在世界新闻史上屡禁不绝的根本原因.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

本文以西藏"3·14事件"为出发点,从五个方面深入分析了西方新闻媒体的真实属性,包括:西方新闻自由的历史由来;西方新闻学的理论归宿;西方媒体与政府的关系;西方媒体与市场经济、利益集团的关系;西方媒体仍是后冷战的武器.  相似文献   

民族院校图书馆参考咨询工作探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏瑞竹 《津图学刊》2000,(2):113-121
本文结合广西民族学院图书馆的实际 ,对民族院校图书馆参考咨询工作的现状作了介绍。讨论了民族院校图书馆如何围绕馆藏特色和专业设置等特点为少数民族读者开展参考咨询工作的问题 ,并对其远景作出展望。  相似文献   

从社会学的视野观察不同国家传媒的变迁,会发现具有类似的规律.文章认为可将传媒的分化过程区分为社会性分化、市场性分化和政治性分化三种方式或阶段.社会性分化必然产生负面效果,中西方的传媒治理实践证明,政治整合是目前解决这些问题的主要手段.  相似文献   

一、接近权的理论探讨 (一)接近权的概念及提出 受众接近媒介是现代社会的普遍现象。广义的受众接近包含的范围很广,如参与媒介的娱乐节目或媒介发起的社会活动,在媒介上刊播新闻性、文艺  相似文献   

媒介与传播研究领域在北欧是一个相对年轻的学科。国内学界对这一学科在北欧各国的产生、确立以及最新的变动知之甚少。本文在介绍该学科在北欧的产生历史与发展现状的基础上,着重描述了学科存在的问题与北欧学者的反思,问题及其反思或将促进我们对中国媒介与大众传播研究的进一步思考。  相似文献   

This is a study on international news flow based on a computerized analysis of foreign news coverage of national leaders in seven liberal democracies (Canada, Germany, France, Israel, Italy, the U.K., and the U.S.), encompassing a period of 30 years (N = 266,177). The results attest to a longitudinal trend in the coverage of foreign leaders in the political media of three countries—Canada, the U.S., and the U.K.: the tone is becoming increasingly negative. Two main factors account for these variations. The first is the level of political personalization in foreign coverage: Greater focus on foreign leaders is positively associated with increasing negativity toward these leaders. The second factor relates to proximity between countries: Negativity was found to be inversely and significantly associated with value and geographic proximity and to be inversely associated, with marginal significance, with political and economic proximity.  相似文献   

Abstract A long walk in the “world” of contemporary art gives multiple views of interlocking ecologies that, in their particularities, contradict the stereotypes suggested by language, invert “north” and “south,” question what is “traditional” in artistic practices, reflect on the intermix of society and art, glimpse the colonial mind in postmodern dress, and illuminate a restless subculture of professional migrants. What does our ramble reveal about the institution of contemporary art? “Diversity” hardly seems an adequate word.  相似文献   

本文从西方传媒的视角剖析了苏联东欧社会主义剧变的外在动因,论述了西方资本主义传媒对社会主义和平演变的战略图谋、主要媒体以及主要策略手段,揭示了西方传媒为资本主义服务的本质面目.在传媒全球化的今天,这对于我们牢固坚持中国先进文化的前进方向,自觉抵御西方和平演变具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

媒介融合语境下西方国家广播电视规制的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着数字化、融合化的发展,视听新媒体层出不穷,广播电视产业和电信产业边界日益模糊,渠道、内容、平台和终端融合也成为必然趋势,这些改变着广播电视产业的传媒生态和行业结构。在融合化的语境下,西方国家普遍调整广播电视规制理念、范式、内容、手段等。例如,放松结构规制,调整行为规制;规制理念从公共利益至上转变为消费者利益至上;允许广播电视与电信互联互通、对等进入等。以实现维护公共利益和鼓励效率与竞争的规制目标。  相似文献   

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