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The Concept of Effects: Recognizing our Personal Judgments

Andrew Crisell. Understanding radio. New York: Methuen, 1986. 236 pp. $29.95 (cloth), $10.95 (paper)

Michael C. Keith. Radio programming: Consultancy and formatics. Stoneham, MA: Focal Press, 1987. 196 pp. $21.95 (paper)

Teun A. van Dijk. News as discourse. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1988. 200 pp. $24.95 (cloth)

Philip Collins. Radios: The golden age. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1987, 119 pp. $25.00 (cloth), $14.95 (paper)  相似文献   

The Soap Opera, Muriel G. Cantor and Suzanne Pingree (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1983), 167 pp., $17.50/ $9.95.

Life on Daytime Television: Tuning‐in American Serial Drama, Mary Cassata and Thomas Skill (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1983), 214pp., $28.50/$15.95.

Milestones in Mass Communication Research, Shearon Lowery and Melvin L. DeFleur (New York: Longman, 1983), 398 pp., $24.95/$12.95.

Television Production, 2d ed., Alan Wurtzel (New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1983), 632 pp., $26.95.

Television Production Handbook, 4th ed., Herbert Zettl (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1984), 614 pp., $26.95.

Blacks and White TV: Afro‐Americans in Television Since 1948, J. Fred MacDonald (Chicago: Nelson‐Hall, 1983), 288 pp., $23.95/$11.95.

Images of Nurses on Television, Philip A. Kalisch, Beatrice J. Kalisch and Margaret Scobey (New York: Springer Publishing, 1983), 214 pp., $22.50.

Prime Time Crime: Criminals and Law Enforcers in TV Entertainment, Linda S. Lichter and S. Robert Lichter (Washington, DC: The Media Institute 1983), 64 pp., $5.95.

Television Programming Across National Boundaries: The EBU and OIRT Experience, Ernest Eugster (Dedham, MA: Artech House, 1983), 238 pp., $50.00.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of social scientists’ information seeking and use of scholarly journals to support scholarly communication and information needs. The goals of the study are: to explore the characteristics of information needs for social scientists; to discuss the importance of scholarly journals to social scientists and their information seeking and access means; to identify article reading patterns of social scientists; and to make comparisons between scholarly journals use and reading patterns of social scientists and other scientists in Taiwan and the USA. The author used a questionnaire survey and interview methods to investigate the information seeking, use and reading of scholarly journals, and article deep reading patterns of social scientists. The target population was social science faculty members from National Cheng-chi University in Taiwan. The article explores the characteristics of information needs for social scientists and shows that scholarly journals are important information resources for university social science faculty. Social science faculty in Taiwan use scholarly journals in multiple languages, mainly English, Chinese, German, and Japanese, which is different from scientists in the United States. In addition, they use electronic journals more than print journals. The number of article readings by social science faculty members was approximately 195 readings per year and nearly 440 h were spent reading per year. In contrast to scientists in the United States, the social scientists in Taiwan read fewer readings, spent more time reading, and read older articles. In addition, the study identifies article reading patterns of social scientists and proposes a six-type taxonomy of article deep reading. The study reports the scholarly journal use and reading behavior model of social scientists and shows there are some differences in scholarly journal seeking and use by social science faculty in Taiwan and scientists in the United States. Further studies of scholarly journal and electronic journal use and reading by social scientists across countries, subject disciplines, and languages of journals are needed.  相似文献   

This historical research describes the strategies used by the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and several other periodicals to discuss the incorporation of Lucille Ball's pregnancy into her television sitcom, I Love Lucy. This important media event occurred in the early 1950s and marked the first time that an image of pregnancy and childbirth would be depicted on national television. Although the inclusion of sexual content in the mass media was highly controversial at the time of Ball's pregnancy, this analysis concluded that the press was generally favorable in its treatment of the topic. Journalists highlighted the popularity of the event, praised I Love Lucy creators for their sensitive treatment of the topic, and drew comparisons between characters' on-screen and off-screen lives. This research elucidates the emergence of representations of pregnancy and childbirth on television that are now commonly featured in modern broadcast programming.  相似文献   

社会结构中的大众传媒:身份认同与新闻专业主义之建构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
处于社会结构中的大众传媒,由于受到社会政治权力、经济权力的制约,呈现出独特的传播结构和内在的运行规律.传媒、政府、公众三方构成的传播结构及其在社会中的运行,深刻影响着传媒及其从业者的身份认同的建构,新闻专业主义也由此被建构并因社会和历史环境的变化呈现出不同的面貌.本文旨在厘清社会结构中的传媒、政府、公众之间的复杂关系,寻求一种适合中国国情的新闻专业主义,以助益于正在进一步改革的中国传媒.  相似文献   

本文透过传播媒介不断更新换代的发展历程 ,论述了媒介形态本身对社会结构的巨大影响。最早的传播活动是借助语言和文字进行 ,社会交流的扩大要求人们设想文字书写复制的传播技术。印刷术应用而生 ,其传媒内容的复杂和理解循序渐进的特点 ,造成受众明显的等级差异和交往隔绝。电子媒介打破了传播的文化条件限制 ,特别是电视与网络传播 ,构成了最为广泛的公共领域 ,提供了从未有过的信息共享。而手机短信传播 ,实现了人际传播与大众传播的完满结合、互动及时、信息自主选择 ,也一定程度上打破了公众进入媒介的技术障碍和经济障碍  相似文献   

This study examined threatening background visuals and voice-over differences in televised alcohol warnings. Participants ( N v = v 401) viewed four television adwarning pairs embedded in sports programming. Between-subjects conditions included a threatening visual behind the warning, a non-threatening visual, a plain background, and a no-warning control. Use of a male or female announcer, each using a relatively warm or imperative voice quality, were manipulated within-subject factors. Outcomes included knowledge, cognitive responses regarding warning content and presentation, and perceptions of the risk of the product (beer) shown in the ad. All warnings increased post-test knowledge of alcohol risks relative to control; the largest increase resulted when warnings were accompanied by the threatening visual. Threatening visuals also increased positive thought elaborations about the warning message content and presentation. However, the threatening visuals did not reliably impact perceived risk of beer use, suggesting that threatening visuals influenced responses and knowledge by increasing attention to the warning rather than by increasing perceived threat. These findings are consistent with the EPPM's proposed initial threat appraisal mechanism (Witte, 1992), and further suggest that threatening visuals serve as a heuristic cue motivating increased processing of message content (see Eagly & Chaiken, 1993), rather than an influence via a peripheral route as suggested by the ELM (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). Interactions between drinking level and announcer gender and vocal quality variables were also found, but contributed only trivially to explained variance.  相似文献   

Information access is central to library and information science, yet explorations of its conceptual nature have been limited. Given the importance of information access to the discipline, there is a need for research to create a better understanding of the concept and its many roles in all activities and behaviors related to information. Drawing on the theoretical work of Elfreda Chatman, this article proposes that the study of information access can be facilitated through the recognition and examination of the physical, intellectual, and social aspects of information access. These types of access are examined through three case studies in terms of different information behaviors and contexts, with a particular focus on the importance of social access. The article also discusses the future roles that considerations of social access can play in research and theory.  相似文献   


Observers evaluating the competence of communicators use both observed behaviors and traits inferred from these behaviors in their evaluation. In order to understand the process by which these evaluations are made, the manner in which the beliefs about trait/behavior relationships that underlie this process must be understood. Based on analysis of judgments of prototypical “communicators” of different skill levels and of actual people, trait/behavior relationships are, with one exception, similar across competence level and communicative situation.  相似文献   

A comparison of the 1976 and 1984 debates revealed that shot pacing was substantially quicker in 1984, that the panel of reporters received more visual attention in 1984, and that shot patterns depicting the candidates in the 1984 debates changed after the “critical incident”; of each debate. These changes potentially interfere with the comprehension of verbal content of the debates, undermine the political purpose of the encounters, and promote unequal visual treatment of candidates.  相似文献   

This article explores birth representations through a content analysis of two seasons of the U.K. program, One Born Every Minute (OBEM) (Channel 4, 2010–). Reality television (RTV) has been a fertile ground for the mediation of birth, but has also stoked controversy among feminist critics and the birth community about how birth is represented and the impacts this might have for women and society. International research has explored problematic over-representation of white, heterosexual couples, as well as noting a predominance of medicalized birth experiences. However, this research is formed largely of qualitative studies that are necessarily based on small samples of episodes. To contribute to this literature, we apply a quantitative and interdisciplinary lens through a content analysis of two seasons of the U.K. version of OBEM. Paying attention to the geographical and temporal context of OBEM, this article confirms over-representation of white, heterosexual couples and medicalized birth on RTV birth shows while also providing novel insights into the ambiguous representation of birthplace and lead caregivers, the medicalization of birth through the routinization of supposedly minor birth interventions, and the absence of the representation of women’s choice over such interventions.  相似文献   

本文以<中文社会科学引文索引>(2001)所发表的学术论文为指标,对我国社会科学生产力及其结构、分布作了系统研究,并给出了我国社会科学生产力的学科结构、地区结构,以及地区--学科分布.文章最后对我国社会科学生产力作了较为深入的分析.  相似文献   

中国传媒产业市场结构、行为与绩效分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
据摩根斯坦利全球投资报告的统计分析,建立起世界级有竞争力的大企业,传媒业仅需要8年时间,远远快于医药业、银行、电力、能源等行业。可以说,传媒业已经成为继电子信息、制造业、烟草业之后我国排名第四的国家支柱产业,对其产业状况进  相似文献   

Those who speak or write of television effects usually are referring to effects on program viewers. There has been only limited attention paid to the broader societal effects brought about or encouraged by television. One such effect, explored here, is an empirical investigation of the alleged anti‐competitive effects resulting from discounts and price concessions in sale of network television advertising. This report is based on the author's 1971 Ph.D. dissertation completed at Columbia University. Dr. Riesz is an assistant professor of business at the University of Iowa.  相似文献   

The information-seeking behavior of social science faculty studying the Kurds was assessed using a questionnaire, citation analysis, and follow-up inquiry. Two specific questions were addressed: how these faculty locate relevant government information and what factors influence their seeking behavior and use of such information. Results show that besides using traditional methods for locating relevant government information, social science faculty studying the Kurds use the World Wide Web (Web) and electronic mail (e-mail) for that purpose, suggesting that these faculty are aware of, and utilize, new information technology to support their research. Results also show that the information-seeking behavior of social science faculty studying the Kurds is influenced by factors similar to those influencing other social science faculty. Moreover, results also show that accessing the needed materials is a major information-seeking activity that should be added to David Ellis' behavioral model, and that faculty examined here employ somewhat a more elaborate “differentiating” information-seeking activity than the one described in the model. Some elements of interdisciplinarity of Kurdish studies as a field of research have been discovered, however, further research is required to verify that. Implications for library services and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

随着Web2.0技术的发展,社会标注作为网络资源组织的重要方式,已经广泛应用于各种类型的网站。通过深入研究社会标注在卫生社交网络中的应用和存在的不足,提出了建立社会化登陆模式、构建标签库、建立标签自动分类系统、实现个性化推荐机制、进行标签语义分析、设置用户权限等促进卫生社交网络朝着更好方向发展的建议。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the use of social networks and political activism on the Internet by the students of three universities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi during the political crises for the last one year and the emergency imposed by the Government of Pakistan on November 3, 2007. The findings conclude that Internet use by the students promoted democracy, freedom of expression and greater awareness about their rights during the political crises in Pakistan.

The survey method of research was used to collect data. The sample consisted of 420 students studying at the Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, and International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. The questionnaire was sent to the students by email. The survey was administered through SurveyMonkey website. The response rate was 72.23%.

The paper is a useful source of information about how the social networking tools have been influencing and changing communication channels in Pakistan.  相似文献   

The active participation of members is of great importance to the sustainable development of the information resource sharing system. This paper uses China Academic Library &Information System (CALIS) 2018 Chinese online cataloging data to build a sharing network. It employs social network analysis to uncover the reality and explain the effect of members' participation in CALIS co-construction and sharing system. It is found that it presents a long-tailed distribution in the sharing behavior of CALIS members and that the benefit of the whole CALIS sharing system will be further extended with the continuous increase of CALIS members. The central libraries set up by CALIS play a central and intermediary role in sharing network. However, there are certain differences in their roles due to their permissions, region, and other factors. At the same time, regional imbalances and disparities persist in the members' sharing activities. This paper also explores the path of using social network methods to study the member structure and sharing behavior of information resource sharing system.  相似文献   

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