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Using grounded theory, 57 narratives of communication scholars detailing their experiences and relationships with institutional review boards (IRBs) were examined. From this analysis, 24 concepts emerged constituting five larger categories characterizing the communication relationship between communication scholars and IRBs: antagonistic actions of IRBs, negative perceptions of IRBs, actions of researchers, positive perceptions of IRBs, and protagonistic actions of IRBs. Results indicate that the main difference between positive and negative experiences with IRBs was associated with the nature of the relationship between scholars and IRBs. Scholars who saw their IRBs as adversarial bureaucracies had the most negative experiences, whereas scholars who saw their IRBs as partners in the research process had the most positive experiences. Recommendations for how both IRBs and researchers can improve their relationships conclude this essay.  相似文献   

This essay examines the rather complex role of anonymity in communication research as revealed in the narratives submitted to this special issue. First, narratives were examined quantitatively to assess the prevalence of issues related to anonymity, with terms such as “anonymous” and “confidential” emerging most often. Next, a thematic analysis of the narratives suggests five tensions discussed in some detail: anonymity or (not and) confidentiality, over-promising and under-delivering anonymity, to sign and record … or not, named vs. anonymous vs. pseudonymous, and whether institutional review boards (IRBs) should be anonymous. The essay concludes with several applied recommendations for IRBs, researchers, and participants as they confront these tensions linked to the role of anonymity in human subjects research.  相似文献   

本文是对国外20所新闻传播院系的院长、系主任和教授的系列深度访谈的归纳和总结。探讨主题包括新闻传播的社会功能与新闻传播教育的使命、本科硕士博士三个层次教育的培养目标与培养模式、师资结构及其评价体系。基本结论为:新闻传播教育的最终使命是培养有社会责任感的新闻传播工作者,而学生培养模式和师资结构当适应培养目标。  相似文献   

试析跨文化传播中的几个基本问题--兼与童兵先生商榷   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姜飞 《新闻大学》2006,(1):17-27
跨文化传播(或跨文化交际)是人类的一个普遍现象.但,殖民主义打破了不同文化自足的进化方式后,强势文化将强权即真理的逻辑搬到了文化领域,从根本上颠覆了文化正常交往、彼此影响、融合提升的主题,而变成了文化的殖民主义.文化的新殖民主义在全球化背景下不断变幻形式.历史的分析有语境,文化的判断有系数.中国的跨文化传播的研究和实践,更需要在深刻认识这样的语境的基础上,全面检视作为"舶来品"的跨文化传播理论,作出我们当下的思考.  相似文献   

略论图书出版发行中的信息传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了图书出版发行中信息传播的重要性和信息传播的对象,指出书目信息要规范化、标准化,并讨论了信息传播媒体的选择问题.  相似文献   

Traditionally, librarians take a role in connecting researchers with resources. With the advent of the digital age, the nature of research is expanding; there are more, and different, sources of data, ways of collecting data, and methods of analyzing and interacting with data. If librarians are to remain relevant and able to serve their patrons, then they must engage in research as guides or even as partners in the research process. To do this, it is critical that librarians gain an understanding of the nature of research in the digital age and of the frameworks, methodologies, and issues related to digital research. The purpose of this article is to contribute to literature on digital research as it relates to librarianship.  相似文献   

Crisis communication research rarely highlights the voices of marginalized publics or their advocates whose interests are affected by crisis situations. We take a different approach by using a response to a natural disaster to expand our theorizing about crisis situations beyond those that hurt the bottom line. Using official statements from Senators Landrieu and Obama about events surrounding Hurricane Katrina as texts for analysis, we demonstrate how they used transcendence, rhetorically, and appropriated the Bush administration's key term—security—to garner more support for their positions, Katrina sufferers, and relief efforts. Implications of this strategy serve to broaden crisis communication theorizing, and to provide insights into ways to strengthen the quality of crisis emergency response planning and response protocols.  相似文献   

Crisis communication research rarely highlights the voices of marginalized publics or their advocates whose interests are affected by crisis situations. We take a different approach by using a response to a natural disaster to expand our theorizing about crisis situations beyond those that hurt the bottom line. Using official statements from Senators Landrieu and Obama about events surrounding Hurricane Katrina as texts for analysis, we demonstrate how they used transcendence, rhetorically, and appropriated the Bush administration's key term—security—to garner more support for their positions, Katrina sufferers, and relief efforts. Implications of this strategy serve to broaden crisis communication theorizing, and to provide insights into ways to strengthen the quality of crisis emergency response planning and response protocols.  相似文献   

Models of communication processes sometimes require the computation of the difference between two variables. For example, information insufficiency is the difference between what people know and what they think they need to know about an issue, and it can motivate information seeking and processing. Common methods that compute this differential may bias model estimates as a function of the correlation between the differentiated variables and other variables in the model. This article describes the general form of Cohen and Cohen's (1983 Cohen, J. and Cohen, P. 1983. Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.  [Google Scholar]) analysis of partial variance for computing differentials and analyzes simulated data to contrast that method with two alternative methods. The discussion recommends the use of the general form of the Cohen and Cohen method in other areas of communication research, such as studies of third-person perception.  相似文献   

张彦民 《图书情报工作》2000,44(7):37-38,62
从市场需求、传输技术、开放性、PC技术的影响和基于Internet的企业等5个方面,研究与Internet信息服务有关的问题。  相似文献   

This essay describes efforts by the University of Iowa administration and Human Subjects Office to adapt review procedures and interpret federal regulations in ways that were appropriate to the distinctive methodologies of social science and humanistic research, including applied research. Two moments of significant change in those procedures are described and several recommendations are offered for addressing the difficulties institutional review boards and applied researchers encounter when they interact: ask questions and be prepared to respond to them, in person when necessary; be reasonable and accountable and assume the other side is too; recognize that human subjects protection is complicated and that real risks are posed by procedures sometimes assumed to be risk-free by nature. The importance of an adequately funded, well-trained staff is emphasized as the precursor to all of those measures.  相似文献   

从当前信息咨询研究的总体上看,存在的问题还不少,主要表现在研究的深度与广度不够,研究成果的质量达不到形势发展的要求.其基本原因,除了信息咨询研究环境外,关键是信息咨询研究人才缺乏,以致某些工程信息咨询跟踪研究中断,使信息咨询服务的条件无法保证.现就当前信息咨询研究服务中出现的几个基本问题作些探讨.  相似文献   

This essay describes efforts by the University of Iowa administration and Human Subjects Office to adapt review procedures and interpret federal regulations in ways that were appropriate to the distinctive methodologies of social science and humanistic research, including applied research. Two moments of significant change in those procedures are described and several recommendations are offered for addressing the difficulties institutional review boards and applied researchers encounter when they interact: ask questions and be prepared to respond to them, in person when necessary; be reasonable and accountable and assume the other side is too; recognize that human subjects protection is complicated and that real risks are posed by procedures sometimes assumed to be risk-free by nature. The importance of an adequately funded, well-trained staff is emphasized as the precursor to all of those measures.  相似文献   

邮传制度是秦汉国家信息和交通管理的重要制度,传食制度是汉代驿置传舍系统对公务人员招待的一种制度,学界多有研究,文章梳理了睡虎地秦简、张家山汉简、悬泉汉简中涉及传食的内容并加以比较,对传食接待等级、传食钱款来源等问题进行了分析.  相似文献   

杨文祥  付鹏 《图书馆》2005,(3):31-37
图书馆精神与人类的进取精神相一致,是图书馆的本质在人类社会精神形态领域的体现,是在一定社会和历史条件下,人类社会基于对图书馆本质的认识而形成的反映一定图书馆行业观和图书馆价值观的精神形态,是图书馆发挥其社会职能和历史贡献的内在动力。本文分别从图书馆学基础理论研究和人类文明的历史发展两个角度,对这一问题的研究进展进行了简明的综述,对这一问题研究的深化进行了跨学科的系统思考。  相似文献   

The researchers adopted relational dialectics theory (Baxter &; Montgomery, 1996 Baxter, L. A. and Montgomery, B. M. 1996. Relating: Dialogues and dialectics, New York: Guilford Press.  [Google Scholar]) to examine the discourse of 37 bereaved parents. Research questions guiding the study were what dialectical contradictions do bereaved parents experience when communicating with their marital partner after their child's death and how do bereaved parents and their marital partners communicatively negotiate the dialectical contradictions they experience? Our analysis revealed that bereaved parents experienced a dialectical contradiction between trying to grieve their child's death together as a couple and apart as individuals. Likewise, parents experienced a contradiction between being both open and closed when talking with one another about their child's death. Results describe how parents negotiated these contradictions, and implications for professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

A sketch of the development of institutional review boards (IRBs) and the system of human subjects research regulation in the United States is presented, from the Nuremberg Code of 1949 to the Belmont Report of 1979, and continues with several contemporary developments. Conflicts within the system are discussed, particularly those related to the regulatory application of the medical model to social science. Examination of two central documents produced by participants in the IRB regulatory system is presented to illustrate difficulties with current regulation.  相似文献   

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