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“九五”期间中国特殊教育发展的新格局是根据当今中国之国情及未来发展之要求而提出的。近年来,随着国家残疾儿童义务教育的推广,特殊教育的内容发生了很大的变化,传统的特殊教育组织形式(特殊教育学校)已不能适应发展了的特殊教育内容,新的特殊教育组织形式(普通学校附属特教班、特殊儿童在普通学校随班就读)应运而生并极大地推动了中国特殊教育的发展,它的出现有其深厚的理论与哲学基础和很大的实践意义,是历史的必然和时代的选择。内容与形式的原理又要求在发展特教班和随班就读的时候既要发展其数量又要关注其质量。  相似文献   

军事因素对美国高等教育产生重大影响始自第二次世界大战 ,此后这种影响有明显增强的趋势。半个世纪以来美国高等教育的发展过程与三个源自军事目标的法案有着密切联系。当前 ,反恐战争对美国高等教育的影响逐渐显现。军事因素对美国高等教育产生重大作用的原因来自多方面。美国统筹协调高等教育与军事发展的做法具有重要的现实借鉴意义。  相似文献   

特殊教育的生态评估是人类行为与环境之间互动关系在概念上日渐改变的结果。本文就生态评态的重要性、生态评估的概念及特征、生态评估的理论依据,以及生态评估的常用方法进行阐述。同时特别强调生态评估的重点是事先肯定学生都有能力而且可能在不久伪将来就会实际参与生活中的各项活动。  相似文献   

特殊教育需要人道主义的关怀和支持。但如果过分强调“养”而忽视“教”,仅强调人道主义的投入而忽视对残疾人潜能的发掘和利用,这既不符合我国的现实国情,也不符合残疾人的社会化需要。我国特殊教育的出路只能是在对残疾人进行品德、知识教育的同时,培养他们某种职业技能,使他们尽可能自强自立,既能够享受正常人的生活,又能够奉献于社会,从而体现出自己的人格和社会价值。这才是我国特殊教育中人道主义的具体体现。  相似文献   

人道主义是特殊教育的思想基础   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
文章从中外特殊教育的产生和创办人多为医生和教士的史实,论证了我国特殊教育不应强调其经济功能,而应把“人道主义”树为思想基础。  相似文献   

Special education in England has over the past 25 years been subject to rapid development, not least in relation to the emergence of inclusive education. Alan Hodkinson of the Faculty of Education, Community and Leisure, John Moore's University, critically examines the development of inclusion in England and the barriers that can stall the development of this important educational and societal initiative. He discusses the journey towards inclusion from educational segregation to integration and describes the current Government stance on this important subject. Alan Hodkinson suggests that many of the barriers to effective inclusion are in practice located within the loci of Government, local authorities as well as that of schools. He concludes that it is now time to develop a new vision for the education of children with special educational needs and disabilities that is supported by straightforward, co‐ordinated and well‐resourced policies. If educational policy is to achieve an inclusive consciousness, it must ensure that the views of children, their families and educational professionals are listened to, and that inclusion is by the choice of the pupils and their parents and not by compulsion.  相似文献   

According to government policy in Ireland, special needs assistants (SNAs) may be employed in post-primary schools to support students deemed to have chronic and serious care needs. There is currently no national policy regarding the continuing professional development (CPD) of SNAs, to meet the requirements of their role. This study investigated the CPD needs of SNAs, working in post-primary schools, in the Border, Midland and Western region of Ireland. Findings from a survey of SNAs and principals revealed that while the majority agreed CPD for SNAs should be compulsory, an ad hoc approach to provision of CPD prevailed, and barriers to CPD were identified. Findings also indicated that CPD in supporting students with Emotional and Behaviour Disorders was a key requirement identified by principals and SNAs. Supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and promoting student independence were also identified as areas for CPD. The need for a national policy with regard to CPD for SNAs is highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper reports research that evaluated the efficacy of training for education assistants and its impact upon changing practices in a group of private international schools in Hong Kong, China. Two cohorts of education assistants received training through an education institute. The focus was on supporting and fostering inclusive practices in schools. The expectations and perceptions of the education assistants regarding the training was recorded through survey and focus group interviews and discussed alongside international literature in the area of classroom support and inclusive schooling. The paper concludes that the provision of training was successful in meeting education assistants’ expectations and in increasing personal confidence and raising self‐esteem, but that they face many challenges if their learning is to be applied. The research further reveals that education assistants within Hong Kong schools lack clarity in their role and a narrow understanding of how they may be most appropriately utilised within schools has led to a limiting of their deployment. Implications for training providers and the teaching profession are discussed.  相似文献   

本文着重从学前一体化教育的管理、筛查、评估与安置、一体化的教育策略等方面介绍虹口区学前一体化教育的实践。最后,对一体化教育的成效加以分析,得出研究结论  相似文献   

利用互联网的优势条件为教师继续教育提供服务是信息化社会的一个重要特征,教师教育专业网站是这种服务的直接体现。教师的发展需要有学历教育与非学历教育需要、教学技能训练需要、教育教学研究需要、教育交往需要、教育资源拥有需要、排疑解惑需要和社会发展需要等,远程教育网站在满足教师发展需要中具有重要作用,为满足教师发展需要教师教育专业网站应处理好学历教育与非学历教育、资源共享与教育交往等的关系问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to study the development of educational policy in Norway in the field of the unitary school system and to analyse whether the development can be seen as a move towards increasing inclusion. The educational policy, when seen over a long time span, has progressively aimed towards the development of a common compulsory school that has embraced increasingly more groups, across social and geographical divides. At the same time, the development has been characterised by discord and tensions, e.g. between standardisation and differentiation, coordination and special arrangements and organisational and pedagogical differentiation. Gradually, it was stressed that as many pupils as possible should be allowed to live and grow up at home and that special education was to be coordinated with the ordinary school as much as possible. Later on, inclusive education has been clearly formulated as a principle of education. It did assume a broadening of responsibility for the ordinary schools in order to develop an educational programme that can accommodate the diverse learning needs of all pupils. It is pointed out that the policy of the unitary school has to deal with a lot of critical dilemmas for moving further towards inclusion.  相似文献   

新时期我国德育模式研究的理论特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
德育模式已成为我国德育理论研究的独特领域 ,其研究形态表现为一种新的以实践叙事为主体的理论方式。德育模式研究正在寻求对德育体制改革的赋权能力 ,努力成为推动德育实践发展的理性工具 ,它的研究价值已经远远超过其自身的理论价值 ,从指导个人教育行为延伸到指导学校整个教育工作系统和作为实现学校德育的价值载体。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of data collected – by semi-structured interviews and focus groups – from staff working with children with special educational needs (SEN) in England. The analysis highlighted the role of strong emotions, and how participants (unsurprisingly) experienced these differently, largely according to their position in their careers. Teachers’ emotion work and emotional labour in their day-to-day roles were common and powerful themes within the respondents’ experiences. The article identifies the significance of the study for the particular emotional qualities needed to work with children with SEN. The impact of daily demands upon staff is demonstrated, and the article goes on to reflect on the limitations of research on emotions in education. It concludes by examining the emotional characteristics that appear to be essential for a career in SEN and notes the powerful affective demands on those who work in this area.  相似文献   

In Macao, the government has initiated a debate regarding revisions in the Decree Law in order to promote a more inclusive schooling system. In this Special Administrative Region of China, inclusive education is one of three possible types of special education that are likely be legislated in the future. The way the teachers perceive the different aspects related to inclusive education, namely the principles, concepts and law, is essential for its full implementation. The aim of this study is to understand teachers’ perceptions about the proposed amendments in the consultation document for changes in the special education regime. In particular, we focus on teachers’ acceptance of the recommended role of parents, the proposed placement models and expectations for teacher training. A mixed-methods approach with a survey of a sample of 500 teachers in private schools and interviews to a sub-sample of 20 provide the data. While agreeing in principle with the majority of the proposed changes in the Decree Law, there were several reservations made by the teachers, especially regarding the extent of parental choice, placement decisions and teacher training. Recommendations to continue the pathway for a more inclusive education system in Macao and for further research are made.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The use of systematic reviews in educational research is a growing phenomenon in the UK, but is highly controversial. This article argues that such reviews have a useful place in a research cycle that wishes to inform and be informed by practice and policy. It proposes and discusses a model of educational research, showing how reviews relate to small or large-scale primary studies.  相似文献   

加强教育科学研究积极推进教育创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
推进教育创新必须加强教育科学研究 ;没有高水平的教育科学研究就很难有高水平的教育 ;高水平的大学要出教育思想、办学理念、教育理论 ;要加快教育决策的科学化、民主化、法制化进程。  相似文献   

媒介素养教育研究日益受到学者们的关注,近年来在国内部分高校已经尝试开设媒介素养公开课程。由于受到国外文化保护、超越保护主义和视觉文化不同思潮的影响,因此国内对媒介素养教育课程模型还处于探索阶段。在媒介素养教育研究与课程实施的过程中,需要考虑国内大众对媒介传播的认识,进一步找到符合媒介素养教育本土化发展的方法与途径。CRT模型把媒介传播的本质作为媒介素养教育课程内容实施方法与手段,去分析和解构媒介素养教育的课程内容体系,从而使媒介素养教育课程的实施更符合国内课程的国情。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   This article outlines the policy context for teachers' learning and continuing professional development in Scotland and considers this in relation to the perspectives of key informants gained through interview. The analysis draws on a triple-lens conceptual framework and points to some interesting contradictions between the policy text and the expressed aspirations of the interviewees. Current policy and the associated structural arrangements are viewed as broadly positive, but interviewees express concerns that an unintended emphasis on contractual arrangements might inhibit the more transformative elements of professional learning.  相似文献   

从大连市职业高中 (中专 )机电类专业教师队伍现状出发 ,对继续教育培训内容、模式等进行探讨。  相似文献   

The fall of Communist regime in 1989 and the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993 significantly affected the educational system of today's Slovakia. As a sovereign state, Slovakia has ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities obliging its signatories to practise ‘inclusive education’. This article explores the current educational policies of the Slovak Republic in light of this obligation. Using the official statistical data the article argues that the current state educational policies have not succeeded in meeting the objective of practising inclusive education, as the proportion of students educated in segregated special educational provisions has been consistently rising over the last decade. This article attempts to identify particular aspects of the current educational policies which might have contributed to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

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